Huberman Lab

Scicomm Media


Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

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244 episodes

Esther Perel: How to Find, Build & Maintain Healthy Romantic Relationships

In this episode, my guest is Esther Perel, a world-renowned psychotherapist, relationship expert, and bestselling author. She explains healthy romantic relationship dynamics and how to achieve them. The answer includes curiosity not just about the other person but, more importantly, about who we can evolve into through healthy relating. Esther explains the fundamental differences and challenges in relationships formed at different stages of life. We also discuss relationship conflict and how to give and receive a true apology. Additionally, we discuss fidelity, breaches of trust, reviving relationships, and tools for understanding your needs regarding love and desire in a relationship. The episode will help listeners understand the key elements to find, build, and revive deeply satisfying romantic relationships. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: David Protein: LMNT: Helix Sleep: Function: Timestamps 00:00:00 Esther Perel 00:02:03 Sponsors: David Protein, LMNT & Helix Sleep 00:06:33 Romantic Relationships, Change & Self 00:11:18 Cornerstone vs. Capstone Relationships, Age Differences 00:16:53 Young vs. Older Couples, Dynamic Relationships 00:20:13 Identity & Relationship Evolution 00:26:00 Curiosity, Reactivity 00:30:29 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:59 Polarization, Conflict; Coherence & Narratives 00:38:21 Apologies, Forgiveness, Shame, Self-Esteem 00:45:00 Relationship Conflict 00:53:48 Sponsor: Function 00:55:35 Verb States of Conflict; Emotion, Narratives vs. Reality 01:00:10 Time Domains & Hurt; Caretaker & Romantic Relationships 01:08:03 Couples Therapy; Language & Naming 01:20:15 Desire in Relationships 01:26:20 Tool: Love & Desire 01:31:28 Infidelity, “Aliveness” 01:35:17 Intimacy, Abandonment, Self-Preservation 01:41:26 Erotic Blueprints, Emotional Needs 01:49:42 Tool: Repair Work, Relationship Revival; Sincere Apologies 01:59:30 Tool: Relationship Readiness 02:03:33 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 6m
Sep 16
Dr. Marc Brackett: How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Marc Brackett, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Yale University, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and a world expert on what emotions are, how to interpret them, and how to work with emotions to yield a more impactful, meaningful and healthier life. We explore differences between introverts and extroverts, in-person and text-based emotional communication, and how emotional suppression impacts us. We discuss emotional intelligence and describe tools to improve emotional regulation and communication in personal and professional relationships. We also explore the role of emotions in learning, resolving conflicts, and decision-making. We also discuss bullying in kids and adults, both in person and online. This episode provides a clear and novel framework for thinking about emotions and data-supported tools to improve emotion regulation, self-awareness, and empathic attunement. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at Pre-Order Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  BetterHelp: Eight Sleep: Eudēmonia: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Marc Brackett 00:02:02 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Eight Sleep & Eudēmonia 00:06:03 What is Emotional Intelligence?; Self & Others 00:11:18 Language & Emotion 00:18:52 Emojis; Anger vs. Disappointment; Behavior & Emotion 00:24:35 Sponsor: AG1 00:26:05 Parent/Teacher Support; Online Etiquette 00:31:24 Anonymity, Online Comments 00:35:46 Happiness vs. Contentment; Knowing Oneself 00:41:33 Introversion & Extroversion; Personality & Emotional Intelligence 00:51:28 Sponsor: LMNT 00:52:40 Texting & Relationships 01:00:37 Tool: Mood Meter, Energy & Pleasantness Scale 01:06:28 Emotion Suppression; Permission to Feel, Emotions Mentor 01:19:42 Discussing Feelings; Emotional Self-Awareness 01:25:00 Understanding Cause of Emotions, Stress, Envy 01:33:40 Framing Empathy, Compassionate Empathy 01:42:28 Asking Question; Tools: Reframing, Hot Air Balloon; Distancing 01:49:44 Stereotypes, “Emotional” 01:53:49 Emotions, Learning & Decision Making; Intention 02:02:43 Emotion App & Self-Awareness; Gratitude Practice 02:07:13 Bullying 02:18:06 Courage & Bullying; Emotion Education 02:25:33 Punishment; Uncle Marvin 02:31:59 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 34m
Sep 09
Dr. Jamil Zaki: How to Cultivate a Positive, Growth-Oriented Mindset

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Jamil Zaki, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Stanford University, director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Laboratory, and the author of the new book Hope for Cynics. We discuss cynicism and its healthier, more adaptive alternative, healthy skepticism, and how embracing healthy skepticism can enhance both our emotional and physical health. We discuss the data on how cynicism affects us as individuals and in relationships, causing lower levels of happiness, poorer physical health, and reduced creativity, trust, and collaboration. He also explains novel data-supported tools that we can use to shift ourselves towards a more informed yet more positive worldview and how to adopt a mindset of “hopeful skepticism” — the ideal stance to navigate life.  Dr. Zaki offers listeners a positive, hopeful view of humanity grounded in cutting-edge research from his laboratory and other top laboratories. He also offers science-supported protocols to navigate relationships in person and online better.  Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at Pre-Order Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  Maui Nui Venison:  Joovv:  Waking Up:  Function:   Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Jamil Zaki 00:02:12 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Joovv & Waking Up 00:06:59 Cynicism 00:12:38 Children, Attachment Styles & Cynicism 00:17:29 Cynicism vs. Skepticism, Complexity 00:23:30 Culture Variability & Trust 00:26:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:27:40 Negative Health Outcomes; Cynicism: Perception & Intelligence 00:35:59 Stereotypes, Threats 00:39:48 Cooperative Environments, Collaboration & Trust 00:44:05 Competition, Conflict, Judgement 00:48:46 Cynics, Awe, “Moral Beauty” 00:55:26 Sponsor: Function 00:57:13 Cynicism, Creativity & Workplace 01:04:19 Assessing Cynicism; Assumptions & Opportunities 01:11:11 Social Media & Cynicism, “Mean World Syndrome” 01:18:35 Negativity Bias, Gossip  01:24:03 Social Media & Cynicism, Polarization, “Hopeful Skepticism”  01:32:59 AI, Bias Correction 01:39:05 Tools: Mindset Skepticism; Reciprocity Mindset; Social Savoring 01:46:05 Tools: Leaps of Faith; Forecasting; Encounter Counting 01:51:33 Tool: Testing & Sharing Core Beliefs 01:58:09 Polarization vs. Perceived Polarization, Politics 02:06:06 Challenging Conversations, Questioning Perceptions  02:14:04 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 16m
Sep 02
Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning

In this episode, I discuss science-supported protocols to optimize your depth and rate of learning of material and skills. I explain the neurobiology of learning and neuroplasticity and how correctly timed, self-directed test-taking can be leveraged to improve learning and prevent forgetting.  I discuss the study habits of the most successful learners, ways to limit distractions, how to set study goals, and how tests can be used as tools to learn, not just as a means for evaluating one’s mastery of learned material. A surprising aspect of tests, specifically self-testing soon after exposure to new material, is that they can significantly improve your ability to learn, apply, and maintain new knowledge. I also discuss tools to improve focus and alertness while studying. By the end of this episode, you will have learned various science-supported actionable tools you can use to better learn, remember, and apply new information. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  Eight Sleep:  BetterHelp:  Waking Up:  LMNT:  Timestamps 00:00:00 Improve Studying & Learning 00:02:11 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, BetterHelp & Waking Up 00:06:45 Offsetting Forgetting 00:08:22 Learning & Neuroplasticity 00:13:06 Periodic Testing 00:16:09 Focus & Alertness, Sleep, Tool: Active Engagement 00:21:37 Tool: Improve Focus, Mindfulness Meditation, Perception Exercise 00:24:38 Sleep & Neuroplasticity, Tool: Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 00:28:29 Tools: Study Habits of Successful Students 00:36:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:37:33 Studying & Aspiration Goals; Challenging Material 00:42:54 Tool: Testing as a Learning Tool 00:48:23 Self-Testing, Repeated Testing 00:55:29 Testing Yourself & Knowledge Gaps 01:01:11 Sponsor: LMNT 01:02:23 New Material & Self-Test Timing 01:07:21 Familiarity vs Mastery 01:10:55 Self-Testing & Offsetting Forgetting 01:15:53 Best Type of Self-Tests; Phone & Post-Learning Distractions 01:22:03 Tool: Gap Effects; Testing as Studying vs. Evaluation 01:25:40 Tool: Emotion & Learning, PTSD, Deliberate Cold Exposure, Caffeine 01:33:28 Tool: Interleaving Information; Unskilled, Mastery & Virtuosity 01:39:10 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

