Good Friday: A Celebration of the Father's Love (Audio)
MAR 29
Description Community

A message from Pastor Peter Steicke.

This is the week that changes everything.  Without Good Friday we're lost in our guilt and shame, alienated from God, and showing the worst of ourselves to others.  Without Easter we have a dead Jesus, empty promises, and nothing to pin our hopes on.

But through Jesus we have a living hope (1 Peter 1:3).  Everything Father God promised, all that he offers, every possible transformation, it all comes true because Jesus is alive.

If you don't feel that way, I invite you to investigate the Easter message anyway.  After all, those first followers didn't expect him to be alive even though Jesus foretold it.  He met them amid their doubts and fears, struggles and loss.

Likewise, Jesus meets you right where you are.  I invite you to join in celebrating Jesus, our living hope.

