Sword of the Spirit | Indicators of the Last Days Part 6
APR 01
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For the last five Thursday nights, we’ve been talking about some of the indicators of the last days.

We talked about God’s clock and his timetable.

We talked about the land, and who the land is dedicated to.

Then we talked a little bit about antisemitism, and how its increasing in these last days, just as the Lord Jesus said it would, and we talked about the ROOT of antisemitism.

Then on the last Thursday night Bible study we talked about the alignment of nations in these last days, and how significant it is.

Tonight, we’re going to deep dive into two chapters and, hopefully, bring out some interesting things.

So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.

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(00:23:40) Introduction and podcast platform advertisement

(00:28:10) Discussion on indicators of the last days

(00:34:33) Explanation of the dream in Daniel chapter 2

(00:48:51) Belief in the direction of the world

(00:49:31) Adam's ability to name animals

(00:50:59) The rise and fall of kingdoms

(01:40:53) Instagram presence

(01:41:11) Shout outs and contributions

(01:43:05) Modern podcasting apps

- Joe Russiello

- Claud Chereji


