
Kelcy Valletta


It’s time to be unreazonable! Unreazon is a weekly podcast on a mission to help you ditch the reasons why you feel you’re not enough, the reasons why you feel like you can’t be who you want to be, and the reasons why you’ve been limiting yourself in life. It’d time to remember who the f*%k you are!

Every week, Kelcy brings you exercises, tools, and real AF conversations to help you unreazon your life so you can reclaim your power and step into your authentic confidence. Learn from special guests, candid heart-to-hearts, and your number one hype girl. 

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219 episodes

Main Character Moment: do it for your future self

are you making decisions based on who you are right now or based on who you are trying to become? in this episode I explain why its important to start making decisions from the lease of your future self. what will they think? what will they need? what will they regret? there is no movie without a character arc and there is no life without personal growth. take control of this main character moment! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Apr 01
unreazoning Megan Fox on the Call Her Daddy podcast

to know me is to know that I am a Megan Fox fan/lover/stan/cheerleader through and through. so as expected, I FREAKED when she went on the Call Her Daddy podcast with Alex Cooper. while listening, I couldnt help but notice how many of their talking points aligned with the unreazon podcast. in this episode, I recap some of my favorite topics that Megan and Alex discussed during their conversation and how Megan has mastered "not giving a fuck what anything thinks." if you struggle with being yourself because youre worried what other people might think, both of these podcast episodes are for you! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 27
Main Character Moment: be consistent!!!

I recently found out that the unreazon podcast is in the top 2% of ALL podcasts!!! I am so mind-blown and extremely grateful. this episode is dedicated to one of the two things that helped me get here: consistency! the other one is you! if you have a hard time staying consistent, this episode is for you. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 25
unreazoning asking for what you want!

a lot of us have a hard time asking for what we want. in this episode, I explain WHY its hard, why our childhood influenced us, and how you need to change your mindset now that you are an adult. if you dont ask the answer is always NO. its time to start asking for what you want in every area of your life! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 20
Main Character Moment: it's you vs. you

the only person you should ever be competing with is yourself. we all know this but sometimes its easier said than done. in this episode, I break down HOW you can stop competing with other people and reframe your mindset to become even prouder of the person you are. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 18
Main Character Moment: take your PTO!!!

I dont care if youre self employed or work a corporate job, you need to take your paid time off! sick days, personal days, vacation days, etc. in this episode, I explain why taking "paid" time off allows you to show up as a better version of you in every area of your life. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 11
Main Character Moment: how you feel about yourself is reflected in everything you do

how you feel about yourself is reflected in everything you do. your family, your career, your friendships, all of it. that is why having a self love practice actually matters. you deserve to be the best version of yourself. the one you always envision stepping into.  connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mar 04
unreazoning why I say "I'm just a girl"

this simple four letter phrase has me in a chokehold.... at first I was offended, then I was poking fun, and now I am truly inspired. in this episode, I talk about how the phrase "Im just a girl" has left me feeling more empowered and free than ever. get ready for me to NEVER stop saying it! if youre confused or turned off by the phrase, listen to what I have to share and maybe ill change your perspective? connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 28
Main Character Moment: plan something to look forward to every month

life can be monotonous, but that doesnt mean YOUR life has to be. I believe in order to live a FULL life that you are excited about, you need to plan for it. the experiences of your dreams arent just going to fall in your lap. in this episode, I talk about how you can (and why you should!!!) plan at least one thing every single month that you have to look forward to that leaves you excited to get out of bed in the morning. its what a main character would do. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 26
unreazoning why I am single

its the one question I get time and time again... why am I single? I cant even believe that I recorded an episode about this, but here we are. lets unreazon why I am single, because it is a choice! I talk about my beliefs, what Im looking for in a partner, and why I wont give up being single so easily.... connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 21
Main Character Moment: you are sexy just as you are right now!!!

this episode is an homage to the origin of the podcast. finding youre SEXY. in order to remember who the fuck you actually are and live as the main character of your own life, you MUST be reminded of how sexy you actually are just as you are still not feeling sexy? in this episode, I give you one thing to focus on this week to help you feel a little sexier.  connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 19
unreazoning doing things alone

chances are, you either love or absolutely fear doing things alone. I get it... doing things by yourself can be really intimidating. but, learning how to get comfortable with doing things alone is actually very important in order to build your confidence and get to know yourself on a deeper level. whether you are single, married, or in a relationship... every one should have the opportunity to experience doing things alone. lets talk about what you can do, how you can do it, and why it will help you! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 14
Main Character Moment: you're doing better than you think you are

I know it may be hard to believe, but I PROMISE youre doing better than you think you are. we are our toughest critics, and sometimes we need a reminder (of who the fuck we really are!) and of just how well we are actually doing in life. if youve been feeling like youre behind or not as "far" as you thought youd be by now... this episode is for you! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 12
unreazoning manifestation

I cant scroll on social media nowadays without seeing at least three videos talking about manifestation. It seems like the hot topic right now and I think its time we break it down. In this episode, I unreazon manifestation I share what I REALLY think the woo-woo practice is all about. Its time you start giving yourself more credit for the things that you make happen in your life. Do you agree with my take? I want to know! Message me on Instagram @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 07
Main Character Moment: show up for yourself, especially when it feels hard

