How to Achieve VR Success in the Metaverse
MAR 16, 2023
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Did you know the VR market is expected to surpass $10 trillion by 2030? Listen in as Leslie Marshall, CMO of Mesmerise tells you why now is the time to activate VR/AR/MR. Leslie shares how marketing professionals and comms experts can think about how tech like AR/VR/MR applies to their work and the kinds of immersive experiences they can create for their employees and customers.

Exploring Possibilities: An Interview with Leslie from Mesmerise

Since Leslie Marshall and Barbara Rozgonyi first met in the mid-two-thousands, they’ve led a quest for looking for the next best thing in social media, marketing, and tech. Whether it was at TechWeek, Social Media Club Chicago, or an AMA Chicago event, these two marketers share a drive for realizing the future vision.

In her Growing Social Now interview, Leslie explores the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging realities such as AI and AR, as well as strategies for marketing in the metaverse.

In early 2023, after 16 years at Morningstar, Leslie embarked on a new career journey. She joined Mesmerise, a virtual reality and augmented reality business, as CMO. At Morningstar, she worked with the Mesmerise team on VR events. Mesmerise uses cutting-edge technology such as VR to boost productivity with virtual meetings and webinars.


1 Exploring the Potential of VR with Barbara Rozgonyi and Leslie Marshall 00:00 - 05:36

2 Exploring Virtual Reality through Experimentation and Learning 05:36 - 11:39

3 Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences through VR and AR Technologies 11:39 - 16:53

4 Exploring Opportunities with New Technology: A Path to Smart and Innovative Business Ventures 16:53 - 22:31

5 Exploring the Benefits of the Metaverse: An Analysis of Social Media Sentiment 22:31 - 28:13

6 Taking the Leap: Networking and Professional Growth in the Metaverse and Beyond  28:13 - 33:10

7 Exploring the Journey of Redefining Life: Finding Balance in Transitions and Embracing Change. 33:10 - 38:45

Visit Mesmerise on LinkedIn
Connect with Leslie Marshall on LinkedIn

Listen to Barbara’s previous interview with Leslie: Growing Social Now episode on Exploring Experiential Events and Social Media and read more about this episode.

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Cheers to your success,

Barbara Rozgonyi
Founder, CoryWest Media, Host of Growing Social Now, International Speaker and Inspirational Storyteller, Creative Marketing Team Coach, LinkedIn Social Selling Trainer, Avid Hiker, Natural Photographer

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