Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists

Husband & Wife


Husband and Wife are two non-believers who have always wanted to read the Bible. Why would we subject ourselves to this you might ask? From our perspective it helps us understand where the Christians around us, here in the Midwest, are coming from when they quote the Bible at us. Husband is basically an Atheist and wife leans Agnostic but mostly Atheist and we’re just having some fun at the Bible’s expense while learning more about what our neighbors claim we’re going to hell over.

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967 episodes

Jeremiah Chapter 36: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to roll your eyes heavenward as we delve into the oh-so-sacred shenanigans of Jeremiah Chapter 36 in our latest blasphemously fun podcast episode. Join us as we raise our skeptic's goblet to the high drama of ancient Judah, where divine messages get the ultimate brush-off from kingly arrogance. In this episode, "Jeremiah Chapter 36: Divine Dictation Meets Royal Rebellion," we chuckle through the divine comedy where God plays publisher, Jeremiah steps into the role of a reluctant author, and the Rechabites win the 'Most Stubborn Teetotalers' award. Crack open a cold one (unlike the Rechabites, we don't shy away from a little libation) and listen as we dissect the heavenly commanded transcription that gets a fiery reception from a king who clearly never learned not to play with matches. Ever wondered what happens when a prophet's to-do list includes writing a doomsday book for the naughtiest audience in Judah? Well, our main man Jeremiah sure did get a memo from the skies, dictating doom and gloom on a scroll that eventually finds its way into the royal incinerator. The kings of ancient times really knew how to handle bad reviews—just throw 'em in the fire and pretend they never happened. Modern-day publishers, take note. Our podcast is more than just a biblical recap—it's a masterclass in ancient politics and divine vengeance, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of irreverent banter. Whether you're a history buff, a biblical scholar, or just in it for the laughs, this episode is a heretical hoot that'll have you questioning everything you thought you knew about prophetic literature. And if you're looking for a tale of censorship that predates Twitter bans, you've come to the right papyrus. Don't miss the drama, the irony, and the utter lack of divine intervention when it comes to saving sacred texts from combustion. Subscribe, like, and share if you enjoy our content, or even if you just enjoy hearing religious texts get roasted (sometimes literally). Tune in to "Jeremiah Chapter 36: Divine Dictation Meets Royal Rebellion," where we confirm that even in ancient times, people knew how to get lit in more ways than one. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY BY ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Apr 01
Bible Study BY Atheists Weekly: Jeremiah Chapters 31 - 35 plus Q&A and Patreon Teaser

Bible Study by Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Jeremiah chapters 26 - 30 plus our Q&A and Book Club. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY BY ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

3h 19m
Mar 31

Are you ready for a heathen’s take on the holiest hunger games? Tune in to our latest irreverent episode, "Lentsgiving," where we dive fork-first into the smorgasbord of Lent without actually giving up anything (because, let's be real, self-denial is overrated). We're dishing out a full serving of skepticism with a side of sarcasm as we explore the Christian tradition of Lent, a 40-day marathon of fasting, sacrifice, and, apparently, confusing Easter with a rabbit's birthday bash. . ONLY AVAILABLE IN FULL ON OUR PATREON PAGE (JOIN NOW ON A FREE TRIAL TO HEAR THIS ENTIRE EPISODE!): PATREON.COM/SACRILEGIOUSDISCOURSE . We’ll start you off with an appetizer of "Understanding Lent in Christianity," where we'll chew on the concept of the Big Bunny Bonanza (you might know it as Easter) and spit out the bones of religious rites with a sprinkle of Midwestern linguistic flair. Discover why "lint" isn't just what you find in your dryer and why we think giving up religion for Lent might just be the best thing since sliced (unleavened) bread. Then, feast your ears on "Understanding Lent and Easter Traditions" as we digest the 40-day fast with a grain of salt, questioning the origin story that's as patchy as grandma's old quilt. We'll sip on the cup of "bright sadness" (sounds like an oxymoron, we know) and nibble on the notion of Lenten sacrifices that are less about spiritual enlightenment and more about one-upping your neighbor's chocolate abstinence. Indulge in the "Easter Season and Mardi Gras" segment, where we compare divine celebrations to the ultimate cheat day before the diet starts. And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the pantry, we bring you "The Easter Holy Week Explanation," dishing out the history of Ash Wednesday and Passion Week with the enthusiasm of someone who just found out there's no Easter Bunny. As we head into the "Religious Holidays and Lenten Sacrifices" section, we're not just breaking bread; we're breaking down the "get out of jail free card" that is Divine Mercy Sunday. We juxtapose this with a glance at the Jewish calendar, all while considering what sacrificial lambs (figurative, of course) we could offer up for a laugh. Finally, in "Giving Up Habits for Lent," we brainstorm a list of personal vices to ditch that range from the serious (like nail-biting) to the ridiculous (sleeping without a pillow? Come on!). Join us as we critique and jest our way through these traditions, all in good fun and with the underlying message that maybe, just maybe, we can find some common ground through shared chuckles. So, if you’re up for a bit of Lenten levity, hit play on "Lentsgiving" and join your favorite godless guides for a journey through this time-honored ritual. Whether you’re devout, doubtful, or somewhere in between, we promise more laughs than a confessional booth at a comedy club. ONLY AVAILABLE IN FULL ON OUR PATREON PAGE (JOIN NOW ON A FREE TRIAL TO HEAR THIS ENTIRE EPISODE!): PATREON.COM/SACRILEGIOUSDISCOURSE / Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 31
Jeremiah Chapters 31 - 35 Q&A: Atheist Bible Study

