Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Air Traffic Talk


RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system.

The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.

Available on


343 episodes

OB326: Opposing Bases, The Musical

* EPISODE 326 SHOW NOTES  *   * TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss ways a pilot can file and receive the right T route when flying near or around giant metroplex Class Bravo airspace. Why does it only work half the time? What constraints are the controllers under when issuing routing. And what can the pilot do after they’ve initially been denied their filed routing. We also discuss reporting unidentified objects, approaches with magnetic disparity, and more of your awesome aviation questions and feedback. This is a really fun episode and you don’t want to miss it!  * TIMELY FEEDBACK:   * 1. Patron SCS sends a couple of timely notes on recent episodes.  * 2. Patron JG has a manual transmission driving story.  * 3. Patron JH has a story about last minute runway change techniques in the cockpit  * 4. Patron DZ promotes the qualities of finding a local EAA chapter.  * FEEDBACK  * 1. Patron KA has a UFO question.   * 2. Patron JS has changed careers and has an international question  * 3. Patron SP has a brief but funny question for RH’s sim time.  * 4. Patron JC has an NA Story  *   * MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: Find an EAA chapter: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/eaa-chapters/find-an-eaa-chapter https://www.eaa.org/eaa/eaa-chapters/find-an-eaa-chapter  * VMC Club: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/pilots/eaa-pilot-proficiency/proficiency-and-education-programs/vmc-club  * IMC Club: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/pilots/eaa-pilot-proficiency/proficiency-and-education-programs/imc-club  *   * Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//.  * LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.   

1h 17m
Apr 01, 2024
OB325: Practice Approach Refresher Training

* EPISODE 325 SHOW NOTES  *   * Topic of the show: On this week's show, AG and RH discuss practice approaches, controller separation responsibility during the approaches, and how instructors can maximize efficiency while being a good user of the NAS.  We also answer listener questions about late tower handoffs, ADS-B callsign matching, controller training, and much more!  You don't want to miss this episode! * We revisit some techniques and tips on VFR practice approaches.  * TIMELY FEEDBACK:   * 1. Patron RW provides an alternative to Angel Flight for lower time pilots.   * 2. Patron DF sent audio feedback about approaches to airports not intended for landing.  * 3. Patron KS agrees with the DIY timeline and also sent a link to a video that aired back in the 90s on PBS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSNzF-KSGiw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSNzF-KSGiw  * FEEDBACK  * 1. Patron DC has a question about ATC training.  * 2. Patron GR has an ATC Anomaly question.  * 3. Patron AMM has feedback on stick shift driving.  * 4. Patron DC shares how the show has helped him through his career.  * 5. Patron MC has a question about being asked to squawk 1200.  * 6. Patron GG has a question about not being switched to the tower in a timely manner.   * 7. Patron ABM has a question about compassion flights and ADS-B out.  Mentioned on the show: The Airline Pilot Guy Show- http://airlinepilotguy.com/ * Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. 

1h 32m
Mar 26, 2024
OB324: No Approach Means No ODP

EPISODE 324 SHOW NOTES    TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the risks associated with departing from a non towered airport without a published instrument approach procedure.  What should every pilot understand about the departure?  How will they maintain terrain and obstruction clearance?  Can ATC provide them with an IFR clearance if they depart VFR but are below the minimum vectoring altitude?  We discuss this complex issue and many more of your aviation questions and feedback.  You don’t want to miss this episode.   TIMELY FEEDBACK:     1. The TERPS Elf sends feedback about feedback he already sent and we forgot about. Also sent a link to another related conversation:  https://stuckmicavcast.com/ifr/smac287-beyond-the-ifr-checkride-part-2/  2. Patron PD shares a technique on cold call procedures  3. Patron SG talk about NorCal flight following call ups  4. Patron AF asks about AI, German controllers and long feedback.  FEEDBACK  1. Patron DW provides a DIYers timeline.   2. Patron SG shares a great technique for airborne IFR cancellation and discusses circling minimums.  3. Patron HTB expresses dismay over ILS critical area disruptions.  4. Patron MTW asks about AI in ATC.  5. Patron BD provides more insight into Angel Flight flying.    MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: Terps Elf response to our missed approach question on OB136 (8/3/2020), starting at about 52:28 where we discuss his response: https://opposingbases.libsyn.com/ob136-terps-elf-on-a-bravo-shelf    ANGEL FLIGHT WEST: https://angelflightwest.org/ https://angelflightwest.org/    Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 21m
Mar 19, 2024
OB323: Iceberg Enhancing Drugs