Todays Main Character Moment episode is brought to you by: reminding you that you deserve to show up for yourself!!! Lately, I personally havent been feeling very motivated or inspired which has lead to me wanting to slack on my daily self care and self love routines. But if there is one thing I have learned that is SO IMPORTANT... it is to NEVER stop showing up for yourself. If you struggle with consistently showing up for yourself, this episode is for you 💗 connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Feb 05
unreazoning women's restroom energy

something magical happens when you step inside a womens restroom. there is an energy shift where every woman becomes your bestie and you would do anything for each other. in this episode, I explore what really happens behind the closed doors of the womens restroom and why we have such a hard time taking that energy with us out into the *real world* because I truly believe that womens restroom energy could be the solution to world peace. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 31
Main Character Moment: it's not your job to change people's opinion of you

its not your job to change peoples opinion of you and its none of your business what anyone thinks of you. two truths that are hard for so many of us to accept... especially if you are a people pleaser!!! in this episode, I talk through how you can begin to reframe these urges and mindset shifts you can make to release the need for others to like you. I know its hard, but I promise you can get there! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 29
unreazoning your emotions as a woman on your period

youre either going to relate to this episode, or youre not. the girls who get it, get it. every single month I find myself going through the same emotional spiral cycle, and every single month I have to remind myself that there is nothing wrong with me... its just my hormones. lets talk about what it feels like and some things you can do to help regulate yourself. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 24
Main Character Moment: why you should fake it 'til you make it

usually, I would never condone faking ANYTHING! but as you know, there are always exceptions to every rule. when it comes to your confidence, I want you to always fake it til you make it! lets talk about it! in this episode, I explain why faking it is actually beneficial. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 22
unreazoning the Pura Vida life

I just got back from Costa Rica and am sharing everything I learned from spending time in the land of Pura Vida. Its not a coincidence that I got to experience this culture around the same time that I have been feeling a need to slow down. I am officially in my *soft girl era* or as I am now calling it... my Pura Vida season. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 17
Main Character Moment: stop worrying about what everyone else is doing

Its that time of the year when you might start comparing your "new year" progress to what other people are doing and how they are doing it. I dont care what the trendy or common thing is to do in the new year... if its not right for you, then its not right for you! In this episode, I share what you can focus on instead. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 15
new year, next version of you

forget the new year, new you bullshit. I think youre pretty damn amazing as you are already! in this episode, I explain why we all should shift our focus from "new year, new me," to "new year, next version of me" instead. I also share questions you can ask to get super clear on who that next version of you is and how they need to show up in order to accomplish all those big goals you set! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 08
Main Character Moment: Goals for 2024

happy new year! I am sharing my goals for 2024, except its not what you probably think.... there is a time and place for big goals and resolutions, but something tells me that you might want to adopt something from my 2024 goal list.... connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Jan 01
who do you want to be in 2024?

I dont believe in "new year, new you." I think youre pretty damn special just the way you are. but I do believe in constantly growing and striving to evolve into the next version of ourselves. in this episode, I talk you through an exercise that you can do this week to help you visualize exactly who you want to be as you step into the new year. you have the power to change your life at any time, but the new year seems like a great opportunity to start! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 27, 2023
Main Character Moment: Merry Christmas! it's time to burn all your "reazons" why

this episode is the seventh in our 8-week series to finish out the year! over the last 8 weeks, we have been talking about how to step into your authentic confidence as you enter 2024. in this episode, we are burning all the "reazons" why you ever felt like you couldnt be who you wanted to be in the first place. this episode is the perfect way to round out this series as we step into the new year. you deserve to burn all your reazons! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 25, 2023
practice self love by using your love language on yourself!

what does it mean to "practice" self love? most people want to truly love themselves but they simply dont know how. the easiest way to begin an *effective* self love practice is to use your love language on yourself! not sure what your love language is? dont worry- I break it down and help you figure it out in this episode. I also give you examples of how you can practice self love depending on what your love language is. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 20, 2023
Main Character Moment: set boundaries with people who don’t support your growth

this episode is the seventh in our 8-week series to finish out the year! over the next 8 weeks, we will be talking about how to step into your authentic confidence as you enter 2024. in this episode, I talk about why its so crucial to learn how to set boundaries and help you figure out what boundaries you need to set, and with who. you got this!!! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 18, 2023
unreazoning why it's so hard to ask for help?

why the hell is asking for help or support so difficult? for so many people, the act of asking for help directly contradicts with their instinct of wanting to please other people. it can feel like you are being a burden, annoying other people, or even admitting that you are "weak." in this episode, we are unreazoning why it is so hard to ask for help and discovering ways that we can break those old limiting beliefs. connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 13, 2023
Main Character Moment: practice daily MIRROR TALK!

this episode is the sixth in our 8-week series to finish out the year! over the next 8 weeks, we will be talking about how to step into your authentic confidence as you enter 2024. in this episode, I explain the importance and impact of a mirror talk practice. What is mirror talk? How do you do it? And why does it work? I break it all down for you and set you up with a simple routine that you can actually stick to! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 11, 2023
how to set boundaries this holiday season (because you deserve to!)

tis the season for pleasing everybody else! but making others happy during the holiday season shouldnt mean compromising your boundaries and making yourself miserable in return. you shouldnt have to answer any inappropriate questions and you deserve to stand firm in your boundaries. in this episode, I will walk you through different ways to do just that! connect with Kelcy: www.unreazon.com https://kelcyvalletta.com/ Instagram: @kelcyvalletta https://www.instagram.com/kelcyvalletta/ @unreazonco https://instagram.com/unreazonco?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Dec 06, 2023