EP 34: Kale Barr - From Gang Life to Finding Peace Through Art
JUL 19, 2021
Description Community
Dylan and Shayne sit down with Calgary’s own Kale Barr. Kale is an entrepreneur, and full time artist!
Kale’s story of adversity, perseverance, and changing his life is an inspiring one to say the least. Kale goes into the detail the sexual abuse he experienced as a child and what that led to as a male in adolescence; how he became associated with some very dangerous crowds and ended up becoming part of a very powerful gang. What drove him to leaving the criminal enterprise and how he ended up leading a life of abundance and hope, expressed through his art.
This was a fantastic interview and Kale did amazing (this was his very first podcast).
We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did.
Kale's Social Media
IG: artistkalebarr 
IG: atartinteriors
IG: mcqueenagency 
IG: thedarkartsyyc 

Charity organizations I work with 
https://linktr.ee/stand.asa (https://linktr.ee/stand.asa) 
IG: stand.asa 
IG: Calgaryfoodbank

Make sure to head over IG and check out the amazing folks @myrtleinmay. They are doing a fundraiser and donating proceeds to the The Inner Man Project Foundation.

https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHo5REY2alBnSDNMdDBWTXNZNHFfakFnU1BZUXxBQ3Jtc0tucXp0TDJ1THZEOERhSThVbHR1MjZzRmxpdHpkTUJQYi1Zd0gtaGF2VHZpM3haRTZSQWV3a3ZKbVZGRkJacUZFOUdRUGpfU2NpUFRjUHBDTXVjZmNsZXRrODRkN2tSaHFkOTd6MkFhak4zY01qVDB2VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fmyrtleinmay%2F%3Fhl%3Den (https://www.instagram.com/myrtleinmay...)

Also make sure to check out the amazing team and products over @northwellnesscbd as they are promoting Skylar Roth, and helping him raise money for mental health. Skylar is running across Canada and is making crazy progress @miles4smilescanada

https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0UzNVVmOGdjdHdjQUZjUnU4c21WeXAtUVlBQXxBQ3Jtc0ttTmxNR1cwanhQc3hvQ09Xd0NFOGYtaVRRbUgtTTVZcEc2N013MGR4bXhMc25abzNtRFg0bUg2dFZ5Nzd0WjBiTVR6RjlxanFKMjFlRFpNeFFuTjlSWkNRWHhmaDlFdURtT1EwVmQwaDdXQVk0QTdUdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fnorthwellnesscbd%2F%3Fhl%3Den (https://www.instagram.com/northwellne...)

Show Notes
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Gmail innermanyxh@gmail.com

Don't forget to pick up you IMP Merch at
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