Repairing The Parent Child Communication Breakdown
JUN 03, 2021
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Sound Foundations for Parenting Podcast 
Episode: 34
Title: Susie Harder
In this episode of Sound Foundations for Parenting we welcome Susie Harder

Susie Harder is a speech-language pathologist and she devotes her passion to working with children and teens that stutter. She is the director of the Central Valley Stuttering Center to provide specialized therapy and resources to families in California. 

She works in both private practice and school environments to help children and also train other speech-language pathologists to work effectively. She provides training to school districts across California and is also involved in directing the (Junior Authors Program platform), a platform that seeks to redefine how children connect with books. 

Susie holds a Masters Degree in speech-language pathology from Northwestern University. A mom of two children, Susie has also built and directed successful mentoring programs for teens who stutter to help guide younger kids who experience similar challenges.

In this episode, we discuss:
Susie’s journey and what speech pathologist do
Transition points and How to navigate parenting in a way that is meaningful to your kids
Becoming adaptable as a parent
Local regulation: Using your voice when talking to your kids to deescalate difficult situations. 
Helping your kids become effective communicators 
Your communication style as a parent. 
How to use books to create a conversation with your kid
Difference between listening and hearing 
Communication breakdown between parent and children 
How the Junior Authors Program works and helps children feel socio-emotionally supported through books
Her latest book “ (Where's My House?)” 
Why it’s important to find Your “Aha” moment 

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