The Super Bowl a wonderful victory has become a terrible tragedy!
FEB 15
Description Community

Yes it is the news of the day and it will play for a day or two and then unfortunately probably be forgotten. But it is something that we should think about and pray about today.

The celebration of the Super Bowl victory in Kansas City has turned into a day and a great tragedy and the tragedy will affect the lives of many people beyond today and perhaps well into eternity. And hundreds of people and politicians will tell you what we need to do now and they don't know what they're talking about.

There is not something wrong with our politics, there is something about our culture and our conditions where evil finds a place to abound.

It will not be about changing things it may be about something else and so I would like to just offer a few suggestions as to what we might think about and pray about and perhaps take some personal actions for us.

There is something else we need to think about and it is the powerful T word