Welcome back to your favorite tongue-in-cheek examination of biblical complexities—where no holy subject is off-limits, and we're cooking up another tasty episode, this time garnished with historical titbits. We're plunging into Jeremiah chapters 31 to 35 with the accuracy of a tipsy surgeon at Carnival. Fasten your seatbelts, free-thinkers; we're going on a biblical roller coaster ride. Are you braced for a spectacle of heavenly pledges, vanished tribes, and the constant confusion of biblical chronology? Let's turn up the irreverence and plunge into the metaphysical maze with our "Jeremiah Chapters 31 - 35 Q&A" episode—where we confront challenging questions like, "Did God pen this, or were the authors just high on ancient wine?" First on our list are the Rechabites—because nothing screams "fiesta" like a clan that renounces all the pleasurable things. It seems they bagged a lifetime ticket to God's eternal party while King David was left hanging on the bouncer's "we'll see" list. We dissect the intricacies of these covenants, or as we prefer to call them, divine pinky promises, and why being a wanderer was the prehistoric equivalent of being a spoiled rich kid. Next, we grapple with the Septuagint and why it's like the knock-off version of your beloved film—yes, it's the same story, but why does Hercules look like he's been on a pasta binge? We're plunging into the book order mayhem, where the Hebrew Bible engages in a round of "scroll swap" with the Septuagint, and everyone's too intoxicated on divine spirit to locate their places. Hang on to your ancient manuscripts, because we're also unraveling the explosive love-hate bond between the Septuagint and nascent Christianity. Imagine discovering your spiritual foundation is merely a hand-me-down narrative that the original believers discarded like last season's footwear. Oh, and St. Jerome? He's the DJ who decided Hebrew was the trendsetter, much to St. Augustine's dismay. Lastly, we'll visit the vibrant, bead-throwing, king-cake-gobbling madness that is Mardi Gras. It's like the biblical scholars' after-hours event—where you swap your scrolls for processions and your hymns for street parties. Discover why Shrove Tuesday is more than just a reason to hoard pancakes and how Lent is essentially a 40-day detox. So, pop in your earbuds and get ready for a pagan's history class on "Jeremiah Chapters 31 - 35 Q&A," the podcast episode that'll have you toasting to dubious divine contracts and appreciating that at least your life's plot isn't as muddled the Bible's index. Remember, subscribe to our podcast for more sacrilegious snickers, because perpetual doom has never been this informative—or amusing. Hallelujah to that, you secular bookworms! JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 30
Jeremiah Chapter 35: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to roll your eyes through the heavens as we dissect the ridiculousness that is Jeremiah chapter 35 in our latest podcast episode. Join your favorite irreverent hosts on an adventure into the land of arbitrary divine tests and ancient cult behavior, where sobriety equals piety and living in tents is the new divine commandment. Who needs modern amenities when you have a stern spiritual father figure from the Iron Age telling you how to live, right? In this episode, we poke fun at the pious Rechabites, an ancient tribe with a no-fun-allowed policy that would make even the strictest of teetotalers look like party animals. We'll unravel the story of how these guys, who make the Amish look like hedonists, become the shining stars of obedience in a city that's as confused about divine messages as a GPS with a busted satellite connection. But let's not forget the main man, King Zedekiah, whose flip-flopping on slave freedom makes modern politicians look steadfast. The Babylonians throw a spanner in the works, and our royal buddy re-enslaves his previously freed slaves faster than you can say "divine wrath." Spoiler alert: God's not happy, but when is He ever in this book? As your guides through this biblical maze of do's and don'ts, we can't help but point out the hilarity of God's mixed signals and Jeremiah's selective storytelling. Expect a healthy dose of sarcasm as we question the fairness of comparing a city-dwelling society with a cult that has more in common with a pack of nomads than the urbanites of Jerusalem. We're not just about the snickers and snarks; we also dig into the historical context behind the Chaldeans and Babylonians—because who doesn't love a good old history lesson with their blasphemy? And yes, we'll answer the burning question of why the Rechabites are more blessed than a sneeze during allergy season. Don't forget to stick around for the "Weekly Wrap-Up," where we pat ourselves on the back for saying tongue-twisters without a hitch, proving that small victories are worth celebrating—even for the most devout atheists. So tune in, prepare to be amused, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something new—if you can stop laughing at the ancient absurdities long enough to listen. Subscribe now to join us in the joy of secular scrutiny and remember, in our podcast, everyone's invited to the party—except, apparently, the Rechabites. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 29
Jeremiah Chapter 34: Atheist Bible Study

