Kale By Golly A More Story / Joe McBryan & The Legacy Of Flying A DC-3
APR 11, 2022
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On the road again like hundreds or maybe thousands of others in logistics right now, Amar More, the Kale Logistics co-founder and Chief Executive Officer carries a business card that states in no uncertain terms: “Committed to transformation of global logistics industry”. Let us discover together why this is indeed a true statement, as many in our industry already know.

We wonder about some of the drivers that moved and are still moving this company into a greater digital future in transport and logistics. Here you can get a sense of what Kale is all about to create a lead: https://www.kalelogistics.com/ and here are the questions to profile Amar More, who replied to us with his usual soft and effective eloquence; far from being a supercilious person, he even agreed on showing his email address in our feature. If you prefer to contact Kale directly with your additional questions, you’ll have no trouble reaching Amar by email: Amar.More@kalelogistics.com

Joe McBryan & The Legacy Of Flying A DC-3

Joe McBryan is a modern day air cargo pioneer of aviation and air cargo.

Over a half century he has pulled himself and Buffalo Airways up from the bootstraps first by flying supplies to little hard to reach villages in Northern Canada and also as an aerial firefighter, and maybe more importantly by lovingly keeping the art and ability of some 50 and even 80-year old aircraft not only together but also airworthy.

Canada, for one reason or another, forbid Joe McBryan to fly passengers on one of his wonderful DC-3s via a regular schedule from Yellowknife to Hay River.

The puddle jump at a couple thousand feet was a daily ritual used by commuters, business people and tourists turned a six-hour drive into a 121-mile blast from the past air journey.


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