Title: Coues Deer with Fred Bohm
Show Notes:
Fred Bohm’s from the Tucson area, and he joins me here to talk about coues deer. He’s originally from New Jersey but headed west to Colorado after college. He’s been an Arizona resident for about a year and a half but has been hunting in the state for over 10 years. Fred’s father taught him how to hunt when he was younger, and he became obsessed with bow hunting early in the game. He got into coues deer hunting after snagging an OTC tag.
Fred’s known for his photography of his hunting escapades and has had a passion for it since he was a teen. He loves to inspire others, and I’ve always been a fan of his photos. Coues deer hunting season is coming up soon, and here, I pick Fred’s brain on his favorite hunting tips and tricks. We kick things off by talking about the difference in behavior in coues deer compared to eastern deer. Fred shares the characteristics you can use to your advantage to score.
Fred’s hunted a lot of different habitats throughout Arizona, and he shares his favorite spots. He shares his top rules for stalking coues deer and how to approach it. Fred and I also discuss his three most critical factors to contribute to hunting success, how to find the right areas, recommendations for equipment, and more.
What’s Inside:
- Differences between coues deer and other deer types
- Fred’s favorite habitats to hunt in Arizona
- Fred’s top three critical factors that contribute to hunting success.
Mentioned in this episode
Days In The Wild Podcast
Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone
Howl for Wildlife: https://www.howlforwildlife.org/
Fred Bohm Website
Fred Bohm on Instagram
Fred Bohm on Facebook
Short Description:
Fred Bohm’s from the Tucson area, and he joins me here to talk about coues deer. Fred’s hunted a lot of different habitats throughout Arizona, and he shares his favorite spots. He shares his top rules for stalking coues deer and how to approach it. Fred and I also discuss his three most critical factors to contribute to hunting success, how to find the right areas, recommendations for equipment, and more.
big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories, coues deer, Arizona, deer hunting, hunting photography