Rio Grande Guardian's Podcast

Mario Muñoz


Official podcast for the Rio Grande Guardian, the first online newspaper to launch on the South Texas border, starting out in July, 2005. The Rio Grande Guardian has an excellent reputation for accurate and thorough news reporting, with a specialty for border business, legislative, political, healthcare, environment, and education issues.

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859 episodes

Everything TWC commissioners Treviño and Esparza said at STC Workforce Summit

MCALLEN, Texas - Two of the three leaders of the Texas Workforce Commission attended South Texas College’s 2024 Workforce Summit. They were Joe Esparza, who serves as the commissioner representing employers on the TWC board, and Alberto Treviño III, who serves as the commissioner representing labor on the board. The two workforce development experts spoke on a panel titled: Microcredentials, Credentials of Value, Industry-Recognized Credentials and What They Mean for Employability and Living Wages. The moderator was Lone Star National Bank Executive Vice President Julian Alvarez, himself a former TWC commissioner. After the panel discussion had ended one question was taken from the audience. It came from Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez but it was more of a statement. Cortez said he wished the local workforce commissions had more leeway in how they were allowed to spend their money. He said the Rio Grande Valley is unique and as a result, the local workforce groups should have more discretion on what can do with the funds sent down by the state. Here are the biographies of the two commissioners that spoke: Alberto Treviño III Alberto Treviño III serves as the Commissioner Representing Labor for the Texas Workforce Commission. Governor Greg Abbott appointed him to the three-member Commission on January 9, 2023.   Prior to his appointment, Commissioner Treviño of Harlingen served as a retired U.S. Border Patrol agent. Treviño has nearly 33 years of combined law enforcement and border patrol experience, with 21 years of service to Local 3307 of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), where he served as executive vice president, and later, as treasurer. Prior to NBPC, Commissioner Treviño served as a police instructor, background investigator, and patrol officer for the Harlingen Police Department. He is a 3rd degree knight of the Knights of Columbus, former member of the City of Harlingen Tennis Advisory Board, and former volunteer for Little League Baseball.  Treviño received an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from Texas Southmost College. Joe Esparza  Joe Esparza currently serves as the Commissioner Representing Employers for the Texas Workforce Commission. Governor Abbott appointed him to the three-member commission on November 7, 2023. In his role, Commissioner Esparza serves as an advocate for over 660,000 Texas employers and over 3 million small businesses. He and his team serve as a key resource for all Texas employers to help businesses grow and thrive in Texas. Prior to his appointment, Commissioner Esparza was sworn in as Texas Deputy Secretary of State on December 14, 2018. In addition, Esparza previously served as a Senior Appointments Manager in the office of the Governor, overseeing numerous gubernatorial appointments during Governor Abbotts first term.  A graduate of Texas Tech University, Esparza earned a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Communications. Esparza received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps and is a Veteran of the Global War on Terrorism, having served in Iraq. South Texas College’s 2024 Workforce Summit was held in the Student Union Building of STC’s Pecan Campus in McAllen. Here is an audio recording of everything the two workforce commissioners said on the panel. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 11
De la Cruz responde a Biden; Vallejo responde a De la Cruz.

EDINBURG, Texas - La representante federal Mónica De la Cruz, de Edinburg dio la respuesta oficial republicana en español al discurso sobre el estado de unión de 2024 del presidente Biden. Michelle Vallejo de Alton, el rival del partido demócrata De la Cruz, respondió a los comentarios de la congresista. Aquí están sus comentarios: To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 08
Everything Cortez and Gracia said at Raise Your Hand Texas' recent HD 37 candidate forum

RAYMONDVILLE, Texas - Raise Your Hand Texas, a nonprofit group that supports public education, recently hosted a forum in Raymondville for the candidates running for Texas House District 37. Four candidates appeared, all Democrats. They were Ruben Cortez, Jonathan Gracia, Carol Lynn Sanchez, and Alex Dominguez. Incumbent state Rep. Janie Lopez, R-San Benito, did not attend. The moderator was Rio Grande Valley education leader George McShan. Perhaps the most striking part of the one and a half hours of discussion came when Cortez was asked a question about full state funding for Pre-K education. Cortez, a former member of the State Board of Education, said the reason it has not happened is due to racism. Cortez said: “The majority population of kids in public school today are Latino. They they are Hispanic kids, the majority of our students, and I continue to believe that some of our top leaders try to create this institutional racism that we have to keep our people down and we need to fight against these things. And universal Pre-K would only help in this.” In the HD 37 primary election, Sanchez came fourth and Dominguez third. Cortez came in first and Gracia second. As none of the candidates secured more than 50 percent of the vote a runoff was triggered. It will be between Cortez and Gracia. Now that there is a runoff, the Rio Grande Guardian has edited audio from the forum to only include the opening and closing remarks of Cortez and Gracia, plus the questions posed by McShan and the responses of Cortez and Gracia. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 08
Everything Daniel Galvan said at the RGVP 2024 Leadership Class event

MISSION, Texas - The Rio Grande Valley is no longer a secret to the big franchise stores. They know about the region and they want to be here. This is the view of Daniel Galvan, principal broker at Coldwell Banker Commercial-Rio Grande Valley.  CBC-RGV is a full-service real estate firm based in McAllen that services all of South Texas. Galvan gave his analysis of the current state of real estate in the RGV at a recent Rio Grande Valley Partnership 2024 Leadership Class event. It was held at the Center for Education & Economic Development in Mission.  “We used to be a little bit of a secret down here, right? Not anymore. Were on everybodys radar. Everybody wants to be here. We have a list of franchises that want to be in our market, but dont have franchising. It is just another testament to the strength of our region,” Galvan said.  Galvan told the Partnership’s latest leadership class that real estate in the RGV is “special and unique.” He said: “If you watch the financial news, it paints a totally different picture than the picture that weve got going on in the Rio Grande Valley. There are external forces contributing to the Rio Grande Valley that can make us very resistant to recession when the rest of the country is actually feeling recession, right? And so were very lucky to have some of the best real estate market conditions in the country.” Galvan said the demand for retail space and commercial pad sides in the Valley has never been higher. He said everything that is being built is quickly being leased. “Thats a testament to the demand. There is an extremely high demand for commercial land and retail in the space.” To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 05
Everything Brownsville Mayor John Cowen said at President Biden's Brownsville press conference