1h 41m
Aug 26
Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Teo Soleymani, M.D., a double-board-certified dermatologist and specialist in skin cancer and reconstructive surgery. We discuss science and clinically supported protocols to improve skin health and give your skin a more youthful appearance and structure, reducing premature aging and skin cancer risk. We discuss the impact of sun exposure on skin appearance and aging and the surprising relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer. We explain how mineral-based (inorganic) sunscreens differ from chemical (organic) sunscreens, whether sunscreen can minimize premature skin aging, reduce cancer risk, and if there are any health risks associated with sunscreen use. We discuss skincare routines to significantly improve skin appearance and how to select skincare products. We discuss how caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and stress impact the skin and describe how nutrition and anti-inflammatory diets can improve skin health. We also discuss the causes and treatments for common skin conditions, including dandruff, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. Our conversation also covers topics such as the use of retinoids, laser treatments, red-light phototherapy, supplements, and how to best monitor for skin cancer. This episode provides numerous actionable protocols, most of which are zero-to-low cost, for improving skin health and appearance, reducing cancer risk, and treating skin problems. Access the full show notes for this episode at Pre-order Andrew's new book, Protocols, at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: ROKA: Joovv: Helix Sleep: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Teo Soleymani 00:01:35 Sponsors: ROKA, Joovv & Helix Sleep 00:05:45 Skin Turnover; Skin Appearance & Stress  00:13:35 Caffeine, Vasoconstriction & Skin Redness 00:16:31 Nicotine, Vaping & Skin Appearance 00:18:37 Alcohol, Skin Health 00:24:33 Hydration, Fluid Intake & Genetics 00:26:19 Tool: Selecting a Moisturizer 00:29:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:40 Puffiness Under Eyes & Cause 00:32:14 Tool: Skin Cleansing; Frequency, Showers 00:41:57 Dry & Flaky Scalp, Dandruff 00:46:09 Cost & Skincare Products 00:50:20 Tool: Sun Exposure & Skin Health, Mood 00:56:24 Sponsor: LMNT 00:57:35 Sunscreens vs. Sunblocks; Mineral-Based (Inorganic) vs. Chemical (Organic) Sunscreen 01:02:45 Physical Barriers, Sunscreens, Oral Supplements & Skin Cancer 01:07:27 Skin Cancer, Genetics; Sunscreen, Premature Aging 01:12:11 Premature Aging & Skincare 00:15:56 Choose Mineral or Chemical Sunscreen? 01:20:24 Polypodium Supplement, Sun Exposure, Skin Redness 01:26:02 Tool: Selecting Mineral-Based Sunscreens 01:28:30 Chemical Sunscreens & Blood-Brain Barrier 01:30:13 Nutrition, Gut Microbiome & Skin Health 01:34:28 Tool: Nutrition for Skin Health, Protein, Anti-Inflammatory; Collagen; Omega-3 01:42:58 Retinoids vs. Retinol, Skin Appearance 01:49:45 Laser Resurfacing; Exfoliation, Microdermabrasion 01:56:52 Red Light Therapy & Phototherapy, Face Masks, Light Panels 02:04:10 Psoriasis, Phototherapy 02:10:03 Vitiligo, Immune System & Skin Cancer Risk 02:15:41 Acne, High Glycemic Index Foods, Dairy 02:19:38 Rosacea, Types & Treatments 02:23:00 Eczema, Immune System 02:25:37 Popping Pimples & Acne Scars; Corticosteroids 02:30:15 Tattoos; Tool: Monitoring for Skin Cancer, Moles, Annual Exams 02:36:28 HPV, Cancer & Warts; Vaccine & Cancer Risk 02:43:31 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 46m
Aug 19
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries

I'm honored to share Episode 10, the final episode of Season 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 featured 10 episodes, where Dr. Galpin covered everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 10 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform to listen to all the episodes from Season 1 and to get notified when Season 2 is released. Show notes for this episode can be found at Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:08 Brain Health & Injury   00:05:06 Sponsors: LMNT & Continuum   00:08:16 Nutrition & Supplements for Brain Injury   00:12:44 Brain Injury Categories, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion   00:17:09 Brain Injury Pathophysiology   00:22:16 Burst Capillaries, Initial TBI Response   00:30:03 Delayed TBI Response, Neuroinflammation   00:34:19 Sponsors: Momentous & Maui Nui   00:36:52 Creatine Monohydrate; Second Impact Syndrome   00:41:52 Strength of Evidence Scale, Creatine   00:47:15 Creatine Doses, Frequency, Adverse Issues; Food Sources   00:53:22 Sponsors: AG1 & David Protein   00:56:05 Fish Oil, DHA, EPA   01:00:38 EPA & DHA Dosage, Timing, Adverse Issues; Food Sources; Omega-3 Index   01:04:46 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B   01:08:57 Riboflavin Dosages, Timing; Food Sources   01:11:25 Choline   01:18:37 Choline Supplements & Food Sources, Alpha GPC, Dosage   01:21:30 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Sleep   01:25:04 BCAAs Dosage, Whole Food Sources   01:28:02 Magnesium   01:31:20 Magnesium Dosage, Timing, Supplements, Adverse Issue; Food Sources   01:33:09 Blueberry Anthocyanins   01:35:28 Anthocyanins Dosage; Food Sources   01:37:17 Caffeine & Brain Injury Recovery   01:38:50 Perform Episodes, Perform Newsletter, Acknowledgements   01:41:19 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media   01:42:56 Conclusion by Andrew Huberman   Disclaimer

1h 43m
Aug 14
Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Layne Norton, Ph.D., one of the world’s top experts in nutrition and training for physical fitness. We discuss how to evaluate scientific evidence and the validity of different practices aimed at achieving fat loss, muscle strength and hypertrophy, microbiome health, vitality, and longevity. We explore many hotly debated topics, including fasting, seed oils, saturated fats, sugar, red meat, artificial/low-calorie sweeteners, and GLP-1 agonists (e.g., Ozempic). Additionally, we delve into the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake relative to fasting and exercise, fat loss and sleep, and the benefits of dietary protein and fiber on overall health. We also discuss how to accelerate hypertrophy and fat loss, improve strength, whether we need to train to “failure,” how to enhance exercise recovery, and how to manage pain. We cover training before versus after age 50, whether metabolism changes with age, and the connection between muscle health and longevity. We also address why certain behaviors and supplements might work for some people but not others. Listeners to this episode will benefit greatly from Layne’s science-based expertise on a wide range of topics, including health, nutrition, and fitness. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Mateina: Eight Sleep: Maui Nui: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Layne Norton 00:01:49 Sponsors: Mateina, Eight Sleep, Maui Nui 00:06:39 Science-Based Evidence, Mechanism vs. Outcome 00:14:31 Meta-analysis, Methods, Evidence Quality 00:22:45 Evidence Hierarchy, Randomized Controlled Trials, Cohort Data 00:33:53 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:05 “Don’t Turn Your Brain Off”; Protein Synthesis 00:42:01 Protein Synthesis, Refractory Response; Resistance Training   00:46:05 Protein Intake, Intermittent Fasting & Training 00:54:52 Tool: Total Protein Intake, Distribution & Protein Synthesis 01:00:25 Muscle Quality, Protein Remodeling, Muscle Growth 01:05:34 Sponsor: LMNT 01:06:46 Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating; Fasting Blood Glucose & HbA1c 01:10:30 Carbohydrate Timing, Individual Response, Placebo; Tool: Tracking Diet 01:19:50 “The Norton Method”; Tool: Consistency 01:25:16 Resistance & Cardiovascular Training; Competition; Immune System & Rest 01:33:50 Mind & Body Effects, Stress; Belief Effects 01:41:30 Training to Failure, Reps in Reserve, Hypertrophy & Strength Training 01:50:24 Fatigue & Training to Failure, Speed, Strength Training 01:59:06 Tool: Training After 50, Consistency 02:09:12 Fat Cells, Diabetes, Exercise 02:16:50 Metabolism & Age-Related Changes?, Appetite 02:23:17 Ozempic, Mounjaro, GLP-1 Agonists, Lean Mass, “Food Noise” 02:33:42 GLP-1 Agonists, Judgement & Obesity 02:40:19 Sugar, Excess Calories, Body Weight 02:49:16 Satiety, Sugar & Calorie Budget 02:54:56 Tool: Individualization, Context & Diet Psychology 02:57:22 Seed Oils, Butter, Olive Oil 03:06:56 Red Meat, Carcinogenic?; Simple Diet; Fiber Benefits 03:13:43 Saturated Fat, Cholesterol; Seed Oils 03:18:41 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Insulin, Appetite 03:29:06 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Gut Microbiome; Cancer 03:37:58 Tools: Training Recovery, Glycogen Replenishment; Stress & Activity 03:45:56 Collagen Supplementation, Skin & Nails, Whey Protein 03:57:00 Evidence-Based Approach 04:01:41 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

