{10.5} 3 Toxic Lies About Motherhood that Lead to Burnout, Stress and Anxiety
FEB 07
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Why do we feel so on the go constantly as mothers? How is it that we just feel so busy all the time... yet still find the time to spend 20 minutes scrolling on Instagram?
And what do we do when we're scrolling on Instagram? We're enviously watching other mums on Insta who somehow manage to fit in a full 1 hour morning routine before their kids wake up, or have done a complete do-over of a vintage dollhouse in their evenings, or have the bandwith to set up messy play AND clean it up after, or batch cook a month's worth of meals for their chest freezer. And we think to ourselves 'well I'll get round to that when...'
The problem is, we might find ourselves saying that very sentence throughout motherhood - right up until the moment they leave home for good. Because waiting for the right time to start putting yourself first is madness - it will never come!
So in this episode of Raising Healthy Mothers I discuss...
  • The three toxic lies keeping you stuck in a cycle of stress, overwhelm and burnout
  • Why these lies are so unhelpful
  • How to break free of them
And if you feel it's time to finally put yourself first then you can make a start right now by downloading my free Self-Care workbook. In the workbook you start by assessing where you are right now to give you some focus on what you need to pay attention to. I then offer 7 days of unique 10-minute self-care activities you can do to give yourself a micro moment to yourself. Click here to sign up to my mailing list and download the workbook.

Connect with me: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tashadcruz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tashadcruznutrition
Website: https://tashadcruz.com/podcast

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Want more energy and motivation? To get yourself on the way to springing out of bed in the mornings, download my free guide: Ten Daily Strategies to Unlock More Energy.


DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on tashadcruz.com is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have heard on the podcast or on the website. I may earn commission on shopping links to external sites, e.g. Amazon. This doesn't change the price you pay but gives me a small commission which goes back into keeping the podcast running.
