Help, My Kid Can't Poop: Healthier Diet, Less Constipation
OCT 05, 2020
Description Community

Constipation?!!?   Why a whole episode on this?  Well... let me tell you, if your child has this problem its a BIG, upsetting, worrying deal.   I have talked to many parents who have this issue with their child and I think it is not discussed enough.  My daughter has had chronic constipation issues since she was a wee baby and when I asked doctors for help with it, I was brushed off several times.  Chronic constipation is a painful, stressful ailment and affects your daily life.   I deem it- the ignored epidemic- because so many kids suffer from it yet it is not given a lot of press. Not many people want to address this crappy topic, actually not crappy, thats the problem.   Here are my food guidelines that have worked for my children as well as the story of our experience trying to get medical help for my daughter. ps. The guidelines work for adults too.  