Strap in, folks, for another rollercoaster ride through the convoluted carnival that is the Bible, where Jeremiah Chapter 34 serves up a smorgasbord of divine double-talk and ethical yo-yoing that'll leave your head spinning faster than a cherubim with a jetpack. In this episode, our atheist podcasters navigate the biblical minefield of Jeremiah's prophecies with the finesse of a tap-dancing skeptic, unearthing the so-called 'sacred' shenanigans that make reality TV look like amateur hour. The almighty apparently has a serious case of celestial amnesia, as we're once again treated to his favorite party trick: liberating slaves, then hitting the rewind button faster than you can say "divine takesies-backsies." We'll explore how indentured servitude gets a holy thumbs-up, as long as it's the right brand of bondage – Hebrew edition only, please. Our intrepid hosts, running on caffeine and sheer exasperation, will decipher the mystifying messages meant for poor old Zedekiah, who's promised a peaceful death amidst a siege that's about as serene as a heavy metal concert in a library. Spoiler alert: things don't quite pan out as prophesied, unless "peaceful" is now synonymous with "tragic and brutal." As the clock ticks into the wee hours, the dedication of our podcasters to dissecting these ancient texts rivals that of the prophets they're poking fun at. From the ethical mess of God-endorsed slavery to the historical head-scratchers that the Exodus story presents, no stone is left unturned, no covenant left unmocked, and no deity's temper tantrum left unexamined. Prepare for an irreverent deep-dive into the bizarre world of biblical covenants, where slicing animals in half and walking through their blood apparently passes for a binding agreement. And don't even get us started on the sudden cameo of the golden calf – we're still trying to figure out if it's a sacred symbol or just God's favorite bovine bling. So buckle up for an episode that promises more twists and turns than a serpent in a salsa class. Whether you're a devout deconvert or a scripture scholar with a sense of humor, "Jeremiah Chapter 34" will deliver a dose of heretical hilarity that's as enlightening as it is entertaining. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 28
Jeremiah Chapter 33: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to suspend your disbelief and embrace the absurdity of the divine in this snarky take on Jeremiah Chapter 33. Husband and Wife, the dynamic duo of skepticism, dissect the latest in prophet property dealings and the Almighty's apparent mood swings. Starting off with a holy real estate transaction that would make even the Monopoly Man blush, Jeremiah's land grab is supposedly a sign of prophetic prowess. Our hosts unpack this bizarre biblical bargaining and its implications on divine foreclosures. Spoiler alert: buying land in the midst of impending doom is as logical as eating soup with a fork. Next up, we grapple with the Almighty's temper tantrums and tender mercies. The episode slices through the heavenly haze, serving up a fresh plate of "God giveth, and God taketh away" with a side of human confusion. The hosts muse over the Lord's penchant for destruction and subsequent rebuilding plans, suggesting a possible side gig in demolition and construction. The highlight reel continues with a deep dive into the murky waters of Judah, Israel, and their mysterious disappearing act. Are we talking about two tribes or a divine magic trick? The hosts take you on a historical detour, sprinkling in a dash of cultural confusion and a pinch of theological head-scratching. Not content with past perplexities, the episode also tackles the hot potato of modern relevance. From biblical prophecies to internet conspiracy theories, our hosts expose the sensationalist salad tossed up by prophets and clickbait connoisseurs alike. They even offer a pro tip: start your fact-checking with the smart comments—because let's face it, sometimes the peanut gallery is full of PhDs. Wrapping up with a flourish, the podcast zooms out to a celestial scale, pondering the divine's strange obsession with bloodline branding and sacrificial shindigs. As the hosts peel back the layers of divine dynasty drama, they ponder whether we're dealing with the ultimate case of nepotism or just an ancient episode of "Keeping Up with the Cosmos." Join us for a rollicking ride through the rollercoaster of biblical bafflement, where sacred texts meet secular snark, and no holy cow is too sacred to tip. It's Jeremiah Chapter 33 like you've never heard it before—unless, of course, you've been eavesdropping on the man upstairs. Don't forget to hit subscribe, leave a blasphemous like, and share with your fellow heathens. After all, it's not every day you get to hear prophets talk shop and deities deal in real estate! JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 27
Jeremiah Chapter 32: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to roll your eyes to heaven in this irreverent dive into the supposed holy hijinks of Jeremiah Chapter 32. Join your favorite skeptical duo as they take a not-so-reverent look at ancient real estate deals, divine plans that sound suspiciously like city planning mishaps, and prophecies that seem to be more about wishful thinking than actual divine foresight. Are you ready for a biblical lesson in land grabbing? Because Jeremiah sure is banking on some divine insider trading—literally. We're talking about a prophet in prison buying a piece of land he'll never set foot on, in the hopes that his invisible friend in the sky will eventually make it a good investment. Faith or folly? You decide. And what's with this Baruch guy? Is he Jeremiah's loyal scribe or just the ancient world's version of a spin doctor? Either way, he's got his name on a book, and we're not buying what he's selling. But don't worry, we'll keep reading, if only for the comedic value. Also, strap in for a segment on the unfairness of collective punishment—because, apparently, smiting is caring when it comes to ancient deities. We'll talk about the unlucky residents of Jerusalem who got more than they bargained for, simply because their neighbors couldn't follow the heavenly rulebook. And if you're looking for contemporary parallels, just wait until we get to the part about Trump's potential re-election. Spoiler alert: prophecies are tricky business, folks. So, whether you're a history buff, a lover of snark, or just here for the heresy, this episode is sure to deliver. Because when it comes to dissecting religious texts with a heavy dose of sarcasm and a sprinkle of atheism, nobody does it better than your blasphemous hosts. Don't miss out on the divine comedy—tune in, turn up the volume, and prepare for a hell of a good time! JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 26
Jeremiah Chapter 31: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready for a biblical rollercoaster as we dive headfirst into the divine dichotomy of Jeremiah Chapter 31. In this snarky yet insightful episode, our atheist hosts are back with a vengeance, breaking down the ancient scripture with a heavy dose of sarcasm and a sprinkle of disbelief. Forget divine inspiration; this podcast is about to serve you some divine intervention with a side of eye-rolls. Join us as we unpack the so-called "merciful" promises of God, which seem more like a celestial dictator's mood swings than any genuine act of kindness. We'll explore the infamous 'new covenant' and its supposed magical heart-writing abilities – a claim that seems to have missed the mark, considering the sheer number of non-believers roaming the planet with pristine, untouched hearts. Oops, did the Almighty forget to RSVP for humanity's moral compass? We'll navigate through the laughable yet tragic paradox of a God who can't decide whether he's a wrathful punisher or a doting father figure. And let's not forget the part where he's "sowing seeds" all over his chosen people – talk about needing some personal space! We'll also discuss the charming metaphor of a woman encompassing a man, which might just be the biblical way of saying, "Even the 'weaker sex' can pick up the slack when God's busy smiting." As we delve into this episode, prepare to be entertained by the wit and irreverence that only our hosts can deliver, as they call out the divine plot holes and scriptural inconsistencies with the precision of a surgeon – if that surgeon were armed with a blunt spoon and a wicked sense of humor. So, grab your tambourines, adorn yourself in skepticism, and dance along with us to the discordant tunes of ancient prophecies and modern-day musings. Remember, no divine knowledge required, just a healthy dose of curiosity and the ability to appreciate the cosmic joke that is Jeremiah Chapter 31. Don't forget to join our live Discord chat, where we'll continue the blasphemous banter and discuss whether being 'saved' is all it's cracked up to be. Subscribe, share, and brace yourselves for an episode that's sure to leave you questioning whether you're listening to a theological discussion or a divine comedy sketch. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining PATREON THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 25
Bible Study BY Atheists Weekly: Jeremiah Chapters 26 - 30 plus Q&A and Book Club

Bible Study by Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Jeremiah chapters 26 - 30 plus our Q&A and Book Club. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

3h 14m
Mar 18
Jewish Folklore Episode 29: Sacrilegious Book Club

Husband and Wife cover Tales and Legends: Part 4 of A Treasury of Jewish Folklore. In this episode of the Sacrilegious Book Club, we're finishing up Chapter 3: The Ten Lost Tribes.  Topics include the Jewish Falasha tribe of Abyssinia; Solomon's affair with the queen of Sheba; their sin Menilek, the king of Egypt; a fake copy of the Law of Moses; the Bene-Israel Jews of Bombay; racism; circumcision parties; Elijah the Prophet; the silliness of blindly following traditions; and killing cocks for the cock-cutters. Next time, we will continue reading entries from Part 4: Tales and Legends | Chapter 4: Folk Tales. We hope you'll get a copy of the book and read along with us. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Our Homepage: Help support us by subscribing on Patreon: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 18
Jeremiah Chapters 26 - 30 Q&A: Atheist Bible Study