* EPISODE 323 SHOW NOTES  * Topic of the show:  On this week’s show, AG and RH share more listener feedback on how to stay at the top of your game in aviation. Pilots have so many different opportunities to stay focused and continue learning and we highlight just a few ways you can enhance safety in your everyday flying. We also discuss pilot deviations, initial callups, and more of your aviation questions. This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it!  * TIMELY FEEDBACK:   * 1. SGAC Patron JS shares their methods for staying current and sharp.  * 2. Patron EM used some tips shared on this show to save a controller.  * 3. Patron SRD shared their continuing eduction plan for both GA and Part 121.  * 4. Patron DH reminds us to thank ATC!  * FEEDBACK  * 1. Patron DE shares advice on the FAA Wings Program.  * 2. Patron TK asks about foreign pilot deviations.   * 3. Patron SG shares a local procedure on initial callups.  * 4.  Patron SY asks about “words twice” usage.  * Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using PATREON http://patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/ https://pilotsaks.com/.    LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.   

1h 20m
Mar 11, 2024
OB322: A Slippery Mountain Missed

EPISODE 322 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss a complicated missed approach procedure in mountainous terrain.  How can a pilot prepare to safely navigate terrain during a missed approach initiated beyond the missed approach point?  Can the pilot fly the obstacle departure procedure?  What happens if they are too low to speak to ATC?  We share our opinion on this complicated procedure and try our best to provide some tips on safely dealing with the scenario in real life.    TIMELY FEEDBACK:   1. Patron DM sends feedback about airspace design.  2. Patron TC responds to PAO’s crazy taxi situation. (https://www.airnav.com/airport/kpao https://www.airnav.com/airport/kpao) 3. Patron VV discusses a STEM program they started.  4. Patron DG talks about staying sharp.  5. Patron GX talks about the frequency differences in Europe.  6. Patron TS talks about staying sharp.    FEEDBACK  1. Patron DDC discusses staying sharp  2. Patron WCL asks about finding approach frequencies.  3. Patron SG sends feedback about using aviation lingo in everyday speech.  4. Patron MK has them on the fish finder.  5. Patron The Badger Pilot has an audio IFR flight plan question about vectors.  6. Patron MS has an audio I love atc story.    MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: Susquehanna STEM to the Skies https://www.facebook.com/SusquehannaSTEM/ based at the Penn Valley Airport (KSEG) in south-central Pennsylvania.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 25m
Mar 04, 2024
OB321: Emphasized Arrivals, A Chiropractor's Dream

EPISODE 321 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss ways to stay sharp in aviation. How do you make sure you’re engaged and always improving?  What methods do you use to stay on top of your game?  We also discuss STEM flights for young aviators, IFR flights at VFR altitudes, and tower/tracon point outs.  This episode was fun to record! Enjoy!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron RW sent feedback about “this page intentionally left blank”  2. SGAC ED sent feedback about “this page intentionally left blank”  3. SGAC BS sent an announcement about Patron AJ and himself trying to skip straight to the airlines.    FEEDBACK 1. Patron DJS talks about STEM flights  2. Patron MCB sent audio feedback about airspace shapes.  3. Patron TMH sent audio feedback about through clearances.  4. Patron AMM sent feedback about great service from center controllers and suggested taxi routes through non movement areas.  https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/files/assets/public/v/1/public-works/palo-alto-airport/noise-sensitive-area-map-pao.pdf  5. Patron DB asks about point outs between TRACON and tower and altitudes on airways that aren’t typical.    Mentioned on the show: Kai Tak Airport, STEMflights.org   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 25m
Feb 29, 2024
OB320: Cloud Surfing on the Published Mist

