Talking Dirty

Get Gardening


Get Gardening's podcast for plant lovers is jam-packed with choice plants.

Hosts Thordis and Alan Gray (of East Ruston Old Vicarage gardens) catch up with their horticultural (or should that be naughty-cultural!) friends to talk about their favourite plants of the moment. It's a bit like a stroll around a fantastic nursery or inspiring garden, but with someone telling you what all the plants are!

There are lots of growing and propagation tips included, and everyone shares their latest FLOMO (FLoral/plant-based fOMO). Check out the show notes or our website ( for a full plant list to accompany each episode.

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166 episodes

East Ruston Old Vicarage March Special

With a spring in our step we bring you the March Special of our Talking Dirty series on the garden at East Ruston Old Vicarage. From the Magnolias Alan Gray wakes to see out of his bedroom window, to the Tulips he's been spending a pretty penny on, here are some of the highlights from the garden this month. PLANT LIST Magnolia 'Caerhays Belle' Magnolia 'Genie' Magnolia × soulangeana Rosa 'Rambling Rector' Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate'  Rosa 'Mme. Alfred Carrière'  Rosa 'A Shropshire Lad' Dahlia 'Hollyhill Serenity' Narcissus 'Jetfire' Narcissus 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' Tulipa sprengeri Tulipa orphanidea 'Flava' Narcissus 'Turncoat' Narcissus 'First Born' Narcissus 'Actaea' Hedychium 'Tara' Narcissus 'Articol' Narcissus 'Rataplan' Narcissus 'Mrs Langtry' Tropaeolum majus 'Gleam Salmon' Tropaeolum tuberosum var. lineomaculatum 'Ken Aslet' Syringa vulgaris 'Princess Sturdza'

Mar 27, 2024
Val Bourne on Roses, Trilliums and Violets (Part Two)

Time for Part Two of our latest episode with Talking Dirty favourite Val Bourne. The award-winning garden writer has alredy shared some of her favourite Prunus varieties. This week it's all about spring plants like Pulmonarias and Violets, plus a bit of rose inspiration...and Trillium chat to boot! PLANT LIST Pulmonaria 'Shrimps on the Barbie' Pulmonaria saccharata 'Leopard' Pulmonaria rubra Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' Viola odorata 'Christie's Wedding' Viola odorata 'Baroness Alice de Rothschild' Viola odorata 'Sulphurea' Helleborus argutifolius Narcissus 'St Patricks Day' Narcissus 'Golden Echo' Narcissus 'Winter Waltz' Narcissus 'Beryl' Narcissus 'Beryl's Little Sister' Tropaeolum hookerianum Tropaeolum ciliatum Trillium grandiflorum f. roseum Trillium kurabayashii Rosa 'The Generous Gardener' Rosa 'Mrs. Honey Dyson' Rosa 'Rosy Cushion' Rosa x odorata 'Crimson Bengal' Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' Rosa 'You're Beautiful'

Mar 20, 2024
Val Bourne on Cherries, Scillas and Geums (Part One)

This week one of our Talking Dirty favourites is back! Val Bourne is an award-winning garden writer and grows all manner of treasures in her 1/3 acre Cotswolds plot. This week - in part one of her latest appearance - she shares some of her favourites Prunus and the Scilla you must grow, plus those to avoid! And as usual her coversation with Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis meanders via a host of plants from Geums to Ferns. Next week Roses, Trilliums and FLOMO* *FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Geum 'Totally Tangerine' Geum 'Prinses Juliana' Amsonia Helenium 'Sahin's Early Flowerer' Geum 'Bell Bank' Geum 'Mai Tai' Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Galanthus plicatus 'E.A. Bowles' Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls' Galanthus 'Marjorie Brown' Hamamelis Prunus mume 'Beni-chidori' Prunus 'Kursar' Prunus 'Okame' Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai' Prunus 'Tai-haku' Prunus 'Chocolate Ice' Scilla siberica Scilla bifolia Scilla bithynica Allium triquetrum Tulipa saxatilis (Bakeri Group) 'Lilac Wonder' Adiantum Anemonoides nemorosa Polypodium

