Dealing with Travel Anxiety Before You Depart
NOV 25, 2023
Description Community

I've learned a lot about travel over the years and for me it's second nature... but that is NOT the case for tons of people. In this episode we've got our friend Kate - anxious but brave traveler - sharing about what obstacles she faces with travel and how she combats the anxiety of the unknown. It takes a lot to overcome fears of all sorts, and managing the fear and anxiety is key.

As we dive into what travel anxiety is, and specifically how it can be mitigated, see what tips you can use for your own ease when you take a trip.

Background: Kate is heading to the UK with her family for the first time. This is their first international trip together and they've decided to take a big bite of all they can with heading to London, then up to Scotland and finishing with Amsterdam. Kate shares about the processes she's gone through, starting 9 months before their travel date, and the actions she's taking leading up to their departure.

We'll have Kate back on the podcast to talk about how the trip went after they return!