EPISODE 320 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the danger in scud running as it relates to other traffic.  How can the IFR airplane safely navigate in airspace with other traffic that isn’t in contact with ATC or CTAF?  We also discuss a great way to introduce kids to ATC, traffic advisories, and more of you aviation questions and feedback.  This episode is packed and you don’t want to miss any of it!  Enjoy!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Many Patrons sent feedback on closing tower airspace and why it reverts to E or G. Answered! 2. Patron NSC set up a flight sim at the career day at school!   FEEDBACK 1. Patron TH asks about 75/76 type ratings 2. Patron MCB sent audio feedback about “suggested heading” 3. Patron TW also sent feedback about suggested heading 4. Patron JMW on “looking for traffic” and other such phraseology 5. Patron DB asks about handoffs between approach and tower   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 23m
Feb 19, 2024
OB319: Kids in Aviation and ATC

EPISODE 319 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: KIDS IN AVIATION AND ATC On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss their ideas on getting kids interested in careers in aviation. Do you have an aspiring young adult and you are trying to find ways to introduce them to aviation?  Does you kids stare out the window and wonder at the magic of aviation like we did when we were young?  We also discuss trip planning with important passengers, non-towered operations, and more of you aviation questions and feedback.  This was a really fun show.  Enjoy!  https://www.faa.gov/education/programs https://www.faa.gov/education/programs   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron ABM sent a story about an emergency and thanks to ATC after picking up their new plane 2. Patron JU sends feedback about listening to better understand her son’s job in the ARTCC. 3. Patron KA sends timely feedback about towered airports reverting to E/G airspace. 4. Patron JY sends timely feedback on towered airport airspace after closure. FEEDBACK 1. Patron CV has a question about VFR targets not in contact near non towered airports. 2. Patron AJS sends a novel of a feedback :) about a situation he and his family found themselves in.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 27m
Feb 12, 2024
OB318: Real Life in Fantasyland

EPISODE 318 SHOW NOTES TOPIC OF THE SHOW: CONTROLLER RECURRENT TRAINING What topics and scenarios do controllers train on annually or semi-annually?  And how does it compare to airline/commercial pilot recurrent training?  On this week’s episode, AG and RH will discuss the differences in training and how controllers and pilots benefit from regular interval training.  We also discuss AG’s Manual Transmission School, snarky tower controllers, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.    TIMELY FEEDBACK:  1. SGAC DB talks about his son flying and his daughter requesting a spot at the RH and AG stick driving school. 2. Controller RL shares more info on how Center controllers enter flight following into the keyboard 3. Patron BM sends feedback about driving a stick in Europe. FEEDBACK: 1. Patron MKI sent audio feedback about flight plan remarks. 2. Patron DS sent feedback about the ODP episodes 3. Patron OMH sends a question about surface based E vs G for part time D airports. 4. SGAC Sierra Hotel sends a question about being cleared for the visual approach and a snarky tower controller. 5. Patron Sierra Bravo asks a question about differences between the US and Australian procedures for alternate missed approaches.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 24m
Feb 05, 2024
OB317: Stick Shift Type Ratings

EPISODE 317 SHOW NOTES TOPIC OF THE SHOW: FINDING COMMUNITY IN AVIATION Listeners respond to our request for how they find community within aviation.   RH also shares updates on his training progression at Penguin Airlines.  If you want to learn more about the training and the checkride, head over to patreon.com/opposingbases /patreon.com/opposingbases   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron Echo Sierra responded to our request in 316 2. BH responded to our request in 316 3. Patron AC sent a list of ideas for finding fellow fliers 4. Patron RW likes the idea of visiting many airports 5. Patron DE recommends public service flying   FEEDBACK 1. Patron AM sent a question about entering controlled airspace. 2. APD sent feedback about driving a manual transmission. 3. SGAC SE sent a link to be your own Terps Elf https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/procedures/application/?event=directory&directory=1AB33CD90A9F40688549AB2B13B6EC50-AAF-NDBR&type=ndbr&nasrId=AAF 4. DH recommends finding an EAA chapter. 5. The TERPS Elf responds to questions about more NA at night issues.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.

