Fetal Brain Bleeding Linked To Maternal CoVid
JAN 27, 2023
Description Community

Vidcast: https://youtu.be/Gpl0vO9U9Ks

Babies developing within mothers who contract Covid suffer significant bleeds within their brains in association with evidence of CoVid virus brain infiltration.

Neurodevelopmental researchers at King’s College London now report their study of 661 fetal tissue samples from CoVid infected mothers and 300 tissues from uninfected mothers. The incidence of brain bleeding in the CoVid infected group was 3.9% compared with an incidence of .04% in the uninfected, a 98 fold increase. The brain bleeding in the infected fetuses occurred in the cerebral cortex, all important for intelligent thought and action. The abundance of CoVid spike protein and immune cells fighting the virus found in the fetal brain linings is solid evidence that the virus does infect the developing brain in utero.

This study provides additional powerful reasons for pregnant women and those about to become pregnant to take all measures to avoid Covid infection. That means masking up, avoiding crowds, and restaurant dining outdoors in heated, ventilated sheds or at home with take-out.


#CoVid #pregnancy #fetal #brain #bleeding
