The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action

The Real Estate Guys


Fun and informative, this real estate investment talk show has been broadcasting on conventional radio since 1997. Hosted by professional investor Robert Helms and financial strategist Russell Gray, the show delivers no-hype education and expert perspectives in a fast-paced, entertaining style. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says The Real Estate Guys are wild and crazy, but they really know what they are talking about. The Guys talk investment strategy, economics, tax and asset protection planning, market and property due diligence, international diversification and much, much more! Gain valuable insights from interviews with notable experts, industry leaders and real life investors. Discover proven strategies for making money with real estate in any market, how to avoid common and costly mistakes and what is working in the real world right now. Relevant topics, credible guests, upbeat delivery and no sales hype have made The Real Estate Guys one of the most listened to real estate talk shows in the world. Check it out! There is a new episode released every week, so be sure to subscribe today!

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753 episodes

Inflation, Interest Rates, Gold and Real Estate – A Conversation with Peter Schiff

Macroeconomic shifts have a ripple effect, influencing the day-to-day realities of Main Street … So as mainstreet investors, it’s important to regularly dive beyond what's happening in real estate and local markets and explore the broader picture. After all, the sooner you see trouble coming, the easier it is to get out of its way. Speaking of trouble, our guest today is a bold financial pundit, multi-time best-selling author; podcaster, and the Founder, CEO, and Global Strategist for Euro-Pac Capital. Known for accurately warning the world about the impending 2008 financial crisis, we’re always interested to hear his take on current developments. Join us as we delve into the critical macro factors that affect YOUR investments with the one and only Peter Schiff!  Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Mar 25
Managing Your Property for Painless Profitability

We’re big advocates of treating your real estate investing like a business … Like any other endeavor, if you’re trying to spin all the plates yourself … finding and screening tenants, collecting rent, managing leases, handling maintenance and repairs, maintaining positive landlord-tenant relationships … you’re bound to drop a few. And when something falls through the cracks, it could spell trouble for your profits. Hiring a skilled property manager can be a great option to help alleviate the hassles of being a landlord, while simultaneously optimizing profitability.  In this insightful episode, we're joined by our good friend Jay Hartley, who brings over two decades of experience in property management to the table. Tune in as Jay shares invaluable insights into the art of property management and tips to unlock hassle-free profits. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Mar 11
Ask The Guys – Analyzing Deals, Getting your Kids Involved, and Sales

Unraveling life's mysteries one listener question at a time … It’s another engrossing edition of Ask The Guys!  Today we dive into a trio of intriguing topics: key metrics to look at when evaluating a deal, sparking interest in the next generation of investors, and tips for standing out in sales from a surprise special guest. Join us as we navigate the complexities of the investment world, fueled by YOUR curiosity. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Mar 04
Ambition and Grit – Success Secrets of a 50 Year Real Estate Entrepreneur

As the saying goes, success doesn’t come from a lack of challenges, but by the ability to overcome them … Today we’re talking with Dave Liniger, a bestselling author and trailblazing figure in the real estate industry, best known as the visionary co-founder of Remax International. In this epic episode, he takes us on a journey through his remarkable half-century career, offering invaluable insights gained from navigating diverse political climates, policy changes, recessions, fluctuating interest rates, personal health challenges, and more.  Listen in to discover inspiring stories of dedication, ambition, and resilience … And a unique perspective on navigating the ups and downs of life & business. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Feb 26
Turning A Tax Problem into a Billion Dollar Business

While it's often said that you can always count on death and taxes … It’s worth noting that certain choices can significantly decrease the likelihood of encountering both. Like our good friend Tom Wheelwright says, “If you want to change your tax, you have to change your facts.” In this enlightening episode, a good friend and former student joins to share how a shift in mentality and behaviors helped him drastically reduce his tax liability … And how solving his tax problem led him to a syndication career raising more than 1 billion dollars in capital. Tune in to discover how he’s using what he learned to help others, and discover a unique, cash-flowing, and resilient niche he’s involved in now. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Feb 19
Sunshine, Sand and Sustainability – Lifestyle and Legacy Investing in Belize

