WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE (with doctor shannon)

Dr. Shannon Gulbranson


Women Sipping. On. Life. (with doctor shannon) is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LIVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

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2025 episodes

EPISODE 1936: "When I Loved Myself Enough" (With Special Guest Alison McMillen-Givnish) — Part 2

These sacred lessons shared to a daughter from an enlightened mother will awaken the little girl within you... Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, says this,  Are you ready for the continuation of my special interview with the one who brought, If you’d like to WIN a copy of Date Yourself Well and When I Loved Myself Enough (AKA: Our Special “Love Bundle”) please email me at drshannon@doctorshannon.com and say “I Love Myself Enough” in the Subject line. We’ll be choosing one dear soul as our special winner. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Please spend some time with yourself journaling about anything that comes up for you during the interview today. Allow your heart to speak... Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.   

Jun 08, 2023
EPISODE 1935: When I Loved Myself Enough (With Special Guest Alison McMillen-Givnish) — Part 1

Does love and life have to be hard? Only if we choose hard... I know you're going to enjoy this powerful video interview (a first on the podcast) with my special guest, Alison McMillen-Givnish. She's the daughter of Kim McMillen — the author of a very profound book,   This little book has had a huge impact on my journey of dating and loving myself well, and I know it's also going to impact yours. That's why I'm sharing it (and this sacred series) with you. Enjoy! Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: What would it look like for YOU to love yourself ENOUGH? Write this in your journal, "When I love myself enough I________(fill in the blank)________." Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you haven't already joined the movement, you're personally invited to come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WSOLMovement/ I can't wait to meet you there, and engage with you even more! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... To listen to the song I wrote, you can do so here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and also cast your vote on your favorite version. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 10, 2023
EPISODE 1934: Enough Is Enough — A Sacred S.O.L. Romance Series

Enough Is Enough. It’s time to settle this once and for all. This is the first of a series that we'll be discussing what enough looks and feels like when you love yourself enough, and love yourself well. People feel as though they are not enough. So many of you have reached out to me. And recently you (you know who you are) asked, "Is the love I have enough?" Thanks for asking. Questions like... Are You Enough? What Is Enough? Can Enough Be Enough? It's really not even about being good enough. Or being "enough." It's about you being. You are. I am. We are. Enough. Is. Enough. Are you ready for a new level of Sacred S.O.L. Romance? I am too... Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Define what's "enough" for you, and any struggles you're having with it. Set an intention of when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I can't wait to hear from you, and see where this incredible journey takes us. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 09, 2023
EPISODE 1933: I Am You Are…

LISTEN TO THIS DAILY — in case you forget. This powerful reminder is especially for YOU. Today and every day. Who are you? I'll tell you who you are. And get this... You don't necessarily have to FIND yourself to know who you are.  I've got great news for you. YOU ARE. And so am I. I'm also beyond grateful for YOU. Thanks for being YOU. THANKS FOR SHARING YOU WITH ME. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write out A-Z… And do exactly what I just did with you. Write down any, and all, things that you are… Starting with an A. Then starting with a B. And so on… Whatever your mind and heart can imagine. I AM…(fill in the blank)... Once you’ve done this. Stand in front of the mirror and read your list out loud to yourself. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 08, 2023
EPISODE 1932: Are You Enough?

What’s "enough" anyway? Today I'll show you how to measure "enoughness", and a new way of looking at it. When looking at the dictionary uses words like satisfaction, abundance, purpose, need, want, desire, sufficient, suitable, fit, adequate, and as good as necessary. The three most powerful for redefining are: 1. Needs. 2. Wants. 3. Desires. According to our basic needs are: Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization. The highest fulfillment of need is the feeling that you're enough. It's when you are being fully YOU, and fully expressed as you. Do you know what that looks and feels like for you? What do you really want in your life? It begins with redefining your wants and replacing them with your desires. So your desires can become your reality. Where are you on a scale from 1-10 in living the life that you desire? What would make it a 10 for you? What if enough isn’t about a number, a dollar amount, a size or fit…but that YOU FIT in your life...AND you feel fitting. There’s a sense of fulfillment, because you’re AWARE. What would that look and feel like in your life? What does you being good enough really mean to you? How about dropping the , and simply say I AM GOOD…WELL… It’s really NOT even about "ENOUGH." Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. DATE JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Rate each of these with a number between 1 and 10. Then ask yourself what it would take for it to be a 10 for you. Especially focusing on the desires of your heart. 1. Needs. 2. Wants. 3. Desires. I hope this really helps. Get intentionally conscious about your desires and what is for you. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 07, 2023
EPISODE 1931: Forgive Your Present Not Your Past

If you live on planet earth long enough, there will be things you must overcome, and they’re IN your present. This is what you can do about it… Oftentimes we blame the past for everything, including our present. BUT YOU CAN...IN YOUR PRESENT. If you blame your past...what you’re really doing is blaming your PRESENT. It’s time to stop blaming, and forgive your present. In the present. If you haven’t forgiven your past, it’s IN your present. Forgive your PRESENT for holding onto it. Forgive yourself, my dear! Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write down what you’ve been carrying with you from the past…and for some reason you’re blaming your PRESENT on it. Circle it. Put a line through it. Write down: I FORGIVE YOU. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 05, 2023
EPISODE 1930: Why She Doesn’t Like Dating

Here is what's missing in dating relationships, as well as so many relationships... Today's S.O.L. Story leads to what I call, The ability to ask in order to uncover and discover something. It starts within YOURSELF, so you can also do it with others. In order to love you (and others), you must know you. In order to know you (and others), you must ask yourself empowering, discovery-type questions. If you don't truly know you, it'll be very difficult to know others. If you don't love you, it's impossible to truly love others. It leads to loving you, and others. The necessity of this type of DATING doesn't stop when you get into a relationship with another, or when get married. For this, mastering is essential. What do YOU think about that? I'd love to hear from you... Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Ask yourself these 3 questions: 1. Who are you? 2. Why are you so lovable? 3. What can I do for YOU today? Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 04, 2023
EPISODE 1929: Now + Next…

This is for those moments when you’re at the end of the road, the edge of the cliff — the beginning of something… So, now what? Today I'll show you... The allows us to go so much deeper than what we thought we , , or …to discover what’s really there. It allows us to find out and discover what’s there in our NOW, to create the NEXT. Sometimes this can be the scariest question after something unexpected happens, or something new is about to begin. So instead, I encourage you to look at NOW and NEXT. That's right... You’re at the crossroad, and you must make a decision to go right or left. Are you going right or left? Are you going the way that’s right for you? OR… Are you going to — to leave it — to leave yourself? To leave it all? START WITH…NOW. WHY? THEN, WHAT NOW? Not, now what? BUT... What Now? Then… NOW. WHEN? There’s no greater WAY to go to NEXT then from (and through) NOW. NOW. NEXT. How? NOW. AND. NOW. Now + Now is exponential!! What are you willing to do NOW and NOW to move to NOW…NEXT? Only YOU can answer that for yourself. You can move from feeling like you’re drowning…to sipping. Feeling like it’s overcoming you...to overcoming. By BECOMING in the process of NOW AND NOW. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write down what you see right here in the NOW. What does your NOW look like? Then write down the word: What would your next step look like in the NOW? Write it down and commit to taking it today. Not only commit to doing it, but simply do it. TAKE THAT STEP TODAY. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 03, 2023
EPISODE 1928: Fight For Your BeCause

With everyone competing for your attention, where do you fit in? Where does your higher purpose fit? Who's fighting for IT? Today I show you how... First, you must stop repressing yourself. Repression leads to depression and regression! Second, you must discover your CAUSE...your BIG why. Then fight for it.  This is why you must fight for yourself. You are carrying something bigger than yourself, my dear! Last, but not least, fully commit to your cause and live your life on purpose. How's that sound?  Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: What are your non-negotiables or conditions you’ll have for yourself — what’s acceptable and not acceptable — for you to fully express the unconditional love you have for YOU and YOUR LIFE? Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

May 01, 2023
EPISODE 1927: Fight For Yourself…

Punching yourself or punching others, how's it working for you? It's time to find your rhythmagain... Some of the greatest lessons I've learned have come from being in front of a speed bag...attempting to slow down my mind and TRUST. OR... In a ring, throwing punches. OR... After life knocked me down, and I had to make a decision. Would I stay down, or would I stand and fight FOR myself... Instead of against myself or anyone else. I'm so grateful I chose (choose) to stand. How about you? Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write down where you’ve been fighting against yourself. Where are you saying you desire one thing, but you’re doing the exact opposite? Where are you saying that you DON’T WANT “THIS,” but you keep accepting it anyway? Where have you been FORCING it? Today's YOUR day to find YOUR RHYTHM...and fight FOR YOU. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 29, 2023
EPISODE 1926: You're Not Broken

What’s the difference between counseling and coaching? This was the question I was asked. This is my answer... STOP TRYING TO FIX YOURSELF…YOU’RE NOT BROKEN. What’s the difference between counseling and coaching? Yes, this is a question I often get asked. This is my answer.. Counseling focuses on FIXING. Coaching focuses on FINDING. Counseling focuses on the PAST. Coaching focuses on the PRESENT, while creating the future you desire to love and live. At least, this is what I do with my clients in You (and your life) may not be working, but you can. My desire for you is to feel (and be) fully functional, aware, and thriving. NOT just ONE step up from BROKEN. HOW? 1. FIND YOURSELF. STOP TRYING TO FIX YOURSELF. 2. INSPIRE YOURSELF. It’s time to begin Inspiring yourself in the healing process, Inspiring yourself in the process of loving your life and life’s work well. 3. EXPOSE THE TRUTH. PERIOD. Stop waiting for your life to change to love it. Love your life to change. Stop waiting for YOU to change to LOVE YOURSELF. Love you to change. Love your life to healing. Stop trying to be improve yourself, be better, or be best... In order to Be Excellent Starting Today you must Be Expressed Starting Today. Expressing who you are. In order for you to do this, you must know. And… In order to know, you must EXPRESS. Got it? It starts right here. Right now... Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write yourself a letter today. Tell yourself why you’re NOT broken. Write out how you feel, then remind yourself: I AM NOT BROKEN. Even if you’ve felt (or feel) broken. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 28, 2023
EPISODE 1925: It’s Raining Money…

Are you ready to feel like a winner, and help others do the same? When was the last time you allowed yourself to give YOU...freely? The way we define things is EVERYTHING…the gift within you must be defined with value.   Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Who in your life today could you unexpectedly bless with something that you have to give? Write down what you have to give that’s uniquely you. Share it — share YOU— with someone today. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 27, 2023

If you’ve ever felt a little selfish for putting you first, then listen to this… We care for that which we value. So the first thing you must do is take a look at YOUR VALUE, and how much YOU VALUE YOURSELF. How much do you value YOU and your life? Are you willing to carry the VALUE OF YOU WELL? Are you ready? IT STARTS WITH S.E.L.F. S- Stay in your OWN lane. Mind your own business. Stay in your own lane, but don’t STAND STILL. Keep moving. Life is motion. Motion is life. E- Evaluate yourself FIRST. L- Love yourself like you show love to others. Love God. Love Yourself. Love Others. In that order. This is the secret to your success. Remember the How are you doing with this? It’s time to check yourself. F- Forgive yourself and others. For NOT caring for you as you desire...and deserve. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage yourself.) Write down 3 things you could start doing today to show yourself how much you love and care for YOU. I'd love to hear about it. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 26, 2023
EPISODE 1923: The Same Change