Mar 13, 2024
Hepatica Special with David Massey of Ashwood Nurseries

This week Alan and Thordis are excited to bring you a joyful special focussing on Hepaticas with their chief cheerleader, John Massey of Ashwood Nurseries. His book, 'My World of Hepaticas' (with Tomoo Mabuchi), is a veritable treasure trove of information (and downright divine photographs!) In this episode of Talking Dirty, we meander through the different species (including which should tolerate a garden situation) and discuss everything from botany to John's anecdotes from years tracking them down in the wild. And of course, we detour via several other plants as well. It wouldn't be Talking Dirty if we didn't do that! PLANT LIST Galanthus 'Veronica Cross' Galanthus 'Wasp' Hepatica japonica var. nipponica f. candida Hepatica transsilvanica Hepatica japonica var. nipponica f. magna Hepatica japonica var. pubescens Hepatica japonica var. nipponica f. magna Hepatica americana Hepatica americana var. acuta (syn H. acutiloba) Hepatica americana var. acuta x H. nobilis Trillium nivale Daphne laureola subsp. philippi Hamamelis Cyclamen coum Miscanthus Pennisetum Lewisia cotyledon 'Harold Judd' Hepatica 'Millstream Merlin' Helleborus (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) 'Anna's Red' Helleborus × ericsmithii Hepatica maxima Sorbus 'Olympic Flame' Hepatica insularis Hydrangea serrata Hepatica x schlyteri (H. nobilis 'Stained Glass’ x H. maxima) Macodes petola Hepatica nobilis 'Stained Glass' Hepatica 'Louise Koehler' Anemonella thalictroides f. rosea 'Oscar Schoaf' Hepatica japonica 'Mori' Shortia Hepatica 'Millstream Pink' Prunus 'Kursar' Polypodium

1h 23m
Mar 06, 2024
East Ruston Old Vicarage February Special (Talking Dirty Podcast)

In the latest of our series looking at Alan's garden - East Ruston Old Vicarage - month-by-month, we're focussing on some fab February plants. From the Edgeworthia hardly any one can grow to Alan's latest purchases and plans for the shade planting around his north-facing front door. This is an episode packed with plants and plans! PLANT LIST Edgeworthia chrysantha Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Red Dragon' Galanthus 'Alan Gray' Polystichum setiferum ‘Green Lace’ Eranthis hyemalis 'Dooze' Galanthus elwesii 'Daphne's Scissors' Tulipa sprengeri Tulipa orphanidea 'Flava' Galanthus plicatus 'EA Bowles' Galanthus elwesii 'Claud Biddulph' Galanthus 'Fieldgate Forte' Galanthus nivalis 'Anglesey Abbey' Galanthus woronowii Delphinium 'Alice Artindale' Prunus mume 'Beni-chidori' Camellia × williamsii 'Saint Ewe' Dahlia 'Brown Sugar' Dahlia 'Creme De Cassis' Tithonia rotundifolia Orlaya grandiflora Daphne bholua 'Mary Rose' Acer 'Red Flamingo' Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' Narcissus 'St Patrick's Day' Buxus sempervirens 'Aurea Pendula' Phillyrea Griselinia Brugmansia Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' Daphne odora 'Rebecca' Galanthus 'Trumps' Galanthus 'Cowhouse Green' Galanthus 'Trumpolute' Galanthus 'Princess Bennie' Cotoneaster horizontalis

1h 0m
Feb 28, 2024
Vinca, Ipheion and Buxus with Tim Fuller of Plantsman's Preference (Ep 116, pt 2)

Tim Fuller of Norfolk nursery The Plantsman's Preference returns with beautiful flowers, fab foliage and serious FLOMO*! *FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty' Buxus sempervirens 'Aurea Pendula' Gaultheria mucronata syn. Pernettya mucronata Ilex aquifolium 'East Ruston Gold' Vinca minor Vinca minor 'Azurea Flore Pleno' Vinca minor 'Multiplex' Vinca minor 'Blue and Gold' Vinca minor 'Aureovariegata' Vinca difformis Greystone form Vinca major Vinca difformis subsp. sardoa Cyclamen cilicium Ipheion 'Rygel' Ipheion uniflorum 'Dusky Pink' Ipheion uniflorum ssp. tandiliense Iris unguicularis Geranium libani Geranium peloponnesiacum Lamium galeobdolon Lamium galeobdolon 'Kirkcudbright Dwarf' Setaria palmifolia Saxifraga stolonifera 'Nezu Jinja' Saxifraga stolonifera 'Hsitou Silver' Euonymus myrianthus (ogisu 93309) Hydrangea aspera subsp. strigosa

Feb 21, 2024
Snowdrops, Primulas and Ivies with Tim Fuller of Plantsman's Preference

