Decoding the Gurus

Christopher Kavanagh and Matthew Browne


An exiled Northern Irish anthropologist and a hitchhiking Australian psychologist take a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, offering their own brands of unique takes and special insights.

Leveraging two of the most diverse accents in modern podcasting, Chris and Matt dig deep into the claims, peek behind the psychological curtains, and try to figure out once and for all... What's it all About?

Join us, as we try to puzzle our way through and talk some smart-sounding smack about the intellectual giants of our age, from Jordan Peterson to Robin DiAngelo. Are they revolutionary thinkers or just grifters with delusions of grandeur?

Join us and let's find out!

Available on


149 episodes

Darryl Cooper, Nazi Apologetics, & Disturbances in the Discourse

Join Matt and Chris for a deep dive into the discourse created by Darryl Cooper’s controversial interview with Tucker Carlson. The decoders tackle Cooper’s revisionist takes on Winston Churchill, Hitler, and WWII, asking whether throwing in strategic disclaimers really makes it all okay. They also explore reactions from the wider comment-o-sphere, including the musings of libertarian firebrand/idiot Dave Smith, mainstream historians and history YouTubers, and the hosts of Triggernometry, Konstantin and Francis, as they try to unpack Niall Ferguson’s sharp critique of Cooper. Along the way, Sam Harris enters the fray, on a search for grown-ups in the alternative media. But does Harris offer a mature critique, or is he engaging in his own cycle of grievance-mongering? Matt and Chris examine his response and consider if it rises above or contributes to the podcasting noise. Whether you are a staunch critic of Sam Harris or a devoted fan, we promise this episode has something to disappoint everyone! Links __

2h 23m
Sep 24
Supplementary Material 15: Russian Stooges, Lex Love-bombs, and Heterodox Hypocrisy

We rip off the unconvincing plastic mask to reveal the true gurus lurking underneath and discuss: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 47 mins). Join us at: LINKS __ __

Sep 16
Dr. K (Part 3): Therapeutic Non-Therapy

Join Matt and Chris as they conclude their deep dive into the content of Dr. K, the streaming psychiatrist behind Healthy Gamer GG. In previous episodes, they explored his promotion of Ayurvedic medicine and his use of the rhetorical strategies often seen in Complementary and Alternative Medicine spaces. This time, they tackle his more controversial work: the (non)therapy sessions with influencers, focusing particularly on his challenging and controversial conversation with the late streamer Reckful. The episode considers how Dr. K navigates the boundaries between professional therapy and public conversation, examines his response to an official reprimand from his governing body, and questions whether his justifications withstand scrutiny. Matt and Chris critically assess the validity of legalistic defences, the ethics of publicly streaming sensitive conversations with vulnerable individuals, and broader concerns about mixing mental health care with entertainment. It's a lengthy episode and features discussions on patient-therapist power dynamics, definitional debates, and the complexities surrounding regulatory oversight and professional/general ethics. We warn you this is not a very light episode and deals with sensitive issues related to suicide and mental health. LINKS __ __

4h 29m
Sep 13
Supplementary Materials 14: Return to the Gurusphere

World travels complete the Guru Decoders reconvene to examine how the Gurusphere has been behaving in their absence. Bad news abounds. Featuring: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 36 mins). Join us at: LINKS __ __

Aug 31
Supplementary Materials 13: Dead Bears, Biblical Stories, and Coffeezilla's Legal Battle

We reflect on the meaning of some biblical scriptures to understand the gurus, alongside: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 19 mins). Join us at: LINKS __ __

Aug 14
Bryan Johnson: Definitely not a vampire!