There’s NO Best Version Of You! In order for you to live the life you love and love the life you live, you must make changes in your life. You have power to change the circumstances or situations in your life. But it doesn't come from "out there." Change and transformation begins on the inside of you, in your heart and soul. Perhaps you're like I was...looking for my " in someone else. Yes, I thought I had simply married the It's not whether you did, or didn't, marry the "right" someone. The bigger question is this... Are you meeting, and falling in love with the girl in the mirror RIGHT in front of you? Your life can transform today, and you can begin the process IF you accept that CHANGE AND GROWTH ARE REQUIRED. Are you desiring the SAME CHANGE over and over — year after year — but you, yourself aren’t willing to change? I know this may seem way too simple, right? It's profoundly simple. ut. The key to your change is in your heart and soul. YOU must change. This doesn’t mean becoming someone you’re not. It’s not about you being better or best. Authentic is better than both, because it’s about BEING. When you commit to BEING your authentic, genuine self and the fullest expression of that, it’s no longer about better, best, or being more. There’s only the fullest expression of you, or the most authentic version of you. That’s BEING. EXCELLENT. STARTING. TODAY. When you tap into your authenticity, there’s no need to change that, or become better at it. Our authentic version of who we are EXPANDS. Growth and change happen naturally. Life is about growth, movement, and change. IF YOU’RE HOLDING ONTO THE IDEA THAT YOU HAVE TO CHANGE TO BE BETTER, AND IT’S THE SAME CHANGE YOU CONSTANTLY SEEK, BUT HAVEN’T YET EXPRESSED IT…THEN TODAY’S THE DAY FOR SOMETHING NEW. DIFFERENT. COMPLETELY. AUTHENTICALLY YOU. Take a look at how you see change, and allow that to change and transform you from the inside, out. When you allow it to happen through and for you, you’ll become different and completely free to be all that you truly are. So you can experience the transformative growth and development that’s in you. That IS you. PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR, AND GIVE UP THE IDEA OF WANTING THE SAME CHANGE. If you truly desire change, then get to know HER (you) fully, wholly, completely, innately and watch that change your life, and the lives of those you touch. It’s transformative. I promise you. You can’t live your life, and avoid change. Give up the idea of trying to stay the same, or desiring the same change over and over. Make a commitment today to fully embrace, acknowledge, and engage with the truest version of you. How does that sound? I really believe the way we look at change, self-development, growth, and life is often incomplete and backwards. None of these happen from the outside, in...OR by trying to improve yourself. . Fully engage and express yourself like never before. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write down the ONE thing that you absolutely know to be TRUE about yourself that you wouldn't change for the world. Commit to fully engaging and expressing that TRUTH about you in all that you're doing. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 25, 2023
EPISODE 1922: Do You Have Time To Play?

It's time to play...not pause...not stop...PLAY. "Hey, do you have time to play?" This is what the little boy asked his neighbor. It made my heart smile. In today's episode, I show you that you're never too old to play. In fact, I believe it's vital to play at every age.  How engaged are you with FUN in your life? How engaged are you with PLAY? EVEN HUMPBACK WHALES HAVE A RITUAL FOR PLAY. DID YOU KNOW THAT? It’s right up there with mating, sleeping, and eating. Do you have a ritual for play? It’s vital to our existence, and our experience of our existence. As well as how fulfilling our experience can be. If humpback whales need to play, then you and I need to make time to play too. Find it. Discover it. Do it. Starting today. Of course I created a little acronym (you know how much I love a great acronym) to help you remember how to play and have fun. F.U.N. F: FREEDOM. In order for us to play and have fun in life, we must experience freedom. Freedom to be who we are — spontaneous, wild, and free. And remember, it’s not only that you’ll find fun in your freedom...but you’ll receive freedom in your fun. Cherish, guard, and value your time, freedom and fun. U: UNDERSTANDING. Understand what you love to do, and how vital it is to your day-to-day life to play and have fun. It's about being uninhibited, completely natural, unapologetic, unashamed, unafraid, totally wild, free, and fun. Get an understanding of what you love to do, and what feels fun to you. What fun and play do you bring to your life? N: NEVER SAYING NEVER. Our imagination allows us to tap into our fun factor. There's no such thing as "NO" (Unless, of course, Mom says "NO". Ha.)  Nothing's impossible. Never say never. WHERE ARE YOU PUTTING THE BREAKS ON FUN AND PLAY IN YOUR DAY? Find a way to play. Play your day. Have fun in the moment. No matter what your age, you have a little girl and a little boy (both female and male energy) within you. You’re like a little child that’s desperately asking to be taken out to play. Remember the knock at the door, when someone comes to ask if YOU can come out and play? I hope you take this invitation today, and join me. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL Plan out a PLAY DATE/DAY for yourself. You can do it by yourself or invite a friend or friends to join you. GET OUT AND PLAY. TODAY. Begin to commit to the valuable and vital aspect of play and fun in your life. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com/ — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 23, 2023
EPISODE 1921: Good Grief

All day I’ve been feeling like I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share with you today. I kept thinking, what does “she” (you) need to hear from me today. Then I sat down at my computer, and I got the email…I knew what I was going to share with you. I hope my SACRED S.O.L. STORY of grief……makes a difference in your experience of it. Now or in the future. There are 2 Major Lessons I’ve learned about grief from the loss of both my parents. 1. GRIEF IS GOOD. FEEL IT, BUT DON’T FEED IT. IF YOU DO, IT’LL STICK AROUND LIKE THE STRAY CATS DO ON THE FARM. Let it come like a wave in the ocean. It comes and goes. No matter what happens, the tide recedes. Allow it to pass over you or through you. In your feeling, you’ll find healing. Feel it. Heal it. Don’t feed it. 2. LOVE ISN’T THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. IT’S THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS. Love yourself. Love those in your life. Love your life. Love your life’s work. With all your heart and soul. Don’t wait. Feel it. Heal it. Love it. Live it. Now. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Tell someone you love how much you love, and appreciate him or her today. Love them. Stand in front of the mirror and give yourself a big hug. Let yourself know how grateful you are the you’re the carrier of your soul. That you have a body that carries a soul. One that has a purpose, and a heart...that’s full of love, and has a life’s work to do. Then get going. Do it. Get ‘er done, my dear! Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 21, 2023
EPISODE 1920: The Boob Job