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS - Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Jr., spoke at a press conference held at the Border Patrol Station in Brownsville on Feb. 29, 2024. Cowen joined President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at the conference, having earlier received a briefing from Border Patrol officials at the border, as well as immigration, law enforcement and asylum officers.  At a press conference with Biden, Cowen spoke about Brownsville’s approach to migrants passing through his city. He said the policy, known as the Brownsville Model, is humane and efficient. Here are Cowens remarks in full: My name is John Cowen and I am the Mayor of the City of Brownsville. Mr. President, thank you for visiting our beautiful city, the largest city in the Rio Grande Valley.  I believe I speak for all of the elected officials here when I say its an honor to have you here. We stand united in our commitment to protect our communities, secure our border and uphold our values. Im a member of the South Texas Alliance of Cities, a group of mayors from South Texas communities. We work in partnership with the federal government, local law enforcement, and nonprofits to address the challenges created by the border issue.  We understand the complexities, the diversity of thought on possible solutions, and the compelling need for to ensure that immigration is not a wedge issue.  As local leaders we are responsible for our communities, our safety and well-being. We cannot play politics with this. I am proud of the work we have done in Brownsville to help people entering the country.  Our approach, called the Brownsville Model is as compassionate and humane as it is efficient. It prioritizes It prioritizes dignity and care. For two years in a Brownsville has been named one of the 20 Safest Cities in America.  Mr. President, all of us here are overworked and understaffed. In Brownsville. We have assisted over 240,000 migrants since 2021. Our population is just below 200,000.  From El Paso to San Antonio to Brownsville, we all need help. So to our federal partners, we cannot afford to wait. We need to pass the Senates promising bipartisan border bill that you have championed. Weve studied it and it will give cities critical resources to respond humanely to the migrant challenge.  Thank you for your leadership. Its a big deal to have the President of the United States in the Rio Grande Valley. And thank you all for visiting beautiful Brownsville. Texas.  Thank you. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 03
Everything Congressman Gonzalez said at President Biden's Brownsville press conference

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS - U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez spoke at a press conference held at the Border Patrol Station in Brownsville on Feb. 29, 2024. Gonzalez joined President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at the conference, having earlier received a briefing from Border Patrol officials at the border, as well as immigration, law enforcement and asylum officers.  Gonzalez took the opportunity to push one of his top immigration proposals.  “I continue to urge safe zones in places like Guatemala and Panama and possibly Colombia, where migrants can process their asylum claims thousands of miles from our southern border. It takes the pressure off our southern border and assures that cartels dont continue to enrich themselves by trafficking people to our southern border,” Gonzalez said. However, Gonzalez said setting up safe zones in Central America cannot be done without bipartisan cooperation. He said a “small, rogue group” of Republicans in Congress were blocking important bipartisan border security legislation that could “really take the pressure off our southern border.” Here is an audio recording of Congressman Gonzalez’s remarks at the press conference. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 03
An interview with the president and CEO of Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc.

SANTA ROSA, Texas - Sean Brashear, president and CEO of Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc., has given an in-depth interview to Ron Whitlock of Ron Whitlock Reports. After 51 years in business, the Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers co-operative decided recently to cease operations. In the interview, Brashear discusses his upbringing in a farming community, why sugar growing in the Valley was not sustainable without more irrigation water, his frustration with Mexico over fulfilling the terms of a water sharing treaty, and his efforts to find jobs for his workers. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 03
Mayorkas discusses border security on a visit to Brownsville, Texas

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS - Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke at a press conference held at the Border Patrol Station in Brownsville on Feb. 29, 2024. Mayorkas accompanied President Biden on a visit to the border, receiving a briefing from the Border Patrol, as well as immigration, law enforcement and asylum officers. He said he and the president learned a lot. Mayorkas said they heard about the “dynamic and challenging phenomenon of irregular migration we face as our hemisphere and the world experiences the greatest displacement of people since World War Two.” At times last year, Mayorkas said, 30 percent of the encounters across the entire southern land border occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector.  “Today we discussed the dramatic changes our partners in the South have helped bring about by increasing their enforcement before people reach the United States border,” Mayorkas said. Mayorkas said he and Biden also heard from DHS leadership about how “resource-starved” Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection are.  “Only Congress can address our desperate need for more Border Patrol agents, field operations officers, immigration enforcement agents and officers, asylum officers, immigration judges, support personnel, facilities and technology.” Here is an audio recording of Secretary Mayorkas’ remarks about border security at the press conference. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 02
Biden discusses border security on a visit to Brownsville, Texas

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS - President Biden spoke at a press conference held at the Border Patrol Station in Brownsville on Feb. 29, 2024. He said he had just received a briefing from the Border Patrol at the border, as well as immigration, law enforcement and asylum officers.  “Theyre all doing incredible work under really tough conditions, really tough conditions. They each told me what you already know and we already know: They desperately need more resources,” Biden said. “I’ll say it again: they desperately need more resources. They need more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border. Folks, its time for us to move on this. We cant wait any longer.” Biden urged passage of a border security bill currently before Congress. Here is an audio recording of President Biden’s remarks about border security at the press conference. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Mar 02
Everything AT&T and VTX1 said at the RGV Hispanic Chamber's intergovernmental update event

