Sicha In Depth

Project Likkutei Sichos


This is a Shiur focused on specific concepts discussed in the Sicha; it does not go through the Sicha page by page, but dissects central ideas in depth.

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605 episodes

Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 3: Kohen Gadol & Kohen Hedyot

Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 3: Kohen Gadol & Kohen Hedyot

Mar 28
Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 2: Continuous or Individual

Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 2: Continuous or Individual

Mar 27
Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 1: Communal or Private

Chelek 22, Tzav 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Shiur 1: Communal or Private

1h 32m
Mar 27
Chelek 22, Tzav 22 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 22, Tzav 22 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Mar 22
Chelek 21, Purim - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Nevuah from Children

Chelek 21, Purim - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Nevuah from Children

1h 37m
Mar 19
Chelek 21, Purim - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 21, Purim - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Mar 18
Chelek 21, Pekudei - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 21, Pekudei - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Mar 11
Chelek 21, Vayakhel 1 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton

Chelek 21, Vayakhel 1 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton

1h 24m
Mar 06
Chelek 21, Vayakhel 1 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 21, Vayakhel 1 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Mar 03
Chelek 21, Tisa 3 - Rabbi Mendel Shuchat

Chelek 21, Tisa 3 - Rabbi Mendel Shuchat

Feb 28
Chelek 21, Tisa 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - The Halachic Status of Eretz & Bnei Girgashi

Chelek 21, Tisa 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - The Halachic Status of Eretz & Bnei Girgashi

1h 10m
Feb 28
Chelek 21, Tisa 3 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 21, Tisa 3 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Feb 26
Chelek 21, Tetzave 1 - Rabbi Mendel Shuchat

Chelek 21, Tetzave 1 - Rabbi Mendel Shuchat

Feb 20
Chelek 21, Tetezave 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Purpose of Bigdei Kehuna

Chelek 21, Tetezave 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Purpose of Bigdei Kehuna

1h 24m
Feb 20
Chelek 21, Tetzave 1 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Chelek 21, Tetzave 1 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf

Feb 19
חלק כא, תצוה א - הרב יואל כהן

חלק כא, תצוה א - הרב יואל כהן

Feb 19
חלק כא, תצוה ב - הרב יואל כהן

חלק כא, תצוה ב - הרב יואל כהן

Feb 19
Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg

Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg

1h 19m
Feb 15
Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Part 2: The Rebbe and the Rogatchover

Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Part 2: The Rebbe and the Rogatchover

1h 18m
Feb 14
Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Part 1: Where vs. Who (Heoros 12-13)

Chelek 21, Teruma 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - Part 1: Where vs. Who (Heoros 12-13)

Feb 13
חלק כא, תרומה ג (חלק) - הרב יואל כהן

חלק כא, תרומה ג (חלק) - הרב יואל כהן

Feb 12
Chelek 21, Terumah 2 - Rabbi Mendel Shuchat

Beis Hamikdosh was found, and it in your messiest, darkest, most destructive place! - Shiur on Lekutei Sichos 21, Teruma 2 by Rabbi M. Shuchat (@ Kolel Torah Panama): Bringing out the point and chiddush of the Sicha. Suggestion how to present the Sicha, and the Rebbe's answer on the Sicha.

Feb 12
Chelek 21, Teruma 3 - Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg

Chelek 21, Teruma 3 - Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg

1h 18m
Feb 11