Author/functional medicine practitioner Petronella Ravenshear is my very special guest!
MAR 25, 2024
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Author/functional medicine practitioner from the UK now in Miami Petronella Ravenshear talks about her new release “The Human Being Diet: A Blueprint For Feasting & Fasting Your Way To Feeling, Looking & Being Your Best” as a blueprint for feasting and fasting your way to feeling, looking and being your best whatever to lose weight or not! Petronella has trained at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition &The Natura Foundation and been in private practice since ’04 specializing in digestive, skin & weight issues, also a firm believer in wisdom of the body stating food & exercise is the only medicine we need , and discusses the painless path to boundless energy, perfect weight, flawless skin, refreshing sleep, healthy digestion, and the foods to eat and not to eat! Check out the amazing Petronella Ravenshear and her new release on many major platforms and today! #petronellaravenshear #author #functionalmedicinepractitioner #miami #thehumanbeingdiet #UK #feasting #fasting #weightloss #optimumweightloss #thenaturafoundation #food #exercise #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerpetronellaravenshear #themikewagnershowpetronellaravenshear

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