Had the honor once again to exhort at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg, NJ from Mark 1:14-15 on Resurrection Sunday. Here we read of Jesus begin His ministry calling people to repent and believe the Gospel because the Kingdom of God was near. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org River Of Life https://www.facebook.com/RiverOfLifePresbyterianChurch/
Continuing to march through the Gospel of Mark at River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. Here is an exhortation on Mark 1:12-13. See how the second Adam succeeds where the first Adam failed. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org
Here is the next exhortation in the series through the Gospel according to Mark at River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. It is the baptism of Jesus. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org
Once again, I had the honor to exhort in the pulpit at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. In this passage we meet John the Baptist, or Baptizer. We see that he was foretold of in the Old Testament and his ministry was to prepare the way for Jesus. He preached repentance and administered a baptism of repentance. *I add a clarification before the exhortation to clear up something I say about Christians being baptized. I hope you listen to that and know my intention on what I do say in the exhortation. I will be clearing it up with the congregation upon my next time there. I pray this will be an encouragement and blessing.
This exhortation is the first of several that will follow in the Gospel According to Mark. I will be going through this Gospel account at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. Join us as we seek to see Jesus in the Scriptures. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org
Once again had the privilege to exhort at River of Life in Phillipsburg NJ. You can trust God with all of your heart because you're in His hands. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org
I had the honor to exhort God's word from Genesis 3 at River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. I hope this message blesses you as we hear about not only the reason for the season being Jesus, but the reason for Jesus.
Had the honor and blessing to exhort the word of God at Faith OPC in Elmer, NJ. I hope this blesses you. If you would like, please prayerfully consider helping me cover tuition costs for the fall semester. Click the link below. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com Christian Podcast Community https://podcasts.strivingforeternity.org/ Faith OPC https://www.faithopchurch.org/
Had the great honor once again to exhort the word at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. I hope this blesses you. River of Life https://www.riveroflifeopc.org/ Christian Podcast Community https://podcasts.strivingforeternity.org/ If you would like to help me in my seminary training http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
I had the honor to exhort at my church in the Lord's Day evening service. I pray this blesses you. If you would like to help my seminary education, please click the link below. I hope to start doing more podcast episodes again. Please keep me in prayer. Thank you! Grace OPC Hamilton NJ https://www.grace-presbyterian.net/ Help my seminary education. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Here is the third part of a short series through John 3 I exhorted at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg, NJ. River Of Life https://www.riveroflifeopc.org/ Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1
Part 2 of a series through John 3 at River of Life OPC. River of Life OPC https://www.riveroflifeopc.org/ Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 Help support my seminary training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
I have the honor to be in the pulpit at River Of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ for the next three Lord's days. I am doing a short series through John 3. Here is the first exhortation on John 3:1-15. May this bless you! River Of Life OPC https://www.riveroflifeopc.org/ Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 If you would like to support my seminary training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Had the honor and privilege to exhort at Immanuel OPC in West Collingswood, NJ. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Help support my seminary training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Here is a sermon preached buy my good brother Mark Popovitch. It is from 1 Peter 2:4-10. May this bless you! Christian Podcast Community http://www.christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @whaareweevenD1 @mark_popovitch Help support my seminary training http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Last semester at Westminster Philly Online I had the pleasure of having Dr Nate Shannon for AP-101. He is a brilliant man (not just saying that for a grade since he already graded me). You will be blessed by his knowledge about Christian Apologetics and his encouragement to Christians to love God and love our neighbor. There is also an upcoming Apologetics conference on the campus or Westminster and I will have the links below. Apologetics Conference https://www.eventbrite.com/e/van-til-and-the-future-of-reformed-apologetics-tickets-380436163807?aff=ebdssbcategorybrowse Dr Shannon's writings https://wts.academia.edu/NathanShannon Westminster Seminary Philadelphia https://www.wts.edu/ Help support my theological training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhaAreWeEvenD1 Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org
I had the honor to exhort John 1:29 at Grace OPC in Pennsville, NJ. I pray this blesses you. Grace OPC http://www.graceopchurch.com/ Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org If you would like to contribute to my seminary training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Thank you all! Help Support Seminary Training http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Conversations With Two Unbelievers: A Brief Summary Peter writes about giving a defense of our faith in 1 Peter 3:15. “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” For this project I had an opportunity to discuss what I believe and why I believe it with two different unbelievers. The goal was to stand on the truth of God’s word while honoring Christ as holy as Peter writes. However, my main goal was not only to defend what I believe and expose the unbeliever’s world view as untenable, but also to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The two unbeliever I spoke with had different world view from that of myself as well as from each other. One is a very skeptical person who claims to reject the Bible because it was written by men. He also claims to believe “science.” The other is more of an agnostic who claims things are too big for us to know, yet he believes there is someone who made the world and has a sense of spirituality. Justin My first discussion was with Justin. I do not know him very well and we only had a few discussions previously on Facebook. My