EP: 012: How to Use Facebook Ads to Build a Six Figure Empire
MAR 04, 2020
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Today we will be talking again with the amazing Apryl Beverly! Apryl is walking us through her step by step process on EP 23 // How to Use Facebook Ads to Build a Six-Figure Empire.  About Apryl Beverly, Million-Dollar Word Stylist and founder of BAAB Writing is an award-winning copywriter who has helped solo entrepreneurs, small business owners, CEOs and marketing executives of big profitable brands generate millions in revenue – all by tapping into the power of words. Known for her educated, “tell-it-like-it-is” writing voice, Apryl has broken just about every grammar rule she ever learned and survived the wrath of her English teachers. She is a graduate of The Ohio State University in Journalism and the University of Phoenix in Masters of Business Administration in Marketing. She’s mom to the most amazing kid in the universe and is married to the masterful “money man.” This Episode is Brought To You By: Quit Your 9 to 5 Academy, an academy created to help entrepreneurs create the perfect exit strategy to quit their day jobs, eradicate the fears of the unknown of being an entrepreneur and follow their passions full-time along with helping them to discover the necessary tools to monetize their passions. Hey! Check this out!... Join our Private Community aka our and continue the conversation on how you can quit your 9 to 5 and connect with more biz hustler’s to grow your business. This one is important - If you like the Quit Your 9 to 5 Show, please rate and review us on iTunes. It helps us connect with more hustlers and grow our bomb community! Have you listened to our After Show? It’s lit. Seriously. That’s were all the action happens. Join the Rich Life Society Get access to secret episodes. Topics Discussed in this Episode: Why Entrepreneurs Need To Use Facebook Ads? How Do You Find Your Target Market? Boosting Facebook Post – How To Do It The Right Way How Much To Spend on A Facebook Ad? How Do You Know A Good Conversion Rate? How To Create Copy That Converts Tips on How To Evoke Emotion in Writing This interview is a must listen for people/ entrepreneurs who wanted to earn money from Facebook by using Facebook ads to promote their businesses. Apryl SAID: "You need to think outside of the box and think differently..” “Even if you’re not running ads… still you can use Facebook to get insights – free info of who wants your stuff..” “Look at what the larger companies are doing and duplicate that on a smaller scale...” “You got to feed the machine…you got to go heavy and then you win yourself back..” “when it feels real, it doesn't feel imitated...it feels authentic to people..” Timeesha SAID: “we won't be all trying to be everything to everybody because you'll end up being nothing to no one” Damian SAID: “Facebook, with all of that information, is a whole lot better reason to go on Facebook and start re-purposing that data for your benefit to make some money…” Resources Discussed in this Episode: F.A.S.T. Money! The Easy Way to Use Facebook Ads to Hook Smokin' Hot Leads by Apryl Beverly More From Apryl: http://baab.biz/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BAABWriting Twitter: @baabwriting Instagram: @baabwriting More From Damian: www.DamianDuncan.com Instagram: @DamianDDuncan More From Timeesha: www.TimeeshaDuncan.com Crush the Competition Book I CONNECT WITH US ON INSTAGRAM: • Quit Your 9 to 5 Academy - @quityour9to5academy • Apryl - @baabwriting • Damian - @damianduncan • Timeesha – @timeeshaduncan • #quityour9to5podcast

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