Consecrate your imagination to God and see all of Heaven rejoice over your birth. Take a fresh look at how your loving Father celebrates over you every single day.
Your times in the Word of God don’t have to be dry and boring. There’s another way to start reading the Bible, and it’s the key to going deeper in your relationship with God. Learn how to read the Bible with expectation in this powerful episode!
We all have walls we’ve built in our lives to hide our true selves. But these defense mechanisms only push God away. Learn how to let your guard down so Jesus can heal the broken places in your life.
No matter what you’ve done or what sins you struggle with now, if you are in Jesus, you are pure. It’s time for a new and biblical way to look at purity. Warning: You might think it’s too good to be true.
To grow and mature in faith, it’s important that you cultivate a personal relationship with Holy Spirit. That might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn how to deepen your relationship with Holy Spirit in this podcast.
Normally, when we think of idols in our lives, we think of material things, not people. But what do we do when our relationships are idols? Let’s look at Jesus’ example.
God has given us new hearts and called us out of passivity and into justice. With our new hearts, we can hurt with the hearts of those who are mistreated. Discover the joy and peace in working to meet the needs of others.
God created us to worship, to engage in a holy back-and-forth with him in love. But what gets in the way of your worship? Learn what those things are and what to do about them.
You have dreams and desires but don’t know how they will play out in your life. But the Potter does. Your Father, your loving Potter, has a loving plan for you. Will you trust him?
How would you describe successful Christians? Doing more for the Kingdom? Having many daily spiritual habits? It’s time to reshape our view as we relax and surrender.
Do you ever feel like biblical figures with great stories were God’s supermen—a status you could never attain? Learn why that’s a total lie and how to embrace the power of your story.
When we want to regain control, we often try to carry the weight of the world and shoulder our burdens alone. Discover a practical response for when the load you’re carrying is too heavy to bear.
You have an enemy who seeks to distract you and undermine your faith. And while running away isn’t an option, there is a radical way to win the spiritual war and experience victory.
Jesus died to give you a new life right now. This better life is yours to experience as you follow his example in dying to the old ways of life. Are you ready to take the plunge?
No matter how big the sin you committed, repentance is the key that leads you right back to God. His arms are open and ready. Learn how to walk in repentance that leads to life.
When we hide our sins, the shame and guilt only fester. But when we step into confession and obedience, we give God’s people the opportunity to show us compassion. Will you choose to be vulnerable?
Do you know what God is really like? Do you see his love, personality, and desire to know you? Or do you think he’s merely interested in your performance? It’s time to take on a fresh, biblical view of God.
Holy Spirit has so much to show you. He wants to give you a taste of heaven as you seek him with all your heart. There is so much more for you—you just have to say yes to him.
We all inherit attributes from our parents, including generational sins. The good news is that, with Jesus, you can choose to end those harmful patterns for good.
You are called to experience Jesus in a unique way as you say yes to God. Learn the secret to living your best days as you find adventure with Holy Spirit.
The enemy loves to use despair and discouragement to rob you of hope and make you think things will never change. But he’s a liar. Learn to break agreement with despair and reclaim your hope.
God has given you a guide, Holy Spirit, to show you his path for your life. You’re never too far gone. You can know your purpose as you let him lead you.
When you accepted Christ, you became a new creation through the energizing power of Holy Spirit. Discover your victory and freedom as a new creation in God!
The heartache of loss and grief can be too much to bear on our own. But when we meet with Jesus, we see he can bear our burdens. Discover the spiritual key to healing your grief.
Do you believe what God says about you and who you are in him? Or do you focus on your failures and past mistakes? Learn how to embrace the truth of who you are and your new life in Christ.
Cries of desperate needs surround us, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by them. Learn how to help meet those needs and restore this world through Holy Spirit’s power.
By dying on the cross, Jesus showed us freedom comes only from surrender and death. Discover how to march on the road of surrender that leads to true life—a life in God’s abundance!
Soft hearts might get hurt, but they’re the perfect place for God to move. Let go of aggression and passivity. Learn how to let your guard down and trust God as the true Champion of your heart.
When people hurt us, our gut reaction is often to shut everyone out. After all, vulnerability means we can get hurt again. But God doesn’t want you to close people off. Learn what he calls you to do instead.
Surrendering our hearts to God doesn’t mean the pain will automatically go away. But it does mean he can lead us into amazing things. Learn how to surrender to God fully as you trust his love.