JUL 08, 2021
Description Community

Are you feeling stuck in your routine? You want to eat better, you know you should work out more, but you feel like giving up?

Are you overwhelmed with all the choices that are out there and the opinions of what works best? Are you tired of spending gobs of money on programs and supplements that let you down?

Come chat with me for a half hour; FREE AND NO STRINGS ATTACHED and we will change all of that for you! How? Straight up facts based on YOU! Can you believe it? You actually may need something that was never offered to you because you have your own unique needs and goals! 

We literally get to sit and talk about every and all things YOU for 30 full minutes! If anything, you can count it as some self-care time right? lol

Here's what you get:

We will go over your health and wellness goals and come up with an individual plan, specific to what you need. 

We get all your numbers so that I can create a customized meal plan for 1 full week that includes portion sizes, food groups, calories needed and it doubles as your shopping list for the week. The best part, very little prepping to make the meal plan work.

Oh! and... we take out all the foods you and your family know you won't be eating! No kale? Fine with me!

Another bonus- I send you a workout plan for the week and help you come up with a simple and do-able routine that you can make happen at home. 

Plus, you get free access to your own personal account where you can get  some of the highest quality supplements on the market for 20% off!! 

Everything is custom, emailed for you to keep, and it's all FREE!!!

All you have to do is email me at info@stacyfayling.com or msg me on IG or fb @stacyfayling That's it! 

Talk to you soon, 




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