MCALLEN, Texas - Among the sponsors of the Rio Grande Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s “RGV Intergovernmental Update” luncheon were two top internet service providers in the region - AT&T and VTX1. As such, both were given the opportunity to have representatives speak from the podium at the start of the program.  Mario Barragan, director of external and legislative affairs for AT&T in South Texas, spoke on behalf of his company. Barragan is a board member of the RGV Hispanic Chamber.  Barragan said: “Similar to other areas in the state, our region is experiencing growth in a wide variety of ways. I think the McAllen, Edinburg, Mission area has experienced a population growth of over 12% and employment levels keep rising as well. It now accounts for a third of the workforce in South Texas. And when you have that type of population and employment growth, industry, investments and economic growth also follow suit.  “AT&T is proud to have invested between 2020 and 2022 to over $90 million into our infrastructure in our wireless and wireline network here. And were not nearly being done. And by the way, a lot of that investment has a lot to do with the leadership and advocacy of the elected officials that are going to be speaking here today. So thank you all for that.  “But whether its investing in our infrastructure or investing in collaborations with community nonprofits to help close the digital divide, we are very committed to continuing to help the RGV be a place where individuals, families and businesses thrive for decades to come. So again, just thank you all for being here. Thank you to the chamber for for bringing us all together, for our elected officials for spending the time with us today. And to all of you for being involved and being here.” Orlando Quintanilla, COO of VTX1, spoke on behalf of his company. Quintanilla said: “Just like our counterparts at AT&T, we want to make sure that we understand everything thats going on with our region. Having partnerships and being a part of the Hispanic Chamber is very important right to companies like ours, to make sure that were meeting everybody and understanding what the needs are in our communities is very important.  “And saying that, I am honored to stand here before everyone, as we gather to highlight the vertical government updates that were looking to discuss. Ultimately, our presenters in the Rio Grande Valley are looking at the best interests of everyone here. VTX one also has a similar mindset. As Cynthia mentioned, Im with VTX1 Internet, And as a Hispanic it fills me with great pride to be part of this event, to represent the RGV Hispanic Chamber.  “Basically its a platform that celebrates the richness of the culture that we share. So its very important for us, At VTX1 Internet, we are more than just a service provider. We are dedicated to bridging the digital divide. We understand the importance of connecting todays world and we are committed to ensuring that every individual in the RGV has access to the resources and opportunities that the internet brings.” The lunch was held at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton in Mcallen. The main part of the program featured a four-person panel. It comprised U.S. Rep. Monica De La Cruz, state Sen. Juan Hinojosa, Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez, and McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos. The moderator was Julian Alvarez, senior vice president of Lone Star National Bank. Go to the Rio Grande Guardian website to read the full story. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 29
An in-depth interview with chairman of Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc.

SANTA ROSA, Texas - Although Rio Grande Valley sugar growers are upset that a 1944 US-Mexico water sharing treaty has been adhered to, they do not blame the head of the US section IBWC. IBWC stands for the International Boundary and Water Commission. It is a binational entity that, among other things, governs the distribution of water along the Rio Grande. “I would like to point out that the IBWC Commissioner, Dr. Maria Elena Giner has been the most communicative, the most supportive and the biggest advocate that South Texas has ever had in my history with them,” said Tudor Uhlhorn, chairman of the board of directors for Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, Inc., a co-operative comprising more than 90 sugarcane growing farms. “At the IBWC she (Giner) has been fantastic in fighting for water for us. But she can only do what she can do without the proper support for the State Department. Their (the IBWC’s) ultimate bosses are the United States State Department. So without pressure from them (the State Department) on Mexico, shes pretty limited. But shes been great.” secured an in-depth interview with Uhlhorn soon after RGVSGA decided to close its sugar harvesting, grinding and milling operation at the end of the season. As a result hundreds of jobs will be lost and the Valley economy will take a $100 million hit.  Uhlhorn said the decision to close the mill in Santa Rosa was a lack of reliable irrigation water. If Mexico had releasing water from the Conchos River Basin to the Rio Grande, as per the terms of 1944 treaty, Uhlhorn said, the sugar industry in the Valley could have been saved. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 29
Weslaco leaders say ICSC@Red River was productive

WESLACO, Texas - Three Weslaco leaders have spoken about their first time visit to the International Council of Shopping Centers conference in Dallas. Mayor Adrian Gonzalez, City Manager Martin Garza, and Weslaco Economic Development Corporation Vice President Sandra Charlton gave remarks at a press conference hosted by the Rio Grande Valley Partnership.  ICSC holds conferences around the country to bring cities and communities closer to potential retail store developers. ICSC, according to the group’s website, “promotes and elevates the marketplaces and spaces where people shop, dine, work, play, and gather as foundational and vital ingredients of communities and economies.”  It also “produces experiences that create connections and catalyze deals; aggressively advocates to shape public policy; develops high impact marketing and public relations that influence opinions; provides an enduring platform for professional success; and creates forward-thinking content with actionable insights — all of which drive industry innovation and growth.” ICSC’s annual national conference occurs in Las Vegas in May. An annual regional event for Texas and nearby states takes place in Dallas. It is called ICSC@Red River. This year’s Red River event was held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, and ran from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. For the first time the RGV Partnership, the Valley’s regional chamber of commerce, had a booth at ICSC@Red River. The idea of the booth was for the Valley to promote itself as a region. After all, the Partnership’s new motto is One Region, One Voice. On Feb. 12, the RGVP held a press conference to tell Valley media outlets how well the RGV did at the Dallas conference. The emcee was Daniel Silva, CEO of the RGV Partnership.  The panelists were Rene Alcala, of Killam Development, Steve Valdez of Weslaco EDC, Daniel Rivera of Elsa EDC, and Victor Perez of Pharr EDC.ICSC. Valdez asked Weslaco leaders to speak from the podium about their experience of ICSC. Gonzalez spoke first, followed by Garza, and Charlton.  Here is an audio recording of their remarks.  To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 25
Everything TAMUK President Robert Vela said at the TAMUK-TSC MOU signing ceremony