Lifestyle investing isn't just about financial gains.  It's about building a legacy while living the dream … One that's becoming a reality for the growing list of investors who’ve caught on to Belize. Belize is one of the most uniquely positioned resort markets in the world. And with its turquoise blue water, white sand, warm Caribbean sun, great food, nice people, it’s an incredible place to visit … purely for business of course. In this episode, we welcome a US expat who holds a wealth of knowledge on life & investing in Belize. Tune in to uncover the opportunities that await in this picturesque destination! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Feb 12
Culture, Compassion and Cash Flow – Rehab Riches Without Swinging a Hammer

Rehabbing to rent can be a profitable investment strategy. However, between pinpointing the right market and property, planning and completing the renovation, and dealing with the unexpected that often comes along with distressed properties … It can be a lot for the average investor to take on. But today’s guests are far from average. Their company is a well-known industry leader in outstanding renovations, affordable turnkey rental solutions, and top-tier property management services in a thriving US market. Join us on location in Memphis, Tennessee as we discuss how they got started, what sets them apart, and gain a boots-on-the-ground perspective on the market and their current projects. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Feb 05
What We’re Watching in the World, the Economy and the Real Estate Sectors

Hockey star Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been …”  In the world of real estate, investors are strapping in for what looks to be a rollercoaster ride of a year. From election dynamics to navigating headwinds, tailwinds, and a landscape teeming with both opportunities and challenges, the stakes are high.  While we can't predict the future, our 'more seasoned' perspective has honed our ability to read the tea leaves and identify individuals with the Gretzky-type of wisdom that only comes from experience … much like our guest today. So secure a front-row seat to the future of real estate as we engage in a captivating conversation with our good friend, Entrepreneur & Bestselling Author Ken McElroy! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

1h 0m
Jan 29
Opportunities and Challenges for Apartment Investors in 2024

Apartment investing stands as a resilient and proven approach to building lasting wealth and a consistent stream of cash flow … But given the market’s cyclical nature, it’s imperative for investors to stay vigilant and navigate both the peaks and valleys with a strategic mindset.  In this multifaceted episode, successful apartment investor and mentor Brad Sumrok joins us to reflect on lessons learned in 2023 and discuss potential challenges and opportunities in 2024.  Tune in and arm yourself with expert insights to brace for what’s ahead, and glean tips from Brad’s 22 years of experience in multifamily investing to help you thrive in any market conditions! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Jan 22
Boxes of Profits - Self Storage Opportunities for Investors and Entrepreneurs

Cash flow, leverage, and tax benefits … without the hassle of tenants and toilets? In this episode, we're doing the math and embracing geometry … Boxes, that is! Join for a captivating conversation with a successful self-storage investor and syndicator about why investing in this unique niche really adds up … And how it secured his company a spot on the Inc 5000 list as one of the fastest-growing companies for four consecutive years. Tune in to discover the ins and outs of self storage, and why it’s encouraging savvy investors to think outside the traditional real estate box. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Jan 15
Ask The Guys – Insurance is Up, Rate Buy-Downs, and Breaking Into Investing

Happy 2024 … Here’s to a year filled with new opportunities, good fortune, and great questions! Progress and success often come from embracing challenges and staying curious … And when it comes to curiosity, our audience is the cream of the crop. So join us as we kick off 2024 by diving into YOUR thought-provoking questions in this power-packed episode of Ask the Guys!

Jan 08
Focusing Forward in the New Year - Staying Positive in a Negative World

What does the new year hold? The answer is up to you!  While we can’t dictate what happens in the future, we all hold the power to shape our own mindset and actions … Which can have a big impact on how a situation plays out for us in the end. As investors, how can we stay informed and observant without succumbing to the overwhelming negativity that could paralyze progress? Tune in for tips and strategies for staying positive and proactive in a world filled with uncertainties … And how to navigate the upcoming year with resilience and optimism. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Jan 01
Changes and Opportunities in the Single Family Rental Business

The giants of the financial world are taking an interest in single family homes … So once again, we followed the big dogs back to IMN’s Annual Single Family Rental Forum in Scottsdale, Arizona … Along with plenty of mom-and-pop investors who are looking at the big picture. In this evolutionary episode, we discuss our observations and takeaways from the event, including the corporatization of the single-family sector. Tune in as we explore opportunities and trends that are shaping the future of bread and butter real estate! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Dec 25, 2023
Year End Strategies for Real Estate Investors

