Wrestling Mindset

Wrestling Mindset


Welcome to the Wrestling Mindset podcast, hosted by the nation's leading authority on wrestling specific mindset training. On this podcast you'll find a mix of interviews with Mindset Mike & company, keynote speeches and mindset training with Co-Founders Gene and Jeff Zannetti. Visit our website to learn more at https://www.wrestlingmindset.com/

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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361 episodes

Legends of the Mat: Jeff Buxton and Ernie Monaco Share Timeless Wisdom

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with two legends of the sport Jeff Buxton is the head coach of the SKWC RTC, Team USA Mens Freestyle Coach, and owner/coach at Buxton Athletic Training Center. Previously he was the head coach of the Lehigh Valley Wrestling Club and built the nation's powerhouse program Blair Academy. Ernie Monaco is the founder and owner of the Edge School of Wrestling, the first amateur wrestling school in the United States. He was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2022 and has coached some of the best wrestlers in America over the past 40 years. Edge Wrestling: Website- https://www.edgewrestling.com/ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUpHMFJtWTZWS1VVX1FXUy15OXJMMDl5MDVZZ3xBQ3Jtc0trbXcwenROd29YY3hxRk9FSUNFQnJrdTUxeUFZSllieEJOZE42RUdvOWdZVG93bEVyRXdRa3pfa091X19YYm1NV3FxMGZ2VWlyRHRUaXcwN2ZLZ1V0aHFRT2hvNUI3dFNBdjN2c19uMXFIQmNxWkRpbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edgewrestling.com%2F&v=mEiYJVMrTTw Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EdgeWrestlin... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWtKSDlBbk5CZWRTb2ZteHE5ZEN2UWNEQVhJQXxBQ3Jtc0tsVkpIa3kwZmNVeHRKWUpEeWhNN3gtcXAzaVNwRk1EcmlFNm9NcHRoUEJDWFdWWUkydmdHcUJFQmJyZEtzeHpSWDhBd21ySms4Q2tZNC15VzlGN2FHc3NDN2FsLWZWc2l4VXpva0xDM2hZbVJSRHZraw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FEdgeWrestlingSchool%2FTwitter-&v=mEiYJVMrTTw https://twitter.com/EdgeWrestlingInst... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUdjWk9JdWRfaV9YcHl1OGhxd0FJT3VsM0NVUXxBQ3Jtc0trSmdHTGJpSThYZFhYa1Jnejk0cjNaRE56Nk1hTWI2WjRtRnhHR0dPQ1VmMG93Vm5nX1VJd3l1TGtNTW9RSW0wRkpLbVE0WlBfbGVBOGxBRk1FUDZIZVg3Vk5wS1B3UnpZWS0xb0hQdGtCNXBod3lvcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FEdgeWrestlingInstagram-&v=mEiYJVMrTTw https://www.instagram.com/edge_wrestl... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0I0dGxIUWprY3lGdWd4S3l2TDgwTzI1YVd5d3xBQ3Jtc0tsS05WRzlBbjV5Z1hJZGliV3ZKdTdjZDdwTlJvdnU4MVEtcnYtSjhzU2lFU29tZVRMOC1hRGE4clo5NzZOQUxzajNrMWd6Z1BYV21mZkEwTk94SGRMdG9QSUtmZC0waVBGZWNQTVFjVWlrTENjRi1YTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fedge_wrestling%2FErnie&v=mEiYJVMrTTw Monaco National Hall of Fame- https://nwhof.org/national-wrestling-... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbERwVTg4dUpzWUMwNHJwU1dSUDBCemEzWFBzUXxBQ3Jtc0tueGhlUHVmRGlFM21BVFV0T0J0VjN3QUlqNXR2eUpXd2Z1YTVmbEx4YmdoMjYtZl94NjdKNmZHYXJHb1NPNkplX2lhRnBidVViQmZ2aS1ZVFljMHM4SURjS0Rwb2s2SjRBOVQ3R2FULXdlQUVuRnJNaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fnwhof.org%2Fnational-wrestling-hall-of-fame%2Fbio%2F15475&v=mEiYJVMrTTw Buxton Trained: Website- https://www.buxtonatc.com https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjN0cmJ3dzVGLW9pTmd5Z0pSWjZhSHRtc0VvUXxBQ3Jtc0trYWVWSVhLNjhyM2NDV051enNQRlVTaDRuY1dmdFFVT0JVTmt1S3dONTRLN2RlbnhNc3RvaE9DTlFVTEhrVTA5NVBtR0Fad1EwX0hyNGJCT0RfUUt4eTd0UkRXNjB5cUNvWXdUaTNJRTBZNnhQbXRTUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buxtonatc.com%2F&v=mEiYJVMrTTw Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/jeffpbuxton/ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE9mSUlVTDZxNm83cUhtMU1VckpSSkxKYThpUXxBQ3Jtc0trSEEtWGFUNkkxZktETXpxVXJFM2NxRkNQQmVEQUlMMFd2R3VGcU9zMmdmVzUyZFJFZVgtU0h3eWI3N1NkUjVJd3d4a0w4d1FtRHprQVI5VnE0azBvSnA3cVM4c216Si1zNFl0Qk44OE5YX1A4dUpYSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fjeffpbuxton%2F&v=mEiYJVMrTTw * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