4h 4m
Aug 12
Dr. Martha Beck: Accessing Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on personal exploration and development.  Dr. Beck shares specific frameworks and practices to tap into your unique and deepest desires, core truths, and best life direction—all elements that comprise your authentic self. She also explains how to align your work and relationships of all kinds with your true self and how to embrace the discomfort and process of leaving unhealthy relationships. We discuss how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, grapple with societal norms, and improve body awareness to gauge your inner truth. We also discuss codependency and self-abandonment - and how to exit and recover from these experiences.  By the end of the episode, you will have learned numerous practical tools to access your best self and live a richly fulfilling life.  Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: BetterHelp: Helix Sleep: LMNT: Waking Up: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Martha Beck 00:01:34 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & LMNT 00:05:34 Tool: Perfect Day Exercise 00:15:31 “Clear Eyed”, Male vs. Female 00:23:31 Family & Work; Directed Attention & Miracles 00:30:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:10 Unease, Restlessness & Guilt; Life Worth, Fear 00:37:22 Accessing the Subconscious; Compassionate Witness Self 00:46:16 Finding Self, Suffering, Anxiety; Tool: “KIST”, Self-Parenting 00:54:01 Self, Radiance, Death; Awakening 00:59:14 Suffering & Compassionate Attention 01:02:10 Challenging Internal Thoughts, Understanding Truth, Body & Mind; 01:08:44 Sponsor: Waking Up 01:10:20 Western Society & Pressure 01:18:30 Tool: Sensing Truth in Body; Meditation, “Stopping the World” 01:25:02 Energy, Magnetoreception, Pet’s Death 01:33:49 Lying to Ourselves, Addiction 01:38:18 Tool: “Integrity Cleanse”, Lies; The Light 01:47:32 Relationship with Loss; Love, Self-Abandonment & Codependency 01:55:10 Romantic Relationships; Jobs & Family 02:02:06 Hurting Others, Relationship Imbalance 02:06:55 Tool: True Empathy 02:11:26 “Happiness is an Inside Job”, Codependency 02:18:58 Live Your Joy, Western Society 02:24:41 Relationships, Love & Integrity, “Feeling Good By Looking Weird” 02:30:42 “I Like It!”, Punk Rock Music, Love 02:34:24 Honesty & Essential Self; Helping People & Healers 02:42:12 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 44m
Aug 05
AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More

Welcome to a special edition of the 18th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. This episode is a recording of the live stream AMA, exclusive to our Premium members. We've decided to make the full-length version available to everyone, including non-members of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation and other donors. If you're not yet a member but enjoyed this full-length livestream AMA, we invite you to join Huberman Lab Premium. By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive benefits including our regular monthly full-length AMA episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and more. Additionally, a significant portion of your membership proceeds contributes to advancing human scientific research. You can learn more about the research we were able to support in our Annual Letter 2023. If you're a Huberman Lab Premium member, you can access the transcript for this AMA episode here. Timestamps 00:00 Introduction & Announcements 00:15 Supporting Mental & Physical Health Research 01:56 Exciting New Research Initiatives 03:39 Skin Health & Appearance 14:46 Cold Therapy Benefits & Guidelines 21:18 Self-Motivation Strategies 27:05 Understanding REM Sleep 28:45 Morning Routine: Exercise & Cold Exposure 29:17 The Importance of REM Sleep 29:49 Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Protocols 31:27 REM Sleep Rebound & Compensation 32:55 Impactful School Strategies for Learning 34:19 Meditation & Micro Gaps in Learning 39:13 Physical Activity & Learning 41:01 Exploring Shilajit & Testosterone 47:51 Writing Process & Overcoming Obstacles 51:32 Addiction & Recovery Resources 53:47 Closing Remarks & Gratitude Disclaimer & Disclosures

Aug 02
Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., a Stanford and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained physician expert in improving human healthspan and lifespan. Dr. Attia is also the host of The Drive podcast and author of the best-selling book Outlive.  We discuss the NAD pathway in human cells and its possible links to aging and health. We evaluate how supplementation can augment molecules in the NAD pathway; we compare NAD, NMN, and NR, different routes of administration, their safety, and bioavailability. Then, we discuss the broader research and clinical literature on longevity to decide if supplementation with NAD, NR, NMN, rapamycin, or resveratrol can indeed extend lifespan.  Finally, we each describe our supplement regimens and compare the role of supplementation to behaviors such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise for longevity. We also discuss whether tests of biological age are true indicators of aging and whether normal radiation levels increase cancer risk.  Listeners of this episode will learn if supplements purported to improve lifespan show any efficacy and the behaviors and other factors that can prevent disease and extend lifespan. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: LMNT: Levels: Eight Sleep: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Peter Attia, NAD Pathway 00:02:31 Sponsors: LMNT, Levels & Eight Sleep 00:06:38 Categories of Longevity Approaches 00:17:22 Peter’s Supplements; Rapamycin & Research Data 00:25:01 NAD Pathway: Energy & DNA Repair; Knock-Out & Knock-In, Klotho 00:30:35 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:25 Yeast, Sirtuins, Caloric Restriction & Lifespan 00:38:56 Sirtuins, Transgenic Mice, Gender & Lifespan 00:43:42 DNA Repair, Sirtuins, Cancer; Resveratrol 00:53:31 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:54:18 NAD & NADH, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Mitochondrial Health 01:02:17 NAD vs NR vs NMN Supplementation; IV & Oral Routes 01:11:33 NR vs. NMN, Doses, Side Effects; Interventions Testing Program 01:17:43 Fatty Liver Disease & NR; NMN & Glucose; Clinical Significance 01:25:17 Safety & FDA, NMN & NR Supplementation; Skin Cancer Benefits 01:30:38 Longevity, NR & NMN Supplementation, Inflammation 01:41:00 Rapamycin & Immune Function 01:44:37 Biological Aging Tests, Chronologic & Biologic Age; Vigor  01:55:24 Radiation & Cancer Risk 01:58:12 Tool: Self-Care in 50s-70s & Aging; Energy Decline 02:07:12 Tool: Exercise Timing & Energy Levels 02:11:22 Peter’s Supplements 02:18:46 Andrew’s Supplements 02:24:34 Tool: Supplement Use vs. Critical Behaviors; Titanic Analogy  02:26:52 NAD Pathway Supplementation for Longevity? 02:28:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 30m
Jul 29
Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Stacy Sims, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist, nutrition scientist, and expert in female-specific nutrition and training for health, performance, and longevity. We discuss which exercise and nutrition protocols are ideal for women based on their age and particular goals. We discuss whether women should train fasted, when and what to eat pre- and post-training, and how the menstrual cycle impacts training and nutrition needs. We also explain how to use a combination of resistance, high-intensity, and sprint interval training to effectively improve body composition, hormones, and cardiometabolic health, offset cognitive decline, and promote longevity.  We also discuss supplements and caffeine, the unique sleep needs of women based on age, whether women should use deliberate cold exposure, and how saunas can improve symptoms of hot flashes and benefit athletic performance. Dr. Sims challenges common misconceptions about women’s health and fitness and explains why certain types of cardio, caloric restriction, and low-protein diets can be harmful to women’s metabolic health. Listeners will learn a wealth of actionable information on how to improve their training and nutrition to enhance their health and how to age with greater ability, mobility, and vitality. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Maui Nui Venison:  Eight Sleep:   Waking Up:  Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Stacy Sims 00:02:24 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:03 Intermittent Fasting, Exercise & Women 00:12:50 Cortisol & Circadian Rhythm, Caffeine & Training 00:17:25 Reps in Reserve, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE); Age & Women 00:21:06 Pre-Training Meal & Brain, Kisspeptin 00:26:45 Post-Training Meal & Recovery Window 00:29:59 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:48 Hormones, Calories & Women 00:34:24 Women, Strength Improvements & Resistance Training 00:39:10 Tool: Women & Training Goals by Age Range 00:44:16 Women, Perimenopause, Training & Longevity 00:47:14 Women & Training for Longevity, Cardio, Zone 2 00:51:42 Tools: How to Start Resistance Training, Machines; Polarized Training 00:58:23 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:59:10 Menstrual Cycle & Training, Tool: Tracking & Individual Variability 01:04:31 Tool: 10-Minute Rule; High-Intensity Training & Menstrual Cycle 01:08:36 “Train Hard & Eat Well”; Appetite, Nutrition & Menstrual Cycle 01:12:22 Oral Contraception, Hormones, Athletic Performance; IUD 01:20:57 Evaluating Menstrual Blood, PCOS; Hormones & Female Athletes 01:26:31 Iron, Fatigue; Blood Testing & Menstrual Cycle 01:29:33 Caffeine & Perimenopause; Nicotine, Schisandra 01:34:24 Deliberate Cold Exposure & Women, Endometriosis; Tool: Sauna & Hot Flashes 01:42:19 Tools: “Sims’ Protocol”: Post-Training Sauna & Performance; “Track Stack” 01:49:37 Women, Hormones & Sleep, Perimenopause & Sleep Hygiene 01:52:54 Supplements: Creatine, Water Weight, Hair Loss; Vitamin D3 01:57:21 Protein Powder; Adaptogens & Timing 02:00:11 Pregnancy & Training; Cold & Hot Exposure 02:06:19 Tool: Women in 50s & Older, Training & Nutrition for Longevity 02:09:38 Tool: Women in 20s-40s & Training, Lactate 02:12:18 Tool: What is High-Intensity Training?, Cardiovascular Sets & Recovery 02:17:22 Training for Longevity, Cellular & Metabolic Changes 02:19:30 Nutrition, 80/20 Rule 02:23:30 Listening to Self 02:26:00 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter  Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 28m
Jul 22
Dr. Stuart McGill: Build a Strong, Pain-Proof Back

