Episode 96 - Patrick Harpur - Daimonic Reality
MAR 29, 2023
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Joining me as my guest for this episode is author Patrick Harpur.  Patrick has written extensively on a range of fortean subjects but is perhaps best known for his 1994 book Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld. This applied the ideas of people such as William Blake, W.B Yeats and Carl Jung to examine the connections across a wide range of paranormal phenomena and explore the history of the realm many believe exists between the states of body and spirit.

The book is regarded as classic of it’s kind and a must have for the bookshelves of people interested in the sort of subjects It covers.

In the interview I begin by talking with Patrick about the concept of daimonic reality and what that term describes. From there we discuss the book and how it came about and then move on to the daimons themselves, what they are, their interactions with humanity and how and why they manifest in our world the way they do.

More information about Patrick and his writing can be found at http://www.harpur.org/patrick.htm.

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The Some Other Sphere Theme is from Purple Planet Music - 'Hubbub' by Geoff Harvey and Chris Martyn.