2h 36m
Apr 01, 2024
NCAA Recap

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti gives a recap of the NCAA Tournament. He talks about the impact the tournament has on young wrestlers and how their dreams are being determined, how faith can play a big role in keeping things in perspective, especially when under tournament stress, and Gene also gives his personal, maybe controversial, opinion on instant replays. Timestamps: 1:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=92s - Are instant replays necessary 2:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=166s - Refs with focus 5:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=354s - Dreams are always being determined 7:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=465s - Wrestling is a Christian sport 9:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=540s - Faith helps keep things in perspective 11:37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=697s - The best wrestlers always score 13:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SkUld34Eo&t=815s - TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mar 27, 2024
Olympic Trials Mindset with Jason Nolf

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with three-time US National champion and multiple-time international medalist, Jason Nolf. Together, they discuss what are the best methods for wrestlers to learn the best they can. At what age should kids start mindset training, and what are the first things they should be learning. Jason also shares tips on how to master moves methodically and why it's actually a good thing to be nervous before matches. Timestamps: 6:07 - How wrestlers learn best 8:50 - When to start the program 11:38 - Kids learn so fast 12:57 - The first things kids should be learning 18:55 - Save energy by having good technique 21:02 - Methodically master moves 26:54 - Be nervous, it means you care * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mar 13, 2024
Preparing For Big Tens with John Poznanski

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with All-American & Wrestling Mindset Partner, John Poznanski. Together, they discuss how to deal with a concussion, how having an ''everything happens for a reason'' mindset can help with recovery, and how preseason and postseason practice differ + much more! Timestamps: 1:05 - Concussions are not fun 1:33 - Everything happens for a reason 3:53 - Big Ten Tournament 5:24 - Pre and postseason practice differences 8:24 - The Treadsled 10:46 - Creative workout routines 13:34 - Wrestlers to watch in upcoming tournaments * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mar 07, 2024
Avenging Losses with Vito Arujau

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with the current reigning World Champion at 61kg and Wrestling Mindset Partner, Vito Arujau. Together, they discuss his mental routine and mindset going into rematches. How working backward for your goals actually puts things into perspective and keeps you focused. And how to stay standing during long matches when fatigue has kicked in. Timestamps: 1:54 - Rematch Mindset 4:57 - Vito's Mental Routine 8:46 - Working backward puts things in perspective 11:38 - Grit Day 12:53 - How to stay standing when you're tired 18:27 - Getting your weight down 21:04 - Mental approach for the Olympic trials * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mar 04, 2024
Vougar on Vito's Documentary