In this life-enhancing episode, Matt and Chris venture into the futuristic world of tech entrepreneur and biohacker Bryan Johnson, clarifying along the way that he’s not the ACDC frontman.  They examine Johnson's Project Blueprint and 'Don't Die' movement—a quest for indefinite lifespan extension through supplements and lifestyle changes—and consider whether their apprehension means they are actually death lovers gorging themselves each day on death burgers and life-draining whiskey. The decoders analyze his carefully crafted appearance and branding, considering how he presents himself as a revolutionary figure but in reality seems to be peddling some familiar tropes, along with a supplement line and some expensive blueberries.  As usual, they consider the rhetorical moves, parasocial manipulations, and the likelihood for the lofty claims to become a reality. One thing that is clear by the end: Bryan Johnson is certainly not a modern-day vampire. LINKS __ __ If you want to support the show, join us at:

1h 22m
Aug 11
Supplementary Materials 12: Olympic Ceremonies and Presidential Candidates

We tour the Guru-sphere's balanced and considered response to the Olympics Opening Ceremony and Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate. And oh boy are they on form! __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 17 mins). Join us at: LINKS __ __

Aug 03
Gabor Maté: Achieving Authenticity, Tackling Trauma, and Minimizing Modern Malaise

Join Matt and Chris as they hunker down with the dulcet reassuring tones of Gabor Maté, the Hungarian-Canadian physician renowned for his unconventional perspectives on trauma, stress, and addiction. Inspired by Maté they reflect on early childhood experiences, explore whether unprocessed trauma has steered them towards a life engulfed by modern gurus, and discover how to stay true to their authentic selves & avoid manifesting debilitating illnesses. With an atmospheric background storm setting the scene for the early segments, tune in for 'cheerful' discussions about childhood trauma, emotional repression, the unexpected cause of female cancer, and the toxic horror that is modern life. The episode also considers 'classic' YouTuber motifs and selected long-form insights, courtesy of "Diary of a CEO" host Stephen Bartlett. So get ready to uncover the authentic crystal butterfly within, cast off the myth of normality, and soar unfettered by past trauma. LINKS __ __

2h 48m
Aug 03
Supplementary Materials 11: Alex Jones is at it again

We are a little behind the news cycle with this release, so we apologise for that. For context this episode was recorded after Trump's assassination attempt but before Biden announced he was stepping down. We will return with the Gurusphere's insane reaction to that event next time. Here we consider: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 17 mins). Join us at: LINKS  __ __

Jul 27
Ranking the Gurus

Decoding the Gurus is now a venerable institution and as such we have built up quite a menagerie of would-be gurus and even a handful of not-really gurus. So like all the hip kids today, we decided to look back at our previous gurus and arrange them on a tier list of Secular Guruosity. If you would like to play along we’ve made a version accessible online so you can provide your rankings (available here or you can see ours. Also, due to an image-importing hiccup, we missed Sam Harris (B), Robert Wright (D) and Richard Dawkins (D). All are now added to the template! Hope you enjoy and we will be back soon with a full-length decoding of Gabor Maté before the concluding chapter of the Dr. K trilogy. If you want to support the show, join us at:

1h 2m
Jul 25
Supplementary Materials 10: Rigorous Conspiracy Hypothesising about the Trump Shooting

A special Supplementary Material where we take a gander at some of the reactions to the recent assassination attempt on Trump and then dig deeper with some responsible model conspiracy hypothesizing with Bret and Heather. Also featuring: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (57 mins). Join us at: Links  __ __

Jul 19
Dr. K (Part 2): Rhetorical Judo Flips

Join Matt and Chris for a trademark 'short' episode as they continue to navigate the complex, occasionally controversial world of Dr. K in this second multi-dimensional episode. This time they take a look at some more recent content and reflect on whether they were wrong to identify Dr. K as such a strong advocate of Ayurvedic medicine. In their investigations, they explore the science of visualisation and manifestation, updated genomic information about the Doshas, and the power of mantras to bend the universe. But primarily they focus on the recent lively discussion between Dr. K and another famous YouTube Doctor, Dr. Mike. Their discussion touched on various topics including the mechanisms of science, the power of consciousness, personalized treatments, and the placebo effect. All good fodder for the DTG grinder even if it ends up, as it so often does, with Chris and Matt gently discussing their points of view about the nature of mind and the (alleged) mystery of subjective experience (we are sorry!). So join us for a thought-provoking ride through scientific criticism, holistic practices, and age-old East vs. West / Alternative vs Science-based medicine debates as we attempt to decipher whether Dr. K is a modern-era internet sage or a charismatic storyteller and alternative medicine advocate. LINKS __ __

3h 58m
Jul 08
Supplementary Materials 9: Galaxy Brains Collide

We get put in our place by an old champion, who reminds us why they are the king. Also this episode: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 29mins). Join us at: LINKS  __ __

