EP129 Free remote training is key to the future of HVAC/R with Jennifer Manzo (August 2023)
AUG 18, 2023
Description Community

Jennifer Manzo is a powerhouse. I do not know where she finds the time to do all she does.

From running a HVAC business and raising a family in Maine with her partner Valentino Valeriani, to creating the HVAChicks Coalition to running a free tech support line (see below) and much much more, I really do not know how she does it!

In this podcast she mentions it is one of her goals to help save the trades by allowing people who cannot afford training to get into the industry.

Listen in to Jennifer’s inspirational story and I encourage you to connect and support her efforts.

Email Jennifer at misiftsofhvac@gmail.com

HVAChicks Tech Support: 856-390-4055
24/7/365  -- also on Facebook messenger 

Misti: Sunday and Tuesday

Jennifer: Monday and Wednesday

Dirk: Thursday (Residential)

Valentino: Thursday and Saturday (Commercial)

Jimmy: Friday


Links mentioned in the podcast:

Now co-hosting the Misfits of HVAC podcast with Ryan Hughes,

Misfits of HVAC on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@misfitsofhvac

Misfits of HVAC podcast on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/misfits-of-hvac/id1678018673


SkillCat for free EPA-608 certification and free training.



HVAChicks on social media:





HVAC In Recovery: 



This episode was recorded in August 2023.


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