Missions 2024 :: World Impact - Priority Check!
JAN 21, 2024
Description Community

Calvin Houser (FBC Missionary, Philippines) - Luke 9:56-62 (Luke 9:44 & 56-62; Philippians 4:17; Matthew 28:18-20; John 3:16; Mark 16:15)


Jesus calls us to prioritize missions for world impact. Our goal for world impact is not merely a choice, but a command from Jesus. The Gospel sets all of our priorities for world impact and we must consider the significance of our giving to missions. Missions giving is not mandatory, but rather an opportunity for individuals to make a conscious choice to live for either this world's kingdom or for the Kingdom that is to come. It's time to evaluate our priorities and have a deeper commitment to living in a way that aligns with the principles of the Kingdom of God. It's time for a, "Priority Check!"


Missions 2024

Jesus calls all believers to follow Him and become fishers of men. That means each of us should be active and engaged in the mission to help people find and follow Jesus!


Priority Check!

I. WHERE will you follow Him?
II. WHEN will you follow Him?
III. HOW MUCH will you sacrifice as you follow Him?
IV. WHY should you follow Him?
A. He gave His life for you!
B. He gave you a job to do.
C. He has a Kingdom coming!

Illustration #1: Sky Priority/General Boarding Sign

Illustration #2: Manilla, Philippines Terminal