This week Tim Fuller of Norfolk nursery The Plantsman's Preference stuns with some inspiring Ivies, plus Primulas, Snowdrops and more! PLANT LIST Salvia nemorosa Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Galanthus nivalis 'Alan's Treat' Galanthus 'Mother Goose' Galanthus 'Treasure Island' Galanthus plicatus 'Golden Fleece' Galanthus 'Wandlebury Ring' Galanthus 'Günter Waldorf' Galanthus gracilis Muscari filiforme Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Tiny' Arum pictum 'Primrose Warburg' Arum italicum subsp. neglectum 'Monksilver' Arum 'Curtis Giant' Pulmonaria mollis Pulmonaria 'Shrimps on the Barbie' Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare' Pulmonaria rubra Primula 'Lady Greer' Primula 'David Valentine' Primula 'Garnet Cowichan' Hedera helix 'Ceridwen' Hedera helix 'Heise' Hedera helix 'Kaleidoscope' Narcissus 'Candlepower' Hedera helix 'Buttercup' Hedera rhombea 'Variegata' Euonymus fortunei Hedera helix 'Goldfinch' Hedera rhombea 'Variegata' Hedera hibernica

Feb 14, 2024
The Money-Saving Gardener, Anya Lautenbach

This week Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis chat to Anya Lautenbach AKA Anya, The Garden Fairy. A passionate propagator, Anya is famous for making her garden from seeds and cuttings, and sharing her propagation tips with her million followers on social media. And now those skills are being captured in her new book 'The Money-Saving Gardener'. From the healing power of gardening to the plant which has her captivated at the moment, this is a feel-good look at the power of plants. PLANT LIST Meconopsis betonicifolia (syn. Meconopsis baileyi) Myosotidium hortensia Zaluzianskya ovata Dianthus caryophyllus 'Chomley Ferran' Nicotiana alata Daphne bholua Sarcococca confusa Xerochrysum bracteatum Tiarella 'Spring Symphony' Aristolochia macrophylla Hosta 'Empress Wu' Hosta 'Wu-La-La'  Dahlia 'Night Silence' Jasminum sambac Tolmiea menziesii

Feb 07, 2024
East Ruston Old Vicarage January Special

It's Happy New Year from Alan Gray and Thordis as they continue their series looking at Alan's garden, East Ruston Old Vicarage, month-by-month. From the Camellias lighting up winter to the Ferns catching their fancy and some seasonal FLOMO* *FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Haworthia limifolia f. variegata Echeveria peacockii Camellia Forsythia Eucalyptus Woodwardia fimbriata Soleirolia soleirolii (syn. Helxine soleirolii) Viola hederacea Dahlia 'Café au Lait' Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata' (The King) Adiantum Abutilon vitifolium Polystichum setiferum 'Pulcherrimum Bevis' Galanthus 'Lord Kitchener' Jasminum nudiflorum Camellia sasanqua Camellia japonica Camellia 'Sugar Dream' Eccremocarpus scaber Galanthus 'Princess Bennie' Galanthus 'Mother Goose' Rosa 'Senateur Lafollette'

Jan 17, 2024
East Ruston Old Vicarage December Special

The latest in our series on the plants at East Ruston Old Vicarage sees Alan share some Show and Tell from his 32-acre garden on the Norfolk coast. And there's more than a little festive flair as he takes in a Christmassy Snowdrop and some top Holly varieties. PLANT LIST Osteospermum Musa basjoo Viburnum tinus Morus alba Morus nigra Trachycarpus fortunei Galanthus 'Santa Claus' Arum pictum 'Primrose Warburg' Nerine 'Miss Frances Clarke' Nerine undulata Galanthus 'Primrose Warburg' Galanthus 'South Hayes' Galanthus plicatus 'Golden Fleece' Galanthus plicatus 'Golden Tears' Galanthus plicatus Trym Galanthus nivalis f. pleniflorus 'Flore Pleno' Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' Ilex × koehneana 'Chestnut Leaf' (Ilex castaneifolia) Ilex aquifolium 'East Ruston Gold' Galanthus 'Alan Gray' Galanthus 'Green Tear' Galanthus elwesii 'Penelope Ann' Rosa ‘Wickwar’ Abutilon megapotamicum Abutilon 'Estella's Little Bird' Abutilon 'Gerdemann's Red' Sorbus vilmorinii Fuchsia boliviana Eccremocarpus scaber Eccremocarpus scaber 'Tresco' Mixed Allium 'Party Balloons' Allium cristophii Allium 'Purple Sensation' Allium schubertii Phlox paniculata Phlox amplifolia 'Goliath' Phlox amplifolia 'Hercules'  Muscari comosum