Are you ready to rumble through the ancient dust of Babylon and the not-so-prophetic postal service of Jeremiah's day? Buckle up, dear skeptics and scripture sleuths, for a no-holds-barred Q&A session where we dissect Jeremiah chapters 26 - 30 with the precision of a Chaldean astronomer cutting through astrological nonsense. This episode of Sacrilegious Discourse is your irreverent guide to the biblical equivalent of an ancient soap opera, complete with false prophets, divine DMs, and political intrigue. Our dynamic duo of godless gabbers doesn't just answer your burning questions; they set the parchment on fire with their snarky insights. Was Jeremiah the ancient world's version of a chain letter writer? Did Babylon have a better postal system than we do today? And most importantly, why the heck did false prophets in Babylon have a fanbase? We're laying it all out on the clay tablet for your entertainment. Join us as we tear apart the claim that Jeremiah was anything more than a doomsday pen pal in a time of Babylonian Big Brother. We'll explore the 'Babylonian Chronicles,' a collection of clay tablets that spill the Tigris tea on what was really going down in the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It's a tale of celestial scribes, political power plays, and a king who basically invented the delete button for history. So, if you're looking for a podcast that irreverently questions every 'thou shalt' and 'thus saith the Lord,' you've found your promised land. Forget sacred scrolls and holy proclamations; we're all about the historical receipts and divine deflation. And yes, we might even talk about the actual Bible verses... when we're not marveling at the ancient world's version of a Silicon Valley tech giant (Spoiler alert: it's Babylon!). Subscribe, leave a blasphemous comment, and share this episode with all your heathen friends. Because let's face it, who needs prophecy when you've got historians, archaeologists, and a couple of snarky podcasters to tell you how it really was? Are you ready to rumble through the ancient dust of Babylon and the not-so-prophetic postal service of Jeremiah's day? Buckle up, dear skeptics and scripture sleuths, for a no-holds-barred Q&A session where we dissect Jeremiah chapters 26 - 30 with the precision of a Chaldean astronomer cutting through astrological nonsense. This episode of Sacrilegious Discourse is your irreverent guide to the biblical equivalent of an ancient soap opera, complete with false prophets, divine DMs, and political intrigue. Was Jeremiah the ancient world's version of a chain letter writer? Did Babylon have a better postal system than we do today? And most importantly, why the heck did false prophets in Babylon have a fanbase? We're laying it all out on the clay tablet for your entertainment. We'll explore the 'Babylonian Chronicles,' a collection of clay tablets that spill the Tigris tea on what was really going down in the Neo-Babylonian Empire. It's a tale of celestial scribes, political power plays, and a king who basically invented the delete button for history. So, if you're looking for a podcast that irreverently questions every 'thou shalt' and 'thus saith the Lord,' you've found your promised land. Forget sacred scrolls and holy proclamations; we're all about the historical receipts and divine deflation. And yes, we might even talk about the actual Bible verses... when we're not marveling at the ancient world's version of a Silicon Valley tech giant (Spoiler alert: it's Babylon!). JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 16
Jeremiah Chapter 30: Atheist Bible Study

Prepare to dive headfirst into the stormy waters of biblical criticism with your favorite irreverent atheist duo as we tear into the snooze-fest that is Jeremiah Chapter 30. We're taking no prisoners and sparing no holy cows, because let's face it – if there's one thing the Bible's good for, it's providing ample material for a roasting session. Join us as we dissect the so-called "Book of Consolation" and ask the burning question: is it truly a comforting pat on the back from the almighty, or just another tiresome list of doomsday predictions that Jeremiah seems to get a little too excited about? Get ready for a whirlwind – both literally, with the storm outside, and figuratively, as we tackle the text that's about as consoling as a wet blanket. From the hilarious mix-up of chapter placements in the Septuagint (because who doesn't love a divine game of "Where's Waldo?") to the puzzling idea of a zombie King David, we're breaking down scripture like it's the walls of Jericho. And we don't need no ram's horn – just pure, unadulterated snark. And because no biblical banter is complete without a contemporary twist, we're wading into the murky waters of LGBTQIA+ acceptance in religious communities. We've got tributes, trans experiences, and yes, even a 'Zombie David' – because nothing says "modern sensibilities" like a resurrected monarch shambling about, right? So if you're looking for a hot take on ancient prophecies, a side of LGBTQIA+ perspectives, and the connection between whirlwinds, Jesus, and potential podcasting power outages, you've come to the right place. Don't miss our take on Jeremiah Chapter 30 – it's an episode that promises to be more electrifying than the storm that's threatening to knock out our power. And that's saying something. Remember to subscribe for more blasphemous banter and divine debunking – because if we're going to hell, we might as well have fun on the way down. See you in the fiery depths, or, you know, next episode – whichever comes first. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 15
Jeremiah Chapter 29: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to facepalm and eye-roll through the pages of antiquity as your favorite godless guides dive into the baffling world of Jeremiah Chapter 29. This episode is not your Sunday School teacher's take on the Bible. Instead, buckle up for a wild ride through ancient letters, false prophets, and a God who seems to be playing the long con. It's time to unpack the biblical equivalent of a divine Ponzi scheme, complete with empty promises and divine threats. In this blasphemously entertaining episode, we'll expose the inconvenient truths behind the so-called prophetic wisdom of Jeremiah. As self-proclaimed prophets duel it out for the title of Heaven's Favorite Mouthpiece, we'll witness the laughable demise of Hananiah – spoiler alert: God's not his co-pilot. Plus, we'll uncover the divine strategy of keeping the riff-raff at bay while the elite bask in the Babylonian sun. From the tongue-in-cheek comparison of prophetic showdowns to modern reality TV drama, to the head-scratching question of why God's promises come with an expiration date longer than your mortgage, this episode is jam-packed with irreverent takes on holy scripture. And don't miss the side-splitting banter about epistles that are definitely not the apostles' fan mail. So, if you're ready for a heretical analysis of biblical events that strangely mirror today's political power plays, this is the podcast for you. Join us as we dissect the dark comedy that is Jeremiah Chapter 29 and reveal why ancient prophecies are as reliable as a fortune cookie. For anyone who enjoys their holy readings with a side of skepticism and a hearty dose of reality, hit play and let's get this secular party started. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 14
Jeremiah Chapter 28: Atheist Bible Study