Jul 06
Dr. K (Part 1): OPed Ayurvedic Medicine vs. Nerfed 'Western' Allopathy

Alok Kanojia, better known as Dr. K, is a charismatic psychiatrist and online streamer who offers a unique blend of psychological, self-help, and spiritual advice to guide individuals through the complexities of modern life, aiming to help them become Healthy Gamers™. Join Matt and Chris as they embark on a multi-part journey through the diverse biomes of Dr. K's content and try to ascertain the meta. In this first episode, Matt and Chris take a critical look at a 2019 video in which Dr. K discusses his views on Ayurvedic medicine, the problems with Western medicine, and the unacknowledged scientific evidence for Ayurvedic claims. We consider whether the evidence provided matches the rhetoric and relive youthful follies as we immerse ourselves in the all too familiar water of complementary and alternative medicine discourse. So join us as we learn about the universal mind and single type of depression proposed by modern medicine, how a tripartite classification is actually incredibly individualistic, how the shape of your nose and kink in your hair predicts the food you should eat and the quality of your bowel movements, and the surprising benefits of drinking elephant milk. In Part 2, we will delve into Dr. K's recent discussion/debate over Ayurvedic medicine with Dr. Mike, another popular YouTube doctor. And finally Part 3 will focus on the dynamics of Dr. K's long-form, somewhat controversial, mental health-themed interviews with influencers. LINKS  __ __

3h 14m
Jun 23
Supplementary Materials 8: Lab Leak Discourse, Toxic YouTube Dynamics, and the Metaphysics of Peppa Pig

We stare into the abyss and welcome darkness into our souls as we discuss: __ __ Links  __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 14 mins). Join us at:

Jun 07
Slavoj Žižek: When is a shark not a shark?

Join Matt and Chris as they plunge into the heady mental universe of Slavoj Žižek, the Slovenian philosopher known for his eclectic and provocative ideas. The duo parses Žižek's 'unconventional' takes on ideology, consumerism, and revolutionary theory, peppered with his playful movie criticism of films like Jaws and a Clockwork Orange and even a few that he hasn't even watched. We delve into snuffle-laced discussions of transgressive acts, revolutionary politics, moderate conservative communism, consumerist psychology, and musings on whether Jaws is  about a shark. Throughout all Žižek's dramatic flair is shining through, but is he actually as provocative and hated as he likes to suggest? Matt and Chris have some thoughts... Expect to reconsider everything you thought you knew, listen to some edgy book blurbs, and finally collapse in a puddle with the deconstruction of your ideology. LINKS __ __ Join us at:

2h 33m
Jun 02
Supplementary Materials 7: Guru Oneupmanship, Hard Ad Pivots, MOOOINK, and Left Wing Populism

We curse the dark omens emerging from the Gurusphere as we consider: __ __ LINKS __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 13 mins). Join us at:

May 27
Destiny: Right to Reply

Matt and Chris jump into the world of debates, dramas, and online personas with the ever-controversial streamer, Destiny (Steven Bonnell). We discuss our Decoding episode a little bit but mostly broader issues including the value of 'debate porn', edginess & Twitter bomb-throwing, reality TV orbiter drama, and the perils of hero worship and parasocial relationships. As you might anticipate, we also cover various 'hot-button' issues including Destiny's involvement in Israel-Palestine discourse, the ethics of engaging with extremists, and whether Destiny was genuinely arguing for the right to murder the DDoS kid. Finally, we wrap up with some discussion of media literacy, the challenges of navigating online discourse, and strategies for laypeople to better engage with research. LINKS __ __ Join us at:

2h 3m
May 24
*Preview* Decoding Academia 27: Dark Triad Authenticity

We do bonus episodes every month that are focused on analysing academic content or discussing research and we thought it might be useful to let new listeners know! So find attached a preview... In this episode of Decoding Academia, Matt and Chris delve into a paper that explores the complex world of dark personality traits and their impact on authenticity. They examine how traits like narcissism and psychopathy might intersect with the concept of the true self, and consider whether cultural differences in self-conception play a significant role. The episode also features reflections on Logan Roy from Succession and a friendly disagreement between Matt and Chris about labels in psychology. PAPER REFERENCED: Bulbuc, A. A., & Visu-Petra, L. (2024). Shedding a light on authenticity in high dark trait individuals: A morally grey territory? Personality and Individual Differences, 224, 112632. The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers at the Revolutionary Genius tier (1 hr 9 mins). Join us at:

May 16
Supplementary Materials 6: Christian Sensemaking, Hipster Race Realists, & Marijuana Pseudoscience

We shake our heads in despair at some truly terrible Guru crossovers: __ __ LINKS __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 43 mins). Join us at:

May 10
Interview with Flint Dibble on Pseudo Archaeology and Science Communication

In this episode, join Matt and Chris as they enjoy a stimulating discussion with the archaeologist Flint Dibble. Flint recently appeared on to discuss the evidence (or lack thereof) of advanced ancient civilizations facing off against the famed pseudoarchaeologist Graham Hancock. The episode was a four-and-a-half-hour tour de force in science communication and effective debunking, thanks to Flint's efforts. We talk to Flint about his experience on the show, the extensive preparation involved, his thoughts on how to effectively engage with pseudo-archaeology and strategies for enhancing broader science communication. Additionally, Flint discusses the significance of authentic archaeological work and the crucial role of academic participation in public discourse. We enjoyed this one a lot and hope you will too! LINKS __ __ Join us at:

1h 11m
May 02
Supplementary Material 5: Spiritual UFOs, Alternative Theories of Evolution, and Atlantean Grievances

We watch in awe as the guru-sphere grapples with a host of 'alternative' theories: __ __ Links __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1 hr 51 mins). Join us at:

Apr 26
Destiny: Debate King and/or Degenerate?

In this episode, Matt and Chris dive deep into the world of online streamers, focusing on the pioneering and controversial figure Steven Bonell II, better known as Destiny (AKA Mr Borelli). As seasoned explorers of sense-making jungles, Petersonian crystalline structures, and mind-bending labyrinths in Weinstein World, they thought they were prepared for anything. However, the drama-infused degeneracy of the streamer swamps proves to offer some new challenges. Having previously dipped their toes in these waters by riding with Hasan on his joyous Houthi pirate ship (ignoring the screams of the imprisoned crew below decks), Matt and Chris now strip down to their decoding essentials and plunge head-first into streamer drama-infested waters as they search for the fabled true Destiny. Destiny is a popular live streamer and well-known debater with a long and colourful online history. He is also known for regularly generating controversy. With a literal mountain of content to sift through, there was no way to cover it all. Instead, Matt and Chris apply their usual decoding methods to sample a selection of Destiny's content, seeking to identify any underlying connective tissue and determine if he fits the secular guru mould. In so doing, they cover a wide range of topics, including: __ __ Whether they succeed or fail in their decoding will be for the listeners to judge, but one thing is certain: if this is your first exposure to the streaming world, you are in for a bit of a ride. Links __ __

3h 16m
Apr 22
Supplementary Material 4: Passive Aggressive Therapists, Shit-posting Monks, and Weaponised Naivety

We ponder whether, due to our naivety, we actually deserve the gurus and other topics, including: __ __ Links __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 19mins). Join us at:

Apr 13
Yuval Noah Harari: Eat Bugs and Live Forever

Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, a writer, and a popular 'public intellectual'. He rose to fame with (2014), his popular science book that sought to outline a 'History of Humankind' and followed this up with a more future-focused sequel, (2016). More recently, he's been converting his insights into a format targeted at younger people with (2022). In general, Harari is a go-to public intellectual for people looking for big ideas, thoughts on global events, and how we might avoid catastrophe. He has been a consistent figure on the interview and public lecture circuit and, with his secular message, seems an ideal candidate for Gurometeratical analysis. Harari also has some alter egos. He is a high-ranking villain in the globalist pantheon for InfoWars-style conspiracy theorists, with plans that involve us all eating bugs and uploading our consciousness to the Matrix. Alternatively, for (some) historians and philosophers, he is a shallow pretender, peddling inaccurate summaries of complex histories and tricky philosophical insights. For others, he is a neoliberal avatar offering apologetics for exploitative capitalist and multinational bodies. So, who is right? Is he a bug-obsessed villain plotting to steal our precious human souls or a mild-mannered academic promoting the values of meditation, historical research, and moderation? Join Matt and Chris in this episode to find out and learn other important things, such as what vampires should spend their time doing, whether money is 'real', and how to respond respectfully to critical feedback. LINKS __ __