Dec 13, 2023
David Wheeler, Editor of HORTUS (Part 2)

Time for Part Two of our chat with HORTUS Editor David Wheeler. This week we discuss not only how the quarterly gardening journal started life in 1987, but delve into the world of David's FLOMO* and some of the plants which will be appearing in his garden come spring. *FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Lindera Erythronium Iris sibirica Parrotia persica 'Bella' Acer palmatum 'Wild Goose' Acer shirasawanum 'Moonrise' Cornus kousa ‘Schmetterling’ Cornus kousa ‘Heart Throb’ Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' Enkianthus campanulatus Peltoboykinia watanabei Kirengeshoma palmata Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia grandiflora 'Double nantais' Sternbergia Iris pumila Iris latifolia

Dec 06, 2023
David Wheeler, Editor of HORTUS

If you're a fan of this podcast then you won't need telling that HORTUS is a quarterly gardening journal of the utmost quality. Its Editor, David Wheeler, founded the publication in 1987 and next week (in Part Two) we'll get stuck into its creation and what makes it so special. This week we're 'leaf peeping' as David shares varieties he's selected for his new garden at Upland in Camarthenshire, plus heavenly Hydrangeas! PLANT LIST Acer rubrum Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Acer × freemanii 'Jeffersred' syn Acer rubrum 'Autumn Blaze' Acer saccharum Acer saccharinum Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blaumeise' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nachtigall' Rhododendron 'Cornish Red' Magnolia stellata Cercidiphyllum japonicum Parrotia persica 'Vanessa' Parrotia persica 'Persian Spire' Cornus kousa Quercus rubra Cornus kousa 'Copacabana' Amelanchier Iris sibirica Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood'

Nov 29, 2023
East Ruston Old Vicarage November Special

We're well stuck into the darker months now and, if you're looking for some plants to brighten up your plot, look no further than this podcast! In his garden at East Ruston Old Vicarage on the Norfolk coast, Alan Gray has amassed an almost technicolour array of foliage and flower no matter the time of year. From Chrysanthemums to Salvias, Tropaeolums to Nerines, he and Thordis talk through some of the wonders which have been catching his eye in the 32-acre garden this November. PLANT LIST Malus domestica 'Doctor Harvey' Chrysanthemum 'Chelsea Physic Garden'   Chrysanthemum 'Killerton Tangerine' Chrysanthemum 'Dixter Orange' Chrysanthemum 'Esther' Chrysanthemum 'Royal Command'  Fuchsia magellanica 'Arauco'  Fuchsia magellanica Salvia 'Kisses & Wishes' Salvia 'Ember's Wish' Drimys winteri Tropaeolum majus 'Jewel of Africa' Tropaeolum majus 'Darjeeling Gold' Tropaeolum majus 'Hermine Grashoff' Tropaeolum tuberosum var. lineomaculatum 'Ken Aslet' Tropaeolum minus 'Ladybird Rose' Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Tropaeolum smithii Tropaeolum speciosum  Tropaeolum tricolor Tropaeolum ciliatum Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii' Salvia involucrata 'Mulberry Jam' Salvia involucrata 'Joan' Rosa 'Lady of Shalott' Rosa 'Jubilee Celebration' Clematis 'Seedling from Rajasthan' Clematis tangutica Bupleurum Cuphea lanceolata 'Purple Passion' Tithonia rotundifolia Dahlia 'Sam Hopkins' Galanthus plicatus 'Three Ships' Galanthus 'Walrus'  Galanthus nivalis 'Viridapice'  Cuphea lanceolata 'Purple Passion' Nerine 'Candy' Nerine 'Lovely Lady' Dianthus 'Chomley Farran' Salvia microphylla 'Delice Aquamarine' Argyranthemum 'Jamaica Primrose' Argyranthemum gracile 'Chelsea Girl'

1h 0m
Nov 22, 2023
Exploring Eucomis with National Collection Holder, Richard Clark of Panache Plants

