The HeyCreator Show



The HeyCreator Show is for building your creator business.

Each week, hosts Matt Ragland and Tim Forkin talk through all stages of the creator journey, intentionally designing each conversation to meet you where you’re at along the way. We’re sharing lessons from over a decade of helping digital creators launch and scale courses, communities, and coaching services — along with building newsletters, YouTube channels, and podcasts to millions of subscribers and downloads for our clients.

For more about our show, company, and community go to

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300 episodes

026: The Role of Design & Branding for Creators (with Charli Prangley)

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ catches up with old teammate Charli Prangley (@CHARLIPRANGLEY to discuss the role of design and branding for creators, along with the process of rebranding ConvertKit to Kit and lessons from her journey as a YouTuber. (0:00) — Intro (1:48) — The #1 design mistake creators make (12:26) — Outside perspective on your design process (22:30) — Charli’s creator journey CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Sep 03
025: $100k/year business with NO social media in 2024 (with Bryan Harris)

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ interviews old friend Bryan Harris (@HARRIS_BRYAN  Bryan is the founder of Growth Tools and has a vastly different perspective on content, audiences, and business than the majority of our guests. Listen in for his thoughts on which kinds of clients to serve first, why he believes you DON’T need an audience, and the one-word marketing strategy that beats everything else your business can offer. For HeyCreator listeners, Bryan put together an incredible resource of tools he referenced in the show here: HTTPS://GROWTHTOOLS.COM/HEYCREATOR (0:00) — Intro (1:01) — The Hershey Kiss/Tesla Strategy (8:23) — “You don’t need to build an audience…” (17:50) — How to borrow someone else’s audience (26:18) — What’s the simplest path towards your business goal? (37:17) — The one-word marketing strategy CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Aug 27
024: How To Make $1M+ with Memes (with Jason Levin)

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@TIMFORKINDOTCOM⁠ interview Jason Levin (@IAMJASONLEVIN, a creator, entrepreneur, author of and self-proclaimed MEMELORD who currently serves as the Head of Growth at Product Hunt. Jason walks us through how to start thinking in memes, the reality of how memes can make millions for your company, and why being funny on the internet is the best long-term play for any brand. (0:00) — Intro (1:01) — How do I start thinking in memes? (7:07) — How do memes make millions? (14:56) — Someone sold their business for $100M by using memes (19:04) — “Dumb memes, smart threads” (25:15) — The secrets to growing company social CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Aug 20
023: I make $150k/year creating content... now what?

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@TIMFORKINDOTCOM⁠ take on four Creator Advice questions from X and the HeyCreator community. Thank you to George, Jay, Nausheena and Michael for your questions! (0:00) — Intro (0:38) — George asks, “Now what?” (7:13) — Jay has a creator’s dream job, but he’s about to start college… (14:50) — Nausheena asks, “What can I do to make my videos more engaging?” (17:20) — Michael wants to start a conference, but is unsure how to use content to promote it. CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Aug 13
022: How To Conquer Your Fears as a Creator (with Corey Wilks, Psy.D)

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, we’re running an expert session from the HeyCreator community with COREY WILKS, PSY.D — a psychologist and executive coach.  Corey gives an excellent presentation on THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF FEAR before Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ joins him on the call to talk creator mindset, switching niches, and overcoming common creator fears. Grab Corey’s BUILD AN INTENTIONAL LIFE course and use code HEYCREATOR25 for 25% off! (0:00) — Intro (1:28) — The Four Horsemen of Fear (21:44) — Why fear comes to us (23:48) — What if I want to change my niche? (29:22) — How your values will shape your path CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Aug 06
021: How Selling High-Ticket Offers ACTUALLY Works in 2024 (with John Meese)

SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE 7 DAY "CREATOR BLUEPRINT" EMAIL COURSE! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@MATTRAGLAND⁠ is joined by JOHN MEESE to walk through his Serve Call framework from his new book, SERVE TO SELL. Selling high-ticket offers (like 1-1 coaching, cohort courses or mastermind memberships) can feel like a numbers game — hopping on one sales call after another in hopes of landing a yes. What John teaches is a reframe for these calls. You’re not selling, you’re . GRAB A COPY OF SERVE TO SELL HERE (or CLICK THIS LINK AND GET IT FOR FREE! (0:00) — Intro (2:45) — Real-life examples of the Serve To Sell framework (12:30) — What do you call a sales call where you don’t get the sale? (19:54) — The Six R’s of a Serve Call (40:50) — Creator Advice with John Meese CONNECT WITH US: JOIN THE HEYCREATOR COMMUNITY  SUBMIT A QUESTION TO CREATOR ADVICE USE AUTOMATIC EVERGREEN TO SEND PROFITABLE NEWSLETTERS ON AUTOPILOT