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with Vito Arujau's first coach and father, Vougar Arujau. Together, they discuss Vito's first steps into wrestling, the differences between having multiple coaches compared to just one, and how important Vito's brother, Nick, was in his success. Timestamps: 2:00 - The stress before every match 6:57 - The difference of having multiple coaches 13:15 - Vito's first steps into wrestling 18:10 - Opinions on the Flow Wrestling documentary 20:08 - Vito's brother's role in his success * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Feb 06, 2024
Mental Tips for Moms

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti offers a special episode just for wrestling moms. He gives helpful tips that can help moms relate more with their kids about wrestling. What to do and what not to do. How to show support and love without being overbearing. Knowing what to ask other parents and experts, and knowing who's advice to take. And what is the single most important message you should want to send your kids. Timestamps: 0:24 - Moms relating to wrestlers in the family 1:46 - Show unconditional love 3:00 - Effort, attitude, aggressiveness 6:24 - Focus on the present moment 11:24 - Ask friends, ask experts too 14:03 - Don't over parent 15:16 - The message you should want to send your kids * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Jan 23, 2024
Nate Jackson On Competing and Mindset Coaching

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with the great mindset coach and wrestler Nate Jackson. Together, they discuss how disruptive thinking can help you get out of your training rut. The importance of being grateful for every small win and loss. And how to measure consistency and what to notice to always get better on the mat. Timestamps: 0:39 - USA Wrestling tour 4:36 - Disruptive thinking 6:43 - Measuring consistency 9:00 - Always getting better 14:50 - Being grateful 18:42 - A message to coaches * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Jan 15, 2024
Wade Schalles Shares Timeless Wisdom

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with one of the greatest pinners of all time, Wade Schalles. Together, they discuss how various techniques that can improve every wrestler's game. From various moves for different body types to learning the proper order of instructions. They also talk about the importance of being creative in your wrestling style and how the sport can and should gain the same attention as major leagues. Timestamps: 4:46 - Child first, wrestler second 13:26 - Moves for different body types 25:07 - Creative wrestling edge 32:55 - The Clock Theory 39:10 - Learn the proper order 49:20 - Never start with the stance 1:08:26 - Gaining popularity * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

1h 50m
Jan 08, 2024
EIWA Wrestler Of The Week - Chris Foca

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with the EIWA Wrestler of The Week, Chris Foca. Together, they discuss how mindset can change along with the shift in weight class, Wrestling better doesn't mean being an assassin, and how to deal with the pressure. Timestamps: 1:31 - Season progress so far 4:13 - Mindset at different weight classes 5:15 - Have fun and wrestle better 6:21 - Shutting out the pressure 8:09 - Cornell puts mindset first * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Jan 03, 2024
Best of The East Champion - Matty Lopes

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with 2x Best of The East Champion Matty Lopes. Together, they discuss dealing with a loaded schedule and finding time to prioritize recovery. How wrestling is a holistic sport, encompassing body, mind, and spirit. And what are the holdups people still have towards mindset training even though it's become widespread in the sport. Timestamps: 2:13 - Pre-match routines 4:07 - Loaded schedule 5:27 - Prioritize recovery 8:01 - Wrestling is a holistic sport 11:25 - People's holdups on mindset training 13:35 - Faith in wrestling * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dec 25, 2023
Big Ten Wrestler of The Week

* Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dec 18, 2023
Parker Keckeisen's Mental Edge

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with NCAA All-American Parker Keckeisen. Together, they discuss his journey of learning to love wrestling, and how to constantly battle your nerves before a match. They also talk about the best mental reps to boost confidence, learning how to pull the trigger in every match, and how you can keep a level head once you accept that losing is just part of the game. Timestamps: 0:38 - Learning to love wrestling 4:50 - The constant battle of nerves 8:16 - Accepting that losses are inevitable 13:37 - Focus on making your next best move 15:48 - Parker's best mental reps 19:56 - How to pull the trigger in any match * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dec 11, 2023
Spencer Lee's Domination Mindset