Episode 113 of Talking Dirty sees Eucomis National Collection holder Richard Clark of Panache Plants join Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis. In Part One they got slightly sidetracked by the breeding work Richard's been doing with Roscoeas in particular. But this week we explore Eucomis in earnest, plus lots of FLOMO* *FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Eucomis bicolor Eucomis schijffii eucomis pallidiflora Eucomis pallidiflora subsp. pole-evansii Galanthus 'Alan Gray' Eucomis 'Dark Star' Eucomis aloha 'Leia' Eucomis autumnalis Eucomis zambesiaca Eucomis vandermerwei Eucomis comosa 'Pink Gin' Eucomis comosa 'Lotte' Eucomis vandermerwei 'Octopus' Sarracenia Lychnis × arkwrightii 'Vesuvius' Abutilon 'Leila Jackson' Abutilon 'Kentish Belle' Tiarella Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Meifeng' Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Di Sue Shan' Ficus carica 'Jolly Tiger' Tolmiea menziesii Tolmiea menziesii 'Cool Gold'

Nov 15, 2023
Plant Breeding from Roscoeas to Abutilons with Richard Clark of Panache Plants (Part One)

This week on Talking Dirty, Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis are taking inspiration from their most recent episode, where they touched upon the Eucomis National Collection. This week the collection holder, Richard Clark of Panache Plants, joins them. But before the trio can discuss the Pineapple Lily, they get stuck into Richard's plant breeding past and the progress he's been making with Roscoeas in particular. Part Two - discussing Eucomis - next week. PLANT LIST Roscoea purpurea Roscoea 'Red Gurkha' Abutilon 'Ashford Red' Abutilon 'Pink Charm' Aeonium 'Velour' Aeonium simsii Sparmannia africana 'Variegata'  

Nov 08, 2023
Plant Breeding from Abutilon to Roscoea with Richard Clark of Panache Plants (Part One)

This week on Talking Dirty, Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis catch up with a regular nurseryman on their local plant fair circuit, Richard Clark of Panache Plants. Richard holds the National Collection of Eucomis and we'll have more about the Pineapple Lily next week. But he's also got a background in plant breeding and has been using his expertise to select some very interesting new plants! PLANT LIST Roscoea purpurea Roscoea 'Red Gurkha' Abutilon 'Ashford Red' Abutilon 'Pink Charm' Osteospermum Aeonium 'Velour' Aeonium simsii Sparmannia africana 'Variegata'   Abutilon 'Kentish Belle'

Nov 08, 2023
East Ruston Old Vicarage October Special

As the nights draw in and the days get colder, our gardens can seem a little drab. So Alan Gray is here to share his top plants at East Ruston Old Vicarage this October, many of them specimens he's been propagating. Get ready for plenty of plant inspiration and serious FLOMO*. *FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Hardenbergia violacea Dahlia 'Sam Hopkins' Ricinus communis Eucomis pallidiflora subsp. pole-evansii Ricinus 'Blue Buddha' Ricinus communis 'Carmencita' 'Persicaria orientalis Dahlia 'Hadrian's Sunset' Dahlia 'Hadrian's Midnight' Lysimachia clethroides Lobelia tupa Epilobium canum (syn. Zauschneria californica) Kniphofia rooperi Amaryllis belladonna 'Alba' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb' Tulipa sprengeri Hydrangea petiolaris Jasminum nudiflorum Vinca major var. oxyloba Salvia greggii 'Royal Bumble' Clematis orientalis var. orientalis    Alstroemeria 'Indian Summer' Ipomoea lobata Passiflora 'Constance Elliott' Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' Bomarea acutifolia F&M 130 Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Acanthus sennii Rostrinucula dependens Fuchsia 'Delta's Sara' Dahlia 'Polventon Kristobel' Orlaya grandiflora Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Lime'  Galium verum Pulsatilla vulgaris Ageratum petiolatum Argyranthemum 'Jamaica Primrose' Tagetes erecta 'Jolly Jester' Tagetes patula 'Cinnabar' (Dixter Strain) Clematis rehderiana Rosa 'Columbian Climber' Aeschynanthus 'Black Pagoda'

Oct 18, 2023
Coleus, Oxalis and Dahlias with The Frustrated Gardener, Dan Cooper (Ep 112, Part Two)

Time for Part Two of our latest apperance by Talking Dirty favourite Dan Cooper AKA The Furstrated Gardener. This week he continues with some of the plants adding colour to his shady containers, from Coleus to Oxalis. Plus a few special Christmas decorations from Dan Cooper Garden! PLANT LIST Oxalis 'Plum Crazy' Oxalis spiralis vulcanicola 'Sunset Velvet' Coleus 'Lord Falmouth' Coleus 'Burgundy Wedding Train' Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Wisley Tapestry' Dahlia 'Edith Jones' Dahlia 'Dilys Ayling' Dahlia 'Hollyhill Serenity' Dahlia 'Blyton Softer Gleam' Dahlia 'Frost Nip' Dahlia imperialis Dahlia 'Rococo' Dahlia campanulata Solanum wendlandii Iochroma fuchsioides Fuchsia boliviana Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides (syn. Senecio confusus) Tithonia rotundifolia

