An Evening at Prayer - an Episcopal Evening Prayer Podcast

Forward Movement, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Mtr. Lisa Meirow


Daily Evening Prayer from The Book of Common Prayer 1979

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1418 episodes

The Feast of the Resurrection

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 118, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Isaiah 51:9-11, Fr. Wiley Ammons, First Canticle: 15, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: John 20:19-23, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 31
Holy Saturday

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 27, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 3:37-58, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: Romans 8:1-11, The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo, Second Canticle: 15. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 30
Good Friday

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 40, 54, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-33, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 15, New Testament: 1 Peter 1:10-20, Andrew Armond, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: John 19:38-42, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 29
Maundy Thursday

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 142, 143, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 2:10-18, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 11, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 10:14-17; 11:27-32, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 14:12-25, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 28
Wednesday in Holy Week

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 74, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 2:1-9, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 12, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 12:1-11, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 27
Tuesday Evening, 6th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 94, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 1:17-22, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 10, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 1:8-22, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 11:27-33, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 26
Monday Evening, 6th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 69:1-23, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Lamentations 1:1-2, 6-12, Kira Austin-Young, First Canticle: 14, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 1:1-7, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 11:12-25, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 25
Palm Sunday

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 103, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Zechariah 12:9-11, 13:1, 7-9, Fr. Wiley Ammons, First Canticle: 15, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Luke 19:41-48, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 24
Saturday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 42, 43, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 10:21-11:8, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 10:46-52, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 23
Friday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 141, 143, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 9:13-35, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 13, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 10:32-45, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 22
Thursday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 140, 142, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 7:25-8:19, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 11, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 10:17-31, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 21
Wednesday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 128, 129, 130, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 7:8-24, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 12, New Testament: 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 10:1-16, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 20
Feast of St. Joseph

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 34, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: 2 Chronicles 6:12–17, Fr. Wiley Ammons, First Canticle: 15, New Testament: Ephesians 3:14-21, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Second Canticle: 17. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 19
Monday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 35, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 4:10-31, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 14, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 14:1-19, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 9:30-41, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 18
Sunday Evening, 5th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 145, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 3:16-4:12, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 15, New Testament: Romans 12:1-21, Laura Di Panfilo, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: John 8:46-59, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 17
Saturday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 33, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 2:23-3:15, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 9:14-29, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 16
Friday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 107:1-32, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 2:1-22, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 13, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:3, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 9:2-13, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 15
Thursday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 73, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Exodus 1:6-22, Ian Lasch, First Canticle: 11, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 8:27-9:1, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 14
Wednesday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 119:121-144, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 50:15-26, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 12, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 8:11-26, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 13
Tuesday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 94, 95, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 49:29-50:14, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 10, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 8:1-10, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 12
Monday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 89:19-52, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 49:1-28, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 14, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 7:24-37, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 11
Sunday Evening, 4th week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 19, 46, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 48:8-22, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 15, New Testament: Romans 8:11-25, The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: John 6:27-40, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 10
Saturday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 136, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 47:27-48:7, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 7:1-23, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 09
Friday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 91, 92, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 47:1-26, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 13, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 9:16-27, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 6:47-56, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 08
Thursday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 85, 86, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 46:1-7, 28-34, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 11, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 9:1-15, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 6:30-46, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 07
Wednesday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 81, 82, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 45:16-28, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 12, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 6:13-29, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 06
Tuesday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 78:40-72, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 45:1-15, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 10, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 7:32-40, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 6:1-13, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 05
Monday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 77, 79, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 44:18-34, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 14, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: Mark 5:21-43, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 04
Sunday Evening, 3rd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 34, Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 44:1-17, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 15, New Testament: Romans 8:1-10, The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo, Second Canticle: 17, Gospel: John 5:25-29, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 03
Saturday Evening, 2nd week of Lent

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Old Testament: Genesis 43:16-34, Gia Hayes-Martin, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 1 Corinthians 7:10-24, David Sibley, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Mark 5:1-20, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Mar 02