3/8 1 Samuel 3 - The Voice of God
MAR 08, 2024
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What kind of heart is God’s servant supposed to have? Today as we study 1st Samuel 3, we’ll read about God’s call of Samuel and we’ll look at how Samuel responds. Join us! 


1.    What did we learn yesterday in our study of 1st Samuel 2, about Eli and his sons? How do you think that contributed to the spiritual condition of Israel during this time?
2.    What was Samuel doing in verses 2 & 3? Why was he doing that? 
3.    Who spoke to Samuel in verse 4? Was this an audible voice? Why didn’t Samuel recognize it?
4.    What does Samuel say to the Lord in verse 9? What does this indicate about his attitude towards God?
5.    In verses 11-14, what does the Lord tell Samuel He is going to do? Who was this judgment upon? Why? 
6.    How did Eli respond to this message when Samuel told him in verse 18? How would you have responded if this was God’s message to you?
7.    In verses 19 to 20, how did Samuel continue to serve the Lord? What did this confirm?
8.    As we reflect upon Samuel’s faith, how does his example show us the heart and actions we are to have before the Lord? Where does this come from? How can we grow in these? 

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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 


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