The end of the year is upon us, and as investors, that means it’s time to set the stage for a prosperous new year! What should you be doing and thinking about as 2023 comes to a close?  Tune in to this timely installment as we review a checklist of items to consider as you reflect on the past year and look forward to the future.  Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Dec 18, 2023
Securing Below-Average Financing in Above-Average Markets

When it comes to making an investment work, financing is only one piece of the puzzle. Finding good properties in markets that makes sense … And the right team to manage them … Are fundamental pillars to building a successful, cash-flowing portfolio. In this exciting episode, we’re talking with a builder and property manager who has cracked the code to all of the above … Delivering high-performing properties in great markets, paired with discounted financing, lower maintenance costs, and less turnover. So sit back, tune in, and discover how investors are using build to rent real estate to thrive in today’s environment. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Dec 11, 2023
Alternative Lending Options in a High Interest Environment

High interest rates and tightening lending requirements are leaving buyers hesitant and investors concerned … And it’s impacting the market in a big way. But rather than letting lending conditions get in the way of investment opportunities, there are some actionable steps you can take to adapt and strategize for a prosperous future. Tune in as we explore some innovative approaches for securing funding when rates are high and traditional loans become harder to obtain.  Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Dec 04, 2023
The Future Strength of the U.S. Dollar and What It Means for Real Estate Investors

As real estate investors who deal in dollars, the health and trajectory of our nation's currency has a direct impact on our ventures. With talks of BRICS and de-dollarization swirling in the media, folks are concerned about the state of the U.S. Dollar … And rightfully so. In this illuminating episode, our special guest Brent Johnson lends his expertise to shed light on the dynamics of the dollar within the global financial system. Tune in as we examine the strength of the USD today, where it might be headed in the future, and what it all means to YOU as an investor.  Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Nov 27, 2023
The 21st Century Gold Rush with Mike Maloney

We’re on location in Nassau, Bahamas this week studying, networking, and strategizing with some of the brightest minds in business and investing! Unsurprisingly, one of the big hot topics is how today’s current events will affect our life, business, and portfolio tomorrow … And what we can do to protect ourselves.  That brings us to today’s discussion about some of the time-tested, key elements of wealth creation … real estate, gold, silver, and agriculture. Join us to hear the profound insights of bestselling author and leading monetary history, economics, and precious metals expert, Mike Maloney! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Nov 20, 2023
Critical Investor Update: Understanding the Corporate Transparency Act

In the world of real estate and business, compliance is key … So when there’s a new development in legislation that affects real estate investors, business owners, and syndicators, our ears perk up.  The recently enacted Corporate Transparency Act may not be a revolutionary game-changer, but it certainly warrants a spot on your compliance checklist to sidestep potential penalties. In this essential episode, our good friend securities attorney Mauricio Rauld joins us to help shine a spotlight on the new law. Tune in as we break down the details including why it was created, who is affected, and what actions you need to take to protect yourself. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Nov 12, 2023
Big Picture Economics and Real Estate - Live from The MoneyShow

As investors in today’s dynamic financial and economic landscape, it’s crucial to open our minds to what others are seeing and experiencing in the real world. In this exclusive episode, we're taking you to the heart of the action at the MoneyShow Investment Master Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada with three insightful experts who appeared on the Real Estate Panel alongside Robert Helms. But the event wasn’t all about real estate … It also covered a wide spectrum of topics from stocks, bonds, and alternative investments to trading tactics and tools. Tune in as we explore what’s happening in real estate and the economy … And discuss key takeaways from the event that will help you become a better, more informed investor. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Nov 06, 2023
Halloween Horror Stories 2023

Prepare to be spooked … It’s time for our annual episode of Halloween Horror Stories!  In this eerie installment, our ghoulish guests will send shivers down your spine as they share their most bone-chilling experiences from the darkest corners of the industry. From unexpected property nightmares to financial frights, these real-life horror stories aren't for the faint of heart … But they serve a crucial purpose – to help you become a stronger, wiser investor. Gather 'round as we unearth five terrifying tales of terror and invaluable lessons drawn from the depths of misfortune. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

1h 2m
Oct 30, 2023
Ask The Guys - Vetting a Team, Land Use Restrictions, and Time Management

How do you conduct due diligence before partnering with an investment team? What can you do to optimize your day, achieve your goals, and find work-life balance? Where do you turn for help navigating land use restrictions in a deal?   We cover all this and more in this insightful installment of "Ask the Guys," featuring our favorite guest … YOU!    So grab your headphones, settle in, and get ready to be a part of the conversation as we address your most pressing concerns and shed light on the topics that matter most in your world.    Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Oct 23, 2023
When Things Go Wrong