2h 17m
Apr 05
Supplementary Material 3: Sand-worms, Anti-Capitalist Merch, and High Level Idea-Jacking

We test the boundaries of the Supplementary format with a stacked third edition containing: __ __ LINKS __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 33mins). Join us at:

Mar 31
Mini-Decoding: The Descent of Jordan B. Peterson

We take a look at a recent conversation between Jordan Peterson and the streamer Steven Bonnell (AKA Destiny) and use the opportunity to reflect on Jordan's journey as a public intellectual and guru. We consider how his stances have changed, whether he is more extreme now than when he emerged or if it is just his presentation style that has shifted. Along the way, we look at his demon-infested understanding of the COVID-19 vaccines, his climate change denialism, and address the unresolved question of the ages: Were the Nazis actually right-wing? LINKS __ __

1h 23m
Mar 26
Supplementary Material 2: Dissident Dialogues, Bloodbaths, & Genocidal Debates

The adventure in formatting continues with the second Supplementary Material episode. On this episode: __ __ The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (1hr 14mins). Join us at: LINKS __ __

Mar 21
Gurometer: Hasan Piker *PREVIEW*

What happens when you try to squeeze a muscle-bound Twitch streamer into a precise measurement instrument like the Gurometer? And can it even function when it encounters this level of left-wing nodulation? It's an empirical question and since the Gurometer recently had all its oil replaced, we decided to give it a go. This is also a reminder that we do Gurometer episodes for ALL the Gurus we cover and you can find the back catalogue over on the Patreon, if so inclined. The full episode is available for Patreon subscribers (44 mins). Join us at:

Mar 15
Hasan Piker: A swashbuckling Bromance

Avast Ye Harties!  Yar! This week be the inaugural episode of a New Streamer/Academic Guru season. Join us as we set sail with a bang and embark on an adventure with the famous and controversial Twitch streamer Hasan Piker. Formerly of the Young Turks, Hasan has carved out a niche as a popular left-wing commentator. He is sometimes described as representing a new wave of political communicators who leverage social media and live streaming to reach new audiences, particularly disengaged younger viewers. But how does he fare in these Decoding waters? We take a look at his recent interview with Rashed Al-Haddad, a dashing Yemeni teenager (nicknamed Tim Houthi Chalamet), who recently found himself streaming video on an international transport ship hijacked by Houthi militants. But fear not! Hasan addresses this sensitive topic and the complex geopolitical issues involved with due diligence and care. Moreover, Rashed reports that all of the kidnapped crew are having a grand old time in Yemen! They are simply vibing with their captors, chewing khat, and have fully embraced the honourable Houthi perspective. The Houthis' official slogan, "God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam", and reports of severe human rights abuses in their territory, might still give one pause... but as Hasan explains—drawing on his deep political and psychological insights—the Houthis are just like the heroic Straw Hat pirates in the popular anime One Piece! So with that settled, we can focus on the more important questions like what videogames Rashed likes, if he has ever heard of Mr. Beast, whether he's eaten 'Western' food, what cartoons he watched growing up, and if there are KFCs in Yemen? Truly, this is a conversation for the ages, and Hasan is just the man for the job. So join us for this week's episode as we ponder whether combining influencer culture with political analysis was a wise move and if there are any possible contradictions or minor ideological skews in Hasan's content. Links - Hasan Interviews Viral 'Hot Yemeni TikTok Pirate' | Hasanabi Reacts - Atlantic article about the Houthis and the situation in Yemen - AP article on the crew of the hijacked 'Galaxy Leader' ship and their ability to contact their families - Amnesty article on Houthi sentencing of stoning and crucifixion for crimes of homosexuality - Human Rights Watch article on Houthi recruitment of child soldiers - Human Rights Watch article on the al-Ahli Hospital Explosion - Willy Mac 'drama' YouTuber collated episodes on Hasan (part 1 and part 2

1h 55m
Mar 13