Strap in, skeptics and scripture enthusiasts, for a wild ride through the divinely dubious world of ancient prophecies with your irreverent guides through the Book of Jeremiah. In this episode, titled "Jeremiah Chapter 28," we don't just read the good book; we flip it on its head, shake out the contradictions, and have a good laugh at the absurdities. Join us as we unpack the perplexing prophecies of Jeremiah and put the so-called seer's credibility under our merciless microscope. Can we sort out the divine from the drama? Will we decipher the cryptic from the comical? There's only one way to find out, and it's not by praying for enlightenment. We're diving into Jeremiah 28 with the tenacity of a heretic at a holy water convention. Prepare to be entertained as we witness Jeremiah's biblical smackdown with Hananiah, the ultimate showdown between the so-called true prophet and the accused false advertiser of the divine. It's like WWE, but with more smiting and less spandex. We're talking divine death threats, broken yokes (not the breakfast kind), and predictions with expiration dates shorter than a carton of milk. Ever wonder what happens when ancient prophets disagree? Spoiler alert: It's not a peaceful debate club. It's a prophecy-off, and the loser doesn't just get embarrassed; he gets the heavenly boot. Did Jeremiah play a divine version of 'Simon Says' with deadly stakes, or was he the ancient equivalent of a Biblical Dexter, ensuring his predictions came true through some very mortal means? From prophet power rankings to the ethical puzzles of storytelling that stretch from dusty scrolls to modern-day serial killers, we leave no stone unturned. And because we know you love a good teaser, we're setting the stage for an even juicier discussion in Jeremiah 29. Will it be more predictions, more drama, and more head-scratching narrative chaos? You bet your blasphemous boots it will be. So tune in, turn up the volume, and let's blaspheme together as we dissect Jeremiah Chapter 28 in a way that would make your Sunday school teacher clutch their pearls. It's all here on your favorite podcast where we take the 'holy' out of holy scripture and replace it with a hefty dose of holy skepticism. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 13
Jeremiah Chapter 27: Atheist Bible Study

In this no-holds-barred episode of our blasphemously insightful podcast, we take a deep dive into the enigmatic world of Jeremiah Chapter 27. Join us as we strip away the holy veneer and expose the downright bizarre narrative where Jeremiah, possibly history's first spin doctor, touts the Babylonian tyrant Nebuchadnezzar as God's BFF. Yes, you heard it right – the almighty apparently has a soft spot for foreign despots. We'll unravel the comedic spectacle of Jeremiah donning yokes and bonds, which might just be ancient performance art at its finest, or perhaps a desperate bid for attention. Imagine him at the city gates, the OG protester, giving those Westboro folks a run for their money. Our discussion mercilessly mocks the so-called divine decrees that conveniently support political submission. We're calling out the celestial strings being pulled here, and spoiler alert: it smells like a heavenly load of BS. We're not just questioning the historical accuracy of the famed seventy-year domination prophecy; we're tearing it to shreds and calling out the theological implications. Expect a scathing critique of the Bible's claim that submitting to a conqueror is somehow a spiritual win. Let's be real: If God's plan includes cozying up to invaders, maybe it's time to switch deities or, better yet, abandon the divine stock market altogether. Get ready to question everything you thought you knew about prophets and politics as we dissect the roles of diviners, dreamers, and ancient influencers. Are they the predecessors to modern-day conspiracy theorists? Listen in and decide for yourself. Tune in to this episode of "Jeremiah Chapter 27" for a blasphemously good time, where we don't just read between the lines – we rewrite them with a heavy dose of skepticism and a side of snark. Because let's face it, when it comes to ancient prophecies, we'd rather trust our horoscope. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 12
Jeremiah Chapter 26: Atheist Bible Study

Welcome back, heathens and skeptics, to another episode of “Sacrilegious Discourse,” where we take a magnifying glass to the so-called holy scriptures and expose the absurdities within. This time, we're diving headfirst into the soap opera that is Jeremiah Chapter 26, complete with divine wrath, death threats, and a prophet who's as steady as a leaf in a hurricane. In "Jeremiah Chapter 26: Atheist Bible Study," we unravel the messy narrative that the faithful consider sacred. We'll correct the blundering path we accidentally took last time (because, you know, all those prophets sound the same when you're knee-deep in wrath juice and existential threats). Join us as we navigate the non-linear, time-hopping confusion that is Jeremiah's story, and let's be honest, it's about as well-organized as a toddler's toy box post-tantrum. Our snark-laden journey will take you through the prophecy where Jeremiah, bless his inconsistent heart, transforms from a quivering mess to a bold truth-sayer faster than you can say "divine intervention." We'll dissect his sudden surge of courage before the princes of Judah and debate whether he's truly inspired or just had a good night's sleep. We also don't shy away from poking fun at the ancients' response to Jeremiah's doomsday ads. Apparently, threatening people with destruction unless they obey is an ancient marketing tactic that still finds echoes in modern-day scaremongering. Plus, we'll touch on the uncanny parallels to contemporary issues, like climate change denial and how easily people are swayed by a more comfortable lie. Of course, no episode is complete without highlighting the hilarious concept of 'wrath juice' – because nothing says divine retribution like a celestial cocktail of fury. And don't get us started on the wrath fruit and tea; we're still figuring out if that's available on the heavenly menu or if it's just another fever dream of the prophet. As always, we'll lace our analysis with a generous dose of sarcasm and logic, because if we can't make sense of these chapters, we might as well have a good laugh at their expense. So tune in, pour yourself a wrath-free beverage, and enjoy the show as we dissect Jeremiah Chapter 26 with the irreverence it deserves. Remember, in the prophetic maze of the Bible, it's easy to lose your way – but it's even easier to lose your mind. Subscribe to "Sacrilegious Discourse" for your regular dose of irreverent insights into ancient texts, and let's face it, for a good time questioning everything we thought we knew about prophets and their supposed wisdom. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 11
Bible Study for Atheists Weekly: Jeremiah Chapters 21 - 25 plus Q&A

Bible Study for Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Jeremiah chapters 21 - 25 plus our Q&A (no book club or Patreon this week). JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