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Texas Southmost College and Texas A&M University Kingsville have signed a memorandum of understanding to solidify their collaboration and enhance educational opportunities for students. The MOU was signed by TAMUK president Dr. Robert H. Vela Jr. and TSC president Jesus Rodriguez at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville on Monday, February 12. The two presidents said the signing expands the partnership already established between the two organizations. That expansion includes the addition of more articulation agreements, allowing for even more 2+2 academic programs between the institutions to be built.  Rodríguez said these programs will provide students with a more seamless avenue through which they can transfer to Texas A&M Kingsville once they have completed their first two years at TSC.  “Our students believe in themselves as much as we believe in them, and that belief is a shared value between TSC and Texas A&M Kingsville,” Rodriguez said. “Together, we have forged a new pathway for economic mobility to move our communities forward.” Rodriguez said signing the MOU is a win-win for both institutions.  “Providing high quality affordable education remains a focus for both institutions. TSC is the most affordable institution of higher education in the entire Rio Grande Valley. A student can complete their (general education) or associates degree at one third the cost of a local university and then transfer to Kingsville and be confident that their credits have maximum transferability. They are earning time and money,” Rodriguez said. TAMUK’s Vela said TSC students will be eligible for his university’s Javelina Promise Program, which covers tuition gaps remaining after Texas grants and scholarships have been applied.  “Students need choices. Wherever they feel comfortable and feel like they can thrive, that’s the institution for them. We just want to be a part of that because we know the tradition that we have in this community is powerful,” Vela said. “Texas Southmost College and Texas A&I University were the [originals] of South Texas. We were here for these communities when no one else believed in South Texas. There is an array of excellence that has come from (both institutions). When you can marry those values and you can bring what we do day in and day out and the commitment to strategize and figure out ways to make things easier for our students, there’s something special in the air with this partnership,” Vela continued. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 23
Everything Sen. Morgan LaMantia said at the TAMUK-TSC MOU signing ceremony

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Texas Southmost College and Texas A&M University Kingsville have signed a memorandum of understanding to solidify their collaboration and enhance educational opportunities for students. The MOU was signed by TAMUK president Dr. Robert H. Vela Jr. and TSC president Jesus Rodriguez at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville on Monday, February 12. The two presidents said the signing expands the partnership already established between the two organizations. That expansion includes the addition of more articulation agreements, allowing for even more 2+2 academic programs between the institutions to be built.  Rodríguez said these programs will provide students with a more seamless avenue through which they can transfer to Texas A&M Kingsville once they have completed their first two years at TSC.  “Our students believe in themselves as much as we believe in them, and that belief is a shared value between TSC and Texas A&M Kingsville,” Rodriguez said. “Together, we have forged a new pathway for economic mobility to move our communities forward.” Rodriguez said signing the MOU is a win-win for both institutions.  “Providing high quality affordable education remains a focus for both institutions. TSC is the most affordable institution of higher education in the entire Rio Grande Valley. A student can complete their (general education) or associates degree at one third the cost of a local university and then transfer to Kingsville and be confident that their credits have maximum transferability. They are earning time and money,” Rodriguez said. TAMUK’s Vela said TSC students will be eligible for his university’s Javelina Promise Program, which covers tuition gaps remaining after Texas grants and scholarships have been applied.  “Students need choices. Wherever they feel comfortable and feel like they can thrive, that’s the institution for them. We just want to be a part of that because we know the tradition that we have in this community is powerful,” Vela said. “Texas Southmost College and Texas A&I University were the [originals] of South Texas. We were here for these communities when no one else believed in South Texas. There is an array of excellence that has come from (both institutions). When you can marry those values and you can bring what we do day in and day out and the commitment to strategize and figure out ways to make things easier for our students, there’s something special in the air with this partnership,” Vela continued. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 23
Everything TSC President Jesus Rodriguez said at the TAMUK-TSC MOU signing ceremony

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Texas Southmost College and Texas A&M University Kingsville have signed a memorandum of understanding to solidify their collaboration and enhance educational opportunities for students. The MOU was signed by TAMUK president Dr. Robert H. Vela Jr. and TSC president Jesus Rodriguez at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville on Monday, February 12. The two presidents said the signing expands the partnership already established between the two organizations. That expansion includes the addition of more articulation agreements, allowing for even more 2+2 academic programs between the institutions to be built.  Rodríguez said these programs will provide students with a more seamless avenue through which they can transfer to Texas A&M Kingsville once they have completed their first two years at TSC.  “Our students believe in themselves as much as we believe in them, and that belief is a shared value between TSC and Texas A&M Kingsville,” Rodriguez said. “Together, we have forged a new pathway for economic mobility to move our communities forward.” Rodriguez said signing the MOU is a win-win for both institutions.  “Providing high quality affordable education remains a focus for both institutions. TSC is the most affordable institution of higher education in the entire Rio Grande Valley. A student can complete their (general education) or associates degree at one third the cost of a local university and then transfer to Kingsville and be confident that their credits have maximum transferability. They are earning time and money,” Rodriguez said. TAMUK’s Vela said TSC students will be eligible for his university’s Javelina Promise Program, which covers tuition gaps remaining after Texas grants and scholarships have been applied.  “Students need choices. Wherever they feel comfortable and feel like they can thrive, that’s the institution for them. We just want to be a part of that because we know the tradition that we have in this community is powerful,” Vela said. “Texas Southmost College and Texas A&I University were the [originals] of South Texas. We were here for these communities when no one else believed in South Texas. There is an array of excellence that has come from (both institutions). When you can marry those values and you can bring what we do day in and day out and the commitment to strategize and figure out ways to make things easier for our students, there’s something special in the air with this partnership,” Vela continued. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 23
Everything TSC Chair Adela Garza said at the TAMUK-TSC MOU signing ceremony

