Workout Q&A: Is this workout schedule okay? How to quit the scale? + More questions answered!
MAR 04, 2024
Description Community

Are you struggling to balance your workout schedule? Is it difficult for you to find the motivation to exercise in the morning? Well, this episode is for you.

In this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, we'll explore practical solutions to common fitness challenges, drawing from real-life experiences and expert advice to support you on your journey. Whether you're a busy parent, a working professional, or simply seeking guidance on your fitness goals, this episode offers valuable insights to help you overcome obstacles and achieve success.


What I discuss:

  1. My schedule only allows me to workout 3 days in a row. Is that okay because I end up taking 4 days off?
  2. Is it okay to break a 1-hour workout into two 30-minute workouts or three 20-minute workouts throughout the day? 
  3. How does everyone cope with setbacks like this?
  4. What are your other suggestions to help kickstart my morning?


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