3h 14m
Mar 10
Jeremiah Chapters 21 - 25 Q&A: Atheist Bible Study

Strap in, non-believers and scripture skeptics! Your favorite godless guides are back with another irreverent deep dive into the so-called "sacred" texts. This week on "Heretical Humor & Holy Hooey," we're shredding the oh-so-holy chapters 21-25 of Jeremiah. Get ready for a dose of divine disbelief as we poke fun at ancient prophecies, royal screw-ups, and the Almighty's temper tantrums. In this laugh-riot episode, we're not just reading between the lines; we're graffitiing them with our blasphemous banter. Join us as we navigate the convoluted chaos of a not-so-chronological Jeremiah. It's like the authors just threw plot points into a hat and pulled them out at random. But fear not, we'll guide you through this goat screw of biblical proportions. First up, we'll chat about the delusional King Zedekiah, who's desperate enough to ask Jeremiah for a get-out-of-siege-free card. Spoiler alert: God's not in the mood to play hero this time. Next, we'll tackle the audacity of a deity doling out despair and ponder the perplexities of prophecy in politics. Because nothing says "omnipotent love" like a little bit of fire and brimstone, right? As if that's not enough, we'll explore the absurdities of the ancient Near East's favorite pastime: the game of thrones (not the HBO one). From royal ineptitude to geopolitical gaffes, we'll show you how little has changed in the quest for power. Plus, we'll dissect the hilarious notion of good and bad figs because apparently, fruit metaphors were all the rage. But wait, there's more! We'll crack the code of the at-bash cipher, a biblical Easter egg for all you conspiracy lovers. And as always, we'll wrap things up with a peek at our next episode, because who doesn't want more sacrilegious scholarship? So, if you like your ancient text analysis served up with a side of satire and a sprinkling of snark, you won't want to miss "Jeremiah Chapters 21-25 Q&A." Tune in, turn up the volume, and prepare to be entertained because this episode is divinely disbelieving and delightfully derisive. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

1h 1m
Mar 09
Jeremiah Chapter 25: Atheist Bible Study

In this latest episode of our irreverently humorous deep-dive into the Bible, we tackle the drama of Jeremiah Chapter 25 with the skepticism and snark you've come to love. Get ready to roll your eyes and chuckle as we unpack the so-called prophecies of doom, where the Big G plays a cosmic game of chess with humanity, apparently mapping out a future of wrath without any input from the pawns involved. Jeremiah, the doomsayer du jour, dishes out the divine rage like a bartender of bitterness, serving up a cocktail of destruction that's slated to hit every kingdom under the ancient sun – and even some that are just chilling out in the desert minding their own business. We can't help but question the ethics of pre-booking punishment for folks not even born yet. Free will, much? Our episode takes you on a biblical rollercoaster, from the infamous 'cup of fury' (not the latest energy drink, we promise) to the baffling concept of a divine plan that includes a 70-year wait time – because, apparently, anticipation makes the heart grow fonder for smiting. And for a bit of light-hearted relief, we'll give you our two cents on the bizarre collection of capitalized names for God that seem to rival the variety found in a hipster coffee shop's menu. Plus, stay tuned for the lowdown on the epic fan fiction crossover that never was: prophets name-dropping each other for that sweet, sweet Old Testament clout. Join us for an episode that promises more twists than a 'Game of Thrones' season finale, but with way more figs and a lot less satisfying character development. Whether you're a seasoned atheist looking for a good laugh or just someone curious about the weirder parts of the holy book, we've got you covered. So hit play, pour yourself a drink (fury-free, we hope), and let's get into the absurdity of Jeremiah Chapter 25. Remember to subscribe for more biblical banter and divine debates, and don't forget to leave us a heavenly review – or a hellish one if you're feeling snarky. Catch you on the flip side of the apocalypse! JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 08
Jeremiah Chapter 24: Atheist Bible Study

Buckle up, non-believers and skeptics alike, as we dive headfirst into the deliciously dubious world of ancient scripture with our latest irreverent episode: "Jeremiah Chapter 24" Our dynamic duo of atheist podcasters takes you on a blasphemously delightful romp through the figgy follies of divine justice, where the Almighty plays a celestial sorting hat with good and bad figs—because, apparently, that's how you metaphysically measure worthiness in the good book. With their signature cocktail of wit, sarcasm, and a healthy dollop of skepticism, our hosts dissect Jeremiah's oh-so-relevant lessons for the modern heathen. Who knew that the fate of nations could hinge on a fruit basket? And brace yourself for the shocker—figs and wasps, a match made in horticultural heaven, reveal the truth behind your favorite chewy snack (spoiler: it's not vegan-friendly). Don't expect a snooze-fest of reverence here; this episode is more akin to a divine roast than a Sunday sermon. We're keeping it real, just like the homely sounds of life that sneak into our recording—because nothing says "authenticity" like a cat making a cameo mid-verse. Prepare for laughs, groans, and maybe a revelation or two as we ponder whether simplicity in wisdom is the ultimate shield against the ego's inflation. Join the conversation that dances on the edge of heresy and genius, as we ask the hard-hitting questions: Can simplicity and arrogance coexist? Is the path to divine wisdom paved with wasp-infested figs? Remember, your feedback and reviews are the sweet, non-wasp-laden figs that keep our labor of love going. So drop us a review—if you've got the figs for it—and ensure that the only thing raining harder than biblical frogs is your applause for our heathenish take on Jeremiah's divine dramedy. Episode Highlights: - Leadership Accountability, Divine-Style: Because apparently, God's got a thing for holding leaders to higher standards (unless you're a fig). - The Good, The Bad, and The Figs: Where a fruit basket becomes a twisted allegory for exile and favoritism in the Old Testament. - Fig-Wasp Conspiracy Theories: The juicy truth about your figs and why vegans might start a new inquisition. - Are We Arrogant, or Is the Bible Just That Simple? An existential crisis unfolds as we wrestle with humility, simplicity, and our own damn wit. Strap in and prepare to be entertained, enlightened, or enraged (we cater to all tastes here). It's time for "Jeremiah Chapter 24" – where sacred cows make the best burgers, and nothing is too holy for a hearty slice of skepticism. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 07
Jeremiah Chapter 23: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready to tumble down the rabbit hole of religious rhetoric with the latest "Jeremiah Chapter 23" episode of our blasphemously hilarious podcast. Your irreverent hosts are back, slicing and dicing through the divine drama of the Bible's doom-and-gloom darling, Jeremiah. This episode is a no-holds-barred roast of ancient prophecies, where hope is as fleeting as a politician's promise, and condemnation is dished out like a passive-aggressive tweet. We kick things off with a 'piss pot' performance review of Jeremiah's chapters 22 and 23. Ever wondered how to go from God's MVP to His most wanted in one chapter flat? Jeremiah's got the scoop, and we've got the snark as we dissect the Almighty's bipolar messaging—from offering a divine high-five to dishing out celestial face-slaps. Strap in as we dive deep into the murky waters of prophecy, where false prophets are as common as fake news, and God's wrath is more overplayed than a pop song on the radio. Our hosts question the validity of divine dreams—because let's face it, when your deity of choice sends more mixed signals than a drunk text, you've got to wonder who's really behind the wheel. Then, hold onto your fedoras, because we're calling out the modern-day pastors with a divine calling complex. Do they have a hotline to heaven, or are they just mainlining ego? The episode wraps with a teaser for the next biblical beatdown, ensuring that your journey through these ancient texts is as irreverent and intellectually stimulating as a debate on Reddit. If you're looking for a sanctimonious sermon, you've come to the wrong place. But if you crave a cerebral skewering of scripture with a side of secular sass, tune in to "Jeremiah Chapter 23" for your dose of divine defiance. Remember, in our church of skepticism, all are welcome, no offerings required—just bring your sense of humor and maybe a helmet. It's going to be a bumpy ride. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 06
Jeremiah Chapter 22: Atheist Bible Study