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Texas Southmost College and Texas A&M University Kingsville have signed a memorandum of understanding to solidify their collaboration and enhance educational opportunities for students. The MOU was signed by TAMUK president Dr. Robert H. Vela Jr. and TSC president Jesus Rodriguez at the TSC Performing Arts Center in Brownsville on Monday, February 12. The two presidents said the signing expands the partnership already established between the two organizations. That expansion includes the addition of more articulation agreements, allowing for even more 2+2 academic programs between the institutions to be built.  Rodríguez said these programs will provide students with a more seamless avenue through which they can transfer to Texas A&M Kingsville once they have completed their first two years at TSC.  “Our students believe in themselves as much as we believe in them, and that belief is a shared value between TSC and Texas A&M Kingsville,” Rodriguez said. “Together, we have forged a new pathway for economic mobility to move our communities forward.” Rodriguez said signing the MOU is a win-win for both institutions.  “Providing high quality affordable education remains a focus for both institutions. TSC is the most affordable institution of higher education in the entire Rio Grande Valley. A student can complete their (general education) or associates degree at one third the cost of a local university and then transfer to Kingsville and be confident that their credits have maximum transferability. They are earning time and money,” Rodriguez said. TAMUK’s Vela said TSC students will be eligible for his university’s Javelina Promise Program, which covers tuition gaps remaining after Texas grants and scholarships have been applied.  “Students need choices. Wherever they feel comfortable and feel like they can thrive, that’s the institution for them. We just want to be a part of that because we know the tradition that we have in this community is powerful,” Vela said. “Texas Southmost College and Texas A&I University were the [originals] of South Texas. We were here for these communities when no one else believed in South Texas. There is an array of excellence that has come from (both institutions). When you can marry those values and you can bring what we do day in and day out and the commitment to strategize and figure out ways to make things easier for our students, there’s something special in the air with this partnership,” Vela continued. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 23
Orlando Campos gives an update on Harlingen's economic development projects

HARLINGEN, Texas - The City of Harlingen has to reignite its relationships in Mexico and in particular those in Matamoros. That is the message from Harlingen Economic Development Corporation CEO Orlando Campos. Campos and his EDC team recently accepted an invitation to meet with Index, the maquiladora industry trade association, in Matamoros. Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda joined the delegation. Campos said the visit was productive. “One of the strategies our city commission as well as our board of directors had for me when I came on board was obviously reconnecting and redeveloping the relationship with our sister cities right across the border,” Campos told and the . “So, over the last few months, we had been in contact with them, working with them.” Campos said the visit to Matamoros included a meeting with the secretary for economic development for Tamaulipas, Ninfa Cantú Deandár, the national president, Humberto Martínez Cantú, and Matamoros Mayor Mario López Hernández. “So, this was a great opportunity to meet with some of our key partners across the border and re-establish relationships with them. Our mayor, Norma Sepulveda was given an opportunity to address the (Index) membership. And so we felt that it was very, very successful, and the start of reigniting the relationship that Harlingen once had with the city of Matamoros.” Campos continued:  “Following the Index Matamoros meeting, the Harlingen delegation participated in a quick tour of the Las Ventanas Industrial Park, which is located on the west side of the community and is the industrial park park closest to Los Indios Bridge. So we met with the developers and also got a quick tour of the park. It was very, very impressive to see and to learn about the companies that have established manufacturing facilities at that park.” “So, overall, we felt that it was a great visit, and it is definitely the start of something great between Harlingen and our communities to the south in Mexico.” Asked why it is important for Harlingen to reconnect with Mexico, Campos said: “Well, we are located in a binational region. And so a rising tide raises all ships. So if our Mexican cities are successful, were successful here in Harlingen as well. A lot of the manufacturing facilities that maintain operations here in Harlingen are suppliers to a lot of the maquiladoras on the Mexican side. So as they continue to grow and expand their operations on the Mexican side, so will the companies here in Harlingen. “In addition to that, we also have quite a bit of space for expansion. So anything that we can do to support the maquiladoras’ efforts to attract suppliers, we are there to work with them. If they dont establish on the Mexican side, hopefully we can track them here toHarlingen so that they can be closer to them.” Campos has led Harlingen EDC for just seven months. Before this he worked in economic development in the Dallas region. He started his career helping the economic development efforts of Brownsville. Here is an interview Campos gave Ron Whitlock of . To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 21
Everything Dr. Nolan Perez said at the official opening of Jackson Medical Plaza

MCALLEN, Texas - Dr. Nolan Perez, MD, a Harlingen native and University of Texas System regent, spoke at the official opening of the state-of-the-art Jackson Medical Plaza on N. Jackson in McAllen.  Texas Digestive Specialists (TDS), a company Perez heads, is situated on the second floor. TDS offers a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic services for diseases of the digestive tract, liver, and pancreas. It also specializes in treating the full range of diseases and disorders that affect the colon, rectum, anus, appendix and small bowel. On the first floor of the Jackson Medical Plaza is the McAllen Surgery Center, run by HCA Healthcare. Rio Grande Regional Hospital is part of HCA. Its CEO, Laura Disque, spoke at the official opening. Many hundreds of VIPs were in attendance. In his speech at the official opening, Perez pointed out that Texas does not fare well in national healthcare rankings. “Texas, not the Rio Grande Valley, ranks 45th. Im just going to merge the numbers but… 42nd for specialists, 48th for primary care doctors, 45th for the number of physicians per capita in the United States. Thats Texas, as big and as fast as we are growing. So, you can imagine how far behind we are for the Rio Grande Valley.” Perez said Texas Digestive Specialists “loves” to create partnerships. He gave some examples. “Our partnership downstairs with HCA, the McAllen Surgery Center. We partner in so many ways with other hospitals and facilities, UHS, our physicians work there. I know that UHS is now getting involved with graduate medical education. Thats incredible. HCA is now getting involved with UTRGV with graduate medical education. Incredible. Down the street were not too far from DHR and were really proud to partner with them in many ways and help them get a liver transplant program. We desperately need a live transplant program in this region and so hopefully well have one soon. We partner with Prime across the Valley. Incredible facilities. And then, of course, Tenet hospitals as well. Incredible. They have a long standing tradition of supporting undergraduate and graduate medical education. I love creating partnerships and creating collective impact solutions for all the healthcare needs of our region.” Perez thanked the “amazing leaders” from the world of healthcare that attended the official opening. One of them was Matt Wolthoff, president of Driscolls new children’s hospital in Edinburg. “I told Matt Wolthoff, one of the CEOs who was here earlier… we cant stop until we can say that 99 percent of our people can get their health care in the Rio Grande Valley. In our lifetime, let’s make that possible.” Here is an audio recording of Dr. Perezs remarks at the official opening of Jackson Medical Plaza in McAllen. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 21
Highlights from Daniel Silva's remarks at the RGVP press conference on ICSC

