Knowing Jesus (Video)
JAN 14
Description Community

In the Gospel of John, there is a wonderful story about one man’s spiritual journey — he went from making a sarcastic comment about Jesus being a “nowhere man” from a “nowhere town” to having an encounter with Jesus that changed his life.  The man’s name is Nathanael.  When he met Jesus, he met his own deepest and true self — it’s as though Nathanael never saw himself clearly until he saw himself in the stain glassed window of Jesus’ love.

Nathanael discovers something that can only be called and transformed from within by Jesus — the man from Nazareth who has the power to invite you to “be all that you can be!” The story of Nathanael contains some powerful spiritual concepts that can bring new meaning and renewal to your life.

The apostle Paul has an interesting way of expressing this in 2 Corinthians 5:16: “From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way.” What Paul is speaking about is the transformation that occurs when one comes to know Jesus as their Redeemer and Lord — the meaning of this verse is that there are two kinds of “knowing” when it comes to Jesus — there is knowing “about” Jesus, and there is “knowing” Jesus.  Do you “Know” Jesus?

