The term “Advent” means coming, arrival or appearing. During the Advent season Christians all over the world reflect back on the first advent of Jesus and look forward with anticipation to the second Advent of Jesus. Join Pastor Jim as he explores how the four gospel accounts give us the most credible account of the first Advent of Jesus, describing with eyewitness detail who the real Jesus of history was, revealing the reasons Christ came to earth, and showing us the practical differences trusting Christ can really make in our lives.
The term “Advent” means coming, arrival or appearing. During the Advent season Christians all over the world reflect back on the first advent of Jesus and look forward with anticipation to the second Advent of Jesus. Join Pastor Jim as he explores how the four gospel accounts give us the most credible account of the first Advent of Jesus, describing with eyewitness detail who Jesus really was, revealing the reasons Christ came to earth, and showing us the practical differences trusting Christ can really make in our lives.
The term “Advent” means coming, arrival or appearing. During the Advent season Christians all over the world reflect back on the first advent of Jesus and look forward with anticipation to the second Advent of Jesus. Join Pastor Jim as he explores how the four gospel accounts give us the most credible account of the first Advent of Jesus, describing with eyewitness detail who Jesus really was, revealing the reasons Christ came to earth, and showing us the practical differences trusting Christ can really make in our lives.
Psalm 98 inspired Isaac Watts to write one of the most well known and loved Christmas carols, Joy to the World. How does a 3,000 year old song like Psalm 98 speak to the deepest human needs? How do the hope and promises of Psalm 98 find their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ? Join Pastor Jim for a study of this ancient but timeless song that stirs us to hope and summons us to sing, to shout and even roar once in awhile!
Psalm 6 is counted among the 7 great penitential psalms of the early Christian church (the others were Psalms 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and143). It was the practice of the ancient Christians to sing and read these psalms on Ash Wednesday as part of their penance for sin. But Psalm 6 is also a passionate and personal lament. How does God respond to our tears? In what ways does God understand the deep anguish of soul we sometimes go through? Join Pastor Jim for this comforting and reassuring study on the steadfast love of God on brilliant display in Psalm 6.
Psalm 39 is another song of lament. Once again the songwriter, David, expresses honesty, humility, and faith but this all in the context of great perplexity, fears, frustration, sorrow and confusion. I believe we have all experienced similar combinations of feelings at various times in our lives. What does Psalm 39 teach us about how we might approach God during those seasons of great struggle? Can we really be THAT honest with God? Join Pastor Jim for a look a look at this reassuring ancient song of Israel and how God uses it to remind us of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
In Psalm 108 we find portions of familiar lyrics from two other psalms, Psalms 57 and 60. The context for all three psalms seems to have been a season of stress, uncertainty, and imminent conflict with others. But still, Psalm 108 opens and closes with praise to God and bold confidence in God’s power to, and intention to save His people. Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks the reassuring hope and promise of this ancient song written by King David and sung by God’s people.
What happens to the soul that turns to and approaches God? Does God welcome us? Does the Bible really teach that we can come as we are? If so, what does this say about the God of the Bible? And what are God’s intentions with us after we turn to Him? Join Pastor Jim for this hope-filled and awe-inspiring look at one of the most effusive Thanksgiving Psalms we find in the Bible, Psalm 65.
Psalm 75 is a song of thanksgiving. It opens and closes with exuberant praise to God for the nearness of His presence. How do the people of God experience the presence of God? In what ways does the presence of God satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart? Join Pastor Jim for the study of this expressive and passionate ancient song and the timeless truths it holds for us today.
Psalm 44 is one of the first communal laments found in the second section of the ancient psalter. Here we find a rehearsal of God’s unfolding plan for redemption history among His people. This is followed by an honest expression of bewilderment about God’s apparent absence among His people. They had not abandoned or forsaken God but it seems as if God had forgotten them. If we have similar experiences in our walk with God, Psalm 44 offers us an encouraging sort of honesty and a model prayer for responding and appealing to God during such times. Join Pastor Jim for this inspiring and hopeful message from Psalm 44.
David began Psalm 13 sighing but ends it singing the song of God’s salvation. David began Psalm 13 in anguish but ends it with hope-filled assurance. He began Psalm 13 with worry but ends it worshiping. What made the difference for David and can it make a difference for us? Join Pastor Jim for a study of this ancient song that is refreshingly honest and inspiringly hopeful as it points us to the steadfast and faithful covenant love of our redeeming God.
