River City Vineyard - Teachings

River City Vineyard Community Church


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500 episodes

Palm Sunday: Our Humble King- Molly Smith

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Passion Week.  What a great opportunity to focus on the humility and self-sacrificing love of Jesus which triumphs over all principalities, powers, and empires.

1h 5m
Mar 24
Our Values at the Middle: Mourning Human Suffering- Scott Tjernagel

We live in the Between Times. We still experience the suffering of this present age, "an aeon of suffering," and at the same time "taste the powers of the age to come." We refuse to ignore the reality of human suffering or dismiss that suffering by heartless theologies. We are "those who mourn."

Mar 17
Our Values at the Middle: Humility- Scott Tjernagel

We practice a center-set approach to ministry. We are discerning the values toward which our community is drawn in this season. 

Mar 10
The Journey Toward a Prophetic Witness- Scott Tjernagel

Are we lawyers or prophets? Will we retreat into religious legalism or serve as the prophetic conscience of our culture? Which way does Jesus lead us?

Feb 25
The Journey of Lent- Otto Gallaher

What is the meaning of Lent? What are we to do?

1h 3m
Feb 18
The Authority of the Values at the Center- Scott Tjernagel

In a center set approach to ministry, the authority is found in the values at the center toward which all in the community are encouraged to move toward. Along with prioritizing relationship over rules, the values at the center hold things together in a center-set community.

Jan 28
Union with the Divine

How do we live in the moment united with God?

Jan 14
To Change Our World-Otto Gallaher

Merry Christmas. Our world is in desperate need of change. What can we who follow Jesus do to help?

Dec 31, 2023
Blessed are the Peacemakers- Scott Tjernagel

Part of the salt and the light we are to share with the world is Peacemaking. In light of the outbreak of hostility in the Middle East, we want to encourage others to come along with our community in the pursuit of reconciliation and a just peace between Palestine and Israel.

Oct 15, 2023
"Freedom or Love" Jersak, Chapter 3- Scott Tjernagel

Our Journey through by Bradley Jersak

May 28, 2023
“What is God Like?” Jersak, Chapter 1- Scott Tjernagel

Our community has been on an adventure of reading  by Bradley Jersak. We have been covering one chapter a week. Each week’s conversation is directed by one of our teaching leaders followed by comments and questions by our in-person and on-line community. Our purpose for this journey with Bradley has been to make sure we are telling the best story of the Good News of Jesus. We have noticed that too often we leave the basic story line of the Bible and begin to add particular theological explanations which at times twists the story of Good News into Bad News, from a beautiful story to something much less than beautiful. We want to do our best to pass along the Good and  the Beautiful news of Jesus to our families, friends, and neighbors.

May 14, 2023
Learning to Love without Passing Judgement-Steve Smith

Love God. Love others in the same ways you love yourself. Even love your enemies. Since God is love. Love is the main word and action of the faith of those who follow Jesus. Better to spend time loving rather than judging!

Apr 30, 2023
Caring for the Vulnerable-Dianne Garcia

As a community we have an opportunity to serve an asylum seeker. The truth is we have the heart to help, but we do not know how to do this. Pastor Dianne is further ahead of us on this journey and has wonderful encouragement for us and for anyone else who has the heart for a compassionate response to those seeking asylum.

Apr 23, 2023
Self-denial for the Sake of the Gospel- Scott Tjernagel

Self-denial in the Gospel is not meant to be an end in itself.  What does self-denial for the sake of following Jesus look like?

Feb 26, 2023
A Community Rhythm of Prayer- Scott Tjernagel

We are preparing for Lent. This morning we are suggesting a Community Rhythm of Prayer for the Lenten Season. All are welcome to join in prayer with us. Let us know if you do by writing inquire@rcvineyard.org.

Feb 12, 2023
Advent Peace- Otto Gallaher

How do we live the peace of Christ internally and externally? Here are a few ideas.

1h 3m
Dec 04, 2022
Advent Hope- Scott Tjernagel

Without darkness we cannot recognize light. In a similar way we cannot know  hope without experiencing hopelessness. We will step into the pit of despair this morning so that we may experience the hope of Messiah

Nov 27, 2022
Serving the Poor- Scott Tjernagel

We want to continue the ministry of Jesus by serving the poor. We, also, have a wonderful heritage in the Vineyard of service to the poor. As we move toward owning a home close to a neighborhood of obvious need, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to empower us for service to others.

May 22, 2022
Jesus is Lord-Steve Smith

What do we mean when we say, “Jesus is Lord”? What does Jesus have in mind when we use the title, “Lord”? Enjoy the listen.

May 08, 2022
Life Out of the Tomb- Scott, Steve, Otto

After a season of discernment, we have a future idea of moving closer to our neighbors and serving with the love and care of Jesus. 

Apr 24, 2022
What Does Jesus' Death Reveal About His Life?- Scott Tjernagel

A dead person raised from death to life is spectacular. Nothing compares to the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. However, there is so much happening in the cross and the resurrection worthy of taking note. Give a listen. Hope you are encouraged. 

Apr 17, 2022
The Courageous Entry- Scott Tjernagel

May I have permission to rename the Triumphal Entry? This Palm Sunday I suggest the Courageous Entry. I think I have good reason to do that. Please listen and share what you think. 

Apr 10, 2022
Reorientation to Truth- Otto Gallaher

When disoriented remember who God has shown himself to be, and move forward trusting in him. 

Feb 06, 2022
Reorientation to Good News-Scott Tjernagel

Jesus brought Good News to our world. We must never allow this Good News to be coopted for any purpose other than the purpose of his kingdom.

Jan 30, 2022