Best Of The Aware Show with Arielle Ford: The Soulmate Secret
MAR 14
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What is a soulmate?  Are there different kinds of soulmates?  These are just a couple of the questions Lisa asks our guest today, Arielle Ford.  Arielle shares her personal soulmate search and journey, shares techniques to find our soulmates, and explains how to keep the fire alive when it gets covered up with the everyday debris of life.

She talks about techniques of manifestation she’s practiced and how Shakti Gawain’s book “Creative Visualization” was pivotal in her understanding. She used these techniques to manifest career opportunities, so she then applied the ideas to bringing about her ideal mate.

Arielle further talks about the intentions that she and her partner have together, as well as the importance of shared values. She offers ideas to have it all including having role models who may have accomplished what you’d like to do. She discusses all of this in her book“The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction.” Info:
