Hunting Javelina with Rick Forrest
JAN 10, 2024
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Hunting Javelina with Rick Forrest

Show Notes:


Hunting javelina is near and dear to my heart, and I always have a good time doing it. The legendary Rick Forrest joins me here to share some of his javelina hunting tips. Rick’s been in the hunting space for a long time, especially in the engineering and gear areas. He’s an Arizona native and shot his first javelina at the age of 10. At 13, he got into archery and got hooked on bow hunting. The last deer he shot with a firearm was way back in ’86!


Rick’s killed a javelina every year since his first one, and some years he gets two. Between him and his family members, he’s been involved in around 300 kills. We kick off our conversation with some info about the calls Rick’s developed. He has some stuff on the fixed blade side in development as well. Next, we dive into javelina hunting. Rick shares his habitat tips for how to find them. Spending time scouting and glassing is key. 


Rick and I share our thoughts on the best time to catch javelina, since we’ve caught them both at first light and later in the morning. We talk about why you shouldn’t pick on a herd too much and Rick’s top calling tips with examples. We also get into our experiences with what happens when Javelina goes on the attack and how to connect with Rick and buy a call.  

What’s Inside:


  • How to find javelina in the wild

  • Rick’s top javelina calling tips and call examples

  • How to get in touch with Rick to purchase a call


Mentioned in this episode

Days In The Wild Podcast

Phoenix Shooting Bags save 20% with code johnstallone

Howl for Wildlife:

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Short Description:

The legendary Rick Forrest joins me here to share some of his javelina hunting tips. Rick shares his habitat tips for how to find them, the best times to find them, and his top calling techniques. We also get into our experiences with what happens when Javelina goes on the attack and how to connect with Rick and buy a call.  


big game hunting, hunting tips, hunting guide, buck hunting, hunting stories,

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