WESLACO, Texas - The Rio Grande Valley Partnership will allow all the smaller cites in the region to use its booth at future ICSC trade shows. RGVP President Daniel Silva made the announcement at a press conference the Partnership hosted to discuss ICSC@Red River, which was held a couple of weeks ago in Dallas. “Small cities may not have a budget to go to ICSC Vegas or ICSC Dallas. But we still want for them to participate in the activities that we have because the Partnership is here for the whole region,” Silva told the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service, in an interview following the press conference. “And the smaller cities may say, well, were not a member of the Partnership. But, were going to put together events, were going to put together regional activity, and we want for them to be there.” Obviously, the smaller cities would still have to pay to be at ICSC. But they would not have to pay for a booth of their own, Silva explained. “We want them to show up and understand that were going to still showcase them, whether they can afford a booth or not, whether theyre going to be there or not. Were taking the entire region wherever we go.” ICSC is a retail trade show held every year. The main show is held in May in Las Vegas. Smaller regional events are held around the country. The regional event for Texas is held in Dallas in February. “The next ICSC will be in Vegas. We will have a big booth and every city in the Valley is welcome to use it. They dont have to be a member of the Partnership. They can show up, bring some of their literature and stand there and be available,” Silva said. “As long as they register for the event because it takes membership and registration for ICSC. But yes, they (the smaller cities) can be there. They can bring literature. They dont have to incur the extra expense of having their own booth. They can utilize the space that we have because we are here for the entire region.” The RGVP press conference was held at Weslaco city hall. Silva was the emcee for a panel discussion involving three economic development organizations and one land developer. During his remarks, Silva made more news when he said RGVP is looking to stage a site selector tour. Here is an audio recording of the highlights of Silva’s remarks: To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 19
Everything McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos said at his 2024 State of the City Address

MCALLEN, Texas - McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos has received lots of plaudits for his 2024 State of the City Address. Many of those in attendance liked both the dynamic nature of the event and the remarks the mayor gave. Here are some of the plaudits: McAllen City Commissioner Seby Haddad said: “Such an energizing McAllen State of the City 2024! There are so many projects on the ground and initiatives getting done.” South Texas College said: “Today, we were honored to join the CITY OF MCALLEN For its 2024 State of the City Address to celebrate their achievements and success. STC has been in McAllen for 30 years, and the city’s continued support and dedication to higher education helps us fulfill our mission and our goals.  “Congratulations and thank you Javier Villalobos and the City of McAllen.” Thelma Tamez, CEO and founder of La Encantada Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, said: “I feel incredibly proud and inspired after attending our McAllen State of the City address today. Its not every day you live in a city thats ranked as the 3rd safest in the U.S., hosts over 800 cultural events and a booming economy. Congratulations to the commission, staff, and community. This is The Spirit of McAllen.” Susie Torres of Killam Development said: “Excited to have attended the State of the City Address today. It was inspiring to hear Mayor Javier Villalobos’ vision for our vibrant community in McAllen. Looking forward to contributing to its growth and success with Killam Development. McAllen Economic Development said: “Great things are happening in McAllen. The State of the City Address took place at the McAllen Convention Center, where Mayor Javier Villalobos provided an update on the City of McAllen and its various projects, partnerships, and accomplishments that are making an impact in the city. We are honored to be a part of this beautiful city and to contribute to our communitys success.” State Sen. Juan Hinojosa said: “Enjoyed the State of the City address presented by City of McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos at the McAllen Convention Center earlier today. The theme for todays event was ‘The Spirit of McAllen.’ It highlighted the Citys advancements in quality of life, access to medical care, investments in infrastructure, the growth in border trade, and additional educational opportunities for students. There are great things happening in McAllen and much of it is due to the leadership of Mayor Villalobos, the City Commission, and the staff who work tirelessly to take care of our community. Congratulations on a great event.” Attorney Avia Castillo said: “So honored to be able to attend today’s McAllen State of the City address. It was with great pride that I was able to support my good friend, mentor, and colleague Mayor Villalobos. McAllen has grown in population, business, and infrastructure and will continue to grow with guidance. Congratulations Mayor.” McAllen Heritage Center said: “MHC Board members enjoyed a vibrant, informative State of the City luncheon today. Congratulations to Javier Villalobos, the McAllen mayor, and all the team that produce this event.” Editor’s Note: Here is an audio recording of Mayor Villalobos’ 2024 State of the City Address:  To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