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Stuart McGill, Ph.D., a distinguished professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo and a world expert on spine anatomy and physiology, back pain, and rehabilitation. We discuss the most common sources of back pain, how back pain can be assessed (including self-assessment techniques), and how to design a personalized recovery plan to reduce back pain. We discuss how to train for lifelong fitness, reduce injury risk, and protect your back and joints based on your age and personal goals. We also discuss how to prevent back pain, build core stability, and explain how “McGill’s Big 3” exercises protect and strengthen the back. Dr. McGill, who is exceptionally fit in his late 60s, describes his low-time investment, personal training routine, and the specific exercises he uses for mobility, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. We also discuss controversial issues in the back pain and rehabilitation field, including how pain originates, the biopsychosocial model of pain, and treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This episode provides clear, actionable tools to strengthen, prevent, and remedy back pain and injury so you can be pain-free while enjoying sports, exercise, and daily activities at any age. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Helix Sleep: BetterHelp: Waking Up: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Stuart McGill 00:02:33 Sponsors: Helix Sleep, BetterHelp & Waking Up 00:06:23 What Causes Back Pain?; Genetics, Dog Breed Analogy 00:12:55 Tool: Skeleton & Body Type; Spine Flexibility & Discs 00:20:25 Flexibility & Exercises; Discs & Collagen 00:25:43 Sponsor: AG1 00:27:32 Stress & Tipping Point; Athletic Tradeoffs, Triathletes 00:36:17 Back Pain, Goals & Training Program 00:45:57 Spine Hygiene, Back Pain, Powerlifting 00:53:33 Genetics & Running 00:59:34 Sponsor: LMNT 01:00:46 Rehabilitation & Reducing Volume; Injury 01:07:42 Tool: Training for Lifelong Fitness, Injury & Joints 01:17:40 Pain Types, Biopsychosocial Model of Pain 01:26:15 Coaching, Explosivity & Endurance 01:32:43 Virtual Surgery & Rest, Pain Recovery 01:41:25 Tool: McGill’s Big 3; Building Back Strength & Stability 01:46:39 Inversion Tables & Spine Deloading, Disc Bulge, Tool: Lumbar Support 01:51:09 Tool: Daily Walking; Sitting 01:55:33 Deadlift & Bone Density, Glute-Ham Raise 02:06:20 Training & Age, Osteoporosis, Tool: Deadlift Alternatives 02:16:47 Tools: Biblical Training Week; Spine Stability & McGill’s Big 3; Shrinking & Age 02:24:16 Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP); Disc Damage 02:27:56 Tools: Biblical Training Week & Strength Exercises, Neck Strength 02:35:24 Tools: Sword Play, Distal Limb Loading, Training for Symmetry 02:42:38 Tools: Biblical Training Week, Mobility & Cardiovascular Exercises, Athletic Panel 02:49:22 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures

2h 52m
Jul 15
Dr. Matthew Hill: How Cannabis Impacts Health & the Potential Risks

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Matthew Hill, Ph.D., a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary and an expert on the biology of cannabis. We discuss how cannabis affects the brain to produce its psychoactive effects (feeling “high”), including altered time perception, focus, memory, appetite, and stress. We discuss how THC vs. cannabidiol (CBD) affects the brain, the effects of different routes of cannabis administration (e.g., smoking, vaping, edibles), high-potency THC, and whether cannabis is addictive. We discuss if there is a link between cannabis use and the development of psychosis, anxiety, bipolar depression, or schizophrenia.  We discuss whether CBD has clinical benefits in regulating stress, promoting sleep, and treating certain diseases. We also discuss if there are real and consistent differences in the biological effects of different cannabis strains, if cannabis impacts hormones, and the uses of cannabis for the management of pain, stress, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and nausea. Listeners of this episode will get an up-to-date understanding of what is currently known about how cannabis affects the brain and body, including both its potential benefits and risks. Access the full show notes for this episode at Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Eight Sleep: LMNT: BetterHelp: InsideTracker: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Matthew Hill 00:00:00 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp 00:07:16 Cannabis, THC, Cannabidiol (CBD), Terpenes 00:012:08 Psychoactive Effects, Cannabis “High”; Time Perception 00:16:55 Cannabis & Brain, CB1 Receptor, Endocannabinoids 00:26:19 Endocannabinoids Types: Anandamide, 2-AG 00:33:46 “Munchies”, Cannabis & Appetite 00:42:17 Sponsor: AG1 00:44:06 THC & Anandamide, Pharmacology 00:52:37 THC & CB1 Receptors, Intoxication & Appetite 00:58:57 Cannabis & Focus, Memory 01:04:09 Routes of Administration, Concentration, Cannabis Research 01:15:12 Self-Regulation, Inhalation & THC, Tolerance; THC Concentrates 01:22:25 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:23:36 Addiction & Cannabis, Cannabis Use Disorder 01:31:30 Cannabis Legalization & Use, Edibles & ER Visits 01:36:48 Oral Consumption, Edibles, Dosing & Time Course 01:41:12 Drug Testing & Cannabis, Exercise 01:46:04 Cannabis & Hormones, Gynecomastia, Sperm Quality 01:54:37 Cannabis & Pregnancy; Selling Recreational Cannabis 02:04:07 Vaping 02:07:05 Psychosis, Anxiety & Cannabis 02:17:17 Cannabis, Psychosis, Schizophrenia & Genetics 02:30:45 Cannabis Use & Schizophrenia, Manic Bipolar, THC Potency, Nicotine 02:40:37 Schizophrenia, Cannabis Legalization 02:45:06 Cannabis Strains, Indica, Sativa, Subjective Effects & Expectancy Bias 02:57:00 CBD, Pediatric Epilepsy, Adenosine 03:07:22 Entourage Effect; Placebo Effect, CBD & Doses 03:19:12 Cannabis Health Risks, Cardiovascular Risk, Schizophrenia  03:27:08 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome & Hot Shower 03:31:30 Cannabis Benefits: Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 03:40:18 Cannabis & Anxiety, Anandamide & Stress Response 03:45:55 Scientific Discussion, Clarification & Advancement 03:49:47 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