There’s nothing more beautiful than a confident soul. And this comes from TRUTH. The TRUTH is…not only are you more than enough…You ARE. You are beautiful. Alive. Whole. Well. If you don’t believe this, you’ll begin to believe me through the process of learning to love yourself well. Today’s SACRED S.O.L. STORY (aka ) inspired me to fall in love with my body, and the way it looks…especially my breasts. HERE ARE 3 SECRETS THAT'LL HELP YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR BODY. #1: Focus on what’s RIGHT with you, and not what you think is WRONG with you. #2: Focus on YOUR opinion of yourself…and YOUR body. See it from a different perspective, with a new belief. Are you trying to FIT into something your were NEVER designed to fit into? #3: Try on your new belief. See how it fits. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) 1. Write down that ONE body part that you don’t particularly love and appreciate. 2. Write it a Love + Appreciation Letter. Then let me know what happens for you. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 20, 2023
EPISODE 1919: What To Do When You're Feeling Overwhelmed…

We’ve all been there. You know, that overwhelming feeling of feeling overwhelmed. If that’s you today, please take a deep breath. Pull over, and take a moment. I’m going to remind you of a few things that I experienced lately in a highly stressful, overwhelming situation. Here are the three (3) lessons I learned from my SACRED S.O.L. STORY. I believe they'll help you the next time you feel overwhelmed… LESSON #1: SET THE POOP DOWN! Whatever's going on in your life…set the poop down. If you’re carrying around “crap” in your life, it’s time to set it down. It’s unnecessary. Let it go. Release it, and YOURSELF. It’ll make everything better. LESSON #2: MAKE SURE YOUR VISION IS CLEAR. When we cannot see clearly, it makes everything feel overwhelming. Take a look at whatever you’re dealing with from a completely different, or opposite, perspective today. Is it possible that you have truth in front of you, and you have VISION, but you’re looking at it from only one side (perspective)? LESSON #3: PUSH THE STOP BUTTON. Whether it’s the pause button or a full nap, take a break. Take a deep breath. Everything will seem much more manageable, and peaceful. Please take a breath If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, please try these three things, and let me know how it goes for you. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP… 1. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) 2. Write down where you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 3. Ask yourself if there’s any place in your life where you’re carrying around poop…mentally, physically, or spiritually. 4. Set the crap down. Get the stink out of your life. 5. Ask yourself if you can see the situation from a different perspective. Try it.  6. Take a little break today. Push the STOP or PAUSE button, and listen to your breath. Listen to your heart and soul. I’d love to hear from you! WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM. Thanks for reaching out, and being a part of this movement of WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE around the globe. We DO NOT need to be overwhelmed in life anymore. Sip on it. One sip, breath, and step at a time. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 19, 2023
EPISODE 1918: You're Only One Belief Away...

Today I'm going to teach you 3 things that must happen to take your NEW belief to a NEW level of an YES, you’re only one belief away… The beginning of BELIEF is BE. How are you being as you’re believing what you’re believing? And as you’re believing what you’re behaving? All behavior comes from belief. Action or inaction comes from a belief you have, whether it’s conscious or unconscious. I believe that you are only ONE BELIEF away from an unbelievable life. What would an unbelievable life look like for you? Can you BELIEVE for it? Today’s episode is somewhat of a continuation of yesterday’s program: EPISODE 1917: THE DECEPTION OF TRUTH. I talked about the fact that you must know what you believe. Knowledge of the truth sets us free, so it’s that matters most. My life began to make a huge shift when I had the revelation that I didn’t need to get what I wanted to be happy. BUT…happiness comes from knowing what I desire. (Wow!) Do you know what you desire? It’s in that you actually have the power to create it. If you believe... Do you know what you believe? 1. KNOW WHAT YOU BELIEVE. It’s in knowing what you believe that'll allow you to behave in a way that lines up with what you desire. A lot of times people aren’t conscious of what they believe. So they keep saying they desire this or that, but their belief system doesn’t support it. Think of your desires as a mountain. If your beliefs are at the bottom of the mountain, you’ll keep going around and around the mountain. Unless your beliefs rise up to the level of the mountain (your desires,) you won’t be able to experience the summit/mountaintop of desire. What do you believe? Do you KNOW it? You must be willing to do the work to uncover and discover the truth about what you believe. Question your beliefs, and choose whether or not you’re going to keep them. 2. KNOW IF WHAT YOU’RE BELIEVING IS THE TRUTH, AND WHETHER OR NOT IT’S TRUE FOR YOU. Something can be factually true, but may not necessarily be true for you. What's YOUR TRUTH? How will you know? Take a look at your results. 3. KNOW IF IT’S WORKING. If it is…fabulous. But will this same belief system take you where you desire to go? Perhaps you’ll need a higher level of belief, desire, trust or truth. You get to decide. It’s all possible if you’re AWARE, WILLING, IN MOTION AND READY TO DO THE WORK. Have you ever thought about that? Do your current beliefs fit your DESIRE? Ask yourself the questions. Be willing to see it for what it is. Knowledge of the truth sets you free. Be willing to acknowledge it. I see it all the time with my clients. One change, shift, or adjustment in belief changes everything. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.)  TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Think about ONE thing you strongly desire in your life. 1. Write it down. Be specific. 2. What belief would be necessary for you to experience that level of desire? 3. How does it compare to your current level of belief? Are you willing to try on a new belief? Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.     