1h 16m
Jan 31, 2024
OB316: Thirsty Chinooks and Penguin Riots

EPISODE 316 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW:  On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss ways for a newly minted private pilot to engage with the aviation community.   We also share our thoughts on safely expanding your skills while maintaining a safety first approach to flying.  This episode is packed with aviation gold and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. SGAC JAS asks about controller training timeline. 2. SGAC AM talks about wireless headsets and controller actions during an emergency. 3. NB has a question about IFR cancellation. 4. Patron TF has a new proposed FAR.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron AD sent audio feedback. 2. SGAC JS sends feedback about Pireps 3. Patron JD sent feedback on maintaining SA 4. SGAC BS sent a terps question. 5. Patron CH sent timely feedback about OB 315 show topic   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 26m
Jan 22, 2024
OB314: This CAN Work in America

EPISODE 314 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: REROUTES IN TROUBLED AIRSPACE SGAC Patron JAS provides the show topic this week about getting routing around weather in difficult airspace.  How can pilots prepare for deviations in busy airspace?  We also discuss denied flight following and using flight plans to keep you safe.  This episode is packed, you don’t’ want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Controller/Patron MK responded to questions about a capitol arrival being restricted. 2. Patron DC sent a follow up to the expanded Charlie airspace question https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/06/2023-11909/amendment-of-the-nashville-international-airport-class-c-airspace-nashville-tn-and-the-john-c-tune 3. Patron SG sent some taxi audio  FEEDBACK 1. Patron SW asks about getting flight following that “sticks.” 2. Controller/Pilot/Patron from the North GF asks about cancelling IFR and alert services retention. 3. Patron JP asks about maxing out CPDLC 4. SGAC Patron KH likes the new intro/outro Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 22m
Jan 08, 2024
OB313: Dark Side of the Hot Garbage Charlie

EPISODE 313 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW:  On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss why some controllers cannot issue radar vectors. Why are they suggesting headings?  What should the pilot do in order to safely comply with the instructions?  We also discuss IFR shortcuts, an airport in desperate need of metering, and more aviation questions and feedback.   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1.  We set the record straight on altitude selection during an IFR departure near terrain. 2. Patron AMM wants to know when we are selling the Secret ATC Decoder Ring in our online store. https://i.imgur.com/HpyqX1Z.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/HpyqX1Z.jpeg,   FEEDBACK 1. SGAC Patron AM has a question about an unusual shortcut and interaction with ATC. 2. Patron MS shares a public service announcement to prevent pilot blindness. 3. Patron Delta Papa has a question about the new Class Charlie that could almost pass for Class B. 4. Patron MTB shares some kind words for air traffic controllers in a very busy and stressful facility.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 19m
Jan 02, 2024
OB312: Santa's Glider Goes Missed

EPISODE 312 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: SANTA'S GLIDER GOES MISSED On this year’s Christmas show, we dig deep into Santa’s bag of feedback and discuss gliders, weight and balance, flight following, missed approaches and much much more.  Merry Christmas!   Holiday/Christmas audio used during this special episode: Music: DECK THE HALLS – JINGLE PUNKS (NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC)   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron Juliet Golf sent a note about weight and balance. 2. SGAC Patron Bravo Sierra sent an announcement and feedback about his commercial check ride. 3. Patron Delta Delta has follow up feedback on ADSB out and TISB 4. Patron Mike Golf, a glider instructor, sent feedback about glider ops above 18000 feet, a recent trend on OB shows. Links for the show notes: https://www.pacificsoaring.org/articles/FAA/FAA-wave-windows.html https://www.pacificsoaring.org/documents/Wave-Window-Update-PASCO-2008.pdf   1. Controller and pilot AW comments on Center/Tracon relationships and flying as a controller. 2. Dispatcher and Patron AMB passed his dispatcher competency and sent feedback and a question about part 121/91 routing.   FEEDBACK 1. Controller NP sent feedback from OB 305 about flight following and other things. 2. Patron Tango Echo Yankee publicly admits his addiction to OB and discusses treatment. 3. Patron TEY sent feedback about alternate missed instructions on practice instrument approaches.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com.  Music bumpers by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army.  Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor. 