1h 5m
Feb 15
Treviño: Why Cameron County choose to partner with VTX1

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - At a recent ceremony at the Cameron County courthouse, County Judge Eddie Treviño, Jr., and VTX1 CEO Patrick McDonnell signed an MOU to bridge the digital divide that exists in the county by expanding broadband services At the signing ceremony, Cameron County leaders were asked why those chose to partner with VTX1 rather than another internet service provider. The other ISPs that made a bid for the project were AT&T, Charter Communications, and SmartCom. In answer that same question - why partner with VTX1 - Cameron County Judge Treviño said: “I think the one of the overriding factors was the fact that they (VTX1) were not requesting nor requiring that the county foot the bill. Some of the other proposals we looked at wanted quite a bit of money from the county. Not that that was the only determining factor.” Another reason, Treviño said, was the fact that VTX1 is a local cooperative, based in Raymondville. “They have been very aggressive in helping to provide services for those most underserved areas. I mean, theyre based in Willacy and theyre having good success. And I know that theyre utilizing up to date technology. So to us, it just made it made sense (to choose VTX1).” Here is an in-depth audio interview with Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño about the new Cameron County-VTX1 partnership. It is conducted by Rio Grande Guardian editor Steve Taylor. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 15
Garza: Why Cameron County choose to partner with VTX1

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - At a recent ceremony at the Cameron County courthouse, County Judge Eddie Treviño and VTX1 CEO Patrick McDonnell signed an MOU to bridge the digital divide that exists in the county by expanding broadband services At the signing ceremony, Cameron County leaders were asked why those chose to partner with VTX1 rather than another internet service provider. The other ISPs that made a bid for the project were AT&T, Charter Communications, and SmartCom. In answer to that question - why partner with VTX1 - Cameron County Commissioner David Garza said: “The key attribute was that VTX1 was willing to sit down and work with the county and allow us to put a system in place for broadband service in Cameron County that involved Cameron County having to spend zero tax dollars. That was one of the main attributes, besides the reputation VTX1 brings to the table.” Here is an in-depth audio interview with Cameron County Commissioner David Garza about the new Cameron County-VTX1 partnership. It is conducted by Ron Whitlock of Ron Whitlock Reports. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 15
It's official: Laredo was the No. 1 port in the nation in 2023

LAREDO, Texas - The Port of Laredo was the busiest port - be it maritime, air, or land - in the United States in 2023, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The value of imports and exports passing through Laredo in 2023 topped $300 billion, a record for the port. The news was not a surprise to Gene Lindgren, president and CEO of Laredo Economic Development Corporation. The Rio Grande Guardian International News Service interviewed him a month or so back and he was fully expecting his city to be named No. 1. “We’re waiting on the edge of our seats for the entire 2023 numbers to be official and published, and well probably see those around February 11, as reported by the US Census Bureau,” Lindgren told the Guardian. “Then those numbers will probably be repeated in a more user-friendly fashion through a media think-tank called World City. But I highly anticipate that were going to be in the neighborhood of ending the year with total import and export values passing through Port Laredo at $320 billion.” Lindgren said that through November, 2023, the value of imports and exports at the Laredo port stood at $296 billion. “It is not unheard of to have $24 billion in December. So that would be an increase from 2022 to $298.5 billion.”  Lindgren said that while global trade was down about four percent, Laredo’s trade was up almost eight percent. Lindgren was asked if the growth in Laredo is due to the impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. “Well, USMCA is, as you know, the new and improved version of NAFTA, which is celebrating its 30th year this year. It was ratified in 1994 and it has completely changed the landscape of manufacturing in North America, in the supply chain between Mexico, the United States and even Canada,” Lindgren said. “And so its USMCA and then, post pandemic, it is near-shoring, ally-shoring, re-shoring, all of the above.” Lindgren continued: “International manufacturing companies have re-evaluated their footprint since the pandemic recovery. These footprint moves take years to evaluate and implement and get into production. Were now seeing that happen. So, it’s the industrial boom in Monterrey and Saltillo and Torreón in northern Mexico and even southern Mexico.” Lindgren said Laredo is benefiting from industrial activity in the interior of Mexico also. “The automotive market is starting to recover from its chip shortage, and so the automotive plants in Puebla and Guadalajara and Toluca, and more in mid- and southern Mexico… we (Laredo) are in that perfect place.” Lindgren asked the rhetorical question, how does all that industrial activity in Mexico help the United States. He answered his own question.  “Studies have shown that 40 percent of the raw material for the maquiladora plants still come from the United States. So it helps North America, it helps Mexico and it helps the United States and it even helps Canada,” Lindgren said. “The more competitive that we can be as a continent, as a region, under USMCA, the more manufacturing we can do within North America, the less and less dependent we have to be on China. And that contributes to national defense as well.” In his interview with the Guardian, Lindgren also spoke about positive national and international news coverage for Laredo, including in Spain, planned improvements to his city’s international bridges, development of the city’s airport, and the likely impact of the Tesla gigafactory in Monterrey. Here is an audio recording of the interview. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 14
Cuellar and Gonzalez unhappy with Abbott's border policies

LAREDO, Texas - LAREDO, Texas - U.S. Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez participated in a virtual press conference to respond to what they say is “Republican-led extremist chaos and obstruction at the U.S. Mexico border.” The event was hosted by U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro of San Antonio and also featured Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston, Sylvia Garcia of Houston, Greg Casar of Austin and Jasmine Crockett of Dallas. Cuellar, of Laredo, and Gonzalez, of McAllen, said Governor Greg Abbott was trying to provoke a standoff at the border. As a result, they said, Abbott was inciting extremist violence, obstructing federal immigration enforcement, and endangering asylum-seekers, Border Patrol agents, and border residents. Here is an audio recording of the opening remarks of Reps. Cuellar and Gonzalez at the virtual press conference: To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 12
Miguel Aleman's secretary of economic development discusses restoring the historic Roma-Miguel Aleman suspension bridge (Part Two)

ROMA, Texas - The North American Development Bank and U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar recently hosted a press conference to announce new federal funding for Roma, Texas. In total, NADBank is providing $835,000 for Roma. Some of the funds will help in the restoration of Roma’s historic suspension bridge and some will be used for the acquisition of a new compactor for the city’s landfill site. Before the press conference, which was held at the entrance to the suspension bridge, NADBank and Cuellar hosted a town hall meeting at Roma City Hall.  In the audience was Iliana Alamar Garcia Garcia, secretary of economic development and tourism for the City of Miguel Aleman. She thanked NADBank and Congressman Cuellar for assisting Mexico in ongoing studies related to the rehabilitation of the suspension bridge. Garcia spoke at both the town hall meeting and the press conference. Here is an audio recording of her speech at the press conference. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 11
Miguel Aleman's secretary of economic development discusses restoring the historic Roma-Miguel Aleman suspension bridge (Part One)