Oct 11, 2023
Shade Plants and Containers with The Frustrated Gardener, Dan Cooper (Part One)

This week Talking Dirty favourite Dan Cooper returns to the podcast with some of the top performers in his garden this year, including some great choices for shade and container planting. PLANT LIST Dahlia 'Ryecroft Blackberry' Dahlia 'Night Silence' Dahlia 'Sam Hopkins' Dahlia 'Christopher Taylor' Persicaria 'Painter's Palette' Boehmeria sieboldiana Boehmeria macrophylla var. rotundifolia Canna x ehemanii (syn iridiflora) Pilea matsudae 'Taiwan Silver' Begonia palmata 'Tye Dye' Begonia 'Benitochiba' Begonia luxurians Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana var. alba Begonia grandis subsp. sinensis 'Snowpop'

Oct 04, 2023
Touring the Jungle Garden at Sweetbriar with co-owner Steve Edney

This week Steve Edney returns with a special treat - a tour of the jungle garden he's created with fellow plant lover, Louise Dowle. Their plot is packed with inspiration and some very special plants! PLANT LIST Clerodendrum trichotomum Eucalyptus pauciflora Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Pseudosasa japonica Euphorbia stygiana Griselinia littoralis Begonia luxurians Euphorbia x pasteurii Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips' Euphorbia mellifera Plectranthus fruticosus 'Ellaphie' Pseudopanax crassifolius Pseudopanax lessonii 'tuatara' Dahlia 'Bright Eyes' Salvia 'Amistad' Hedychium rubrum Musa basjoo Ensete ventricosum 'Montbeliardii' Musa sikkimensis Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' Canna x ehemanii (syn iridiflora) Persicaria orientalis Trachycarpus fortunei Cissus striata Pittosporum eugenoides Albizia julibrissin 'Summer Chocolate'  Albizia julibrissin Polystichum setiferum Hakonechloa macra 'Green Hills' Fatsia polycarpa Persicaria virginiana var. filiformis 'Ballet' Fuschia hatschbachii Cryptomeria japonica 'Rasen' Polystichum setiferum 'Pulcherrimum Bevis' Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' Manihot grahamii Semiarundinaria fastuosa Borinda papyrifera CS 1046 Solanum corymbiflora syn. Cyphomandra corymbiflora Sparmannia africana 'Variegata' Eryngium creticum Tinantia pringei Persicaria virginiana Variegated Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's Palette'

Sep 27, 2023
Cannas from Seed and Fab Foliage with Steve Edney of No Name Nursery

In part one of our latest podcast with Steve Edney of No Name Nursery, we get a glimpse of some recent purchases. Plus great foliage plants, and one of many Cannas he's grown from seed this year. Next week, we take a stroll around his garden at home for jungle inspiration! PLANT LIST Chlorophytum saundersiae 'Starlight' Dahlia 'Jomanda' Dahlia 'Sam Hopkins' Canna 'Whithelm Pride' Aster × frikartii 'Mönch' Aster x frikartii 'Wunder von Stäfa' Aster amellus 'Forncett Flourish' Cuphea 'David Verity' Acer negundo ssp. mexicanum Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace' Acer negundo 'Variegatum' 

Sep 20, 2023
September Seed Sowing Special

If you're keenly pouring over seed catalogues and dreaming of what you're going to grow, Alan Gray (East Ruston Old VIcarage) and Thordis share their thoughts on what to sow now and why in this Talking Dirty Special. PLANT LIST Papaver rhoeas 'Amazing Grey' Papaver rhoeas 'Shirley Poppy' Eschscholzia californica Briza maxima Ammi majus Visnaga daucoides syn. Ammi visnaga Hordeum jubatum Nigella papillosa 'Delft Blue' Scabiosa stellata Agrostemma githago Borago officinalis Tropaeolum majus 'Hermine Grashoff' Tropaeolum tuberosum var. lineomaculatum 'Ken Aslet' Euphorbia coralloides Astrantia major 'Shaggy' Alstroemeria 'Ligtu Hybrids' Alstroemeria 'Indian Summer' Dahlia AsterHylotelephiumSternbergia lutea Hesperantha coccinea 'Major' Lettuce 'Webb's Wonderful' Salad Rocket Mizuna Bok choy Mustards Peas Florence Fennel

