Them! (1954)
MAY 24, 2023
Description Community

We finally take our first step into the vast "giant bug" subgenre with the granddaddy of them all, 1954's classic Them!  Along with the Beast From 20,000 Fathoms and Godzilla, this film helped kick off a new era of atomic monster film, warning the public about the threat of nuclear weapons.  Written by Ted Sherdeman (Latitude Zero) and directed by Gordon Douglas (Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye), it tells the tale of giant radioactive ants terrorizing New Mexico, as our main characters fight to stop the threat before it spreads around the globe.  This film has gone on to become one of the most influential monster films of the 50s, kicking off a whole subgenre of giant bug films and inspiring films like Rodan and Aliens.  In addition to our review of the movie, we'll talk about its turbulent production history, its far reaching influence and lasting relevance, and how the nuclear bomb has been trivialized by Hollywood in the years since its release.  Tune in and relax!