In the unpredictable world of real estate, hope for the best and plan for the worst is not just a saying … It's a mantra for success.  At some point in their journey, all investors are bound to face unexpected challenges. So in this empowering episode, we discuss not only how to prepare yourself for those unexpected hurdles, but how to manage your psychology when things go awry so you can quickly recover and persevere. Tune in for practical advice, real-life stories, and actionable tips to help you become a better, more resilient investor. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Oct 16, 2023
The Proven Advantages of Investing in Single Family Homes

There are many paths to prosperity in real estate, but behind nearly every successful portfolio lies a sturdy foundation of single family homes. In this compelling episode, we sit down with our good friend Jason Hartman to pinpoint the time-tested advantages that make this asset class a cornerstone of wealth-building.  Listen in to discover why single family homes remain a popular choice among both novice and experienced investors … And how little green houses can help you reach your financial goals. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Oct 09, 2023
Wait and See or Think and Do?

In a marketplace filled with news and conflicting signals, what’s a real estate investor to do? As our motto “Education for Effective Action” suggests, we believe that decisive action, when informed by research and analysis, always trumps freezing in fear. Even during times of uncertainty, there is always something you can be doing to fuel your portfolio ... And it doesn’t have to include buying and selling properties. Join us for this actionable episode as we discuss the mood of the market and divulge some proactive steps you can take to propel your real estate investing forward. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Oct 02, 2023
The State of Commercial Real Estate Financing

The saying goes “cash is king” … but when used wisely, leverage has the power to unlock the doors to exponential growth and wealth-building opportunities for investors. Especially those looking to break into larger commercial deals.  In the past year soaring interest rates, declining values, bank instability, and changes in affordability have all had implications on the commercial mortgage markets. Today, we discuss the rapidly evolving landscape of commercial lending with a guest who has decades of experience in commercial and investment banking, private equity, and commercial real estate. Tune in to this interesting episode to discover how to navigate the challenges and make the most of the opportunities in the current lending environment. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Sep 25, 2023
The Canary in the Coal Mine – What Gold Signals to Real Estate Investors

A real estate investor who only watches real estate is like a chef who only focuses on one ingredient in a recipe. Before 2008, that was us … And the result was unpalatable. When we widened our focus, we learned that scattered throughout the market landscape are hidden indicators of where real estate is headed. Today, as we navigate an uncertain economy, it's more crucial than ever for investors to understand how real estate and other assets like stocks, bonds, energy, and precious metals interact within the broader financial ecosystem. So tune in as we welcome back our good friend and precious metals expert Dana Samuelson to discuss what gold can teach us about the global economic environment, decode messages the metals markets are sending right now, and discover how they can help YOU make better investment decisions. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Sep 18, 2023
It’s Always a Great Time…for Something

Like the tides of the ocean, real estate follows a rhythmic ebb and flow, marked by distinct phases of growth, stability, and decline. But because the factors that drive these cycles affect different sectors and regions differently, each asset class and geographic market dances to its own rhythm. Understanding these nuances is crucial for investors to make informed decisions and navigate the real estate market effectively.  So tune in and take note … Today we’re talking with a special guest who helps investors stay ahead of the curve by uncovering emerging trends and niche markets that are poised for growth. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Sep 11, 2023
Ask The Guys - Licensing, Retirement Planning, and Syndication

Ask and you shall receive … Answers from The Guys!  How can investors plan to fund their retirement lifestyle? What effects might a declining population have on real estate?  Join us as we dig into the mailbag and address your most compelling curiosities in another engaging episode of Ask The Guys! Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Sep 04, 2023
Syndication Series - Legal Considerations for Syndicated Investments

As investors, we tend to focus on the ‘fun stuff’ … Like doing deals, building relationships, creating equity, and cash flow.  Sadly, when it comes to the less glamorous legal side of investing, many are ill-informed and unprepared … And not without consequences. The stakes are even higher when other people’s money is involved. So tune in as our good friend and attorney Mauricio Rauld joins us for a casual conversation on serious topics like compliance, risk mitigation, and new SEC updates syndicators and passive investors should be aware of. Visit our Special Reports Library under Resources at

Aug 28, 2023