Marilyn Sneiderman, Executive Director, Rutgers University CIWO | Dave Megenhardt, Executive Director, Alicia Boreman, Clinical Director, ULA
MAR 06, 2024
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Continuing our Women’s History Month coverage, Marilyn Sneiderman, Executive Director of the Center for Innovation in Worker Organization (CIWO) at Rutgers University, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss her work to engage members and improve diversity with AFSCME, Teamsters and AFL-CIO. Sneiderman then discussed her work with CIWO and how she hopes it will help strengthen the labor movement's future.

Executive Director of the United Labor Agency, Dave Megenhardt, and Clinical Director for the ULA’s Counseling Center, Alicia Boreman, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the organization's new mental health counseling program and the other services the center is providing to Cleveland-area workers.
