TBS Feed Drop: The Baseball Bucket List w/Anna DiTommaso!
APR 04, 2023
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Happy Opening Week, TBS Nation! Matt had the opportunity a while back to chat w/Anna from The Baseball Bucket List, another excellent baseball pod that you should subscribe to and put into your earholes! Here is the episode TBB just released, dropped into our feed so you won't miss it. Don't miss another one- check out baseballbucketlist.com to create a profile along with your own personal bucket list and connect w/other fans! Also catch them on Twitter @BaseballBucket. 

Thank you to everyone who came out to our live show @ Treefort Music Fest as part of the newly-christened Podfort last month! Keep an eye on our feed for that episode, it was a great time and we can't thank TMF and Podfort enough for having us back. Until then, @ThatBBShow on Twitter and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, library owls! 

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