Holiday Recap Episodes | High Alert Females: How Our Bodies Respond to Stress and Danger | Izabella Wentz
DEC 19, 2023
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Welcome back to the Lindsey Elmore show. We are taking a couple of weeks off to celebrate the holiday season and to take some time to rest as well as encourage rest among our colleagues who are so gracious to come in and give their time to be on the podcast. I'm so excited. My guest that we're highlighting today, I have wanted to interview for a long time, Izabella Wentz.

Izabella is a fellow pharmacist who has truly transformed her own life as well as the lives of so many others by helping them to find and treat the root cause of the number one cause of hypothyroidism, which is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Izabella has been a number one New York Times Best Seller. She has taken her own personal health journey and turned it into life changing opportunities for other people. Other people learn more about themselves, identify the root cause and truly reverse disease instead of just putting a bandaid on it.

Her newest book that we're talking about today is all about how stress truly destroys every single function of our body. How being a female on high alert causes not only problems with metabolism and thyroid function, but it can also lead to adrenal fatigue as well as autoimmune conditions.

It throws cortisol out of balance and it simply puts us in a state of stress and fight or flight, which can have broad ranging implications. Even with our fertility, our digestion, our immunity, you name it, we're going to talk about how we can go from being these high alert, always on guard females and get out of the body's traditional responses to stress and danger and instead craft a parasympathetic state that can help not just one, but every single body system to heal.

Referenced in the episode:
The Lindsey Elmore Show Ep 5 | Your Health Is Important | Keri Chiappino

To learn more about Izabella Wentz and her work, head over to

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