3h 52m
Jul 08
How to Improve Skin Health & Appearance

In this episode, I discuss skin health appearance and why both are important indicators of the health status of your immune system, gut microbiome, and other organ systems. I explain why sunlight is essential for skin and hormone health and how excessive sunlight can accelerate skin aging and cause certain skin cancers. I discuss the different types of sunscreens (physical, chemical, and mineral-based) and potential health concerns of the chemicals found in some (but not all) sunscreens. I also discuss the importance of getting your skin (and not just moles) checked for pre-cancerous and cancer growths, the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors that improve skin health and appearance, and how to improve your skin by reducing local and systemic inflammation and supporting your microbiome.  I explain what works to improve your skin's youthfulness and appearance, including reducing wrinkles, sagging, and pore size. I review the data on ingesting (or topically applied) collagen, vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and retinol, and what is known about the use of peptides (e.g., BPC-157, copper peptides) and red and far-red light phototherapies for improving skin health and appearance. I also discuss the causes of acne, rosacea, and psoriasis and explain nutritional, skin care, and prescription-based approaches to treating these common skin conditions. This episode ought to help everyone better understand the biology of the skin and help them make the best possible decisions for their skin health, care, and appearance according to age, goals, and current skin conditions. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Joovv: BetterHelp:  ROKA:  LMNT:  Timestamps 00:00:00 Skin Health 00:02:59 Sponsors: Joovv, BetterHelp & ROKA  00:07:18 Skin Biology, Skin Layers 00:12:40 Sun Exposure, UV Light & Skin Cancers; Sunscreen 00:19:51 Aging, Sun Exposure, Skin Cancers, Physical Barriers 00:27:24 Sunburn & Skin Cancers 00:30:09 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:58 Vitamin D, Sun Exposure & Sunscreen 00:36:50 Organic (Chemical) Sunscreen & Inorganic (Mineral-Based) Sunscreen 00:49:20 Skin Cancers, Moles, Laser Resurfacing 00:53:59 Sponsor: LMNT 00:55:34 Sun Exposure, Melanoma & Life Expectancy 01:03:13 Tool: Youthful Skin, Collagen & Vitamin C 01:12:55 Peptides, BPC-157, Copper 01:20:58 Tool: Niacinamide (Nicotinamide), Youthful Skin, Dark Spots, Hyaluronic Acid 01:26:25 Tool: Retinol (Retin-A, Tretinoin, Retinyl Esters), Youthful Skin 01:33:07 Tool: Phototherapy, Youthful Skin, Treating Skin Conditions 01:41:10 Tool: Nutrition for Skin Health, Anti-Inflammatory Diets 01:47:54 Highly Processed Foods, Advanced Glycation End Products & Skin Health 01:52:08 Tools: Reduce Inflammation: Gut Microbiome, Sleep, Alcohol, Smoking, Stress 01:58:58 Acne, Hormones & Insulin; Tool: Low Glycemic Diet, Dairy 02:07:26 Tools: Face Cleansing & Acne; Scarring & Popping Pimples 02:13:29 Tool: Treating Rosacea, Alcohol, Skin Care, Nutrition 02:18:31 Stubborn Rosacea, Over Cleansing, Pulsed Dye Laser 02:21:04 Psoriasis Treatment, Immune System & Prescriptions 02:25:24 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 27m
Jul 01
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, D.O., a board-certified physician who did her clinical and research training at Washington University in geriatrics and nutrition. She is also an expert in how diet and exercise impact muscle and whole-body health and longevity. Dr. Lyon is a bestselling author and public educator. We discuss how healthy skeletal muscle promotes longevity, brain health, disease prevention, ideal body composition, and the health of other organs and bodily systems. She makes specific nutritional recommendations for optimal health: what to eat, how much to eat, the timing of meals, the essential need for adequate quality protein (including animal and plant-based options), supplementation, and how our dietary requirements change with age. She explains why specific types of resistance training are essential to build and maintain muscle and overall metabolic health. She also describes how to include resistance training as part of your exercise regimen — regardless of age or sex.  She also provides specific mindset tools to encourage sustained adherence to healthy eating and exercise practices. Women and men of all ages will benefit from Dr. Lyon’s practical, evidence-based protocols to improve muscle and whole-body appearance, function, and health. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Maui Nui Venison:  Levels:  Helix Sleep: InsideTracker:  Timestamps 00:00:00 Protocols Book; Dr. Gabrielle Lyon 00:03:23 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Levels & Helix Sleep 00:07:40 Skeletal Muscle & Longevity 00:11:25 “Under-muscled”, Leucine & Muscle Health 00:15:55 Muscle Health 00:19:45 Tool: Carbohydrate Consumption & Activity, Glycogen 00:25:14 Tools: Nutrition for Healthy Skeletal Muscle, First Meal 00:31:57 Sponsor: AG1 00:33:46 Quality Protein, Animal & Plant-Based Proteins 00:37:36 Dietary Protein Recommendations, Meal Threshold 00:41:19 Muscle Health & Aging 00:46:02 Supplements & Creatine; Dietary Protein 00:50:07 Tool: Dietary Protein Recommendation; Gout & Cancer Risk 00:52:43 Effects of Dietary Protein & Exercise on Body Composition 01:03:06 Thermic Effects, Protein  01:05:02 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:06:14 Protein & Satiety, Insulin & Glucose 01:12:04 Tool: Older Adults, Resistance Training & Dietary Protein 01:17:48 Dietary Protein, mTOR & Cancer Risk 01:21:36 Muscle Span & Aging, Sedentary Behaviors 01:24:00 Mixed Meals, Protein Quality, Fiber 01:29:21 Inactivity & Insulin Resistance, Inflammation 01:38:43 Exercise & Myokines, Brain Health & BDNF 01:44:11 Tool: Resistance Training Protocols, Hypertrophy, “High Ground” 01:52:51 High Ground Exercises; Tendon Strength; Training Duration, Blue Zones 01:58:19 Movement, Exercise & Older Adults 02:04:25 Tool: Protein Timing & Resistance Training; VO2 Max, Aging, Blood Work 02:11:13 Supplements: Creatine, Urolithin A, Whey Protein, Fish Oil, Collagen 02:20:18 Fasting, Older Adults; Tool: Meal Timing 02:25:18 Animal Proteins & Dairy; Organ Meats, Vegan; Magnesium, Zinc 02:30:59 Medications & Muscle Health 02:32:49 Obesity & GLP-1 Analogs, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Skeletal Muscle 02:40:48 Benefits of Skeletal Muscle & Aging 02:42:16 Tools: Nutrition & Resistance Training for Muscle Health 02:45:44 Mindset Tools: Standards vs. Goals; Vulnerability Points 02:52:00 Mindset Tools: Neutrality; Health & Worth 03:01:14 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter, Protocols Book Disclaimer

3h 3m
Jun 24
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It

I'm honored to share Episode 2 of the first season of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 2 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:06 Skeletal Muscle 00:04:06 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Momentous 00:07:20 Quantity & Quality; Organ System; Health & Performance 00:12:58 Plasticity, “Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good”; Muscle Types 00:15:46 What is Muscle?, Muscle Fibers, Tendon 00:21:37 Muscle Fiber Number, Hyperplasia, Anabolic Steroids, Age 00:24:03 Myonuclei & Adaptability 00:26:27 Muscle Fiber Types, Variable Muscle Functions 00:32:24 Fiber Type & Lifestyle Factors 00:34:54 Sponsors: David Protein & AG1 00:37:37 Age & Muscle Loss, Slow vs. Fast-Twitch Fibers; Motor Units 00:46:36 Muscle Size vs. Muscle Strength, Quantity vs. Quality 00:50:56 Investigate: Muscle Quantity, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) 00:56:21 FFMI, Elite Athletes, Muscle Mass 01:00:59 Muscle Asymmetry; Too Much Muscle Possible? 01:03:49 Interpret: Muscle Mass, FFMI Calculations & Percentiles 01:09:28 Tool: Intervene - Increase Muscle Mass, 72-Hour Rule 01:15:27 Sponsors: Maui Nui & Renaissance Periodization 01:17:51 Investigate: Muscle Quality & 4 Movement Principles 01:23:34 Muscle Quality & 3 Performance Principles  01:26:42 Interpret: Muscle Speed, Age 01:32:45 Muscle Power, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump 01:36:17 Muscle Strength, Powerlifting Elite, Bench Press, Leg Press, Grip Strength 01:44:05 Increasing Strength, Improve Health & Longevity 01:46:44 Tool: Intervene - Improve Muscle Quality, 4 Training Principles, 3-to-5 Rule 01:53:56 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:56:10 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer

1h 56m
Jun 19
Dr. Zachary Knight: The Science of Hunger & Medications to Combat Obesity

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Zachary Knight, Ph.D., a professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator. We discuss how the brain controls our sense of hunger, satiety, and thirst. He explains how dopamine levels impact our cravings and eating behavior (amount, food choices, etc) and how we develop and can change our food preferences and adjust how much we need to eat to feel satisfied. We discuss factors that have led to the recent rise in obesity, such as interactions between our genes and the environment and the role of processed foods and food combinations. We also discuss the new class of drugs developed for the treatment of obesity and diabetes, including the GLP-1 agonists semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro). We discuss how these drugs work to promote weight loss, the source of their side effects, and the newer compounds soon to overcome some of those side effects, such as muscle loss. Dr. Knight provides an exceptionally clear explanation for our sense of hunger, thirst, and food cravings that translates to practical knowledge to help listeners better understand their relationship to food, food choices, and meal size to improve their diet and overall health. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  BetterHelp: Eight Sleep: Waking Up: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Zachary Knight 00:02:38 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:07 Hunger & Timescales 00:11:28 Body Fat, Leptin, Hunger 00:17:51 Leptin Resistance & Obesity 00:20:52 Hunger, Food Foraging & Feeding Behaviors, AgRP Neurons 00:30:26 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:15 Body Weight & Obesity, Genes & POMC Neurons 00:39:54 Obesity, Genetics & Environmental Factors 00:46:05 Whole Foods, Ultra-Processed Foods & Palatability 00:49:32 Increasing Whole Food Consumption, Sensory Specific Satiety & Learning 00:58:55 Calories vs. Macronutrients, Protein & Salt 01:02:23 Sponsor: LMNT 01:03:58 Challenges of Weight Loss: Hunger & Energy Expenditure 01:09:50 GLP-1 Drug Development, Semaglutide, Ozempic, Wegovy 01:19:03 GLP-1 Drugs: Muscle Loss, Appetite Reduction, Nausea 01:23:24 Pharmacologic & Physiologic Effects; GLP-1 Drugs, Additional Positive Effects 01:30:14 GLP-1-Plus Development, Tirzepatide, Mounjaro, AMG 133 01:34:49 Alpha-MSH & Pharmacology 01:40:41 Dopamine, Eating & Context 01:46:01 Dopamine & Learning, Water Content & Food 01:53:23 Salt, Water & Thirst 02:03:27 Hunger vs. Thirst 02:05:46 Dieting, Nutrition & Mindset 02:09:39 Tools: Improving Diet & Limiting Food Intake 02:14:15 Anti-Obesity Drug Development 02:17:03 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 18m
Jun 17
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness

I'm honored to share the first episode of the new podcast, Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I’m delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:07 Heart 00:03:55 Sponsors: Vitality Blueprint & Rhone 00:07:27 Muscle Types 00:09:54 VO2 max, Health & Mortality 00:15:49 Overall Health, Cardiorespiratory Fitness & All-Cause Mortality 00:25:23 Sponsor: AG1 00:26:54 Disease, Health & Mortality 00:30:02 Cardiac Muscle & Heart 00:38:29 Cardiac Muscle vs. Skeletal Muscle, Cardiac Advantages 00:43:53 Pacemakers & Heart Rate, Vagus Nerve 00:50:35 Why Doesn’t the Heart Get Sore? 00:54:32 Heart & Exercise, Stroke Volume, Ejection Fraction, Cardiac Output 00:59:21 Heart Rate Variability 01:02:41 Sponsors: Momentous & LMNT 01:06:54 Why Do You Breathe?: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & Respiratory Rate 01:13:37 Respiratory Rate & Stress 01:15:08 Tool: The “Three I’s”, Investigate: Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, VO2 Max 01:19:53 Tool: Interpretation, Resting Heart Rate & Ranges 01:23:16 Tool: Interpretation: VO2 Max & Ranges 01:30:45 Athletes & Highest VO2 Max Scores 01:35:53 Elite Athletes & Context for VO2 Max Scores 01:41:42 Tool: Intervention, VO2 Max, Varying Exercise Intensities, SAID Principle 01:48:20 Tool: Varying Exercise Intensity; Intervals & Continuous Training; Frequency 01:58:18 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:59:55 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer

2h 0m
Jun 12
Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at New York University and bestselling author on how technology and culture impact the psychology and health of kids, teens, and adults. We discuss the dramatic rise of suicide, depression, and anxiety as a result of replacing a play-based childhood with smartphones, social media, and video games. He explains how a screen-filled childhood leads to challenges in psychological development that negatively impact learning, resilience, identity, cooperation, and conflict resolution — all of which are crucial skills for future adult relationships and career success. We also discuss how phones and social media impact boys and girls differently and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of how smartphones alter basic brain plasticity and function.  Dr. Haidt explains his four recommendations for healthier smartphone use in kids, and we discuss how to restore childhood independence and play in the current generation.  This is an important topic for everyone, young or old, parents and teachers, students and families, to be aware of in order to understand the potential mental health toll of smartphone use and to apply tools to foster skill-building and reestablish healthy norms for our kids. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  Helix Sleep: AeroPress: Joovv: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Jonathan Haidt 00:02:01 Sponsors: Helix Sleep, AeroPress & Joovv 00:06:23 Great Rewiring of Childhood: Technology, Smartphones & Social Media 00:12:48 Mental Health Trends: Boys, Girls & Smartphones 00:16:26 Smartphone Usage, Play-Based to Phone-Based Childhood 00:20:40 The Tragedy of Losing Play-Based Childhood 00:28:13 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:02 Girls vs. Boys, Interests & Trapping Kids 00:37:31 “Effectance,” Systems & Relationships, Animals 00:41:47 Boys Sexual Development, Dopamine Reinforcement & Pornography 00:49:19 Boys, Courtship, Chivalry & Technology; Gen Z Development 00:55:24 Play & Low-Stakes Mistakes, Video Games & Social Media, Conflict Resolution 00:59:48 Sponsor: LMNT 01:01:23 Social Media, Trolls, Performance 01:06:47 Dynamic Subordination, Hierarchy, Boys 01:10:15 Girls & Perfectionism, Social Media & Performance 01:14:00 Phone-Based Childhood & Brain Development, Critical Periods 01:21:15 Puberty & Sensitive Periods, Culture & Identity 01:23:55 Brain Development & Puberty; Identity; Social Media, Learning & Reward 01:33:37 Tool: 4 Recommendations for Smartphone Use in Kids 01:41:48 Changing Childhood Norms, Policies & Legislature 01:49:13 Summer Camp, Team Sports, Religion, Music 01:54:36 Boredom, Addiction & Smartphones; Tool: “Awe Walks” 02:03:14 Casino Analogy & Ceding Childhood; Social Media Content 02:09:33 Adult Behavior; Tool: Meals & Phones 02:11:45 Regaining Childhood Independence; Tool: Family Groups & Phones 02:16:09 Screens & Future Optimism, Collective Action, KOSA Bill 02:24:52 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 26m
Jun 10
LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Recently I had the pleasure of hosting a live event in Brisbane, Australia. This event was part of a lecture series called The Brain Body Contract. My favorite part of the evening was the question and answer period, where I had the opportunity to answer questions from the attendees of each event. Included here is the Q&A from our event at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. Sign up to get notified about future events: Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Eight Sleep: Resources Mentioned Huberman Lab Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocols Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Matt Walker Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Paul Conti Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Andy Galpin Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Sponsors: AG1 & Eight Sleep 03:48 Nicotine Discussion 07:42 ADHD Management: Tools & Medications 12:43 Sleep Deprivation & Recovery 18:54 Understanding & Addressing Burnout 22:12 Daily Nutrition & Eating Habits 24:40 Understanding Food & Neural Pathways 26:21 The Benefits of Elimination Diets 27:21 Intermittent Fasting & Personal Diet Choices 28:23 Top Health & Fitness Recommendations 30:50 The Value of Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 33:08 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Insights 38:02 Breathing Techniques for Stress & Focus 41:46 Morning Sunlight & Circadian Rhythms 43:18 Parenting Tips for a Healthy Start 49:03 Final Thoughts & Gratitude Disclaimer

Jun 07
Dr. Mary Claire Haver: How to Navigate Menopause & Perimenopause for Maximum Health & Vitality

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Mary Claire Haver, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN and an expert on women’s health and menopause. We discuss the biology and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and their effects on body composition, cardiometabolic health, mental health, and longevity. She explains the lifestyle factors, including nutrition, resistance training, sleep, and supplements, that can better prepare women for and improve symptoms of both perimenopause and menopause. We also discuss hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and whether HRT impacts the incidence of breast cancer or can affect cardiovascular health. We also discuss contraception, cellulite, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This episode is rich in actionable information related to what is known about menopause and perimenopause and the stages before, allowing women of all ages to best navigate these life stages. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1:  AeroPress:  Eight Sleep:  BetterHelp:  InsideTracker:  Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Mary Claire Haver 00:02:04 Sponsors: AeroPress, Eight Sleep & BetterHelp 00:06:26 Menopause, Age of Onset 00:09:50 Perimenopause, Hormones & “Zone of Chaos” 00:14:42 Perimenopause, Estrogen & Mental Health 00:20:04 Perimenopause Symptoms; Tool: Lifestyle Factors & Ovarian Health 00:25:26 Early Menopause, Premature Ovarian Failure; Estrogen Therapy 00:29:42 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:31 Contraception, Transdermal, IUDs; Menopause Onset, Freezing Eggs 00:38:18 Women’s Health: Misconceptions & Research 00:45:01 Tool: Diet, Preparing for Peri-/Menopause; Visceral Fat 00:48:31 Tools: Body Composition, Muscle & Menopause, Protein Intake 00:51:42 Menopause: Genetics, Symptoms; Tools: Waist-to-Hip Ratio; Gut Microbiome 00:58:22 Galveston vs. Mediterranean Diet, Fasting, Tool: Building Muscle 01:05:18 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:06:29 Hot Flashes; Estrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Breast Cancer Risk & Cognition 01:15:36 Estrogen HRT, Cardiovascular Disease, Blood Clotting; “Meno-posse” 01:24:00 Estrogen & Testosterone: Starting HRT & Ranges 01:30:36 Other Hormones, Thyroid & DHEA; Local Treatment, Urinary Symptoms 01:37:57 OB/GYN Medical Education & Menopause 01:41:30 Supplements, Fiber, Tools: Osteoporosis “Prevention Pack” 01:46:53 Collagen, Cellulite, Bone Density 01:51:42 HRT, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Dry Eye; Conditions Precluding HRT  01:55:27 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) & Treatment; GLP-1, Addictive Behaviors 02:01:55 Post-menopause & HRT, Sustained HRT Usage 02:04:58 Mental Health, Perimenopause vs. Menopause; Sleep Disruptions, Alcohol 02:09:09 Male Support; Rekindle Libido 02:12:46 HRT Rash Side-Effect; Acupuncture; Visceral Fat 02:16:24 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 18m
Jun 03
Dr. Diego Bohórquez: The Science of Your Gut Sense & the Gut-Brain Axis

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Diego Bohórquez, PhD, professor of medicine and neurobiology at Duke University and a pioneering researcher into how we use our ‘gut sense.’ He describes how your gut communicates to your brain and the rest of your body through hormones and neural connections to shape your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. He explains how your gut senses a range of features such as temperature, pH, the macro- and micronutrients in our foods, and much more and signals that information to the brain to affect our food preferences, aversions, and cravings. Dr. Bohórquez describes his early life in the Amazon jungle and how exposure to traditional agriculture inspired his unique expertise combining nutrition, gastrointestinal physiology, and neuroscience. We discuss how the gut and brain integrate sensory cues, leading to our intuitive “gut sense” about food, people, and situations. This episode provides a scientific perspective into your gut sense to help you make better food choices and, indeed, to support better decision-making in all of life. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Joovv: LMNT: Helix Sleep: InsideTracker: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Diego Bohórquez 00:02:37 Sponsors: Joovv, LMNT & Helix Sleep; YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe 00:06:49 Gut-Brain Axis 00:11:35 Gut Sensing, Hormones 00:15:26 Green Fluorescent Protein; Neuropod Cells & Environment Sensing 00:26:57 Brain & Gut Connection, Experimental Tools & Rabies Virus 00:35:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:37:00 Neuropod Cells & Nutrient Sensing 00:43:55 Gastric Bypass Surgery, Cravings & Food Choice 00:51:14 Optogenetics; Sugar Preference & Neuropod Cells 01:00:29 Gut-Brain Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome 01:03:03 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:04:04 Gut & Behavior; Gastric Bypass, Cravings & Alcohol 01:07:38 GLP-1, Ozempic, Neuropod Cells 01:11:46 Food Preference & Gut-Brain Axis, Protein 01:21:35 Protein & Sugar, Agriculture & ‘Three Sisters’ 01:25:16 Childhood, Military School; Academics, Nutrition & Nervous System 01:36:15 Plant Wisdom, Agriculture, Indigenous People 01:41:48 Evolution of Food Choices; Learning from Plants 01:48:15 Plant-Based Medicines; Amazonia, Guayusa Ritual & Chonta Palm 01:56:58 Yerba Mate, Chocolate, Guayusa 02:00:22 Brain, Gut & Sensory Integration; Variability 02:06:01 Electrical Patterns in Gut & Brain, “Hangry” 02:12:43 Gut Intuition, Food & Bonding; Subconscious & Superstition 02:22:00 Vagus Nerve & Learning, Humming 02:26:46 Digestive System & Memory; Body Sensing 02:32:51 Listening to the Body, Meditation 02:40:12 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 42m
May 27
Dr. Gary Steinberg: How to Improve Brain Health & Offset Neurodegeneration

