Full Sicha, Rabbi Avraham Brashevitzky

Project Likkutei Sichos


A full overview of the weekly Sicha, presented in an interesting and engaging manner, to capture even the interest of young or fast-paced people.

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189 episodes

Likkutei Sichos Vol 21 Tisa 3 Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Likkutei Sichos Vol 21 Tisa 3 Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Feb 25
Likutei Sichos Vol 16 Va'eira 5. Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 Va'eira 5 Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Jan 07
Likutei Sichos Vol 16 Shmos - 24 Teves. Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sicha for shemos and chof daled teves- and the uniqueness of the time of galus, when the strength of a person's neshama are revealed

Dec 31, 2023
Likutei Sichos Vol 20 Toldos 1. Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sicha explaining the quote "Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak" and its connection to "spreading the wellsprings outward"

Nov 11, 2023
Likutei Sichos Vol 20 Breishis 1 Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sicha explaining first Rashi of the Torah and how this Rashi applies to our personal avoda

Oct 09, 2023
Likutei Sichos Vol 24 Bracha. Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sicha explaining the difference between the mode of Avoda of Moshe and Aaron, and our relationship to the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel

Oct 02, 2023
Likutei Sichos Vol 24 Ha'azinu Shabbos Shuva Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Likutei Sichos Vol 24 Ha'azinu Shabbos Shuva Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sep 14, 2023
Likutei Sichos Vol 19 Re'ei 4 Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky

Sicha about the mitzvah of "a bonus given to a Jewish Servant when you send him off"

Aug 05, 2023