Jul 30
020: A Masterclass on Video Presence & Production (with Cam Houser)

In today’s episode, we’re running a stellar presentation Cam Houser (@cahouser gave in our HeyCreator community about all things video.  You’ll learn about what it takes to get comfortable on video, small ways you can improve production, how to come up with better video ideas, and even joins Matt (⁠@mattragland⁠ for another edition of Creator Advice. (0:00) — Today’s episode (1:44) — Cam’s introduction (10:05) — How do I become confident on-camera? (22:40) — Cam’s ALF Framework for video production (29:24) — How do I get content ideas? (39:22) — Creator Advice with Cam CONNECT WITH US: Join the HeyCreator Community Submit a question to Creator Advice Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jul 23
019: The Fastest Ways To $10,000/Month as a Creator

In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ walk through the fastest ways to make $10,000/month as a creator. The episode is split into three different sections — Newsletters, Coaching, and Courses. (0:00) — Intro (1:15) — What’s the fastest way to make $10,000/month with a newsletter? (9:15) — What’s the fastest way to make $10,000/month with a coaching offer? (18:02) — What’s the fastest way to make $10,000/month with online courses? Make $1,000 with your first launch using our Course Blueprint Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jul 16
018: The 10 Books EVERY Creator Needs To Read

In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ talks through the 10 books every creator must read, split up into three categories — Mindset, Business, and Process. Later, Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ joins for the first edition of Creator Advice — our new segment where we answer questions from our community, place ourselves in their situations, and work to solve their problems.  (0:00) — Intro (1:30) — The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield (2:45) — The Pathless Path, by Paul Millerd (4:13) — Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott (5:48) — Perennial Seller, by Ryan Holiday (6:32) — Obviously Awesome, by April Dunford (7:11) — Dotcom Secrets, by Russell Brunson (8:18) — $100M Leads, by Alex Hormozi (9:20) — The Art and Business of Online Writing, by Nicolas Cole (10:09) — Free Time, by Jenny Blake (11:23) — Building a Second Brain, by Tiago Forte (14:42) — Creator Advice! Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jul 09
017: The Secret Behind The World's Biggest Online Communities

In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ interviewed Gina Bianchini (Co-founder and CEO of Mighty Networks) and Jordan Mix (Partner at Late Checkout) LIVE in-person for a conversation about community design. How do the most successful community builders do it? What makes their communities thrive without their direct involvement? Those questions & more answered in today's episode! Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jul 02
016: Two Income Streams You're Not Thinking About (with Terry Rice)

How do you create content for your favorite brands and make the big bucks? You already can — but not in the ways you think.  You’re probably leaving money on the table. After today’s episode you’ll ask yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Don’t worry, it’s not too late. Terry Rice, our Director of Growth & Partnerships at HeyCreator, is here to talk through two income streams creators often overlook. (0:00) — Intro (2:20) — What is a brand partnership? (6:19) — How Matt could work with Yeti (10:43) — Brands aren’t always looking for revenue in a partnership (17:17) — Licensing your content? How? (21:46) — How a creator is licensing their Urban Chicken Coop course (25:13) — Terry coaches Matt on licensing HeyCreator (29:04) — How creators can get started with brand partnerships & licensing Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jun 25
015: Build A Life You Don't Need A Vacation From (with Khe Hy)

How do you build a life you don’t need a vacation from? That’s why we become creators, right? To skip the 9-5, work for ourselves, help others, and live our dream? To answer the question, Matt interviewed long-time friend and HeyCreator Summit speaker Khe Hy — the perfect person to answer this question, because he walked away from a $2 million salary on Wall Street for a life of surfing, family, entrepreneurship and creating. As you’ll hear, Khe optimizes his life for ALIVENESS and drops gems throughout this fun & insightful conversation. (0:00) — Intro (1:00) — Pivoting away from what doesn't serve you (4:40) — Optimizing for aliveness (9:49) — Why you need to experiment (17:46) — The death of the follower (27:58) — Everyone wants to be the noun, nobody wants to do the verb (33:23) — How much Khe made on Wall Street vs. becoming a creator Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jun 18
014: If You Want To Sell More Courses In 2024, Do This! (with Billy Broas)