1h 16m
Dec 25, 2023
OB311: Shift Sandwich and Avoiding Earth

EPISODE 311 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH answer a question about filed and expected altitudes while flying an ODP.  What is the safest way to navigate a lost comms scenario while executing the ODP?  How can you plan ahead to be a safer and more prepared pilot?  We also discuss shift work, opposite direction operation rules, and more of your awesome aviation questions.  This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK:   1. Patron EF comments on the changes to the show and asks about Air Traffic schedules. 2. Patron WTF sent feedback about the ongoing glider topic. 3. Patron MK sent a link to an article he wrote about IFR approaches.
https://www.ifr-magazine.com/training-sims/gettin-down/ https://www.ifr-magazine.com/training-sims/gettin-down/   FEEDBACK 1. Patron NB sent a link to his video with an OB shoutout, go check it out here: https://youtu.be/POyHMCXWWnM link to his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@NathanBallardSaferFlying 2. Patron MF asks RH a question about getting his ATC fix. 3. SGAC Patron Charlie Mike from the frozen north sent a question about opposite direction operations. 4. SGAC Patron IC, md sent feedback about a TRACON tour at Big Apple Tracon.   Mentioned on the show: The Midlife Pilot Podcast and Safer Flying on YouTube     Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases https://twitter.com/Opposing_Bases.  Music by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/.

 LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 17m
Dec 18, 2023
OB310: Bears Need Not Apply

EPISODE 310 SHOW NOTES   BEARS NEED NOT APPLY   Patron Romeo Sierra returns to the airlines after a long absence.  RH answers some questions on how he landed at Penguin Airlines, what stars aligned to make the move possible, and advice for up-and-coming aviators that want to be an airline pilot.  We also discuss airport wildlife stories, Alaska flight service, and more of your awesome aviation feedback.  This was a really fun episode, you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK:   1. Patron Romeo Delta shares the exact wording that NorCal Tracon uses to have aircraft join final on visual approaches. 2. Patron DD has a question about airline weight and balance. 3. Patron DZ talks about ADSB beaconator buttons and radar identification.   FEEDBACK:   1. Patron MRM sent audio feedback about groundhogs on the airport 2. Patron JP sent feedback about flying the Hudson River VFR cooridor 3. SGAC Patron SE sent a link about how transponder codes are allocated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_transponder_codes?wprov=sfti1 4. Bravo Alpha sent feedback about the wild west block party thats happening in the 49th state. Also, Jim’s Cabin. 5. Patron Sierra Golf sent audio feedback about how long it takes a filed flight plan to reach the printer. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 22m
Dec 11, 2023
OB309: Pushing Back on Pushing Tin

EPISODE 309 SHOW NOTES Topic of the show: ODP altitude selection by Patron NS NS asks about the best altitude to file on an ODP with the knowledge that ATC may stop you below that anyway. Timely Feedback:  1. Patron JB sent an advisory circular that defines short approaches. 2. Patron TS tells us that once again we put our feet in our mouths about the experimental remarks remarks we made. 3. Patron BC has a question about speed reduction on final 4. SGAC Patron RF adds to the theme of his 5 star review and talks penguins, icebergs, and listening to live ATC. Feedback 1. Patron JJ reminds us of our first episodes on ADSB. 2. Patron Patron AM with another great question about practice approaches and going lost comms during the clearance. 3. Patron NS sent a question about ODPs and altitudes to file. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 26m
Dec 04, 2023
OB308: Double Go Around Burger

EPISODE 308 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: Tricky Go-Arounds by Patron Oscar Golf: A completely made up, fictitious event having no connection to any real events that ever happened before. . . .AG and RH discuss a squeeze play that went terribly wrong resulting in a double go around and at least one pilot responding to a TCAS Resolution Advisory.  Find out what the pilot could have done to prepare for a possible go around and increase their situational awareness in a tricky environment.  We also discuss VFR on top, experimental remarks, and more of your aviation questions.  This was a fun episode and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron HTV asks about using VFR on top as a way to depart and make it easier on controllers. 2. Patron DF discusses techniques for getting clearances from non towered airports in tricky airspace. 3. MLR flies gliders in Canada and was excited to hear that someone else flies gliders, just maybe not to 18000 feet! 4. Patron HS exposes a SignaTurd secret on FAA pilots licenses. FEEDBACK 1. Patron PBF sacrificed an animal, sent a Tina Turner song, and had an emergency into Triad. 2. Patron DS has a question about experimental in remarks and other items. 3. Moved to OB309 show topic.  Stay Tuned. 4. Patron WL sent a link to a video about short approaches and power off 180s.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases https://twitter.com/Opposing_Bases.  Music by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com/.

 LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 22m
Nov 27, 2023
OB307: Paper Tigers at Penguin Airlines

EPISODE 307 SHOW NOTES TOPIC OF THE SHOW: MORE FEEDBACK! 1. Patron BY discusses a proposed FAR for OB Listeners 2. Patron MTW talks about glider ops near the Triad      https://www.piedmontsoaring.net/ https://www.piedmontsoaring.net/   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron SE discusses a great technique using contact approaches. 2. Patron BE gives us the history of descents on airways for approaches. 3. CG finds a CFR about descending on airways for approaches   FEEDBACK 1. Patron CM on how the 737 descends so beautifully. 2. Patron LR sent audio feedback on TRACON maps. 3. Patron SG asks about switching the localizer around. 4. Patron FC asks about controllers asking about notams.   MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: USA TRACON MAP   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can support https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases https://twitter.com/Opposing_Bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 32m
Nov 20, 2023
OB306: Center, Are YOU IFR Capable?

EPISODE 306 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, we discuss controller’s favorite approach: the contact approach!  Why does this procedure confuse controllers when it’s actually very simple?  What can you expect when you request this rarely used procedure?  We also discuss STARs, “I love ATC”, and more aviation questions.  This was a fun episode and you don’t want to miss it! Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases https://twitter.com/Opposing_Bases.  Music by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 15m
Nov 13, 2023
OB305: Trading Places, Opposite Bases

EPISODE 305 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: SIMULTANEOUS IFR APPROACHES TO NON-TOWERED AIRPORTS.   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Frozen North Center controller on VFR release of IFR and more. 2. Patron JP on VFR release of IFR departures. 3. Congrats on 305 episodes.     FEEDBACK 1. Modest deviations on IFR FP by Patron EL 2. Patron KK on victor airway descents on IFR approaches.   Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases https://twitter.com/Opposing_Bases.  Music by audionautix.com.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 22m
Nov 06, 2023
OB304: Tickles and Stick Wiggles

EPISODE 304 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH get into the details of a rare type of approach clearance.  What would we do as pilots if we received this clearance?  How would we issue the clearance as controllers?  And is there a regulation to establish an argument that it’s not only safe, but legal?  We also discuss pilot punishments, PIREP holds, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.  This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK   1. Patron Bravo Mike shares some pro tips about navigating the Hudson with IFR and VFR. 2. Patron Mike Zulu shares some kind words about an underlying Delta facility.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron Tango Charlie wants to know how we punish pilots. 2. Patron Alpha Juliet shared a story of being held on the ground due to a PIREP. 3. Patron Mike Romeo has introduced names for our future staff. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 26m
Oct 30, 2023
OB303: The Next Chapter

EPISODE 303 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On today’s show, AG and RH share some very exciting news!  We also discuss controller contrived missed approach instructions, med-evac call signs, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.    TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron HTB shares the results of their ATSAP report.  2. Patron JM shares an idea on how the arrival deviation should have sounded. 3. Patron WTF files to a nearby VOR and continues VFR.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron AW wants to buy a secret transponder decoder ring. 2. Patron BM would like to get our opinion on the use of Med-Evac call signs. 3. Patron PM wants to say thanks but not sound like they’re looking for a good time.   MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: Noble Flight Simulation https://www.nobleflightsim.com/, CSIP EW https://www.pinehurstaero.com/the-instructor Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, or any airline.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA, NATCA, or any airline.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 17m
Oct 24, 2023
OB302: Descent Before LAMMB is BAAAD

