Hollywood Homicide – Stella!
JAN 12
Description Community

Hollywood Homicide is a delightful mismatched buddy cop comedy. Unfortunately, everyone hated it, including its star—Harrison Ford.

Written and directed by Ron Shelton, of Bull Durham and Tin Cup fame, Hollywood Homicide channels the real life exploits of one-time Los Angeles policeman Robert Souza.

Judging by some of the movie's subplots, reality is indeed stranger than fiction. Speaking of those weaving narrative points, the abundance of them plague the film. There is just too much going on.

That is probably why critics and audiences had such distaste for it. At 30% on Rotten Tomatoes—with an even lower audience score—Hollywood Homicide is one of Ford's worst rated films.

It is also one of his lowest grossing. On a budget of $75 million, it failed to break even $52 million. Book it as a flop, Danno!

Now, sit back, get fancy with a Stella Artois, and practice your big monologue! I, the Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Bling Blake, and Capt. Cash are doing our damndest to sell this monstrosity on Mount Olympus!

This Week’s Segments:

  • Introduction/Plot Breakdown – In Hollywood, no one is who they really want to be! (00:00)

  • Lingering Questions – Do Ford and Hartnett have chemistry? (32:03)

  • The "Mount Olympus" Trivia Challenge – Bling Blake challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (51:32)

  • Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We continue Aging Action Star Flops with Killing Gunther! (1:04:44)

And, as always, hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

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