You want to sell more courses. Billy Broas is an expert in course launch marketing.  If you watch today’s episode with Billy, you’ll be able to sell more courses. Therefore, you NEED to watch this episode. Today’s conversation is all about marketing arguments, and how you can use them (like we did above) to write killer copy for your landing pages and use psychology to sell more courses. Matt interviewed Billy for an expert teaching session in the HeyCreator community — and it was so good, we HAD to use it for the show. Let us know what you think! Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jun 11
013: How To Price Your Digital Products & Services

“What should I charge?” Every creator asks this question. Don’t worry, we’ve got you! In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ walk through the Value Ladder framework, discussing how you can scale the same offer up and down the ladder to different price points and levels of involvement. (0:00) — Intro (1:00) — How should we think about pricing? (2:55) — Where to start on the Value Ladder (VIP) (9:50) — Going down the ladder (High) (13:53) — The worst place to be (Mid) (20:03) — Do not price at this number (28:15) — The low-end of the Value Ladder (Impulse + Free) Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Jun 04
012: How Successful Creators Think (With Amanda Goetz)

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ interviews Amanda Goetz (@AmandaMGoetz LIVE and in-person about her role as a fractional CMO, along with how she thinks about her content, community, and creator habits. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (1:14) — Why take a fractional CMO role? (9:49) — Are other creators your competitors? (15:21) — How do you think about community? (20:48) — What are the habits of successful creators? (26:54) — Parenting as a creator (32:09) — The differences between creating and public speaking Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

May 28
011: How To Launch a Profitable Newsletter In 2024 (Step-By-Step Guide)

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ Everything you need to know about launching, writing and growing an email newsletter is in today’s episode. Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ go through the step-by-step process of launching a profitable newsletter. No fluff. From opening up a ConvertKit account through making thousands of dollars per month, each step is outlined below. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (4:10) — How do you set up a landing page? Check out Matt and Tim’s landing pages. (14:05) — How do you incentivize your audience to sign up? (23:36) — The 3 types of email newsletters to write (37:25) — How do you monetize your newsletter? Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

May 21
010: Alexis Teichmiller on Career, Community, and Creator Journey

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Alexis Teichmiller jam on leaving the corporate world to become a creator, along with the move forward into a corporate role again.  Alexis is the Senior Brand Partnerships Manager at Circle — the platform we use to run the HeyCreator Community — so they also discuss different community business models for creators, along with the best ways to create signature gatherings for your audience. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (4:08) — Matt & Alexis working together at ConvertKit (11:59) — Romanticizing the leap from W2 employee to full-time creator (16:18) — From full-time creator to W2 employee (26:07) — Different types of community business models (32:23) — How to create signature gatherings in your community (42:03) — How to set yourself up for sustainability as a creator (48:36) — Where each platform fits in the audience funnel Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

May 14
009: What Creators Get Wrong About Email Newsletters

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ You know you need to be writing an email newsletter. It’s the hot thing to do. But most creators still don’t understand WHY email newsletters are such an incredible channel for your business. There’s so many aspects of a newsletter that creators simply get wrong about their newsletter. Today, we’re going full mythbuster — debunking common misconceptions creators have around sending a newsletter. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (2:53) — The elevator pitch for newsletters (8:42) — What creators underestimate about newsletter perspective (13:28) — A misconception about newsletter replies (17:02) — The math behind a $100k+ product launch using newsletter promotions only (absolute gold here) (27:56) — What you’re getting wrong about launching a newsletter  (31:55) — The biggest issue with newsletter writing “quality” (40:47) — Ranking what’s actually important about newsletters Join the HeyCreator Community Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

May 07
008: Cody & Cole Hock on Running A Creator Business That Does Everything

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ interview Cody (@Cody_Hock & Cole Hock (@UpNorthCole These two brothers manage entertainment creators, but we wanted to talk about Enjoy Basketball — the media and lifestyle company they founded with one of the biggest sports creators on the internet, Kenny Beecham. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (1:45) — About today’s show (2:53) — “Cold emailing is my favorite thing to do.” (10:21) — What goes into a great cold email? (15:38) — Why choose Kenny as the face of Enjoy Basketball? (18:18) — The first channel that made sense for their business (24:29) — How EB pulls almost every lever a creator business can pull (28:29) — Why they partnered with ESPN & Omaha Productions (35:54) — How physical products create serendipity (38:48) — The value of in-person community building for creators Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Apr 30
007: Best Advice for New Creators