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon and a professor of neurosciences, neurosurgery, and neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. We discuss brain health and brain injuries, including concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, aneurysm, and transient ischemic attacks (TIA). We discuss key and lesser-known risk factors for brain health and explain how certain treatments and medications can improve brain health and cognitive function. We also cover novel mechanisms to improve recovery after concussions and brain injury, including the use of stem cells, temperature (mild hypothermia), and vagus nerve stimulation. Dr. Steinberg also describes new advances in neurosurgery and minimally invasive brain augmentation. This episode ought to be of interest to anyone seeking actionable tools to improve their brain health and for those seeking to improve recovery after a brain injury such as concussion, stroke, aneurysm, or TBI. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Eight Sleep: ROKA: AeroPress: LMNT: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Gary Steinberg 00:01:44 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, ROKA & AeroPress; Subscribe on YouTube, Spotify & Apple 00:06:16 Stroke, Hemorrhage & Blood Clot 00:10:25 Blood Clots & Risk Factors, Medications, Smoking, Cholesterol 00:16:19 Heart & Brain Health; Neurosurgery & Brain Function 00:23:27 Current Technology & Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Techniques 00:28:13 Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA); Spinal Cord Strokes 00:33:23 Stroke Risk: Alcohol, Cocaine & Other Drugs 00:38:24 Sponsor: AG1 00:39:55 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion: Sports, Testing & Recovery 00:46:45 Statins; TBI & Aspirin; Caffeine & Stroke Risk 00:48:31 Exploratory MRI: Benefits & Risks 00:51:53 Blood Pressure, Lifestyle Factors; Tool: Feeling Faint, Hydration; Sleep 00:59:52 Sponsor: LMNT 01:01:27 Chiropractic Neck Adjustment & Arterial Obstruction; Inversion Tables 01:05:16 Kids, Tackle Football, Soccer, Boxing; Mild Concussion 01:10:49 Nerve Regeneration, Stem Cells, Stroke Recovery 01:17:36 Stem Cells, Immune System, Activity 01:21:27 Injury & Recovery, Restraint Therapy 01:23:46 Neuroprotection After Injury; Mild Hypothermia 01:34:59 Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Stem Cell Therapy 01:42:27 Scientific Advancements & Clinical Translation, FDA & Industry 01:47:40 Vagal Stimulation 01:53:17 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

1h 55m
May 20
LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the ICC Sydney Theatre

Recently I had the pleasure of hosting a live event in Sydney, Australia. This event was part of a lecture series called The Brain Body Contract. My favorite part of the evening was the question and answer period, where I had the opportunity to answer questions from the attendees of each event. Included here is the Q&A from our event at the ICC Sydney Theatre. Sign up to get notified about future events: Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Eight Sleep: Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 00:15 Live Event Recap: The Brain Body Contract 00:32 Sponsors: AG1 & Eight Sleep 03:30 Q&A Session Begins: Napping and Sleep Quality 06:34 The Power of the Placebo Effect 11:31 Entering Rest and Digest State: Techniques and Tools 15:35 Muscle Growth, Learning & the Brain 20:13 Hallucinogens: Personal Experiences & Clinical Insights 27:28 The Misunderstood Effects of MDMA 27:42 Exploring the Potential of MDMA in Clinical Settings 29:25 The Complex World of Psychedelics & Mental Health 30:07 Ketamine: From Misconception to Medical Use 31:53 The Fascinating Science of DMT 33:11 Supporting Science: Funding & Future Directions 34:48 The Gut-Brain Axis: A Key to Overall Health 40:41 Sleep Patterns and Chronotypes: Personalizing Rest 42:50 Addressing ADHD & Focus in the Modern World 49:27 Closing Remarks & Gratitude Disclaimer

May 17
Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life

In this episode, my guest is Dr. James Hollis, Ph.D., a Jungian psychoanalyst, renowned educator and author on finding and pursuing one’s unique purpose. Dr. Hollis is also an expert in the psychology of relationships and healing from trauma. We discuss how early family dynamics and social context create patterns of both adaptive and maladaptive behavior and internal narratives that, when examined, lead to better choices and a deeply fulfilling existence. We discuss discovering your unique self-identity and purpose through specific practices of reflection, meditation and conversations with others. We also discuss self-perception and the evolution of roles within marriages, parent-child relationships, and work. Throughout the episode, Dr. Hollis provides both basic knowledge and practical tools to help us assess ourselves and better understand who we are and what we really want in careers, relationships of all kinds, and society. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Mateína: Joovv: BetterHelp: Waking Up: Momentous: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. James Hollis 00:02:14 Sponsors: Mateina, Joovv & BetterHelp 00:05:57 Self, Ego, Sense of Self 00:13:59 Unconscious Patterns, Blind Spots, Dreams; Psyche & Meaning 00:21:56 Second Half of Life, Purpose, Depression 00:25:37 Sponsor: AG1 00:27:08 Tool: Daily Reflection; Crisis 00:31:47 Families & Children, Permission & Burdens 00:37:27 Complex Identification, Self-Perception; Social Media & Borderline 00:41:55 Daily Stimulus Response, Listening to the Soul 00:45:40 Exiting Stimulus-Response, Loneliness, Burnout 00:51:19 Meditation & Perception, Reflection 00:54:58 Sponsor: Waking Up 00:56:15 Recognizing the “Shadow” & Adulthood 01:02:48 Socialization; Family & Life Journey 01:09:04 Relationships & “Otherness”, Standing Your Ground 01:15:51 Marriage, “Starter Marriages” & Evolution; Parenting 01:19:37 Shadow Issues, Success & External Reward, Personal Growth 01:27:59 Men, Alcohol, “Stoic Man”, Loneliness, Fear & Longing 01:37:33 Women & Men, Focused vs. Diffuse Awareness; Male Rite of Passage 01:44:31 Sacrifice, Relationships; Facing Fears 01:48:20 Therapy, “Abyss of the Self”, Repeating Patterns & Stories 01:55:17 Women, Career & Family, Partner Support; Redefining Roles 02:01:40 Pathology & Diagnosis, Internet 02:07:05 Life, Suffering & Accountability, “Swamplands” & Task 02:11:32 Abuse & Recovery of Self, Patience, Powerlessness 02:14:11 Living a Larger Life; “Shut Up, Suit Up, Show Up” 02:17:49 Life Stages; Despair & Integrity Conflict 02:25:00 Death, Ego, Mortality & Meaning 02:38:07 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 39m
May 13
GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: The Science of Dreams, Nightmares & Lucid Dreaming