In this latest episode of our irreverently insightful podcast, we take a no-holds-barred approach to Jeremiah Chapter 22, and it's as chaotic as a celestial sitcom. Your favorite atheist hosts dive headfirst into the biblical labyrinth of prophecy, power struggles, and the almighty's penchant for dark humor. We're tackling the big questions: Are we witnessing divine foresight or just a heavy dose of post-event editorializing? Is God's fashion advice on signet rings the ancient equivalent of a divine "unsubscribe"? Strap in for a rollicking ride through ancient Jerusalem, where continuity is as elusive as a faithful Israelite and timeline conundrums have us jumping more than a game of biblical hopscotch. We'll ponder the deep moral "lessons" doled out by an apparently capricious deity who treats kings like disposable fashion accessories and has a curious obsession with real estate development ethics. Prepare for chuckles and head scratches as we unravel God's threatening monologues, which might just rival your favorite apocalyptic blockbuster—except with more smiting and less CGI. Plus, we don't shy away from the less-than-divine language directed at poor Coniah; apparently, the Lord isn't above bathroom humor when making a point. By the end of this episode, you'll either be a convert to the church of confusion or ready to pen your own gospel—one where the timelines actually make sense. And don't miss our speculation over the legitimacy of ancient kings and whether their divine right to rule was as credible as a three-dollar bill. As always, our Q&A segment is on the horizon, promising to dissect the twisted web of ancient Israelite rulership and divine drama with the wit and wisdom only your favorite atheist podcasters can deliver. So, hit that play button and let's take a not-so-sacred look at Jeremiah Chapter 22, where the only thing guaranteed is a heavenly dose of snark. Remember to like, subscribe, and offer up your burnt offerings of comments and reviews to the almighty algorithms that govern our digital domain. Join us for a blasphemous yet strangely educational journey through the Good Book, where we read between the lines so you don't have to. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 05
Jeremiah Chapter 21: Atheist Bible Study

Get ready for a wild ride through ancient prophecies and modern skepticism with our latest podcast episode, "Jeremiah Chapter 21." If you thought the Bible was all about morality and divine guidance, buckle up, buttercup, because we're about to turn that notion on its head. In this episode, we dive headfirst into the dumpster fire that is the Book of Jeremiah, where God is apparently a fan of collective punishment and last-minute life advice that sounds more like a cosmic "I told you so." Join us as we dissect Chapter 21, where Jeremiah, the Debbie Downer of prophets, relays God's latest memo: surrender to your enemies or get the divine boot. Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of smiting and zero sympathy. But don't worry, we're not all doom and gloom here. We take a detour from the biblical bloodbath to chat about the whimsical world of May Pole celebrations. Because nothing says 'we need a break from religious despair' like dancing around a pole with some ribbons, right? Whether it's a leftover from pagan times or just an excuse to party, we're here for it. And hey, who wouldn't want to hear a couple of atheists plan a May Day event that would make the Puritans blush? Tune in to "Jeremiah Chapter 21," where we unpack the absurdity of ancient scriptures and ponder the possibility of converting a biblical podcast into a May Day planning committee. Don't miss out on our snarky commentary, historical deep-dives, and the chance to witness us question whether we should take up ribbon dancing as a new hobby. Subscribe, listen, and join the blasphemy! JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 04
Bible Study for Atheists Weekly: Jeremiah Chapters 16 - 20 plus Q&A and Patreon Teaser

Bible Study for Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Jeremiah chapters 16 - 20 plus our Q&A and Patreon Teaser. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

2h 50m
Mar 04
The Testament of Solomon

PATREON TEASER: SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL ON OUR PATREON PAGE TO HEAR THE ENTIRE EPISODE - HTTPS://WWW.PATREON.COM/POSTS/TESTAMENT-OF-99694871?UTM_MEDIUM=CLIPBOARD_COPY&UTM_SOURCE=COPYLINK&UTM_CAMPAIGN=POSTSHARE_CREATOR&UTM_CONTENT=JOIN_LINK Ah, buckle up, folks! This week's episode of "The Testament of Solomon" is a wild carpet ride through the foggy netherworld of biblical fanfiction. We're taking a deep dive into "The Testament of Solomon," a text so obscure it makes the Dead Sea Scrolls look like a tabloid. Prepare to be bamboozled by the tale of a king, his bling, and a whole lot of winged thingamajigs. In our thrilling exploration, we discuss King Solomon's rumored side gig as a demon wrangler, with a heavenly bestowed ring that could give Sauron's jewelry a run for its money. Get ready to roll your eyes as we recount Solomon's supernatural shenanigans and his knack for putting demons to work on his temple project – talk about unholy labor practices! Then, we take a celestial detour through ancient Egyptian stargazing, because why not throw some astrology into the mix? After all, what's a story about demon control without a sidestep into the zodiac? And for the grand finale, we witness the not-so-shocking twist of Solomon's fall from grace. Spoiler alert: it involves a woman and a severe case of divine disappointment. Who could've seen that coming? (Hint: Anyone who's ever read a religious text.) We wrap things up with a heartfelt 'thank you' to our patrons, the brave souls funding our foray into the biblically bizarre. Next time, we promise to tackle the prophet Jeremiah – because apparently, we just can't get enough of these dusty old tales. So there you have it, the episode where we try to sell you on the idea that King Solomon was the original Ghostbuster. Don't forget to join us on Patreon, because, let's face it, you're not going to find content this weirdly specific anywhere else. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 04
Jeremiah Chapters 16 - 20 Q&A: Bible Study for Atheists