EPISODE 302 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss a complicated approach in mountainous terrain.  Why is the controller leaving the pilot high?  What routing may help the pilot comply with the approach using normal descent maneuvers?  We share our thoughts and some ideas on what this pilot can do next time.  We also discuss vectors to final at the last second, wandering luggage tugs, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.  You don’t want to miss this episode!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron Mike Sierra shares a story about flight following near local TFRs. 2. Patron Tango Sierra is a newly minted multi engine ATP with a legacy carrier job! 3. Patron Sierra India from the Frozen North shares some fun facts about our credentials.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron Juliet Hotel shares the penguin analogy with friends at his own risk. 2. Patron Romeo Charlie asks “why the vector” when they were already setup perfectly for an approach. 3. Patron Tang Mike The Fire Truck Guy sent audio about jet blast. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 10m
Oct 16, 2023
OB301: Classic Extreme Overcomplication

EPISODE 301 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss a shortcut through a very busy Class Bravo area on an IFR flight.  Why was the original routing assigned?  How is it possible to fly directly over a busy airport?  And what can the pilot to do to plan for this type of routing?  We also discuss departing VFR looking for your IFR flight plan, remarks, and much more.  You don’t want to miss this fun episode!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. SGAC Patron Alpha Kilo asks about the use of ident and why it seems inconsistent in the NAS. 2. Patron Tango Alpha Charlie shares some terrible memories of the DME arc holding areas.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron Bravo Kilo asks about departing VFR on on an IFR flight plan. 2. Patron Sierra Bravo asks about useful items to put in the remarks. 3. Patron Golf Hotel shares some thoughts on “practicable” and its eventual demise. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 20m
Oct 09, 2023
OB300: Penguin Playground of Pavement

EPISODE 300 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: EPISODE 300!!!  On this milestone episode, AG and RH take a stroll down memory lane while answering listener questions about aviation, flying, and air traffic control.  We discuss flight plans, flight following, landing at a busy Class Bravo airport, emergencies, and much, much more.  This is a fun, entertaining, and educational episode you won’t want to miss.  Thank you to all our loyal Patrons, listeners, family, and friends for helping Opposing Bases make it this far in the podcast universe!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. SGAC Patron Sierra Hotel shares thoughts on the show after completing the full back catalog. 2. Patron Charlie Charlie says FIS-B does include PIREPS https://support.foreflight.com/hc/en-us/articles/205482988-What-weather-is-provided-by-ADS-B-   FEEDBACK 1. SGAC Juliet Alpha Sierra asks about ADS-B and radar identification protocol. 2. Patron Echo Hotel asks about flight following codes at non towered airports. 3. SGAC Patron Bravo Delta has some questions about minimum fuel and emergencies. 4. SGAC Patron Alpha Mike shared a Class Bravo experience and the videos may help you when deciding if you want to land at a big, scary airport: "I Landed at O'Hare" - https://youtu.be/b66E9SyaY5w?si=aY7EHlfuzdO1oQmP "Preparing for landing at O'Hare - Seven steps I took" - https://youtu.be/H1lwOcvd7Mk?si=NT8nverRBxsXZLq1 Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 32m
Oct 02, 2023
OB299: The Most TWAFL Arrival

EPISODE 299 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, we discuss “descend via” clearances and the confusion caused by taking an aircraft off vertical guidance early in the procedure.  What could the pilots do differently to avoid any confusion?  How can the controller mitigate the risks involved in issuing new altitudes?  We also discuss missing aircraft after flight following and more of your aviation questions and feedback.   You don’t want to miss this episode!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron CV shares the rule allowing students into Class A airspace. 2. Patron JM shared their NYC Skyline experience.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron BP asks about how to report near misses in towered airspace. 2. SGAC Patron IC sent some questions about a recent trip in the Cirrus. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 14m
Sep 25, 2023
OB298: Emergency Inbound