ROMA, Texas - The North American Development Bank and U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar recently hosted a press conference to announce new federal funding for Roma, Texas. In total, NADBank is providing $835,000 for Roma. Some of the funds will help in the restoration of Roma’s historic suspension bridge and some will be used for the acquisition of a new compactor for the city’s landfill site. Before the press conference, which was held at the entrance to the suspension bridge, NADBank and Cuellar hosted a town hall meeting at Roma City Hall.  In the audience was Iliana Alamar Garcia Garcia, secretary of economic development and tourism for the City of Miguel Aleman. She thanked NADBank and Congressman Cuellar for assisting Mexico in ongoing studies related to the rehabilitation of the suspension bridge. Garcia spoke at both the town hall meeting and the press conference. Here is an audio recording of her speech at the town hall meeting. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 11
Marti: South Texas College's simulation hospital is world class

MCALLEN, Texas - Kevin Marti, president of Wisconsiin-based Intelligent Video Solutions, says the simulation hospital South Texas College has built for its nursing students is “world class.” Marti was present for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at STC’s Nursing and Allied Health campus in McAllen. His company designs cutting-edge video simulation software that enhances and creates virtual training opportunities for nursing students.   The software, valued at half-a-million-dollars and provided and installed by Intelligent Video Solutions, was acquired through a $3 million Department of Labor Health Care Professional Expansion Initiative Grant, facilitated by STC’s long-time partner, Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA). “I’m going to be very transparent, my expectations were a little tempered, okay? That was until I walked into this facility,” Marti said. “When Ruben took me on a tour and we started walking around your hospital, I was blown away. I mean, really blown away. And I told Ruben at that time, I said, Ruben, this is world class.” Those present for the ribbon-cutting ceremony applauded Martin’s remarks. “Over the past 11 years since we started IVS… I’ve had the privilege of visiting a lot of other places, and going on a lot of different tours,” Marti said. “And I want you to know that this isnt just best class for South Texas. This is world class, what you guys are doing.” To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 05
In a speech in Brownsville, Texas Comptroller Hegar discusses economic growth

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Texas had the 12th largest economy in the world when the state’s comptroller, Glenn Hegar, took office. Now, Texas has the eighth largest economy. “That is hard to imagine,” Hegar said, in a speech in Brownsville on Jan. 30. He said the state’s budget is roughly $150 billion. The event was titled “Texas Talks: A Luncheon with Comptroller Glenn Hegar – Navigating Fiscal Frontiers.” It was hosted at the Brownsville Events Center by the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce. Hegar said four times in the last two decades tax collections in Texas grew ten percent, from one year to the next. But in fiscal year 2202, two years ago, the growth was 26 percent. “It was literally off the charts,” he said. He pointed out that some of this was due to the federal government pumping money into the economy. The population of Texas is also growing fast, the comptroller said. “Think about the fact that tomorrow morning, somewhere in this great state of 254 counties, somewhere there will be a another 1,200 to 1,300 people that call Texas home tomorrow that didnt call Texas home today.”  Texas also has a more youthful population than most of the rest of the nation, Hegar said. “Its hard to imagine, ten percent of all the children in the entire United States call their home Texas.” To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Feb 02
Todd Staples discusses TXOGA's Annual Energy & Economic Impact Report

AUSTIN – The Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $26.3 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year (FY) 2023 – the highest total in Texas history. This shattered last year’s record by more than $1.5 billion.  The information comes from newly released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association. TXOGA President Todd Staples spoke about his group’s Annual Energy & Economic Impact Report in a webinar on Jan. 30, 2023. He also spoke about the oil and gas industry’s global energy leadership, environmental progress, and policy priorities. “American energy leadership starts in Texas and our nation, our economy and our world are better because of the unparalleled stewardship of Texas oil and natural gas companies,” Staples said.  “2023 was such a blockbuster year that the Texas oil and natural gas industry effectively rewrote its record book, clocking unmatched economic and energy achievements across the board.” Staples said the record-breaking performance of the Texas oil and natural gas industry amounts to much more than phenomenal statistical achievements.  “The natural resources, fuels and essential products produced here cement America’s energy security, fortify Texas’ Staples said. Here is an audio recoding of Staples’ remarks on the webinar. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Jan 31
A Q&A with Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar in Brownsville, Texas

BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS - LEADERS IN THE WORLD OF EDUCATION IN THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY PITCHED QUESTIONS TO TEXAS COMPTROLLER GLENN HEGAR AT AN EVENT IN BROWNSVILLE ON DEC. 30. Those leaders included Texas Southmost College President Jesús Roberto Rodríguez, UT-Rio Grande Valley Vice President Veronica Gonzales, and Brownsville ISD interim Superintendent Jesús H. Chavez. Hegar spoke at a Brownsville Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at Brownsville Events Center. “Texas Talks: A Luncheon with Comptroller Glenn Hegar – Navigating Fiscal Frontiers.” Responding to Chavez’s question, Hegar said he was a big supporter of public education, having sent his children to public schools. Chavez told the Rio Grande Guardian later that he was pleased with Hegar’s response.  Hegar also took a question about liquefied natural gas, from veteran broadcaster Ron Whitlock, broadband infrastructure, from Brownsville City Manager Helen Ramirez, and industry innovation, from ANDREA FIGUEROA BENTON, HEAD OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS FOR NEXTDECADE/RIO GRANDE LNG. HERE IS AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THE Q&A SESSION WITH COMPTROLLER HEGAR. To read the new stories and watch the news videos of the Rio Grande Guardian International News Service go to

Jan 31