Apr 18, 2023
EPISODE 1917: The Deception Of Truth

Today I’m going to uncover some truths that I believe will set you free, if you believe them. The  is what we believe. But what if you’re believing something that’s not true? Here are some truths about TRUTH: #1: What do you believe? Look at your own personal beliefs. What do you believe about ___(fill in the blank)__? But what if “that” is not the truth? If you’re not living in freedom in any area of your life, then what you’re believing is NOT true. Do you KNOW what you believe? Most people are not living in freedom, yet still claim that what they believe is true. Look at what you believing today. If you’re believing something that’s not setting you free, OR you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, OR you’re not feeling that loving, peaceful, valuable experience of life, then it’s time to take a look at some of your beliefs. #2: If it can’t be interpreted at least two different ways, it’s probably not true. Truth is not one-sided. It’s multi-dimensional. It’s inclusive. It’s not exclusive. It’s very inclusive. Truth IS. There’s no judgement on/in it. It’s not right. It’s not wrong. It simply IS. If you want to experience the freedom of truth, you must step into it. You can see truth from two different places. From one side it may look one way, then move 180 degrees around to the other side, and it can look very different. Is it still the truth? Yes, it is. Perhaps…maybe…truth’s IN the one that’s looking at it? So if you’re deceived, no matter what you’re seeing, you’re not going to believe it. You could be looking at the truth, and not even recognize it as the truth. It's KNOWLEDGE of the truth that'll set you free. This is happening all over the globe. What is true for you? What do you believe? Look at it from both sides of the sphere. Truth can be interpreted more than one way, and it’s in the eye of the beholder. What you see and believe, may or may not be the truth. But if you know and believe THE TRUTH, you’ll find freedom. It’ll set you free. People want to make truth all about , and everything else Life is like a big circular sphere…the world…globe. The sun shines on both sides, but at different times. The globe is the truth. How are you seeing it? It depends on where you’re standing. If you’re not seeing the truth, you won’t find freedom. #3: What if the  isn't necessarily what you see, but it's the LIGHT that’s shining upon the metaphorical globe or sphere that you hold in your hands? What if the reason why  is because IT allows us to see something? It’s the LIGHT that allows us to see something we didn’t see before. Now that the light’s on, you can see things you didn’t see before. No longer is it a “right or wrong” scenario, but it IS…and then you can take a good look at it. You can experience it, and find your freedom in it. Stop deceiving yourself. Stop lying. Stop hiding. Stop believing something that’s no longer true for you, or perhaps never was. Look at what you believe today, and ask yourself if your beliefs are allowing you to live in freedom and peace. Is there another way to see it? Is it possible that truth isn’t “IT” at all, but it’s the light that you shine upon it?  Why? So you can KNOW some things you didn't know before. Perhaps knowledge of this is what will allow you to be set free from whatever you’re dealing with today. Be willing to see whatever it is with the lights completely on today. No more hiding. No more standing on the other side of truth. Stand where you are…with the light of truth. Look. Live. Love in that place. If there’s something you don’t like, do something about it. Turn the knob. Flip the switch, and turn the lights on. Be willing to expose it all. I believe you can. Turn the LIGHT OF TRUTH on in your life, and watch what happens. It’s time to start living in truth, and living in freedom. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E.JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: 1. Write down an area in your life that you’ve been hiding. Keeping in the dark? Ashamed? Worried? Confused? Lying? Cheating? Whatever it is… 2. Literally go stand out in the sun, and allow it to shine upon the words in your journal. Then ask yourself if you’re willing to see "IT" differently. Are you willing to allow the light of truth to shine upon it, so you can see it for what it is, and make decisions in truth, versus deception. Does this make sense to you? I really believe this is going to help you today. I hope you discover some beliefs that are simply NOT true, NOT working for you, or setting you free…and you make choices today. So you can walk in truth and live your life in freedom. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.     

Apr 17, 2023
EPISODE 1916: Is Your Life's Work Working?

This is the SECRET to living a life that works. Are you ready? This topic of has been one that I’ve wrestled with at some level throughout my life. Even though I felt as though I knew what my was from the time I was very young. The journey of my life has taught me so much more than I ever imagined… Our life’s work is not what we do, but who we’re being and becoming while we’re doing what we’re doing. It’s who we are. Your life’s work is who you are! When you’re fully engaged with who you are, your life WILL work. When I began the process of discovering my life’s work, I entered into the art of healing. At times the process was painful. But it led me into my own miraculous healing. I discovered that a healer isn’t someone who heals another, but one who has healed or is healing. When we begin to receive our own healing, we can enter into a life that works, and our true life’s work. My life wanted me to know my “life’s work” as badly as I wanted to know it. So much so that my life began telling me the story. It wasn’t until I became conscious enough to actually hear the story, recognize it, and receive the truth about it that I entered into my life’s work. I’ll never forget the day that I became absolutely certain that I was (am) a messenger of hope. Little did I know that this process would take me through some very hopeless terrain that felt very hopeless at times. I had to uncover, and discover truth that restored the foundation of my TRUTH, center, and core…bringing me back to MY HEART. After three divorces, I finally acknowledged that I was the common denominator. I had to ask myself what was really going on within me, and dive deeply into my heart for the answers. I’ve lived from this very hopeful place ever since. It’s led me to the discovery of my sacred life’s work. And it can do the same for you. When you awaken the hope that’s within you, and become conscious of it, you discover your beliefs, desires, TRUTH…and you can trust it. Trust the process. If you’re struggling with finding your true purpose…your life’s work…following your passion, know this... Life wants you to know as badly as you want to know. Are you willing to be quiet enough to actually pay attention and listen to your heart? Pay attention to what LIFE’S telling you. Your life’s work is YOU...and within you. When you go within, you will no longer go without. You’ll tap into a power that’s profoundly you, and begin to share from that place. Typically with our life’s work, there’s a PROBLEM. There’s also PAIN involved. The problem is that most people will attempt to avoid pain, instead of going into it and exploring what the pain is trying to tell them. When I began to acknowledge and embrace the pain I was able to get answers to some lifelong questions that I had. Truth got me to live my life’s work. It’ll get you to live yours too. Beyond the pain is an incredible solution to a problem. Your life’s work is connected to a massive SOLUTION. YOU are the carrier of the message of this solution. When you realize that YOU are the carrier of the SOLUTION that’ll get your life working, you’ll enter into your LIFE’S WORK. Go all into the refining fire of your life’s work. You’ll come out as a shiny diamond... :) Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) Write down your story up until this point in your life. Stop running from your own story. What’s your story telling you? Stop being a STORY TELLER, and take time to actually listen to, and figure out, what your story’s telling you. Is your life working and is your life’s work working? When you begin to work…YOUR life’s work…your life will work. What do YOU think? I'd love to hear from you. Do you have any questions or comments? Please let me know what you think. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.     

