Purim and Political Correctness
MAR 21
Description Community

The story of Purim begins 523 years before the miracle of Purim, in the Hebrew year of 2882 (878 BCE). Hashem commanded King Saul to wipe out Israel's arch-enemy, the nation of Amalek. King Saul buckled under political pressure and failed to fulfill Hashem's commandment. He had misplaced mercy on Agag, the Amalekite king. King Saul resultingly lost the monarchy and the seed of Amalek again rooted itself. We fast forward to the Hebrew year of 3405 (355 BCE). "Showdown in Shushan," in the Persian Empire, is where the 10th generation great-grandson of Agag - Haman - threatens to annihilate the entire Jewish People. The 10th generation great-grandson of Saul - Mordechai - must now make some painful decisions to thwart Haman's evil scheme. The question is, will he too, like his great-grandfather King Saul, bow to political correctness? Let's see how this is the template for current events...