Welcome to another episode of biblical banter where the skeptic's eye meets the divine lie—this time we're dissecting the drama-filled, gloom-laden Jeremiah Chapters 16 through 20. If you've ever wanted a ringside seat to ancient Judah's meltdown with a side of snark, you're in the right place. Buckle up, as we're about to deliver a blow-by-blow commentary on the solitary life of a prophet who had the pleasure of being God's mouthpiece in times where cheer was scarce and despair was on tap. Dive into a world where being single and childless isn't just a lifestyle choice but a divine command. Jeremiah, the poster child for loneliness and social isolation, serves as a walking, talking billboard for Judah's impending doom. And mourning? Forget about it—Jeremiah's told to skip those funeral parties because, spoiler alert, there won't be any left to attend. That's right, folks, we're unpacking the prophetic equivalent of a horror movie trailer for a nation that apparently couldn't catch a divine hint if it was engraved with an iron pen. We'll also tickle your linguistic fancy with wordplay that only ancient Hebrew can provide, where curses and desert shrubs are more intertwined than you'd ever want them to be. Our favorite prophet Jeremiah gets his own poetic justice served by none other than a high-ranking temple official who obviously missed the memo on freedom of speech. Strap in as we examine the finer points of pottery and divine power trips, the latter of which seems to be a recurring theme in these dusty old texts. We'll also toss in our two cents on whether this whole "unforgivable sin" thing is just a fancy way of saying, "I told you so." For all you heathens and skeptics out there, this episode promises a potent mix of history, literature, and theological satire, all wrapped up in our irreverent take on what the Good Book has to offer. We're here to remind you that, sometimes, the best way to understand an ancient text is to approach it with a raised eyebrow and a readiness to call out the absurd when you see it. Don't miss this week's episodes as we lay bare the political intrigue, personal struggles, and divine smackdowns that make the book of Jeremiah a text that just keeps on giving... headaches, that is. And if you love our divine deconstruction, be sure to tune in for the next chapter in our series—because, as it turns out, the saga of Jeremiah is the gift that keeps on taking. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 02
Jeremiah Chapter 20: Bible Study for Atheists

This chapter is Jeremiah throwing a full-on tantrum. Apparently, he's not a big fan of being mocked and criticized for his "prophecies" (air quotes intended). He complains to God about how unfair it all is, using flowery language that wouldn't be out of place in a bad country song. Here are some of the highlights (or lowlights, depending on your perspective): __ __ Overall, this chapter is a prime example of why some people might find the whole prophet business a bit suspect. If this is the kind of behavior God condones from his chosen spokespeople, maybe it's best to just stick to reason and good ol' fashioned critical thinking. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Mar 01
Jeremiah Chapter 19: Bible Study for Atheists

Are you ready for a holy roast of biblical proportions? Welcome to our irreverent take on Jeremiah Chapter 19, where we unpack the Almighty's penchant for pottery-based parables and divine temper tantrums. This isn't your Sunday school teacher's podcast – we're serving up a sacrilegious breakdown of the good book's darker chapters with a generous dose of snark and skepticism. In this episode, we're picking apart the ancient text like it's the last day of a theology fire sale. Prepare for a no-holds-barred commentary on God's not-so-subtle approach to object lessons – smashing clay pots to scare the bejesus out of his chosen people. And because we're all about cultural references, expect a "nuclear vessel" detour à la Star Trek that's sure to warp your sense of scriptural seriousness. We'll wade through the murky waters of prophecy, where God's wrath seems more like a cosmic overreaction to being ghosted by his earthly fan club. Was Jeremiah just the ancient world's equivalent of the town crier of doom, or was he onto something deeper? Spoiler alert: we're leaning towards the former. Strap in as we venture into the treacherous intersection of mental health and religious visions. Could yesterday's prophets be today's mental health case studies? We'll explore the fine line between divinely inspired and desperately in need of a therapist – and how, historically, your diagnosis might just depend on your gender. And because we can't resist a jab at the absurd, we'll even take a sidestep into modern-day politics, where biblical prophecies somehow find their way into state legislation. From frozen embryos to IVF chaos, it seems like some folks are taking their cues from a book that champions divine smiting and celestial scare tactics. Join us for a blasphemous romp through the pages of Jeremiah 19, where we'll challenge everything you thought you knew about prophecies, divine judgments, and just how much the human psyche can take before it says, "I'm out." Whether you're a believer, an atheist, or just here for the giggles, we've got something to make your ears tingle – and not in the way Jeremiah intended. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Feb 29
Jeremiah Chapter 18: Bible Study for Atheists

Join us on this irreverent deep dive into the biblical roller coaster that is Jeremiah Chapter 18. Ever wondered what happens when the Almighty plays with clay? Well, apparently, He makes humanity, and then, like a dissatisfied artist, decides to smash His creations when they don't turn out quite right. Is this divine craftsmanship or just a serious case of quality control issues? We're tackling the big questions with a side of snark and a sprinkle of blasphemy. In this episode, we venture into the realm of spiritual metaphors gone wild. We discuss the perplexing concept of a deity who, despite having the ultimate power over His creations, seems to have the temperament of a toddler with Play-Doh. The big guy upstairs is churning out humanity on His celestial pottery wheel, and let's just say His Yelp reviews are less than stellar. As we traverse the scripture, we're calling out the absurdity of the whole "might makes right" ideology. We poke fun at the idea that owning something—be it Earth or your pet goldfish—gives you carte blanche to wreck it. Stick around as we explore whether divine omnipotence really excuses turning the planet into a dumpster fire. And what's a discussion about ancient prophets without a little modern-day controversy? We're touching on the prickly subjects of LGBTQ+ rights, the environmental apocalypse, and even the morally dubious world of cockfighting (yes, with actual roosters). Because if there's one thing we love more than dissecting scripture, it's making sure everyone's uncomfortable while we do it. Prepare for an episode that's as enlightening as it is entertaining, and as educational as it is offensive to traditional sensibilities. So, if you're ready to hear about the prophet Jeremiah's rage issues and God's questionable hobby of pottery, you've come to the right place. It's time to laugh, learn, and maybe even sin a little. Welcome to our heretical huddle, where every episode is a leap of faith—right off a theological cliff. JOIN US ON DISCORD: HTTPS://DISCORD.GG/8RWWMRB5ZK Skip the ads by joining ACAST+ THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY SACRILEGIOUS DISCOURSE - BIBLE STUDY FOR ATHEISTS! Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise: Our Homepage: Join Acast+ to enjoy our podcast adfree! * Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Feb 28