Apr 15, 2023
EPISODE 1915: Love Your Life Well

If this was YOUR last day of life, would your life know that you LOVED IT WELL? Today's episode is a continuation of yesterday's episode.  (EPISODE 1914: HOW TO BECOME THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE.) Having just received the news that someone special has unexpectedly passed away...  It reminds me of that dreaded phone call, when I was told that both my parents were killed in a car accident. What does it look like to be the great lover of your life? To with your life? We never know when our final hour will come, but we can KNOW and LOVE the life that we're living right now in the moment. Life is worthy of our LOVE. We must pursue and care for our lives. From the inside out… WE are the carriers of LIFE, and we MUST love it well! The one within us...the one that IS us. Then we can relate with the one outside of us. The life that sits in before us called, "today." The life that's in front of us. How well are you loving your life? IN ORDER TO LOVE YOUR LIFE WELL, YOU MUST: 1. LOVE YOUR BODY WELL. 2. LOVE YOUR DAY WELL. 3. LOVE YOUR LIFE’S WORK WELL. What are you doing with the time you’re spending on planet earth? Time is life, and how you spend your time is how you spend your life. Are you loving it well?  Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY'S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Write your LIFE a LOVE LETTER. "Dear Today"... Address your day/life with love. I'd love to hear from you!  Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 13, 2023
EPISODE 1914: How To Become The Great Lover Of Your Life

In today's episode I reveal the 5 Engagements of becoming a great lover. If your experience of life isn't the love story you thought it would be, this message will help you create one that is. Your Happily Ever After awaits... Are you a great lover of your life? My desire is that by the time we’re done with this podcast today, you’ll be totally ready to make love with your life! But first, you must locate yourself. How are you experiencing your life right now? Are you experiencing it as a lover or a lost, lonely, disengaged, victim…poor me, soul? There are 4 Syndromes that’ll keep you from becoming the great lover of your life: 1. The Cinderella Syndrome. 2. The Disengagement Syndrome. 3. The Superwoman Syndrome. 4. The Poor Me Syndrome. Whether you're suffering from one or more of these syndromes, there is a SOLUTION. YOU MUST BEGIN TO... Date Yourself Well and stop accepting what you do NOT desire. Do not accept any more SYNDROMES. Remember, your poor me story will keep you poor. It’s possible to enter into a love story that's greater than you can even imagine…a life of WOMANCE and ADVENTURE! No more fantasy or fairytales. Instead, begin to create the love…life you desire. How? There are 5 Engagements Of A Great Lover. YOU MUST... 1. Meet You. 2. Know You. 3. Value You. 4. Be You. 5. Love You. Are you willing to experience your life as a great lover of YOU, YOUR LIFE, and those you love in your life? Trade the “Syndromes” for a love story and life of: 1. Certainty. 2. Abundance. 3. Movement. 4. Purpose. Commit yourself. Unite with yourself. Give and receive your own unconditional love. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP IS THIS: 1. Answer these questions: How are you experiencing your life right now? Are you willing to become the great lover of your life? 2. Write down one thing you can do today to meet you, know you, value you, be you, love you today. Start with: Hi, I am_________________________________. I’m so grateful to share this time with you. This is the day to begin to fall in love with you and fully engage in your life. Please let me know what happened for you today, and what kind of lover you're choosing to be...  I’d LOVE to hear from you!! Thank you for being here, and allowing me to Sip On Life with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... And learn about an incredible opportunity for a select sacred group of 25 women who are ready and willing to RISE UP AND BE THE WOMAN. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SCHEDULE A WITH YOU TO SEE IF IS A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. EMAIL ME AT DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my new song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGE for more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 12, 2023
EPISODE 1913: Abundance Gets High

In today's episode, Dr. Shannon will show you how to get to the next level of your abundance. Today’s episode is about getting the problem and plan. So you can go to the next level. If you desire abundant growth and creation, then you’re going to have to get to a much higher level of thinking, believing, desiring, trusting, and behaving. WHERE DO YOU START? Start with… 1. YOUR WHY. Either there’s a problem needing a solution, or a need being fulfilled. What is it for you? 2. YOUR WHAT. Do you have a bird’s eye? 3. YOUR HOW. DOES YOUR HOW MAKE SENSE? It will present itself once you see the WHY in your heart, the WHAT with your eyes (VISION), and then strategize with your brain. That's when you can begin to formulate a plan of execution. Go deep within your soul. From your desire, you go must go HIGH and stay HIGH. That’s why abundance elevates to its level. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY'S S.O.L. STEP: 1. Write down something that you desire to do, but don't yet know exactly how to do it. 2. Write down these 3 words, and what your heart is telling you. __ __ 3. Your HOW may require you ASKING someone to help you. Yes, you have to live your life for yourself...but you don't have to do it all by yourself. I'm here to support you in living and loving your life + life's work well. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.   