Sep 13, 2023
Agastaches and Lilies with Jimi Blake of Hunting Brook Gardens

This week Jimi Blake of Hunting Brook Gardens returns with more summer sensations from his plot, including Agastaches and Lilies. Plus reminiscences from his recent adventures in Romania. PLANT LIST Phymosia umbellata Agastache 'Fleur' Agastache 'Kolibri' Melianthus major Lobelia × speciosa 'Hadspen Purple' Agave montana Hydrangea aspera 'Koki' Hydrangea aspera 'Hot Chocolate' Lilium 'Scheherazade' Lilium 'Miss Feya' Lilium 'Chocolate Event' Lilium 'Red Velvet' Lilium leichtlinii Lilium 'Red Desire' Lysimachia paridiformis var. paridiformis Roscoea purpurea 'Spice Island' Eryngium guatemalense Eryngium x zabelii 'Big Blue' Astrantia Geum Kniphofia rufa

Sep 06, 2023
A Dahlia and Salvia Celebration with Jimi Blake of Hunting Brook Gardens

The Talking Dirty Podcast returns and with it one of our favourite guests. Jimi Blake of Hunting Brook Gardens brings some dazzling Show and Tell from his gorgeous Irish plot and we start wiht a focus on Dahlias and Salvias. Next week further floral wonders from his garden. PLANT LIST Salvia greggii 'Royal Bumble' Dahlia 'Cornel Brons' Dahlia 'Sylvia' Dahlia 'Danique' Dahlia 'Copperboy' Dahlia 'Ambition' Dahlia 'Purple Flame' Dahlia 'Burlesca' Dahlia 'Downham Royal' Dahlia 'Cornwall Island' Dahlia 'Purple Fox' Dahlia 'Kathleen Blake' Dahlia 'Night Butterfly' Dahlia 'Chimborazo' Salvia 'Strawberry Lake' Salvia curviflora Salvia fulgens Salvia confertiflora Salvia 'Josh Salvia 'Pink Pong' Salvia involucrata 'Boutin' Salvia involucrata 'Joan' Salvia involucrata 'Mulberry Jam' Salvia guaranitica 'Carines Amazing Blue' Salvia 'Purple and Bloom' Salvia 'Amistad' Salvia 'Pink Amistad' Salvia guaranitica 'Amino' Salvia 'Blue Note' Salvia microphylla 'Makris' Salvia patens 'Guanajuato'

Aug 30, 2023
Agave Montana, Shade-Planting and Allotment Flowers (Talking Dirty Update)

Talking Dirty may be taking a break for Maternity Leave, but Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis couldn't resist having a planty catch-up! Before regular podcasting resumes, the pair chat about the horticultural glories at EROV this year and what Thordis has managed to grow alongside her forays into Motherhood! Weekly episodes hopefully resuming in due course... PLANT LIST Agave montana Nolina Puya Bigelowia nuttallii Ipheion Eremurus Kniphofia Agapanthus Papaver somniferum Atriplex hortensis Eschscholzia californica Eryngium giganteum Papaver atlanticum Papaver rupifragum Papaver cambricum Papaver orientale Crepis rubra Cyclamen hederifolium Crocus tommasinianus Myosotis Acer conspicuum 'Red Flamingo' Podophyllum versipelle 'Spotty Dotty' Begonia luxurians Hosta 'Empress Wu' Begonia 'Richmondensis' Begonia semperflorens Pteris Impatiens sodenii Selaginella kraussiana Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum' Helleborus argutifolius Borago officinalis Calendula officinalis 'Indian Prince' Lathyrus odoratus 'Earl Grey'

Aug 02, 2023
A Special Announcement from East Ruston Old Vicarage

This week something different for our Talking Dirty Podcast as Alan Gray shares exciting news about East Ruston Old Vicarage. To help tell the story Alan and Thordis are joined by 'horticultural greats' Barbara Segall (Award-winning Garden Writer) and Paul Rochford (Joseph Rochford Gardens). And while this week's podcast is about the garden rather than specific plants, we couldn't resist sneaking a few in... PLANT LIST Quercus ilex London Plane (Platanus x hispanica) Agave montana Osteospermum Salvia 'Royal Bumble' Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Clianthus puniceus