EPISODE 298 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: AG and RH discuss a recent TRIAD emergency inbound flight.  What happened?  What advice to we have for the pilots and ATC?  How did prompt pilot decision making lead to a safe outcome?  We also discuss phraseology, clearances, and aircraft identification.  This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron TBP sent some clarifying comments about traffic direction. 2. Patron HTB shared more insight into the BT-13 military trainer. 3. Patron Romeo Charlie gives some more background on the coffee bravo practice approach.   FEEDBACK 1. Patron JJ asks about squawking VFR when near/above Class Delta. 2. Patron DD asks about a short delay on the runway and hold short instrutions. 3. Patron KO showed patience and avoided a really confusing ATC mixup.   MENTIONED ON THE SHOW: RH AND AG ON THE ABS WEBINAR: https://www.absweb.org/61.html Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website https://www.opposingbases.com/ and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net https://www.liveatc.net/.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 22m
Sep 18, 2023
OB297: Opposing Lanes, Car Traffic Talk

EPISODE 297 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the striking similarities between our jobs as air traffic controllers and real life police officers directing traffic.  Squeeze plays, confused drivers, violators, and those that simply don’t pay attention make for an interesting comparison to air traffic.  We also share our opinion on general aviation landers at Class Bravo airports, rant about PIREPs, and hear more of your awesome aviation feedback.  This is a fun episode and you don’t want to miss it.  Enjoy!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron Mike Oscar shares some kind words about the AirVenture appearance.  Thank you!   FEEDBACK 1. Patron Mike Oscar want to know our thoughts on general aviation landing at Class Bravo airports. 2. Patron Juliet Hotel asks about his PC-12 being ready at the end of the runway. 3. Patron Alpha Delta sent audio and a PIPEP question. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 13m
Sep 11, 2023
OB296: Missing in Post-Mid Sleepyland

EPISODE 296 SHOW NOTES   TOPIC OF THE SHOW: On this week’s show, we discuss controller hiring and location selection. AG and RH share their opinion on the process and offer some perfect world suggestions on how to solve some of our staffing issues.  We also share a recent story of RH going missing, unusual visual approach clearances, and more of your aviation questions and feedback.  This was a really fun episode and you don’t want to miss it!   TIMELY FEEDBACK: 1. Patron Bravo Alpha Sierra gives a master’s class on NYC SFRA entry and exit.  2. Patron Kilo Kilo shared a story about old school AM radios and their tremendous range. 3. Juliet Sierra shares some fun facts about TRSAs and Class Delta radar control facilities. 4. Patron Bravo Kilo adds more to the Washington airspace conversation. 5. SGAC Patron Sierra Echo shares some more insight into the Moses Lake consolidation. https://tomdent.houserepublicans.wa.gov/2018/04/18/dent-says-faa-decision-to-leave-tracon-facility-open-in-grant-county-great-news-for-the-region/   FEEDBACK 1. SGAC Patron Sierra Hotel asks about Angel Flights and Compassion Flight call signs. 2. Alpha Lima Zulu got the “Flight Following Award” from AG. 3. Patron Tango Sierra got an unusual visual approach clearance from a center landing at a Class Delta. Have a great week and thanks for listening!  Visit our website at OpposingBases.com https://www.opposingbases.com/ You can SUPPORT https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases our show using Patreon https://www.patreon.com/opposingbases or visiting our support page https://www.opposingbases.com/support/ on the website.  Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Find us on twitter @opposing_bases.  Music by audionautix.com https://audionautix.com/.  Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.  Friends of the show and maker of bags to protect your ATC headset from dust and germs: ATCSaks.com https://atcsaks.com/. Keep the gunk and funk away from your most valuable pilot gear: https://pilotsaks.com https://pilotsaks.com//. LEGAL NOTICE  The hosts of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk podcast are speaking on behalf of Opposing Bases, LLC.  Opposing Bases, LLC does not represent the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, or the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.  All opinions expressed in the show are for entertainment purposes only.  There is no nexus between Opposing Bases, LLC and the FAA or NATCA.  All episodes are the property of Opposing Bases, LLC and shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent.  For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your local Flight Standards District Office or Certified Flight Instructor.  Opposing Bases, LLC offers this podcast to promote aviation safety and enhance the knowledge of its listeners but makes no guarantees to listeners regarding accuracy or legal applications.

1h 15m
Sep 04, 2023