Apr 11, 2023
EPISODE 1912: Finish Your START

In today's episode, Dr. Shannon teaches you the secret to finishing what you start. WARNING: This one's going to require some deeper thinking. Is it possible that the reason you haven't finished what you started is because you haven't finished your START? Today I'm going to teach you the secret to finishing what you start. What does it mean to you to “finish your START?” It means you'll become a starter AND a finisher. For some it may be easier to start, while for others it may be easier to finish. However, I think most people find themselves feeing stuck in the “I don’t know where to start” category. This has always been easy for me…but I’ve had to learn the hard way that starting simply for the sake of STARTING or running with an idea doesn’t always work real well. Perhaps you’re like me and you find it way easier to start, but… Is this working for you? For me, I got to a point in my life where I had to finally admit that STARTING wasn’t always the answer…and it simply wasn’t working. Where’s your finish line? Done gets paid. If you don’t finish it, there’s a lack or loss of value. When you exchange that value for something of value you keep the circle of life going…the circle of value growing. If you start, but don’t finish, you won’t get results. Inspiration will take you a long way, no doubt, and staying tapped into the true power of the inspiration will help you finish as well. Is it possible that one of the reasons you haven’t finished something is because you…haven’t started? AND/OR… What do I mean by this? To start or finish anything you must START AND FINISH your START. How? You must... 1. SHOW UP. Are you showing up? How are you showing up? When you show up are you fully AVAILABLE? Are you showing your TRUE SELF…genuinely and authentically? 2. BE ALL IN. To FINISH your start you must be ALL IN to the START. A lot of times, we’re not ALL IN from the very start. We tiptoe, or walk around it – at times sticking our toe in — but we’re never fully diving in. The truth is, you don’t have to dive in, but you MUST get fully into the pool. Step into it, and begin. You must begin to WALK. As the water gets deeper, in no time you’ll be floating and flowing. And eventually you’re going to need to swim…or you’ll drown. 3. GO ALL OUT. Fully swim and flow in the deep end of the pool. Be ALL OUT…FULL OUT…so eventually so you can Then take it to the next level. A lot of times we think about the END result, and think it’s so many miles down the road that we can’t even see the finish line, so we don’t start. If this is YOU today, START. Then finish what you start by FINISHING YOUR START. Focus on simply starting and fully finishing your start. FIRST. Start and get fully into the deep end, and immersed in your START. Remembering that in order to get to the ultimate finish line that's ahead, it’s going to require several finishes.  The end of our lives is the ultimate finish line…and the beginning of a new to START. It's another ALL IN moment. Are you willing to be ALL IN to the start AND to go to the next FINISH? And so on… If you only partially START, by NOT finishing your start, you’ll keep starting...starting...starting and never finish because you haven’t first FINISHED YOUR START. (Got it?) The key to your finish is FULLY STARTING…finish your start, my dear! Starting and finishing coincide. And begin something new to START AGAIN... This may be YOU today. If you feel as though you need to start over or start again, it’s OKAY. Step in so you can go ALL IN. Then you can FINISH YOUR START. Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: What’s the ONE thing you’ve been meaning to start, but haven’t OR you’ve started something and haven’t finished? Write it down. Circle it. Commit by taking a step today in the process of fully FINISHING YOUR START. So you can START YOUR FINISH. I sure hope this helps you. Thanks for tuning in today, and every day...and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you. If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.     

Apr 10, 2023
EPISODE 1911: Are You Uninspired?

Today I’m going to give you some powerful steps that’ll help you reconnect with the inspiration that’s in you. If you’re lacking that inspired, loving feeling…you'll find it IN you. It’s simply fallen asleep. It’s time to wake up! Disengagement will cause us to lose that loving feeling, and leave us feeling uninspired. The cause is DISENGAGEMENT. A lot of things can cause disengagement, including our circumstances. BUT... Here are 3 things you can do today to reconnect with the inspiration that’s IN YOU. Start by looking at both the present AND future... 1. Get out the past and into the present. 2. Anticipate the future and create something you're excited about. 3. Remember that you have an expiration date. Imagine that! Ask your heart to show you the AND the WHY that YOU desire. Create something compelling around this desire. REMEMBER: YOU BEGAN WITH INSPIRATION. IT’S IN YOU. Because it’s in you, it IS accessible. The question is, are you willing to look for it, go for it, find it? Are you willing to take what you find, and create something magnificent and inspiring with it? YOUR INSPIRATION ISN’T LOST. It’s still there…quietly waiting for you to recognize it, get inspired by it, and begin to put it to use. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) Write down what inspires you. Take that ONE thing that is most inspiring. Tap into it. Re-engage…fully engage with it. Today. Thanks for being here. Please come over to WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM and request your FREE resources, including my best-selling book, If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 08, 2023
EPISODE 1910: Procrastination…Am I The Only One?

If you’ve ever suffered from the diagnosis of procrastination, you’re not alone! There is a cure. In today’s episode I teach you a 4-Step Strategy for overcoming…treating…adjusting the Procrastination Affliction. Today’s S.O.L. STORY… I’ve been in a resistance, procrastination mode all day! This is what I know about procrastination... First, you do have power in the situation. You’re not a victim. Second, try these steps. They work! 1. Are you getting enough physical rest? Evaluate the amount of rest you’ve had. If you’re not well rested, well fed and nourished, you won’t have enough energy to do what you’ve set out to do. 2. Whatever it is that you’re procrastinating, ask yourself WHY you’re doing it. What’s the big WHY for doing what you do? What’s your inspiration? If you don’t choose to, then see #2 again and re-evaluate. No more "someday," or "sometime." Once it's scheduled, it becomes, “this time”…today. Get it done. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL. 1. Write down what you’re resisting…PROCRASTINATING. 2. Circle it, and go through the , and release yourself. Thanks for being here. Please come over to WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM and request your FREE resources, including my best-selling book, If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.   