family knows his wife from a church we used to attend together. In the conversation you will hear Justin make claims about science being true and how the bible is not because he believes it is just a book of the thoughts of man. Justin also explains that he hopes there is something after we die but he claims we do not know. One other important thing to know about Justin is that he is a vegan. He is enthusiastic about how mankind treats and mistreat animals. He is sort of a vegan apologist as he was trying to persuade me in the way of veganism. As you listen to this conversation you will notice, at least in his presentation, that Justin really has not fully thought out what he believes. I tried my best to stay on target with him but there were a few times we went down rabbit holes. What I wanted to show him was the inconstancies in his world while pointing out to him that he knows God because he is made in His image. For example, Justin believes people should be good. I asked him by what standard should we be good? Not much was given from him in the way of an answer. Shail The second conversation was with Shail. I met Shail back in 2004 when I was his high school music teacher. We reconnected later in life bonding over New York Mets baseball. Shail was raised in what seems to be a nominal Hindu family. He does not really follow Hindu teaching but does celebrate some Hindu holidays. When he told me this it reminded me of those who claim to be Christian but only attend church on Christmas and Easter. As you listen to this conversation you will hear a very different world view from that of Justin. Shail believes there has to be something outside of mankind that created the world. He has a belief about the after life concerning the “energy” of people returning into the universe. Overall, Shail says some good things, but his foundation is shaky. He is not standing on the Rock of Christ. Conclusion In both conversations there were things I wanted to address but I had limited time. In the short time I desired to listen more and expose their inconsistencies when I could while getting to the Gospel as much as possible. I know there were points that I missed and times I may have gone off on tangents away from the covenantal approach, but I wanted to keep the conversation flowing. Most importantly, I wanted to point both these men to Christ, the true reason I believe what I believe. A point that came up in both conversations was morality. If both men believe there are things humans should and should not do to other human beings it exposes that they are made in the image of God. Being made in God’s image they are in covenant with Him. As Dr Oliphint puts it in his book Covenantal Apologetics,
Once again had to opportunity to worship with the saints at Faith Bible OPC in Brick NJ. I was honored to exhort this sermon in the evening service. May it bless and encourage you. Faith Bible OPC https://www.faithbibleopc.org/contact-us Help me train for the ministry http://dupdike.wtstuition.com Twitter @DarylUpdike @Whatare weevenD1
In this episode I read from a short paper I wrote for my Doctrine of God class last semester. In the beginning of the course, I had to come up with a question about God that we would hear from a member of a congregation. I picked this question that you will hear because it is so often asked. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 Partner with me and help support my seminary costs. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Are you ashamed of the gospel? Do you share this good news with friends, family, neighbors, and strangers? What stops you? What stops me? Fear of man? Love of self? We need not be ashamed. We have the words of eternal life. Let us not be ashamed to share the finished work of Jesus Christ for sinners. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 Would you like to help with my seminary training? http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Recently someone asked why I make videos saying, "Christians, sleep well tonight," and I don't tell people of other faiths to sleep well. On this episode I answer the question. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org The Episode with some responsible teens. https://podcasts.strivingforeternity.org/programs/what-are-we-even-doing-here/wawe88/ Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 If you would like to help me with seminary http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
Here is a sermon on Exodus 6:1-13 that I exhorted at Faith OPC in Elmer,NJ. I know I posted a sermon on this text a few weeks ago but this one has some changes. I was encouraged to make some changes by my preaching professor after I preached this for class. If you listened to the original, see if you can find the changes. Faith OPC Elmer, NJ https://www.faithopchurch.org/location-and-directions Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @whatareweevenD1 @DarylUpdike
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanse us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:5-10 Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 If you would like to help support my seminary training http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
I recently had the honor of exhorting Exodus 6:1-13 at River of Life OPC in Philippisburg, NJ. I hope this will bless you and you will look to the LORD and His name and promise can be trusted. River of Life OPC https://www.riveroflifeopc.org/ Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 If you would like to support my seminary training at Westminsterhttp://dupdike.wtstuition.com/
Here is a special episode sharing a sermon on 1 Kings 16:29-17:1. This is a much needed message in our current times. I pray it blesses you as it did me. Let Mark know how it blessed you on his twitter. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter: @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 @mark_popovitch If you would like to support my seminary training at Westminster http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
On this short episode I discuss a few things that I have been learning in my Doctrine of God class about the Trinity. What an amazing God we serve. We should learn, discuss, and think more of the Triune God. Christians Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Help Support my Seminary Training http://dupdike.wtstuition.com Twitter @WhatAreWeEvenD1 @DarylUpdike
On this short episode I briefly talk about how much sin messes with our minds. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @DarylUpdike @WhatAreWeEvenD1 Help support my seminary training. http://dupdike.wtstuition.com
On this episode I talk with my brother in Christ, Mark Popovitch. Mark recently graduated from Knox Theological Seminary with an M. Div and I am just starting seminary. We talk about the benefits of having theological training. We also discuss some other interesting things about Mark like that he was a professional umpire and an actor. I pray you are blessed by this episode and encourage to begin your theological training. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcastcommunity.org Twitter @mark_popovitch @DarylUpdike @whatareweevenD1