Ogre ft. Steve Jackson | S7 E5
FEB 02, 2022
Description Community

For this episode we bring to you a fascinating 1-1 session between our Studio Director, Tomas Rawlings, and Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games. They talk about the origins of Ogre, the wargame centred on immensely powerful giant cybernetic tanks, and Steve Jackson remarks on the journey of bringing Ogre to the LastGameboard, a digital platform that transcends the realm between digital and physical boardgames. 

Show Notes

Did Ogre pique your interest? You can purchase it on Steam now

Check out the Last Gameboard too, where we have brought Ogre and our other title, Mars Horizon: Blast Off! to a hybrid digital space.
Be sure to look through Steve Jackson Games' expansive games catalogue too, for anything else you may be interested in playing!

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