Apr 07, 2023
EPISODE 1909: Date Yourself Well

In today's episode, I’ll teach you how to become the great lover of your life. WHAT’S THE COST OF NOT DATING YOURSELF WELL? A whole lot of unnecessary pain, suffering, and sometimes years of your life. The emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial consequences can be exponential. Today I uncover, and teach you the possibility and process of fully engaging in your life so you can fall in love with YOU. Why? So you can become the great lover of your life.  The PROBLEM is that often women (and men as well) suffer from one or more of four distinct syndromes that have caused more heartache and unnecessary loss than one can imagine. If you’re willing to explore the possibilities and process of becoming the great lover of your life, you can become the S.O.L.UTION that you seek. THE FOUR SYNDROMES ARE: 1. The Cinderella Syndrome. 2. The Disengagement Syndrome. 3. The Superwoman Syndrome. 4. The Poor Me Syndrome. Once you’ve identified which one (or more) of these you’re suffering from, then we you discover the process and plan for healing. So you can fully engage in your life again, and fall in love you you, your life + life’s work. How?  THERE ARE FIVE ENGAGEMENTS OF A GREAT LOVER. You must: 1. Meet You. 2. Know You. 3. Value You. 4. Be You. 5. Love You. When you do, you can begin to romance YOU and YOUR LIFE like never before. This process of mastering the art of dating myself well has completely transformed my love…life. It’s done the same for many women, and it can for you too. Are you ready to learn, not only how to engage with your life, but to fully enter into the PROPOSAL of a fully engaged life of greatness? Then take the next step. Date Yourself Well. TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: Go to WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM and request your FREE copy of …The Best-Selling 12 Engagements of Becoming The Great Lover Of Your Life. All you’ll pay for is shipping, so I can send it to you today. I’m so excited to equip you with the steps necessary to begin one of the greatest love stories of your life. Thanks for being here, and allowing me to share in this adventure and journey of discovery with you. Thank you for being here, and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you.  If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.   

Apr 06, 2023
EPISODE 1908: Stand Up Women

It’s the topic of SEXUAL HARASSMENT. WE CAN FIGHT AGAINST IT, OR FIGHT FOR SOMETHING SO MUCH BIGGER THAN IT. There are no show notes for today’s episode. You’re going to have to listen to this one yourself. Thank YOU for being YOU and STANDING UP FOR TRUTH! (And NOT turning around OR backing down.) I love and appreciate each and every one of you!!! Thank you for being here, and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you.  If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon.   

Apr 05, 2023
EPISODE 1907: It’s Not You It’s Me

In today's episode, I give you permission to be you, and to stop doing what's NOT you. If it's not you...then what is YOU? Where are you NOT being YOU in your life? Today’s SACRED S.O.L. STORY comes from my sweet little rescue dog, Stela. Recently she did something she had never before…while being a dog! And being a dog is what she does best, because she was designed to be a DOG, right? She was doing what dog’s do. We can’t blame, shame, or be upset at her for being a dog.  So what’s not YOU? Where in your life are you trying to be something you’re not? You are who you are. Period. A dog is a dog. A fish is a fish. A human is a human. And a human like you is a human like YOU. I’m not saying this gives you license to proclaim, “Hey, that’s just me.” And to use it as an excuse to not grow, expand, learn, or discover. I’m talking about the core essence of who you are. Are you so busy trying to be somebody, be something…or do something, that you’re NOT being YOU? You’re already something and someone. You’re YOU. If you’re a fish, swim. Are you being YOU? Please grab your SACRED S.O.L. D.A.T.E. JOURNAL (Daily Action To Engage with yourself.) TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP: 1. Where in your life are you trying to FORCE yourself, and be something or someone you’re NOT? 2. Declare it for yourself today by giving yourself permission to be YOU. I’m giving you permission to be you. Acknowledge, accept, embrace, and celebrate you. Allow YOU to grow and expand. Will you do this for yourself today? Thank you for being here, and allowing me to SIP ON LIFE with you.  If you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or perhaps you still feel like you’re drowning in your life, please don’t hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... REQUEST A FREE COPY OF MY BEST-SELLING BOOK, DATE YOURSELF WELL http://www.dateyourselfwell.com — THE BEST-SELLING 12 ENGAGEMENTS OF BECOMING THE GREAT LOVER OF YOUR LIFE (ALL YOU'LL PAY FOR IS SHIPPING.) WWW.DATEYOURSELFWELL.COM If you've received value from the podcast, please let me know. I'd LOVE to hear from you — please email me at: DRSHANNON@DOCTORSHANNON.COM AND PLEASE TELL YOUR BESTIES AND INVITE THEM TO SIP ON LIFE WITH US. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DOCTORSHANNON! SEE YOU THERE... Come over to the WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE S.O.L. MOVEMENT Closed FB Group and Join the MOVEMENT: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/WSOLMOVEMENT/ By the way, if you haven't already listened/downloaded my rap song (EPISODE 291), you can also listen to it here: LETSNOTTALKABOUTEX.COM, and cast your vote for your favorite version. Visit WOMENSIPPINGONLIFE.COM for more free resources, including my  ENGAGEMENT CHECKLIST + EVALUATION RATING, Six Sacred S.O.L. DATE Secrets…and a FREE copy of my best-selling book, . You can also check out my DR. SHANNON FACEBOOK PAGEfor more daily S.O.L. TRAINING. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Please invite your best girlfriends to come and join our S.O.L. PARTY. xo Dr. Shannon. 

Apr 04, 2023