Forecast for Sept. 25 - Oct. 9, 2022
SEP 24, 2022
Description Community
This New Moon @ 3* Libra occurs just after Mercury's interior conjunction of the Sun @ 0* Libra. Details are scattered about and the phone rings just as you sit down for dinner. Patience with all the unpleasant interruptions becomes necessary.
Mars in Gemini for nearly 7 months will add to the incessant mutability and unpredictability.

Venus @ 26* Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde @ 24* Pisces prior to entering Libra September 29th, its own sign of rulership. Our relationship sphere becomes a focus now as we bridge into the last half of the zodiac just after the Fall Equinox. Venus will make a wide opposition to Jupiter in Aries accelerating the buzz on social media and banter throughout our various groups. Mercury will follow shortly after its retrograde, so the inner planets in Libra with the Sun adds excitability.

Finally, there is a Grand Trine in earth signs with Pluto, Venus, and Uranus.
7 retrograde planets in the sky until Mercury, Pluto and Saturn go stationary direct in October.
Rewards for prior efforts with honoring our core values may just bring windfalls our way on this powerful journey to the core of the Soul.