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with National Champion Spencer Lee. Together, they discuss his personal recommendations to ease the pressure when it feels like too much and how the best matches usually require the least amount of thought Timestamps: 1:38 - Donn Enrst's guidance 3:23 - The ''One More Time'' Lesson 4:35 - Dealing with pressure 7:27 - Specer's recommendations to lighten the load 11:19 - The best matches need the least amount of thought 17:44 - The power of a theme song 20:14 - Advice to keeping it fun 24:04 - A strong foundation is key * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dec 04, 2023
How to Best Train your Mind this Season

Wrestling Mindset founders Gene and Jeff Zannetti are pumped to bring you their Peak Performance Mastermind program. In this special Mastermind, they are offering you everything you need to bring your best when you need it the most and break down the value of everything you get when you sign up. Learn More about the Mastermind- https://wrestlingmindset.wufoo.com/forms/zweiex81x6ojp9/ Reserve your Spot Now- https://www.wrestlingmindset.com/product/peak-performance-mastermind/ Timestamps: 1:15 - Bring out our best when it means the most 2:03 - Bringing our wrestlers into the program 5:07 - Do a needs analysis 5:55 - Struggling with mindset? Double down 6:10 - The digital mental toolbox 10:03 - The connections you make are key 13:00 - Who will benefit the most * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Nov 20, 2023
John Poznanski Mindset

* Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Nov 13, 2023
The Catalyst behind Yianni's Mindset Training

* Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

1h 2m
Nov 06, 2023
Super 32 Champ Ryan Burton

Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with Super 32 Champion Ryan Burton. Together, they discuss the performance and mindset that got him the gold. The importance of confidence and what it needs to be based on to have an impact. And why many wrestlers think having fun shows a lack of dedication. Timestamps: 0:44 - Super 32 performance and mindset 1:16 - The impact of a great coach 4:34 - Bringing your best to the table 5:19 - What confidence is based on 6:07 - Keeping a level head in all the excitement 8:57 - Stop being serious. Start having fun * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Nov 06, 2023
Super 32 to the OTC

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with multiple-time Super 32 champ Bo Bassett. Together, they discuss the challenges of overcoming Super 32 in a new weight class and what it's like practicing at the Olympic Training Center. Timestamps: 1:03 - Life at the Olympic Training Center 2:35 - Super 32 in a new weight class 6:04 - Brothers can be more different than alike 8:05 - Mental prepping from days in advance to the last second 11:43 - Best moments at the OTC so far * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 30, 2023
Anthony Knox Commits to Cornell

* Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 24, 2023
Zack Ryder Mindset

* Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 24, 2023
The Greater the Meaning, the Greater the Myles Amine

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with the great Myles Amine. Together, they break down specifics about performance psychology, how surrendering the outcome of every match can help you perform without pressure, and we put to rest a long-standing question. Do you have to be the perfect wrestler? TIMESTAMPS: 2:40 - How to treat big events like any other match 5:05 - Surrender the outcome 9:48 - Do you have to be perfect? No! 12:20 - Breaking down performance psychology 16:14 - Filtering in the positives, not the negatives 21:27- The beauty of journaling * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 17, 2023
Alessio Perentin College Committment

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with Alessio Perentin and talks about his special announcement. Together, they discuss the thought process that guided Alessio to his decision, what are his expectations going forward as well as his goals for the upcoming year. Timestamps: 0:23 - Alessio's special announcement 1:09 - Why Cornell 4:35 - Plans for the Fall 6:00 - Expectations going forward 7:41 - The challenge of letting go 9:08 - Goals for the upcoming year * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 10, 2023
Stevan Micic World Champion Mindset