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ give out their best advice for new creators. Tim lays out the lessons young creators need to learn in order to grow, while Matt speaks to established professionals looking to become side-hustle creators. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (6:06) — Tim: Can you get past your immediate circle? (12:25) — Matt: Pick one topic, one platform, for one audience (16:40) — Tim: Don’t be an expert or idol when you aren’t (22:43) — Matt: Are you making content for fun, or are you building a business? (27:30) — Tim: Real artists don’t starve (30:51) — Matt: What long-term project can you build alongside your content? Join the HeyCreator Community Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Apr 23
006: Nat Eliason on What It Actually Takes To Be a Creator

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Nat Eliason (@nateliason jam about what it actually takes to be a creator. Topics include Nat’s take on niching down, the main ways creators become replaceable, choosing between money and passion, why consistency alone isn’t enough, and much more. (3:18) — Nat’s article Be Yourself, Not a Niche (7:23) — The #1 way creators fail (16:10) — Nat’s article When the Money’s Just Too Damn Good (25:28) — Do you care enough to make your content great? (32:25) — The illusion that success comes quickly as a creator (40:17) — Balancing ambition, productivity, and parenting Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Apr 16
005: How Creators Can Get Equity In Their Favorite Companies

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ discuss equity for creators — more specifically, how and why creators should think about owning pieces of others’ businesses. Stories include MKBHD’s deal with Ridge, the launch of Authors Equity, Blenders X Coach Prime, Pop Daddy Snacks and more. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (1:45) — Rundown of today’s show (2:40) — MKBHD’s deal with Ridge (10:48) — Authors Equity, backed by Tim Ferriss, James Clear and Louise Penny (16:31) — James Clear’s new app, Atoms (20:41) — The two ways creators can get equity in businesses (21:41) — How John Barchard negotiated a deal to own part of an English soccer club in exchange for content (25:45) — How Pop Daddy Snacks scaled their business by becoming a creator (29:19) — How Blenders landed Deion Sanders to be their flagship “creator” (36:33) — The creator skills you have are enough to own someone else’s business Join the HeyCreator Community Use Automatic Evergreen to send profitable newsletters on autopilot

Apr 09
004: We Didn't Want To Record This Episode

The HeyCreator Show is presented by Riverside — get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ push through initial feelings of not wanting to record. The conversation evolves into how creators can make the most of their limited time — both in what they spend their time on and the quality of what they create. (0:00) — Presented by Riverside (1:43) — Rundown of today’s show (2:45) — Doing the work when you don’t feel like it (7:45) — Managing capacity when you have limited time to create (20:11) — Managing quality when you have limited time to create (26:48) — How consistent writers can succeed on YouTube with little time (30:32) — Are you prioritizing production value quality or message quality? (36:45) — The middle is not where you want to be Join the HeyCreator Community Send a profitable newsletter on autopilot with Automatic Evergreen

Apr 02
003: The Real Reason To Niche Down + Justin Welsh on Building Your Creator Business

The HeyCreator Show is presented by — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ talk about the value of niching down as a creator and what it can do for your business.  After, we’re sharing the highlights from Justin Welsh’s (@thejustinwelsh session at the HeyCreator Summit. Justin dives deep on why creators need to focus on outcomes, being unique, and defining their voice. (0:00) — Presented by (1:43) — Rundown of today’s show (4:39) — Become someone other people recommend (10:10) — Being specific allows you to be broad (19:30) — Justin Welsh from HeyCreator Summit 2024 Join the HeyCreator Community Send a profitable newsletter on autopilot with Automatic Evergreen

Mar 26
002: Common Ways Creators Overthink, Mount Rushmore of Influential Content

The HeyCreator Show is presented by — get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠ In today’s episode of The HeyCreator Show, Matt Ragland (⁠@mattragland⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠@timforkindotcom⁠ center in on the common ways creators overthink their work — highlighting a clip from Darrell Vesterfelt (@dvest in which he talked about the importance of picking one niche to build your content and business around. After, Matt & Tim reveal their Mount Rushmore of Content That Inspired Us — the books, movies, frameworks and pieces of content that has resonated on their creator journey. (0:00) — Presented by (3:40) — Darrell Vesterfelt on picking a focused niche for your creator business (9:10) — Common ways creators overthink their work (32:40) — Mount Rushmore of Content That Inspired Us Join the HeyCreator Community Make more from your newsletter with Automatic Evergreen

1h 1m
Mar 19
001: Starting Something New, Mount Rushmore of Creators Who Inspired Us

