Episode 10: Geeta Girl Discusses What Comes Around Goes Around…Right?”
MAY 27, 2021
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What comes around goes around, right? We all know there is that invisible karma scale. If someone does something bad, then something bad will happen to them, right? And if that someone does something bad to us, well, we have a right to help tip that scale, correct? Get our revenge. Help even things out. Are you fantasizing about it right now? Well, stop! Because even thinking about it costs us some karma points. In the last episode of this second season, we will talk about how that scale gets balanced—the good deeds and the not so good ones. Spoiler alert: relax, the universe will take care of it, and take care of you. 

This is our last podcast of the second season! Thank you to all of you who have listened and supported us through TWO seasons of the Geeta Girl podcast! We will be back in the fall and look forward to connecting with you all then. For those of you who want your Geeta Girl content sooner, we will be dropping a few videos on our social media in the months between so stay tuned (and be sure to follow us on social media - links below)

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