This is episode 6 of a 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and a leading public educator on sleep for mental and physical health, learning and human performance. In this episode, we discuss dreaming, including the biological mechanism of dreams, what dreams mean and their role in daytime life.  We explore how dreams can enhance our creativity and emotional well-being and help us resolve various challenges and dilemmas. We discuss how to remember and interpret your dreams and the abstractions/symbols frequently present in dreams. We also discuss nightmares and therapies to treat reoccurring nightmares. We explain what lucid dreaming is and if there are benefits or drawbacks to this type of dreaming. Dr. Walker also answers frequently asked audience questions and discusses snoring, body position, sleep supplements, sleep challenges due to aging, menopause, stopping racing thoughts, and how to fall back asleep if you wake in the middle of the night.  For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: BetterHelp: LMNT: Helix Sleep: WHOOP: Momentous: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dreaming 00:01:13 Sponsors: BetterHelp, LMNT & Helix Sleep 00:05:06 Dreams & REM Sleep 00:12:20 Evolution of REM Sleep, Humans 00:17:13 REM Sleep & PGO Waves; Dreams & Brain Activity 00:24:26 Dreams, Images & Brain Activity; Sleepwalking & Sleep Talking 00:30:51 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:04 Dream Benefits, Creativity & Emotional Regulation; Challenge Resolution 00:41:27 Daily Experience vs. Dreaming, Emotions 00:45:08 Dream Interpretation & Freud, Dream Relevance 00:52:59 Abstractions, Symbols, Experience & Dreams; “Fuzzy Logic” 01:00:28 Sponsor: Whoop 01:01:36 Nightmares; Recurring Nightmares & Therapy 01:11:08 Targeted Memory Reactivation, Sounds & Nightmares 01:15:38 Odor, Paired Associations, Learning & Sleep 01:18:53 Fear Extinction, Memory & Sleep; Tool: Remembering Dreams 01:25:38 Lucid Dreaming, REM Sleep, Paralysis 01:32:33 Lucid Dreaming: Benefits? Unrestorative Sleep? 01:44:07 Improve Lucid Dreaming 01:49:30 Tool: Negative Rumination & Falling Asleep 01:53:41 Tools: Body Position, Snoring & Sleep Apnea; Mid-Night Waking & Alarm Clock 01:58:43 Sleep Banking?; Tool: Falling Back Asleep, Rest 02:05:53 Tool: Older Adults & Early Waking; Sleep Medications 02:11:25 Tool: Menopause & Sleep Disruption, Hot Flashes 02:15:06 Remembering Dreams & Impacts Sleep Quality? 02:18:32 Tool: Sleep Supplements 02:26:48 Tool: Most Important Tip for Sleep 02:30:56 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 33m
May 08
Dr. Casey Means: Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Casey Means, M.D., a physician trained at Stanford University School of Medicine, an expert on metabolic health and the author of the book, "Good Energy." We discuss how to leverage nutrition, exercise and environmental factors to enhance your metabolic health by improving mitochondrial function, hormone and blood sugar regulation.  We also explore how fasting, deliberate cold exposure and spending time in nature can impact metabolic health, how to control food cravings and how to assess your metabolic health using blood testing, continuous glucose monitors and other tools.  Metabolic dysfunction is a leading cause of chronic disease, obesity and reduced lifespan around the world. Conversely, improving your mitochondrial and metabolic health can positively affect your health span and longevity. Listeners of this episode will learn low- and zero-cost tools to improve their metabolic health, physical and mental well-being, body composition and target the root cause of various common diseases. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Maui Nui Venison:  Eight Sleep:  AeroPress:  InsideTracker:  Momentous: Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Casey Means 00:02:18 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & AeroPress 00:06:32 Metabolism, Metabolic Dysfunction, Medicinal Blindspot 00:14:17 Trifecta of Bad Energy 00:24:02 Western Living, United States, Specialization & Medicine 00:27:57 Insulin Resistance, Tool: Mitochondrial Capacity & Exercise 00:33:33 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:03 Tools: Walking & Glucose; Frequent Movement 00:44:25 Tools: Exercises to Improve Mitochondrial Capacity; Desk Treadmill 00:51:18 Soleus Push-Ups & Fidgeting, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) 00:57:14 Sponsor: InsideTracker 00:58:21 Tool: Blood Test Biomarkers, Vital Signs & Mitochondrial Function 01:11:16 Navigate Medical System & Blood Tests, Consumer Lab Testing 01:16:46 Tool: Environmental Factors; Food, Life as a Process 01:21:58 Tool: Ultra-Processed vs. Real Food, Obesity, Soil & Micronutrients 01:32:03 Ultra-Processed Foods: Brain & Cellular Confusion 01:39:10 Tools: Control Cravings, GLP-1 Production, Microbiome Support 01:51:42 Ozempic, GLP-1 Analogs; Root Cause & Medicine 02:00:54 Tool: Deliberate Cold & Heat Exposure, Brown Fat 02:07:27 Tool: Intermittent Fasting & Metabolic Flexibility; Insulin Sensitivity 02:17:03 Tool: Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) & Awareness, Glucose Spikes 02:24:34 Tool: CGMs, Glycemic Variability, Dawn Effect, Individuality 02:33:10 Sleep; Continuous Monitoring & Biomarkers 02:37:39 Mindset & Safety, Stress & Cell Danger Response 02:44:04 Tool: Being in Nature, Sunlight, Fear 02:54:44 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 56m
May 06
GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation

This is episode 5 of a 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the host of The Matt Walker Podcast. In this episode, we explain the connection between sleep and improved mood, emotional regulation and mental well-being.  We explain the role of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in processing emotions and memories and why sleep deprivation causes feelings of agitation, impulsivity and emotional reactivity. We also discuss why disrupted sleep is a hallmark feature of PTSD, anxiety, depression, suicidality, and other psychiatric conditions. We explain protocols for improving REM sleep and other sleep phases in order to harness the therapeutic power of quality sleep to feel calm and emotionally restored. This episode describes many actionable tools to improve sleep for those struggling with specific mental health issues or for anyone wanting to bolster overall mental well-being. The next episode in this special series explores dreams, including lucid dreaming, nightmares and dream interpretation. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: Eight Sleep: LMNT: BetterHelp: InsideTracker:  Momentous: Timestamps (00:00:00) Sleep & Mental Health (00:01:09) Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp (00:05:14) Emotions & Sleep, Amygdala (00:17:27) Emotional Memory & Sleep (00:25:48) “Overnight Therapy” & REM Sleep, Noradrenaline (00:29:13) Sponsor: AG1 (00:30:27) Sleep to “Remember & Forget”, Trauma; REM Sleep (00:38:27) Hinge Analogy; Motivation, Impulsivity & Addiction (00:47:08) Tool: Improve REM Sleep, Social Jet Lag, Alcohol & THC, Addiction (00:56:18) Sponsor: InsideTracker (00:57:23) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & REM Sleep (01:06:53) Noradrenaline & REM Sleep, PTSD & Prazosin (01:09:40) Addiction, Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR); Liminal States (01:16:46) Anxiety & Sleep, Mood vs. Emotions (01:23:50) Deep Non-REM Sleep & Anxiety, Sleep Quality (01:28:51) Tool: Improve Deep Non-REM Sleep, Temperature; Alcohol (01:34:56) Suicidality & Sleep, Pattern Recognition; Nightmares (01:46:21) Depression, Anxiety & Time Context (01:51:24) Depression, Too Much Sleep?; REM Changes & Antidepressants (01:57:37) Sleep Deprivation & Depression (02:01:34) Tool: Circadian Misalignment & Mental Health, Chronotype (02:04:05) Tools: Daytime Light & Nighttime Darkness; “Junk Light” (02:13:04) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 15m
May 01
AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies

Welcome to a preview of the 17th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation. Read our Annual Letter 2023. If you're an existing Premium member, you can login to access the full episode. If you're not a member, you can join Huberman Lab Premium to enjoy exclusive content, including monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and help advance human scientific research. Resources Foundational Fitness Protocol Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction to AMA #17 (00:00:14) Exciting Announcement (00:02:16) Diving Into the Foundational Fitness Protocol (00:09:37) Flexibility in Your Fitness Routine (00:17:12) Optimizing Workout Times & Prioritizing Health (00:23:31) Closing Thoughts & Huberman Lab Premium Benefits In the full AMA episode, we discuss: Periodization & the Philosophy of Fitness Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep: Insights & Tools Chronotypes and Personalized Sleep Strategies The QQRT Formula: Quantity, Quality, Regularity & Timing of Sleep Exploring Naps & Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Effective Learning & Note-Taking Strategies The Power of Teaching & Self-Testing in Learning Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

Apr 30
Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

In this episode, I explain how to strengthen and build a stable, pain-free back and how to reduce or eliminate existing back pain. I explain the anatomy and physiology of the spinal cord and vertebrae, intervertebral disks and nerve pathways, and the abdominal and back muscles that together can be leveraged to stabilize the back.  Then, I describe protocols: “McGill’s Big 3” exercises, a highly effective psoas stretch, abdominal stabilization, breathing techniques, and protocols to reinforce essential supports for the back, including the neck, pelvis, feet, and toes.  I also explain how you can reduce and potentially eliminate back pain and sciatica using a specific type of bar hang, “cobra push-ups,” medial-glute strengthening exercises, and more.  Back pain greatly impedes one’s ability to enjoy daily activities; this episode provides zero-cost, minimal time-investment protocols to improve your back strength and stability and allow you to move through life pain-free and with ease and mobility.  For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit Thank you to our sponsors AG1: AeroPress: Joovv: Waking Up: Plunge: Momentous: Timestamps (00:00:00) Back Health (00:03:47) Sponsors: AeroPress, Joovv & Waking Up (00:07:57) Back Anatomy: Spine, Vertebrae, Spinal Cord (00:12:07) Spinal Cord & Nerves; Herniated Discs (00:19:50) Build Strong Pain-Free Back; Bulging Discs (00:24:26) Back Pain & Professional Evaluation; Tool: Spine Self-Assessment  (00:34:58) Sponsor: AG1 (00:36:29) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Curl-Up (00:44:40) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Side Plank (00:53:13) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Bird Dog; Back Pain (01:04:10) Sponsor: Plunge (01:05:37) Tool: Back Pain & Oreo Analogy, Bar Hang (01:10:34) Time & Back Pain; Tool: Reversing Disc Herniation, Cobra Push-Ups  (01:21:28) Sciatica, Referred Pain, Herniated Disc (01:24:21) Tool: Improve Spine Stability, Strengthen Neck (01:29:23) Tools: Strengthen Feet, Toe Spreading (01:34:35) Tools: Belly Breathing; Stagger Stance (01:42:03) Tools: Relieve Low Back Pain, Medial Glute Activation; Rolled Towel (01:50:59) Tool: Psoas Stretching (01:57:00) Tool: Back Awareness; Strengthen & Pain-Proof Back (02:05:49) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

2h 8m
Apr 29