The HeyCreator Show is presented by — ⁠get 15% off a new subscription by using code HEYCREATOR at checkout.⁠⁠ In the first official episode of the HeyCreator show, Matt Ragland (⁠⁠@mattragland⁠⁠ and Tim Forkin (⁠⁠@timforkindotcom⁠⁠ talk about facing the challenges of starting a new creative project. Then, the team goes deep into their past, revealing their Mount Rushmore of Creators Who Inspired Us. (0:00) — Presented by (1:45) — Rundown of today’s show (2:26) — Starting something new as a creator (10:22) — Why reps are so important early in a creative project (17:35) — Mount Rushmore of Creators Who Inspired Us ⁠Join the HeyCreator Community⁠ ⁠Make more from your content with Automatic Evergreen⁠

1h 5m
Mar 19
Welcome to the HeyCreator Show!

On this week’s episode, Tim Stoddart (⁠@timstodz⁠) talks about the changes coming to The Copyblogger Podcast and introduces Matt Ragland (@mattragland and Tim Forkin (@timforkindotcom as the new hosts of the HeyCreator show. The group discuss the change, touch base on upcoming creator trends, and paint a picture for how the show will sound moving forward. 00:00 — Intro 00:41 — Tim & Matt talk about the show changes 11:21 — Upcoming creator trends we're seeing 15:56 — Separating personal brand and business 22:58 — What will the HeyCreator show be?

Mar 12
Tim Stoddart & Ethan Brooks: The Most Influential Writer You’ve Never Heard Of

On this week’s episode, Tim Stoddart (⁠@timstodz⁠ and Ethan Brooks (⁠@damn_ethan⁠ talk about John Milius, the writer behind many of the most famous action movies of our generation. They explore the ideas of fame, cancel culture, and writing for the masses. COOL STUFF MENTIONED IN THE SHOW __ __ YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO GROW & MONETIZE YOUR 𝕏 (TWITTER) AUDIENCE. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠GIVE HYPEFURY A TRY AND GROW YOUR PERSONAL BRAND.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is the exact tool I used to build my brand to almost 100,000 followers and 20,000 newsletter subscribers. LEARN HOW TO GET MORE TRAFFIC, MORE LEADS, AND MORE HIGH PAYING CLIENTS. Listeners of this podcast get $50 off their yearly membership to Copyblogger Academy. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Click the link and start seeing success in as little as 30 days!

Mar 05
Tim Stoddart & Ethan Brooks: How to Build an Email List Without Paid Marketing

On this week's throwback episode, ⁠@timstodz⁠ and ⁠@damn_ethan⁠ talk about an interesting Twitter thread that was written and published by ⁠Alex Garcia⁠ Both Tim and Ethan had some really interesting insights to this thread, and they added as much value as possible to teach you how to build an email list and grow your audience without breaking the bank. YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO GROW & MONETIZE YOUR 𝕏 (TWITTER) AUDIENCE. ⁠⁠⁠⁠GIVE HYPEFURY A TRY AND GROW YOUR PERSONAL BRAND.⁠⁠⁠⁠ This is the exact tool I used to build my brand to almost 100,000 followers and 20,000 newsletter subscribers. LEARN HOW TO GET MORE TRAFFIC, MORE LEADS, AND MORE HIGH PAYING CLIENTS. Listeners of this podcast get $50 off their yearly membership to Copyblogger Academy. ⁠⁠⁠⁠Click the link and start seeing success in as little as 30 days!

Feb 27
Ryan Carr: How to Work Smarter with the Content You Create

On this week’s throwback episode, Ethan Brooks (@damn_ethan) talks to growth marketer, Ryan Carr (@ryan_boat). They discuss their work at HubSpot and The Hustle. Ryan also speaks about ad creative, sales letters, and content distribution. YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO GROW & MONETIZE YOUR 𝕏 (TWITTER) AUDIENCE. ⁠⁠⁠GIVE HYPEFURY A TRY AND GROW YOUR PERSONAL BRAND.⁠⁠⁠ This is the exact tool I used to build my brand to almost 100,000 followers and 20,000 newsletter subscribers. LEARN HOW TO GET MORE TRAFFIC, MORE LEADS, AND MORE HIGH PAYING CLIENTS. Listeners of this podcast get $50 off their yearly membership to Copyblogger Academy. ⁠⁠⁠Click the link and start seeing success in as little as 30 days!

Feb 20