Join Pastor Jim as he begins another 12 week teaching segment through selected Psalms. He begins this study with a introduction to the Psalms and then takes a look at Psalm 4. If this ancient song had a modern title it might be “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.” In a world full of stress, conflict, discouragement and despair, is it possible to even get one good night’s sleep? Psalm 4 just might have some answers!
What kind of life is it that we find when we answer the call to follow Jesus Christ as His disciples? As we close out our study of the Gospel of John, Jesus presents to his disciples, and specifically to Peter, a series of questions, commands and promises. Join Pastor Jim as he takes a look at what the apostle John thought would be the appropriate focus for the closing thoughts of his record of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
After His resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared multiple times to diverse individuals and a variety of different groups of people who recognized Him and thereafter, became eyewitnesses to the vindication of the claims of Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God. How does this fit in with the overall theme of the book we call John’s Gospel? What is the significance and impact for those who place their faith in Jesus in our own time? Join Pastor Jim as he looks at the story of the person who has come to be known as “Doubting Thomas,” when the risen Christ appeared to him, along with the other disciples.
The most famous life in history is also the most famous death . Collectively referred to as the Passion, Jesus' suffering and substitutionary death by crucifixion are two central events in redemption history, especially as they relate to the Biblical teachings on atonement and salvation. Join Pastor Jim as he walks us through the crucifixion of Christ, its historicity and eternal significance for all who believe.
Before His crucifixion Jesus endured difficult trials before the religious leaders and Roman government officials of His time. What crime was Jesus accused of? Why did Jesus allow Himself to go through this amount of suffering? What does it all mean to us in our own day and time? Join Pastor Jim for a look at what the Bible teaches about the Passion of Christ leading up to His crucifixion and the glorious Gospel of grace that drove Christ to the Cross.
The story of Peter’s denial of Christ is recorded in all four gospels. I’m not sure how most of us would feel about having our worst moment documented indelibly in the best selling book of all time for everyone to read. At the same time, this story tells us something very important about someone else. It reveals what kind of a Savior Jesus is and we’ve got it on pretty good authority that after all the dust had settled, Peter was more than ok with that. Join me for this grace-filled study of the failure of one of Jesus’ closest disciples and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of John was written so that we might believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that in believing we might have life (20:30-31). In John 18 we find Jesus and his disciples in a garden, a garden that will be the setting for betrayal and arrest. However, John is clear that Jesus is the one with power and authority, not his betrayer Judas and not the Roman cohort seeking to arrest him. Christ is in charge and he willingly gives himself up so that he might drink the cup the Father has given him. Join us as we study this extraordinary event that marks a turning point is John’s gospel.
Have you ever noticed how you can learn a lot about someone when you hear them pray? In John 17 we have a record of what has been called the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. What was important enough to make it into this prayer of Jesus Christ? And as His followers, what does this prayer tell us about what Jesus desires for us as individuals and for all of us as the body of Christ, the church? Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks the riches of grace found in this prayer of Jesus.
If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? Many people would probably ask Him about the role of pain, evil and suffering in this world. Just what did Jesus say about such things? Join Pastor Jim as he explores some of the astonishing things Jesus said about sorrow, perplexity, and tribulation, and some of the reassuring promises Jesus made for those who place their trust in Him.
What did Jesus teach His disciples about the Holy Spirit? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer? Why is this such great news for those of us who follow Christ in our own day and time? Join Pastor Jim as he helps us understand the often misunderstood third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean to be an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ? How do we actually live in union with Christ? Can living as a Christian in this broken world really change anything at all? Join Pastor Jim for this look at what Jesus taught about faithful and true discipleship and how it affects our relationships with God, with others and even the way we view our own identity.
Jesus made some very bold claims about who He was and is. Among them Jesus claimed to be the True Vine and said that we are all branches. What did Jesus mean by this and what does it mean for us to “abide” in Christ? How does abiding in Christ impact our spiritual fruitfulness? Join Pastor Jim as he helps us explore the metaphor to unpack precisely what Jesus meant by these beautiful comparisons.
If the Bible never mentions the Trinity, why do Christians believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? What is the connection between faith, love and obedience in our relationship with God? In what ways does experiencing God’s presence affect our growth and progress in the spiritual life? Join Pastor Jim for this inspiring and insightful study of Jesus’ teachings from what is typically called the Last Supper, delivered in the Upper Room.
The last half of John 13 is layered with intrigue, betrayal, love, hope and glory. It features the stories of Judas, Peter and John in the context of their relationships with none other than Jesus himself. How are each of us meant to identify with the principle characters in the unfolding drama of redemption in this text? Join Pastor Jim as he helps us see the glorious gospel of God’s grace through Christ recorded in the eyewitness account of John 13.