Apr 21, 2023
Liz Zorab of Byther Farm on 'The Seasoned Gardener'

If growing your own and living off the land are passions and aspirations, then this week's Talking Dirty Podcast is especially for you. Homesteader Liz Zorab joins Alan Gray (East Ruston Old VIcarage) and Thordis from her four-acre plot in Wales to share some of her favourite varieties plus ground-breaking methods like her Food Forest. Plus find out why Thordis and Liz are FLOMO*-ing over the same plant! *FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Leycesteria formosa Calendula Parsnip Rosa rugosa Runner Bean 'Greek Gigantes' Squash 'Spaghetti' Runner Bean 'White Lady' Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant White' Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Salmon Rose' Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Lime' Ipomoea tricolor 'Heavenly Blue' Ammi majus Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius)  Cosmos Campanula medium

Apr 12, 2023
East Ruston Old Vicarage Spring Special (Part Two)

East Ruston Old Vicarage - home to Get Gardening's Founding Father Alan Gray - is back open for 2023 and celebrating a very special year! As the garden marks its Golden Anniversary, Alan and Thordis talk about plants of the moment, plus propagation tips and FLOMO*! *FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Pelargonium 'Lord Bute' Pelargonium 'Purple Unique' Pelargonium papilionaceum Pelargonium 'Babylon' Rosa 'Colombian Climber'  Narcissus 'Candlepower' Narcissus 'Rip van Winkle' Eranthis hyemalis Narcissus 'Tiny Bubbles' Narcissus 'Canaliculatus' Hesperantha coccinea 'Major' Gladiolus 'Thunder' Gladiolus primulinus Agrostemma githago Anthemis arvensis Centaurea cyanus Glebionis segetum Papaver rhoeas Phacelia tanacetifolia Agave montana Cornus kousa Cornus Florida 'Cherokee Chief' Trachycarpus fortunei Ficus carica 'Jolly Tiger'  Ficus johannis subsp. afghanistanica ‘Silver Lyre’ Trachycarpus fortunei 'Variegata'

Apr 05, 2023
East Ruston Old Vicarage Spring Special (Part One)

As the garden at East Ruston Old Vicarage reopens for 2023, Alan Gray and Thordis sit down for a chat about how the garden is evolving in its 50th year, plus plants of the moment, from Magnolias to Violets and some top propagation tips from Alan's potting shed. Next week Daffodils, Pelargoniums and lots of FLOMO*! *FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out PLANT LIST Magnolia 'Caerhays Belle' Magnolia 'Genie' Clematis florida 'Sieboldii' Cyclamen hederifolium 'Silverme Pink' Anagallis monellii 'Skylover' Clematis 'Perle d'Azur' Lunaria 'Somerset Marble' Lunaria annua 'Corfu Blue' Lunaria annua subsp. pachyrhiza Dahlia 'Labyrinth' Catalpa bignonioides Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana' Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Liriope muscari Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Burgundy Wedding Train' Viburnum tinus Impatiens niamniamensis Primula vulgaris 'Taigetos' Primula 'Wanda Hose-in-hose' Viola odorata 'King of Violets'

Mar 29, 2023
Late Winter Flowers & Scent with Tim Fuller of Plantsman's Preference (Part Two)

Last week Tim Fuller of Norfolk nursery The Plantsman's Preference wowed Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis with Ferns, Ivy and wonderful winter foliage. This week - in part two - we turn our attention to flowers, from bulbs to shrubs, most of them amazingly scented. PLANT LIST Sarcococca confusa Sarcococca ruscifolia Sarcococca saligna Sarcococca hookeriana 'Winter Gem' Lonicera standishii 'Budapest' Tellima grandiflora Lonicera × purpusii 'Winter Beauty' Anemone flaccida Corydalis quantmeyeriana 'Chocolate Star' Ypsilandra thibetica Chrysosplenium macrophyllum Ipheion uniflorum 'Froyle Mill' Ipheion uniflorum 'Wisley Blue' Ipheion uniflorum ssp. tandiliense Iris unguicularis Ipheion uniflorum 'Miss Hannah' Ipheion uniflorum 'Hoo House' Ipheion uniflorum 'Rigel' Oxalis semiloba Cornus mas Cornus officinalis Sarcococca bleddynii Anemonoides nemorosa Anemonoides ranunculoides Anemone x lipsiensis

Mar 22, 2023