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with 2023 World Wrestling Champion Stephen Micic. Together, they discuss how his mindset developed over time, the best way to avoid the distractions of a professional wrestler, and how visualize the worst case scenario instead of the win can help. Timestamps: 0:26 - Mindset of going into a championship in your home country? 2:45 - How has your mental development progressed over time? 8:58 - How visualizing worst-case scenarios can help? 12:58 - Prematch routine breakdown 19:24 - How do you remind yourself that is what you wanted? 25:08 - How to stay focused and avoid the distractions that come with the sport? * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 09, 2023
Zain Retherford Interview Breakdown

Something new coming to you this week. Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti breaks down Zain Retherford's interview after winning a World Championship. He analyzes key points of Zain's mindset, like how scouting can actually be a distraction, having faith that you can do what you set out to achieve, and how to make wrestling look easy by doing hard work. Timestamps: 2:38 - Be thankful for the opportunity 4:00 - Adding a new perspective 7:40 - Scouting can be a distraction 9:06 - Always believe you can do it 10:11 - Hard work makes wrestling look easy 14:44 - Lessons are taught better through stories * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Oct 02, 2023
Nino Bonaccorsi on Faith and Mindset

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with NCAA champion Nino Bonaccorsi. Together, they discuss how to wrestle through injuries, his transition from wrestling to coaching, and his humble mindset that working hard doesn't guarantee you anything. Timestamps: 0:32 - Wrestling with injuries 1:43 - ''You don't always have to win'' mindset 5:00 - Tips for the younger self 9:08 - Working hard doesn't guarantee anything 11:10 - From wrestling to coaching 13:35 - Chasing goals * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sep 25, 2023
Helen Maroulis World Championship Interview Breakdown

Helen Maroulis won her 9th World Medal this week in Belgrade Serbia. Wrestling Mindset co-founder Gene Zannetti breaks down her interview after winning a bronze medal. Topics include: 0:52 - Helen loves being nervous 4:50 - Not performing well when too relaxed 6:34 - Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal and Performance 10:18 - Yerkes-Dodson Anxiety Graph 16:44 - "You have to love the nerves and pressure" 18:36 - Athletes burning out * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sep 22, 2023
Zain Retherford's World Championship Interview Breakdown

Zain Retherford won his first World Title this week and Wrestling Mindset co-founder Gene Zannetti breaks down his interview after winning a gold medal. Topics include: Visualization Gratitude Penn State Perspective Video Review? Mental Resilience * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sep 22, 2023
World Champion Mindset

Newly crowned World Champion Vito Arujau joins the podcast two days after winning his first senior world championship. Wrestling Mindset co-founder Gene Zannetti talks with Vito about his mindset before and during the World Championships in Belgrade, Serbia. Timestamps: 0:17 - Sport psychology interviews and visualization before Worlds 1:45 - Vito began Sport Psych a year and a half ago 3:20 - Inconsistency before mental training 5:15 - What works best for Vito before and during a match 9:46 - Vito reaction to trailing 7-7 late in his finals match 11:50 - Vito match strategy 15:11 - Advantages and Pressure of having a dad who is a 2x world champion 19:54 - How Vito's dad helped him mentally 22:55 - Weight plan for college season and Olympic Trials 23:44 - Toughest part of winning a world title 26:00 - How to approach a "big" tournament 28:45 - Peaking for the championship match of a tournament * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sep 20, 2023
How Meyer Shapiro Built a World Champ Mindset

This week, Wrestling Mindset founder Gene Zannetti sits down with 2023 U20 World Champion, Meyer Shapiro. Together, they discuss competing for Cornell University, the need for positive self-talk, and the importance of having a reset phrase for those moments where the pressure becomes overwhelming. Timestamps: 1:13 - Transitioning from freestyle 3:20 - Mental and emotional development 5:59 - Positive self-talk 10:34 - Go-to reset phrase 14:15 - Plans for the future * Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy https://acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sep 18, 2023